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1、,2010年12月27日晚,外语系副主任姚志英老师在滁州学院水上报告厅进行题为“美国访学见闻”的讲座。出席本次讲座的有我院倪阳副院长及外语系多位老师和全院部分同学。 姚老师在本次讲座中主要从第一印象、学习情况、日常生活、休闲与交流、亲历节日及总体感受六大方面展开对美国的体验。首先,姚老师通过丰富的图片向大家展示了一个环境优美、空气清新、阳光充裕、地广人稀的美国。其次,姚老师向大家详细地介绍了其在美国的学习情况。在美国两个月里,其主要穿梭于Bridge English语言培训中心、CTU的Denver campus、Springs Campus斯普林斯校区、Boulder博尔德大学城与DU丹佛大

2、学之间,学习内容丰富多彩,主要有Criminal Justice Today、English Composition、English Speaking and Listening等。然后,姚老师向大家介绍其在学习之余的日常生活、休闲与交流以及在此期间所经历的美国两个重要节日,即万圣节和感恩节,同时展示了丰富的图片。最后,姚老师通过其所体验的中美之间具体社会现象差异深入探讨了中美之间的文化差异。 此次讲座,姚老师带大家开阔了眼界,进一步了解了美国的社会文化,加深了对中西文化差异的理解。大家都表示受益匪浅。,为解决广大学生在考研复习中遇到的问题及困惑,以便更好的把握学习方向,12月13日晚,外语系

3、在YF1108教室举办了一场题为“相关专业考研特点浅析及考研指导”的讲座。本次讲座特别邀请到外语系王佩老师、吴小芳老师以及经管系冯春梅老师、龚洁松老师为同学们做报告。外语系08、09、10级的同学们参加了此次讲座。,为解决广大学生在考研复习中遇到的问题及困惑,以便更好的把握学习方向,12月13日晚,外语系在YF1108教室举办了一场题为“相关专业考研特点浅析及考研指导”的讲座。本次讲座特别邀请到外语系王佩老师、吴小芳老师以及经管系冯春梅老师、龚洁松老师为同学们做报告。外语系08、09、10级的同学们参加了此次讲座。 四位老师结合自身经验,给准备考研的学生提供了宝贵的建议。王佩老师强调,考研不在

4、于学习时间的长短而在于学习的效率,如何高效学习是大家应该思考的一个问题,她还指出同学们在考研的同时要注意加强营养、保证睡眠质量。吴小芳老师则向大家说明了明确目标的重要性。龚洁松老师更是和大家分享了他考研时期的痛苦经历,以此激励大家要坚持不懈,不能半途而废。 通过本次讲座,同学们对考研政策及考研形势有了更清醒的认识,有助于同学们在面对考研时做到从容面对,轻装上阵。四位老师纷纷鼓励同学们要树立信心、勤奋踏实,争取早日考入自己理想的研究生院校。,THE PRESIDENT: Merry Christmas, everybody. Michelle and I just wanted to take

5、a moment today to send greetings from our family to yours. THE FIRST LADY: This is one of our favorite times of year. And were so fortunate to be able to celebrate it together in this wonderful home. This is the “Peoples House.” So Barack and I try to open it to as many people as we can, especially

6、during the holiday season. This month, more than 100,000 Americans have passed through these halls. And the idea behind this years theme, “Simple Gifts,” is that the greatest blessings of all are the ones that dont cost a thing the comfort of spending time with loved onesthe freedoms we enjoy as Ame

7、ricans and the joy we feel upon giving something of ourselves. So in this time of family, friends, and good cheer; lets also be sure to look out for those who are less fortunate, whove hit a run of bad luck, or who are hungry and alone this holiday season. THE PRESIDENT: Because this is the season w

8、hen we celebrate the simplest yet most profound gift of all: the birth of a child who devoted his life to a message of peace, love, and redemption. A message that says no matter who we are, we are called to love one another we are our brothers,THE PRESIDENT: Merry Christmas, everybody. Michelle and

9、I just wanted to take a moment today to send greetings from our family to yours. THE FIRST LADY: This is one of our favorite times of year. And were so fortunate to be able to celebrate it together in this wonderful home. This is the “Peoples House.” So Barack and I try to open it to as many people

10、as we can, especially during the holiday season. This month, more than 100,000 Americans have passed through these halls. And the idea behind this years theme, “Simple Gifts,” is that the greatest blessings of all are the ones that dont cost a thing the comfort of spending time with loved onesthe fr

11、eedoms we enjoy as Americans and the joy we feel upon giving something of ourselves. So in this time of family, friends, and good cheer; lets also be sure to look out for those who are less fortunate, whove hit a run of bad luck, or who are hungry and alone this holiday season. THE PRESIDENT: Becaus

12、e this is the season when we celebrate the simplest yet most profound gift of all: the birth of a child who devoted his life to a message of peace, love, and redemption. A message that says no matter who we are, we are called to love one another we are our brothers,为解决广大学生在考研复习中遇到的问题及困惑,以便更好的把握学习方向,

13、12月13日晚,外语系在YF1108教室举办了一场题为“相关专业考研特点浅析及考研指导”的讲座。本次讲座特别邀请到外语系王佩老师、吴小芳老师以及经管系冯春梅老师、龚洁松老师为同学们做报告。外语系08、09、10级的同学们参加了此次讲座。,为解决广大学生在考研复习中遇到的问题及困惑,以便更好的把握学习方向,12月13日晚,外语系在YF1108教室举办了一场题为“相关专业考研特点浅析及考研指导”的讲座。本次讲座特别邀请到外语系王佩老师、吴小芳老师以及经管系冯春梅老师、龚洁松老师为同学们做报告。外语系08、09、10级的同学们参加了此次讲座。 通过本次讲座,同学们对考研政策及考研形势有了更清醒的认识

14、,有助于同学们在面对考研时做到从容面对,轻装上阵。四位老师纷纷鼓励同学们要树立信心、勤奋踏实,争取早日考入自己理想的研究生院校。,THE PRESIDENT: Merry Christmas, everybody. Michelle and I just wanted to take a moment today to send greetings from our family to yours. THE FIRST LADY: This is one of our favorite times of year. And were so fortunate to be able to cel

15、ebrate it together in this wonderful home. This is the “Peoples House.” So Barack and I try to open it to as many people as we can, especially during the holiday season. This month, more than 100,000 Americans have passed through these halls. And the idea behind this years theme, “Simple Gifts,” is

16、that the greatest blessings of all are the ones that dont cost a thing the comfort of spending time with loved onesthe freedoms we enjoy as Americans and the joy we feel upon giving something of ourselves. So in this time of family, friends, and good cheer; lets also be sure to look out for those wh

17、o are,THE PRESIDENT: Merry Christmas, everybody. Michelle and I just wanted to take a moment today to send greetings from our family to yours. THE FIRST LADY: This is one of our favorite times of year. And were so fortunate to be able to celebrate it together in this wonderful home. This is the “Peo

18、ples House.” So Barack and I try to open it to as many people as we can, especially during the holiday season. This month, more than 100,000 Americans have passed through these halls. And the idea behind this years theme, “Simple Gifts,” is that the greatest blessings of all are the ones that dont c

19、ost a thing the comfort of spending time with loved onesthe freedoms we enjoy as Americans and the joy we feel upon giving something of ourselves. So in this time of family, friends, and good cheer; lets also be sure to look out for those who are less fortunate, whove hit a run of bad luck, or who a

20、re hungry and alone this holiday season. THE PRESIDENT: Because this is the season when we celebrate the simplest yet most profound gift of all: the birth of a child who devoted his life to a message of peace, love, and redemption. A message that says no matter who we are, we are called to love one

21、another we are our brothers,This month, more than 100,000 Americans have passed through these halls. And the idea behind this years theme, “Simple Gifts,” is that the greatest blessings of all are the ones that dont cost a thing the comfort of spending time with loved onesthe freedoms we enjoy as Americans and the joy we feel upon giving something of ourselves.,


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