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1、unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the three lessons, members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a bett

2、er objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the partys history, to carry forward the partys fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ideological and practical work, persist

3、in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy

4、 to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of di

5、stinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members di

6、verse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise readerthe economic development in the new normalOf awareness errors, deep awareness economic development new normal of objective inevitability, prevent one-sidedness, and simplistic, cannot to whether on himself

7、 favourable to judge new normal bad; cannot put new normal as a basket, what are to in loaded; cannot put new normal as haven, put work bad do, and didnt dry good of reasons are due Yu new normal, for not officer, and not development find excuses. Actively promote the supply side of structural refor

8、ms and implement the CPC Central Committee defined five pillars of policy and five priorities, implement the major decisions and arrangements of the central support accelerated development of Fujian, a good grasp of the old Soviet areas, green development, precision significant opportunities to alle

9、viate poverty. (4) lead to overcome difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not to grasp the nettle and on front, afraid to come forward before the crisis and error cant bear responsibility, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthen the sense of respons

10、ibility, to take charge. Dont want to under the new situation, not as good as issues, enhance vigor, growing new skills, new, do dry dry dry active, do we want to do good, to take Shi Liuyin, grasping the iron mark strength and hard work together create a mental state of implementation, reform and d

11、evelopment of the promoter and the doers. Insist on seeking truth, act according to the law, establish the correct achievements view, and strive to create a stand the inspection of practice, people and history of performance. (5) the lead in implementation of strictly administering the party respons

12、ible. For tube party rule party poor, and party consciousness indifference, and party work missing, for subject responsibility, and a gang double accountability implementation not in place, and put business work and party work fragmented from of problem, for those think are wind anti-corruption effe

13、ct economic development, errors views, set full strictly rule party forever in road of thought, set grasp party is maximum achievement, and caught bad party is not competent, and not caught party is dereliction of of consciousness, insisted thought party and system rule party close combined, strengt

14、hened according to rules rule party consciousness, Take responsibility for the party the party. Exercise to consciously accept the partys political life, adhere to the principle of democratic centralism, seriously carry out criticism and self criticism, rigorous daily management and supervision of p

15、arty members, cadres, and maintain pressure against corruption. To improve style, cultivating good family tradition, care of families of the children and staff, press , clear principle correctly handle the relationship between Government and business, to create fresh political ecology and the politi

16、cs of environment. Grasping the learning content, the learning needs of more than at the same time, both party members and leading cadres, and also practice job practice study well General Secretary XI Jinping on local work in this field important speeches and directives, further unify their thinkin

17、g and action, clear work objectives and direction. To control measures in the speech requirement, implementation analysis, identify gaps and weaknesses, target put forward specific measures to strengthen and improve the work, ensuring the spirit landing implementation. Third, learn about ways to hig

18、hlight the features of regular education, stick with the party branch某公路双车道隧道左线结构设计、施工组织设计毕业设计 内容简介 本设计为黑水3号公路隧道(双车道)的初步设计,里程为ZK33+340ZK34+560,隧道总长1220米。设计主要包括:隧道进、出口洞口位置比选及洞门形式的选择,隧道平、纵断面设计,级围岩衬砌的设计、计算及检算,其他附属设施的设计,施工组织设计五个 .内容简介 本设计为黑水3号(双车道)的初步设计,里程为ZK33+340ZK34+560,总长1220米。设计主要包括:隧道进、出口洞口位置比选及洞门

19、形式的选择,隧道平、纵断面设计,级围岩衬砌的设计、计算及检算,其他附属设施的设计,组织设计五个部分。 文件组成及目录 正文(58页word)、CAD图纸(共9张)、实习报告、外文翻译 第1章 绪论 11.1概述 11.1.1 隧道及其分类 11.1.2 隧道的作用及其优点 11.1.3 黑水3号隧道概况 11.2 设计依据与原则 21.2.1 设计依据 21.2.2 参考的规范、手册 21.2.3 主要设计原则 21.3 隧道自然地理、地质概况 31.3.1 隧址区自然条件 31.3.

20、2 工程地质条件 31.3.3 工程地质评价 8第2章 隧道初步设计 112.1 隧道平面设计 112.2 隧道纵断面设计 112.3 构造设计 112.3.1 隧道建筑限界 112.3.2 隧道净空断面 12第3章 隧道洞口位置的比选及洞门形式选择 143.1 隧道洞口位置的选择原则 143.1.1 洞口位置的确定 143.1.2 洞门形式的选择 15第4章 二次衬砌结构设计与计算 164.1 衬砌结构设计 164.1.1 明洞 164.1.2

21、 暗洞衬砌结构 164.1.3 衬砌支护参数 174.2 隧道及地下工程结构设计模型 184.3 复合式衬砌结构计算分析 194.4 荷载确定 194.4.1 计算垂直均布压力 19 月季的花药培养  Rose Anther Culture         摘  要:研究月季花药培养是为了培养出单倍体植株,用以基因组测序和功能基因组的研究。实验以月季的花药为材料进行培养,用同样的MS培养基做两组,一组是花粉处于单核靠边期的花药,一组为花

22、粉不处于单核靠边期的花药。按照花药培养的一般程序,将材料放入4种不同激素配比的培养基中进行对比培养。实验结果表明,花粉处于单核靠边期的花药最容易形成愈伤组织;由于花瓣的包被,对花蕾不进行消毒处理也不会对实验结果有明显影响;激素配比为NAA 0.1 + 6-BA 0.5的培养基中形成遇上组织的诱导率最高,生长激素浓度过高或者过低都会抑制花粉的发育。关键词:月季;花药培养;单倍体Rose Anther CultureAbstract: The rose is anther culture research in order to produce haploid plants, which are

23、genome sequencing and functional qenomics research. In the experiment for materials rose anther, using the same medium plus two groups, one group is pollen in the period of anther side monocytes, one group of pollen is not in the period of anther side mononuclear. According to the general procedure

24、for anther culture, material into four different hormone ratio compares the medium. Experimental results show that the pollen in the side of anther monocytes callus formation is the most easy. Because of the petals of bud, undertake alexipharmic handling will not have obvious influence on the experi

25、ment results. Hormone ratio for 0.1 + 6 - BA 0.5 medium, the highest rate in tissue induced, growth hormone concentration is too high or too low can inhibit pollen development. Key words: rose; anther culture; haploid 目    录      6000字 摘要1    关键

26、词1     1前言12文献综述2    2.1月季花药的研究概况2    2.2单倍体2    2.3技术路线3 3材料与方法3    3.1材料2        3.1.1材料的选取 3        3.1.2材料的消毒 3    3.2方法4   &n

27、bsp;     3.2.1培养基的配制及灭菌4        3.2.2接种和培养44结果与分析5    4.1 花粉发育时期对花药培养的影响5    4.2 不同的材料消毒方式对实验污染的影响5    4.3不同浓度的生长激素对愈伤组织诱导的影响5     4.4褐变的产生5    4.5培养条件的影响55结论6参考文献7致谢8 &n

28、bsp;   附录9  管船过失免责自其产生依赖就备受人们的争议。“管船过失免责”的沿革,是由各个历史时期的经济水平和航海贸易状况所决定的,它集中放映了承运人对其所承运的货物所应当承担的责任的归责原则或基础。各国、各利益集团对是否应该取消管船过失免责的意见并不统一。本文就是通过收集国内外对于管船过失免责是否废除的争议并分析这些争议的声音的背景与理由,最后运用学习的专业知识站在支持废除管产过失免责的立场,对我国如何处理好废除管船过失免责这一问题提出一些建议。定义:管船过失免责是指国际海上运输货物的承运人对于船长、船员、引航员或者承运人的其他受

29、雇人员,因管理船舶的过失所造成的货物的灭失或者损坏,不负赔偿责任。管理船舶过失是指船长、船员等在维持船舶性能和有效状态上的过失。20世纪30年代生效的并被广为接受的海牙规则在第4条第2款中规定:“船长、船员、引航员或承运人的受雇人在驾驶船舶或管理船舶中的行为、疏忽或不履行职责所造成的货物灭失或损坏,免除承运人的赔偿责任。”这就是一直以来备受争议的“管船过失免责”条款。时至今日,管船过失免责始终都是承运人可供援用的最重要的免责条款之一。免责的产生背景: 管船过失免责的由来与兴衰19世纪的英国普通法规定,从事提单运输的承运人必须首先尽到使船舶绝对适航

30、、不进行不合理绕航、尽责速遣三方面义务,之后即可对因天灾、公敌行为等造成的货损享有免责权。同时,英国法律在契约自由的旗帜下,允许自由约定合同条款而不论法律有无相反的强制性规定。因绝对适航之不现实性,承运人往往在提单中加入免除该义务的条款,从而规避了法律的义务性规定。伴随航运实践而至的是,提单中类似的免责条款与日俱增,货方利益毫无保障,海运业发展面临一个何去何从的十字路口。字 内容简介 本设计主要包括:隧道进、出口洞口位置比选及洞门形式的选择,隧道平、纵断面设计,重点对洞口段进行了设计、计算及检算,洞身的设计,组织设计及洞口段工程量计算五个部分。 文件组成及目录 正文(共83页)、CAD图纸(共

31、7张)、中英文翻译、实习报告 第1章 绪 论 11.1 设计依据与原则 11.1.1 设计依据 11.1.2 主要设计原则 11.2 工程地质及水文地质 21.2.1前言 21.2.2隧址区自然地理条件及地形地貌 21.2.3地层岩性 31.2.4水文地质条件 31.2.5地质构造及地震 51.2.6不良地质条件 61.3隧道岩土工程地质特征 61.3.1土的物理力学性质 61.3.2岩石物理力学性质 71.3.3工程岩体结构特征 71.4隧道工

32、程地质评价 81.4.1初始地应力场及其评价 81.4.2洞室围岩级别的划分及稳定性评价 91.4.3隧道进出口工程地质评价 131.5结论与建议物理数值 13第2章 隧道总体设计 152.1 隧道平面设计 152.2 隧道纵断面设计 162.2.1 隧道内纵坡形式确定 162.2.2 隧道内纵坡坡率的确定 162.3 构造设计 162.3.1 限界 16第3章  隧道洞口位置的比选及洞门形式选择 203.1 隧道洞口位置的选择原则 2

33、03.1.1 洞口位置确定原则 20 3.1.2 洞口工程的设计应遵循下列规定 213.2  洞口位置选择 213.3 洞门形式选择 233.3.1洞门结构形式的要求 233.3.2 洞门构造及基础设置应遵循下列规定: 233.3.3 洞门形式的选择 24第4章 洞门及洞口段挡墙检算 244.1进口洞门段:  244.1.1洞门基本数据的确定 244.1.2主动土压力系数的计算 264.1.3洞门端墙的检算 264.1.4检算进口挡土墙 324.2出口段洞

34、门检算 354.2.1基本数据的确定 364.2.2土压力的计算 364.2.3各道土钉检算 394.2.4土钉杆体的直径计算 404.2.5抗滑安全检算 404.2.6抗倾覆安全检算 414.2.7土钉墙的整体稳定性检算 434.2.8护面板构造 444.2.9出口洞门 45第5章 其他附属设施设计 455.1 防排水设计 455.1.1 一般规定 455.1.2 防水 465.1.3 排水 475.1.4 洞口与明洞防排水 485.

35、2 通风设计 485.2.1 一般规定 485.3 照明设计 49 5.3.1 一般规定 50第6章 施工组织设计 506.1 概述 506.2编制说明 506.2.1编制依据 506.2.2编制原则 516.3 工程概况 516.3.1 工程的技术标准及要求 516.3.2工程难点及解决方案 526.4施工总体部署 536.4.1施工管理机构 536.4.2 施工平面总布置 546.5洞口段工程施工方案和施工方法 546.5.1 开挖

36、 546.5.2洞口工程 556.5. 3洞口段重点施工方法 556.6暗挖段施工方案和施工方法 596.6.1施工方法选择 606.6.2暗挖级围岩及级围岩段开挖 606.6.3暗挖级围岩段采用两台阶法开挖 616.7监控量测 636.7.1 监控量测的目的 636.7.2量测项目 636.8洞口工程量 646.8.1  进口端洞口及洞门工程量计算 646.8.2出口端洞口及洞门工程量计算 67结论 71致谢 72参 考 文 献&nb

37、sp;73附录 73 CAD图纸(共7张)出口端工序图出口端平面图剖面图各级围岩衬砌(共5副A3图)白日坝隧道-出口端洞门图(A2)白日坝隧道-进口端洞门图(A2)进口端平面图 论环境保护的财政约束与现实选择(字)摘  要:环境保护属于公共产品,具有很强的外部性,因此市场无法有效提供。同时政府在环境保护过程中囿于其制度及机制安排的缺陷,存在着一定程度的政府失灵。为合理解决我国环境保护问题,国家须建立健全环保投入机制,完善环保财政政策,构建和谐的环保税收体系,理顺各级政府的环保权限与职责。采用多种激励手段支持环保产业的发展。关键词:环境保护;财政政策;税收体系;环保产业Con

38、cerning Environmental Protection Fiscal Restraint and Realistic ChoiceAbstract: The environmental protection belong to the public product, strong externality, so the market cant provide. Meanwhile the government in environmental protection in the system and the process of constrained to arrange, the

39、 defects of mechanisms exist a certain degree of government failure. For reasonable solve problems in environment protection, the state shall establish and perfect the environmental protection investment mechanism, improve environmental fiscal policy and constructing harmonious environmental tax sys

40、tem, to rationalize all levels of government authority and responsibility environmental protection.Using a variety of incentive methods to support the development of environmental protection industry. Key words: Environmental Protection; Fiscal Policy; Tax System; Environmental Protect- ion Industry

41、摘    要财务危机预警系统作为经济运行的晴雨表和企业经营状况的指示灯,不仅具有较高的学术价值,而且有着巨大的应用价值。成熟的研究成果,对于我国加入WTO面临世界竞争考验的企业来讲,意义显得尤为重大。它可以使公司决策者提前采取适当的措施纠正、阻止企业财务状况的进一步恶化,避免进入破产清算或被收购兼并的境地。随着经济理论的发展和学术研究方法的改进,企业财务危机预警这一研究不断深化,而实务界的强烈需求更推动了学术界的研究进程。然而在我国,财务预警研究才刚刚起步,无论研究方法、研究成果、研究氛围都与国外存在着一定差距。正因为如此,本文才深入研究预警机理、预警方法、预警模

42、型、预警系统的建立等众多问题,旨在寻找实用的、符合中国国情的财务预警模型并在此基础上构建以财务预警模型为核心的企业财务危机预警系统,从而为公司管理层提供决策依据和参考意见。本文对于财务预警机制的研究视角是站在企业内部信息使用者的立场上,着重分析企业内部利益相关者如何依据财务预警模型构建企业财务预警系统,从而帮助企业管理层及时、有效地防范和化解财务危机。关键词:财务危机,财务预警,预警模型,预警系统  ABSTRACTActing as a running condition barometer in enterprises, Financial Distress Early-warn

43、ing System has not only huge academic value, but also great economic value, it is meaningful for Chinese companies especially after China has entered WTO, for it could prevent companies from bankrupt by precaution decision-makers take proper measures before crisis happening. With the development of researching method, the theories of the Financial Distress Early-warning System has been much more deepened, but it is still a new and imperfect subject in China. In this article, the author tries to build u


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