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1、traffic management front line, all police always keep has high of spirit State, Strong impetus to the work carried out. There is insufficient: there is a hard and soft. Degree is not enough attention to party building under the new situation, there is emphasis on the operational light, heavy forms o

2、f light effects of party building issues. Second, the measures are not effective. Grasp party construction innovation is not strong in particular, measures and methods also are used to the old experience, old practices, effectiveness needs to be further strengthened. Third, three lessons fail to adh

3、ere to party organization carried out infrequently. Xiao Zhao station branch of good practice: first, strengthening education. Three Suns education as an opportunity to take the leading top party lectures, seminars, self-study, exchanging experiences and other forms of police leaders at all levels o

4、f the Organization important speech, happening around the Constitution and corruption case, police and party members to seriously record study notes, writing experience, . And attention to micro-party lecture, requires checking, improve yourself, ensure that study results. Second is to strengthen th

5、e leadership responsibilities. Secretary of the party branch as honest first person, conscientiously implement the four person requirements, adhere to important deployment in person, major issues personally important cases, coordination of key links in person, personally supervising the party member

6、s always set strict demands on themselves, play an exemplary role. Three is to strengthen the services for the people. Warm reception all who do the people, reflected in record crowds in every issue, and make the patient explanation, continuously improved service quality. Combination of one village,

7、 one police officer, and organizing the police carefully Mo Pai all unstable factors that may affect stability, resolve contradictions and disputes in a timely manner, and civilian police with daily visits, issuing safety information leaflets, collection site personnel, promoting community harmony.

8、There is insufficient: a rich branch team of party affairs knowledge is not enough, enough familiarity with the procedural terms, to a certain extent, restrict the work carried out. Second, regular ideological education is not enough, the police know timely and accurate enough. Third, meticulous man

9、agement level needs to be improved, regularization of police awareness is not strong enough, daily habit is not conscious. This year yilai, Council is units branch to three strict three real topic education for mainline, to service center, and construction team for focus, insisted thought party and

10、system rule party phase combined, solid implement implementation full strictly rule party requirements, party construction further specification, and members police quality constantly upgrade, and party innovation force constantly strengthening, party service implementation force obviously improved,

11、 made has significantly results. Debriefings of the General Assembly of 3 units in the problems in the party building work in other units also exist to varying degrees and hope that other units through debriefing of the party, learn from experience, to address the issue, extrapolate, careful analysi

12、s of rectification, promoting the sustained and healthy development of the party building. Now, to further strengthen the party construction work of public security organs stressed five points throughout the County. First, ideology, political特种水泥课程论文工业废渣在特种水泥中的应用 姓名:赵晗旭 班级:无111 学号:119024286工业废渣在特种水泥


14、如粉煤灰、矿渣、尾矿和煤矸石等的工业固体废弃物,占各行业利用总量的41.76。至于城市垃圾的综合利用,中国还处于试验阶段,多半未形成成熟的工艺路线。关键词: 特种水泥Special Cement 工业废渣Industrial waste工业废渣在特种水泥中的应用 一、钢渣工业发达国家很早就开始重视环境保护问题,因而他们的钢渣综合利用率一般较高,以下就是典型的几个工业发达国家的钢渣利用情况。在上世纪70年代初,美国的钢渣就已达到排用平衡,实现了钢渣利用的资源化、专业化、企业化,历史上的渣堆现已基本消除。最新数据统计表明,2001年美国钢渣产量665万吨,其中37%用于路基工程,22%用于工程回填

15、料,22%用于沥青混凝土集料。 统计数据表明,整个欧洲每年产钢渣约1200万吨,其中65%已得到高效率的利用,但仍有35%的钢渣堆积未利用。相比之下德国的钢渣利用率相对较高,1998德国约97%的钢渣已作为集料广泛应用于公路交通、地下工程及民用建筑。1998年我国钢渣的年排放量己达1600万吨,回收利用率为79%。从利用数字分析,我国钢渣利用率并不低,但实际上钢渣的利用情况并不理想,许多钢渣实际上采取的是粗放式处理方法。 钢渣是炼钢过程中排除的废渣,约占钢产量的20%。将钢渣制成水泥,既是增产水泥的途径之一,而更重要的是解决炼钢厂的炼钢废渣处理问题。钢渣主要来源于铁水与废钢中所含元素氧化后形成




19、制。钢渣中的MgO含量为5%-13%,如粒化高炉矿渣掺入量大于40%时,制成的钢渣水泥不作压蒸实验。当钢渣中MgO含量大于13%时,水泥必须用压蒸法检验安定性合格。硅酸盐水泥熟料中游离氧化钙含量不得超过3%,氧化镁含量不得超过5%。钢渣矿渣水泥分为22.5、27.5、和32.5三个标号,其各龄期 钢渣矿渣水泥的细度,以表面积计,不得小于3500gcm/2。用筛析法测定时,在0.08mm方孔筛上筛余不得超过8%。钢渣矿渣水泥的初凝应大于45分钟,终凝应不迟于24小时。蒸煮安定性必须合格,安安定性试饼在湿气中养护723小时后,在进行蒸煮实验 。秦山核电站的钢筋混凝土储罐,其混凝土中掺入钢渣粉。使用







26、流程,对旋风除尘器收集的粉煤灰进行了电选脱炭试生产,产灰串平均达65.26%,含炭小于8%;产煤率平均为33.40%、含炭大于50%,热值近4000大卡/公斤,是一种可用的能源。脱炭灰除了作水泥土掺合料外,还可作混凝土混合材料 .三、脱硫石膏为了调节和控制水泥的凝结时间,一般需掺入石膏作为缓凝剂。脱硫石膏成份与天然石膏相似,大量的实践研究均已表明,以脱硫石膏代替天然石膏用于水泥的生产之中,同样可以满足相关的性能指标要求。脱硫石膏与水化铝酸钙反应生成水化硫铝酸钙针状晶体(钙矾石)。该晶体难溶,包裹在水泥熟料的表面上,形成保护膜,阻碍水分进入水泥内部,使水化反应延缓下来,从而避免了纯水泥熟料水化产




30、中的具体应用现代水泥工业在保护环境和维持生态平衡方面拥有诸多的处理手段和技术,不仅能够做到有良好的企业环境,而且在消化利用工业废渣方面具有巨大的潜力,经济效益和社会效益明显。大量利用工业废渣,可节约原材料和能耗,降低有害气体和粉尘的排放,生料系统利用工业废渣可节约原材料,水泥制备系统利用工业废渣可节约水泥熟料,提高水泥各项性能,开发新型水泥功用。所以工业废渣在建材行业特别是特种水泥行业使用越来越广泛。参考文献1李德远.返烧石代替石灰石烧制水泥熟料的研究与生产.四川水泥,(No.4,1992). 2吴俊秀,磷渣配料对水泥生产工艺和水泥性能的影响.水泥,(No.5,1993). 3袁本辉,韦池等编

31、.水泥工业法规及标准汇编.中国标准出版社,(7,1993). 4郭守铭、苏峥、沈广才.应用煅烧石膏生产早强粉煤灰水泥.四川水泥,(No.4,1995).responsibility and historical mission of the party since the 18, XI made a series of important remarks, General Secretary, the party put forward many new ideas, new arguments and new requirements, is the essence of promoting

32、 grass-roots party building work followed. We have to further study and understanding, consciously take responsibility. One is to grasp party building three questions of new requirements. Learning education practice, General Secretary of the partys mass line summary presented party building three qu

33、estions. That is: If party committees and party committees of various departments (party) have concentrate on grasping party building? is it Party Committee Secretary of the Party Committee of departments (party) Secretary became Secretary of strictly administering the party? is it at all levels of

34、party committees of various departments (party) members perform in charge of strictly administering the party in the field? General Secretary presented party building three questions, pointed to the key, and enlightening, three-sided mirror placed before you, and let you take a photo, take a look at

35、, think about it, knows the results; three papers before us, and clearly judge us whether they fulfilled their respective responsibilities in the party building. The party three questions, urged that police officers . An organ is a Communist Party member of the disciplinary forces, party members acc

36、ounted for the vast majority of civilian police, Council, the leading cadres and backbone of the units were basically members, authority and responsibility are relatively concentrated, in terms of party-building, be sure to clear responsibility, responsibility, accountability, or grasping party buil

37、ding is an empty word. Third, to clear three catch new initiatives. Learn General Secretary stressed that catch a responsibility system for party building must be caught, catch accountability had to catch the person responsible, and catch those responsible had to catch the first responsible person.

38、Why is debriefing of party branch Secretary of the units, made by the General Secretary is to implement three catch requirement. Take the primary responsibility of the party who took the key. Second, full implementation of ideological party construction tasks, tasks into practice theories, XI Jinpin

39、g summarizes Congress General Secretary at the national practice of mass education of ideological party construction in the new period is defined on tasks and requirements, in order to strengthen the partys construction of the target orientation and path. First, we must strengthen the theoretical st

40、udy. Current urgent task is to fully understand the great significance of studying and implementing the spirit 18 session, police organization party members by focusing on learning, self-study, special counselling and other forms of serious in-depth study and adhere to the first step, deep layer, gr

41、asp the spirit of the plenary session, do anything he learned to think, learn, learn to use them. Secondly, we should strengthen party spirit tempering. Adhere to the Constitution. Through group learning, the Party Secretary said party lectures and other forms of learning, and understanding the part

42、y spirit of party Constitution, lead units of the Council, the branch and the consciousness of all party members and police set up the party. Learn advanced. Vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Yang Shuicai spirit, seriously study the advanced deeds of Comrade Yan Zhenchang, deep fine according


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