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1、Unit 1 Animals on the FarmLesson 2 Cats and Dogs第1页Sum-upWarm-up/RevisionPresentationTestHomework Is it a duck?Lets play!Lets sing!第2页Warm-up/Revision第3页 cat猫【复数】cats【例句】My sister has a cat.我姐姐养了只猫。Presentation第4页I like this cat.Try我喜欢这只猫。Try第5页dog狗狗【复数】dogs【例句】My dog is my friend.我狗是我朋友。第6页Try这是只小狗

2、这是只小狗。This is a dog.第7页chicken 鸡;鸡肉【详解】作作动物动物时,是可数名词:时,是可数名词:a chicken 一只鸡一只鸡作作鸡肉鸡肉时,时,是不可数名词:是不可数名词:some chicken 一些鸡肉一些鸡肉第8页The chickens are on the farm.Try农场有鸡。第9页duck鸭鸭子子【复数】ducks【例句】They are ducks.它们都是鸭子。第10页Try我喜欢这只黄色小鸭子。I like the yellow duck.第11页游戏时间chicken dog cat duck第12页Whats this?Is it a

3、duck?No,it isnt.Its a chicken.Is it a duck?第13页 Is this a duck?Yes,it is.第14页 Is this a duck?那是一只鸭子吗?【详解】详解】必定回答Yes,it is.否定回答No,it isnt.isnt 是 is not 缩写形式。重点句型一重点句型一第15页Is this a duck?Yes,it is.Lets play!第16页No,it isnt.Its a dog.Is this a cat?第17页Is this a pen?No,it isnt.Its a pencil.第18页 Is this a

4、 picture?No,it isnt.Its a book.第19页Lets sing!第20页c t一、把以下单词补充完整。一、把以下单词补充完整。ad kd gch kenucoic 猫鸭子狗鸡;鸡肉Test第21页二、读句子,选择恰当答语。二、读句子,选择恰当答语。()1.Whats this?_ A.Thats a dog!B.Its a cat.()2.Is this a cow?_ A.No,it isnt.B.Yes,you are!()3.Whats your name?_ A.Im from Canada.B.My name is Mike.BAB第22页重点词汇Sum-updog 狗狗cat 猫猫chicken 鸡;鸡鸡;鸡肉肉duck 鸭鸭子子第23页No,it isnt.Its a dog.不,那是只狗。2重点句型1Is this a duck?那是只鸭子吗?第24页Homework1 1、将“Is it a duck?”部分誊录三遍,而且背过。2 2、用所学句型与同学编用所学句型与同学编一段对话,并演出。一段对话,并演出。Homework第25页Thank you!第26页


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