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1、【初三英语一轮复习】中考被动语态考点全突破备考练习 试卷简介:本试卷全部为单选题,30道。时间45分钟,满分120分。适合已经入一轮复习阶段的九年级学生。本试卷为英语被动语态的专项练习,根据中考的常考点选择题目。 学习建议:1. 在做题之前可以简单复习一下被动语态的定义,结构,与时态的结合一些词的特殊用法,比如使役动词,系动词的被动形式等。2. 被动语态可以和其他知识点灵活地综合运用,做题后要特别关注做错的题目。进行查漏补缺,填补在被动语态和其他知识的漏洞。一、单选题(共30道,每道4分)1.If the question _ incorrectly, _ question will be g

2、iven to you.A.is answered; otherB.answers; otherC.is answered; anotherD.answers; another2.Dont worry. You _ plenty of time to decide.A.will giveB.have givenC.will be givenD.are giving3.Many fantastic photos _ during my last trip to Beijing.A.tookB.are takenC.were takenD.will be taken4.How clean the

3、window is! Yes. It _ just now.A.has been cleanedB.was cleanedC.is cleanedD.will be cleaned5.It is well-known to us that a lot of rivers _ by the factories.A.are pollutingB.have been pollutingC.are being pollutingD.are being polluted6.A new building _ at the other side of the street. Work started las

4、t year and the building is expected to open next year.A.is builtB.is being builtC.has builtD.will be built7.Rainforests _ and burned at such a speed and they will disappear from the earth in the near future.A.cutB.is cutC.are being cutD.had been cut8.Look! Everything here is under construction. What

5、s the pretty small house that _ still _ for?A.is. being builtB.has been builtC.is. builtD.is. been built9.This kind of cloth _ well and _ long.A.washes, lastsB.is washed, lastedC.is washing, lastingD.is washing, lasted10.The movie _ a second time.A.is worth to watchB.is worthy watchingC.is worth bei

6、ng watchD.is worth watching11.The words that we should pay attention to _ on the blackboard.A.being writtenB.are writtenC.is writingD.writing12.Some books _ given _ him as gifts.A.istoB.areonC.were toD.arewith13.The exercises _ by us within two hours.A.could doneB.can doneC.can doD.can be done14.The

7、 new house _ now.A.is buildingB.is being buildC.buildingD.is being built15.A basket _ over my head just now.A.is hangedB.was hungC.hangedD.hung16.He only _ a little money on clothes. Most of his money _ on books.A.is spent; spendsB.is spent; spendC.spends; is spentD.spend; are spent17.We can't _

8、 the past. But it _ by many people.A.be forgotten ; is forgottenB.forget; forgetC.be forgotten; forgetsD.forget; is forgotten18.They _ paper in this factory. And this kind of paper _ of cloth.A.are made; makesB.make; is madeC.are made; is madeD.make; makes19.She _ English in this school and French _

9、 in this school, too.A.teaches; teachesB.is taught; isn't taughtC.teaches; is taughtD.is taught; teaches20.You can _ him the watch if it _ to others.A.give; not givesB.give ; is not givenC.be given; doesn't giveD.be give; is not given21.This coat _ him. Ill _ one _ you, too.A.is bought to; b

10、uy; toB.buys for; be bought; toC.is bought for; buy; forD.buys for; be bought; for22._ the ice _ into water? Yes, it _ into water an hour ago.A.Did; turn; did turnB.Has; been turned; turnedC.Was; turned; wasD.Has; turned; turned23.Great changes _ place in my home town and many new schools _.A.have t

11、aken; have been openedB.take; are openC.take; are openedD.have been taken; are opened24.English _ all over the world.A.is spokenB.are spoken byC.is speaking toD.has spoken25.The black child was made _ all day long on the farm.A.workedB.to workC.workD.work by26.The bridge _ in five months.A.is comple

12、tedB.will completeC.will be completedD.must complete27.The question _ soon.A.will discussB.must discussC.is going to discussD.is going to be discussed28.What _ happened just now?A./B.hasC.hadD.was29.Many hotels _ now.A.have now constructedB.constructC.are being constructedD.were broken30.This house _ my brother, not me.A.is belonged toB.belong toC.belongs toD.belonging to众享课程主页 http:/ 东区总校:郑州市文化路与黄河路交叉口中孚大厦7楼B室 电话:65335902 西区总校:郑州市陇海路与桐柏路交叉口凯旋门大厦B座405室 电话:68856662 第 5 页 共 5 页


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