r机场高速K1 500~K2 600段路基开工报告.doc

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1、For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Commu

2、nist 2016 city education information work special self-examination report XX City Bureau, and XX city government education steering mission: according to XX Province Government Education Steering Committee Office on carried out province education information work special Steering check of notificati

3、on ( Teach SC letter x 20164) documents, about quickly organized in our city Education Bureau Department in charge of the supervision standards for learning and study of informatization of education in charge of primary and middle schools in the city led by specialized training, issued a notice of m

4、eeting, special supervision and school self-assessment form. The school at the time of preparation, special organizational self-assessment. City Bureau organization about personnel in school since assessment of based Shang for has summary and self-examination, now will situation reported following:

5、a, and led attention according to Ministry of education on issued Liu Deputy Prime Minister in second times national education information work videophone Conference Shang speech of notification (taught technical 20156,) of file spirit, I City Government is in charge of led and education administrat

6、ive sector main head height attention, learning convey has central led in first international education information Assembly speech spirit, Learning to communicate the spirit of the second National Conference on videophone education information and instructed relevant departments according to the do

7、cument, has developed the education development plan of the city. Second, overall management, coordination, establish management systems and propulsion mechanisms XX education started in the proceedings of the XX Party 200311 working arrangements, XX municipal party Committee Municipal Government at

8、tach great importance to education information, education information development into the citys overall planning, education as a breakthrough in the construction of educational modernization in advance XX, city leaders often goes into the front line of education guide education work and financially

9、 guaranteed. Equipment improvement, application is the power education development. To tube easy good information technology equipment, XX City used layered is responsible for, and unison of strategy initiatives: that Bureau established information work led group, urged city education information ma

10、nagement and application work, education information and equipment Center is responsible for equipment maintenance, built information work platform, guarantee platform normal run; will electronic Chief, and personnel, and results, and student, and Senate, and assets, management field of information

11、application decomposition to Bureau Office, and personnel section, and manages, and education section, and meter fiscal section, functions Department, To drive forward e-Government as a breakthrough in the informatization of education, education administrators into full play in the education of info

12、rmation guidance and example, and take this opportunity to point to gradually expand the scope of education application of information technology. Formed Department personnel grasp business and educational information development and application; application and贵州省机场高速公路项目分部(项)工程开工报告( 编号: 24 )工 程 名

13、称 : 路 基 土 石 方 工 程 桩号 或部位: K1+500K2+600 施 工 单 位: 葛 洲 坝集团 第二工程 有限公司 申 报 日 期: 2013年 3 月 10日 监 理 单 位:贵州省三力建设监理有限责任公司 批 复 日 期: 年 月 日 六盘水市机场高速公路工程施工项目经理部目 录1、单项工程开工通知2、单项工程量批复表3、分部(项)工程开工申请批复单4、施工组织设计5、一般水准测量记录6、施工放样测量记录7、进场施工管理人员报验表8、进场施工人员报验表9、进场机械设备报验表10、路基试验段总结报告单项工程开工通知 编号(NO.): 24 葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司六盘水机场

14、高速公路工程项目经理部:你部上报的NO.24开工报告收悉,同意K1+500K2+600 路基土石方工程于 年 月 日开工,兹委派 先生为该项目驻地工程师, 先生为该项目工程师助理。六盘水市机场高速公路 驻地监理工程师: 年 月 日 贵州省公路工程建设项目 六盘水市机场高速公路单项工程量批复表施工单位:葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司 合同号:JTSG-2012-01 监理单位:贵州三力建设监理有限公司 编 号:A-67-01分部(分项)工程名称路基土石方工程里程K1+500K2+600支付编号项目名称单位原工程量清单数量申报数量批复数量(工程量清单编号)(所申报开工的分部或分项工程中支付清单名称)(

15、填写该分部或分项工程清单总量)(填写本次所申报开工的分部或分项工程的相应清单数量)(填写监理工程师批复的数量)202-1路基挖方 -a挖土方m3172292.5172292.5 -b挖石方m3689170.2689170.2204-1路基填筑(包括填前压实) -b利用土方m3298741.5298741.5 -c利用石方m324180892418089项目经理(签字): 年 月 日专业工程师意见:年 月 日驻地监理工程师意见: 年 月 日贵州省公路工程建设项目六盘水市机场高速公路分部(项)工程开工申请批复单 施工单位:葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司 合同号:JTSG-2012-01 监理单位:贵州

16、三力建设监理有限公司 编 号:A-03-01 开工项目:路基土石方工程 桩 号:K1+500K2+600 建议开工日期:2013年03月15日 计划完工日期:2013年11月30日 此项工程负责人: 刘水康 附件: (由施工单位填写本次所申请开工的分部或分项工程应附的相关附件资料)施工单位项目经理: 年 月 日专业监理工程师意见: 签字: 年 月 日驻地监理工程师意见: 签字: 年 月 日 贵州省公路工程建设项目 A-68六盘水市机场高速公路 建筑材料报验表施工单位:葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司 合 同 号:JTSG-2012-01监理单位:贵州三力建设监理有限公司 编 号: 致贵州三力建设监理

17、有限公司试验检测工程师 : 下列建筑材料经自检测符合技术规范要求,报请验证,并准予进场。附件:1.材料出厂质量保证书; 2.施工单位材料自检试验单; 3.监理单位材料抽检试验单。 施工单位试验负责人: 年 月 日材料名称钢筋砂石水泥材料厂地拟于用何处本批材料数量施工单位的试验试样来源取样方式试样数量 取样地点、日期 试验人员、日期试验结果材料预计进场日期 致(填写施工单位项目名称): 上述材料的取样、试验等是符合/不符合合同要求的,试验的结果表明,这些材料符合/不符合技术规范要求,可以/不可以进场,在指定部位上使用。(试验监理工程师根据材料报验情况在相应的“”内打“”。) 试验监理工程师: 年

18、 月 日 A-01贵州省公路工程建设项目六盘水市机场高速公路施工放样报验单施工单位:葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司 合 同 号:JTSG-2013-01监理单位: 贵州三力建设监理有限公司 编 号:A-01-01 致贵州三力建设监理有限公司试验检测工程师 : 根据合同要求,我们已经完成K1+500K2+600 的施工放样,清单如下,请予审查附件:1. 水准测量及放样记录 2. 路线水准点测量(复测)表 施工单位项目技术负责人: 年 月 日桩号或位置工程或部位名称放样内容备 注K1+500K2+600路基土石方工程原地面放样 查验结果: 施工单位测量工程师: 年 月 日 测量监理工程师意见:签字:

19、年 月 日CL-06贵州省公路工程建设项目六盘水市机场高速公路一 般 水 准 测 量 记 录承包单位:葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司 合同号JTSG-2012-01 监理单位: 贵州力建设监理有限公司 编 号:工程名称施工日期桩号或部位测量日期测站编号水准尺读数(mm)仪器高(mm)高 程(mm)备 注后视中视前视测量示意图及测量结果结论:测量: 计算: 复核: 监理工程师:demonstration of information work is education, promotion and development of education information managers. Turn

20、s out, this working party . Ming Associate Professor several times to XX chuanjingsongbao. May 2014 XX received State Council expert group to the City County acceptance of balanced development of compulsory education in the country, the Group of experts on XX education informatization on the balance

21、d development of education give full recognition to the role. On October 9, 2014, the CPPCC inspections XX in XX city education information and XX education highly. On April 20, 2016, the XX as a unit of the first experimental informatization passed inspection. In acceptance of the conclusion of the

22、 expert group, wrote: 1. the project around the construction of pilot objectives, tasks and main content, scientific formulation and implementation of programmes, and promotes the balanced development of urban and rural education based on information technology, completing various tasks of the pilot

23、 project. 2. adjusting measures to local conditions, innovative institutional mechanisms, by exploring the investment protection mechanism, system security mechanisms, the task to lead the mechanism, mechanism and application integration mechanisms, operation and maintenance of departmental interact

24、ion mechanisms , developed educational information resources sharing, promoting fair education, improve the quality of education, promoting the reform of education and teaching, distinctive effective patterns and operating mechanism. 3. through the implementation of the pilot project, building a nat

25、ionwide network of high quality educational resources sharing environment, construction and application of both cloud platform, the e-learning space through education and public service platform of educational resources, promote the integration of information and depth of education, and progressive

26、education application of information technology to become the norm. Popularization and application of the results of project pilot has better value to promoting informatization of education in the County with a demonstration . February 24, 2014, in Education Department Office on education informatio

27、n pilot units work progress situation of informed (taught technical office letter (2014) 13th,) in the, XX province XX City Bureau introduced market competition mechanism, and more than enterprise signed cooperation agreement, low cost built cover City School of fiber Education City domain network a

28、nd achieved broadband access, to achieved has regional within all schools, and all classroom of broadband network access as typical case in national informed. Three XX municipal party Committee municipal education information development, policy measures included in the citys development plan, formu

29、lated education plan, and guaranteed on the funds. According to the Ministry of education documents and XX actual, Education Bureau of XX municipality formulated XX City Informatization of education three-year development plan for the XX teaching information application of the three-year planning do

30、cument, guide the education information construction. Early education work priorities, specifically the inclusion of educational information construction areas, and application of information technology and construction in special steering steering room, and at the time of the annual assessment as a

31、n important indicator of school assessment. Since 2008, the citys educationCL-02贵州省公路工程建设项目六盘水市机场高速公路施工放样测量记录表监理单位:贵州力建设监理有限公司 编 号:承包单位:葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司 合同号:JTSG-2012-01 项目名称桩号及部位测点桩号设计坐标实测坐标坐标差值(mm)设计高程(mm)实测高程(mm)示意图:XYXY计算单位(m)A测站点坐标X= Y= Z= 仪器型号:B后视点坐标X= Y= Z= C后视点坐标X= Y= Z= 距 离AB= AC=测 量: 复 核: 监理工

32、程师: 日 期:CL-01贵州省公路工程建设项目六盘水市机场高速公路路线导线测量(复测)表监理单位:贵州力建设监理有限公司 编 号:承包单位:葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司 合同号:JTSG-2012-01 项目名称桩号及部位导线点编 号设计坐标实测坐标坐标差设计距离(m)实测距离(m)距离偏差(m)设 计夹 角()实 测夹 角()角度偏差()XYXYX(mm)Y(mm)测 量: 复 核: 监理工程师: 日 期: CL-04贵州省公路工程建设项目六盘水市机场高速公路施工加密导线测量记录表 承包单位: 葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司 合同号:JTSG-2012-01 编 号: 监理单位:贵州力建设监理有

33、限公司 测量范围或桩号:点 号左角角度()()平距(D)(m)已知点成果点号坐 标XY附件:1.导线观测略图(附后); 2.导线平差计算表(附后)测量: 计算: 复核: 监理工程师: 年 月 日CL-03贵州省公路工程建设项目六盘水市机场高速公路路线水准点测量(复测)表 承包单位:葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司 合同号:JTSG-2012-01 编 号: 监理单位:贵州力建设监理有限公司 测量范围或桩号:水准点编号设计高程(mm)复测高程(mm)复测高差(mm)测段距离测(mm)容(mm)结论:测量: 复核: 监理工程师:CL-05贵州省公路工程建设项目六盘水市机场高速公路施工加密水准点测量记录表

34、 承包单位: 葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司 合同号:JTSG-2012-01 编 号: 监理单位: 贵州力建设监理有限公司 测量范围或桩号:施工水准点BM引用设计时路线水准点BML(KM)或n(个)容(mm)测(mm)说明编号位置高程编号位置高程1. L及n为BMBM间的测段距离或测站数;2. 容为容许闭合差,测为实测的闭合差或附合差.测量: 计算: 复核: 监理: 年 月 日 贵州省公路工程建设项目六盘水市机场高速公路进场施工管理人员报验表施工单位: 葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司 合 同 号:JTSG-2012-01监理单位:贵州力建设监理有限公司 编 号:A-69-0001分部(分项)工程名称

35、路基土石方工程 桩 号K1+500K2+600序号姓 名性别年龄职 称学历专业拟担任职务备 注1刘水康男助工中技水工项目经理2陈波男助工中技常务副经理3赵红吉男助理政工师本科汉语言文学书记4曹志祥男助工中专水工建筑副总经理5杨磊男中级工程师本科水利水电工程商务经理6袁壮男助工本科土木工程总工7李文东男助工大专水利工程经理助理8孙永峡男助工本科土木工程经理助理9周玉男中级政工师高中综合办公室主任10蒋小松男助理工程师大专水利水电工程施工管理财务部部长11梁永森男助理工程师中专轻工机械机务部副部长项目经理(签字): 年 月 日专业监理工程师意见: 年 月 日驻地监理工程师意见: 年 月 日(表中所需施工管理人员数量及质量应根据所开工的分部或分项工程技术难度及工作量选定,要求能满足施工要求,并与施工组织设计中的人员配置一致)贵州省公路工程建设项目六盘水市机场高速公路进场施工管理人员报验表施工单位: 葛洲坝集团第二工程有限公司 合 同 号:JTSG-2012-01监理单位:贵州力建设监理有限公司 编 号:A-69-0002分部(分项)工程名称路基土石方工程 桩 号K1+500K2+600序号姓 名性别年龄职 称学历专业拟担任职务备 注12崔存安男助理工程师中专施工管理工区区长13程涛男


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