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1、Gay is now a provincial key construction project of aluminum Ltd-province with an annual output of 50,000 tons of technical innovation project of environmental protection and energy saving of electrolytic aluminum project manager. In this technological transformation projects, he has overall respons

2、ibility for the day-to-day affairs of the project. In order to ensure that southern companys control the scale of investment, strengthen field management, pay special attention to project progress, and ensure a successful operation, the overall goal. He and Engineering Department under the leadershi

3、p of all the staff in the companys technical command, on the difficulties and to overcome technical difficulties in the process, work hard, have made outstanding achievements, mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, careful organization and management achieved remarkable results. Technical

4、 innovation project of the year, started and completed a series of bids and completed to date, from production engineering to put into production after nearly a year, has achieved very significant results. A project first 56 slots from dismantling the old slot just 168 days, civil engineering, insta

5、llation, commissioning, guarantee engineering quality under the premise, on the production side transformation under difficult conditions, created the national industrys fastest speeds. II 32 large prebaked electrolytic cell on November 7 has been installed, marks has an annual production capacity o

6、f 50,000 tons of electrolytic aluminum production capacity of aluminum. Entire project almost 8 months earlier than planned, achieved the goal of production transformation benefits that year, created favorable conditions for aluminum through South. Second, effectively control the investment. Project

7、 is subject to a scientific approach to bidding, bidding to make savings of 20 million Yuan, in the implementation process of the project, every domestic prices of steel, cement and other building materials, the old buildings on the base encountered great difficulties in dealing with significant inc

8、rease in the volume of civil engineering, but through rationalization and optimization, project control in fixed investment of 350 million Yuan. Third, environmental energy-saving effect of the project. Project investment of nearly 30 million Yuan, using large prebake technology and aluminum oxide d

9、ense phase and hyper dense phase conveying technology, fluoride and other harmful gases purification efficiency of up to 98%. Compared with Soderberg cell before the modification, power consumption can be reduced by 1500 tons of electrolytic aluminum, and project environmental protection and energy

10、saving effect is obvious. Four are in a relatively short period of time to the normal production. After four months of efforts, a project has put into operation all the 54 240KA large cell into regular production, stable current channel conditions and all the economic indicators are good, current ef

11、ficiency in October had reached 93%, is close to and reach the domestic advanced level. In the case of production half of the cell, this effect can be achieved and better level in the industry. 50,000 tons of electrolytic modification process, from preliminary study to equipment selection, cost cont

12、rol, project progress, quality control and coordination among the various sub-projects and various professional, technical command under the correct leadership, both from an overall perspective, emphasis on integrity, and earnestly implement the relevant laws and regulations, strictly act according

13、to the contract. He tried to learn relevant knowledge, good style of business, operational and organizational coordination ability, project efficiency, quality and safety assurance system in place, with all units involved with the coordination and good .荆门市天新新能源开发有限公司15万吨/年石脑油深加工项目消防工程设计设计说明书及设计图纸建设

14、项目单位:荆门市天新新能源开发有限公司建设项目单位法人:王荣建设项目单位联系人:刘建设项目单位联系电话:0724-2277261武汉江汉化工设计有限公司二O一二年六月荆门市天新新能源开发有限公司15万吨/年石脑油深加工项目消防工程设计设计说明书及设计图纸设计单位:武汉江汉化工设计有限公司设计单位法定代表人:林棣生设计单位联系电话:027-87501712武汉江汉化工设计有限公司二O一二年六月 项目号:PR1202职 位姓 名签 字设计单位法定代表人林棣生技术总负责人田文慧项目总负责人夏 俊工 艺汪思思总 图高 辉土 建汤建平电 气祝 亮给排水孔祥宇热 工郑 明设 备丁敦敦校 核胡青文审 核夏国

15、伟审 定武汉江汉化工设计有限公司二O一二年六月Four outstanding works. They are derived from their own inner feelings. I also sent a student to attend the class Department speech contest, failed to get a good result, but also actively cooperate with the Department and class activities! in order to create a demonstration do

16、rm room, our weekly class to every bedroom check, where proposed is insufficient. In order to clean up the bedroom, we use the brush brushes a bedroom again. For the class out of a force. In the event we, many projects did not get the desired results. But we understand that we tried, and in the stru

17、ggle. Also has made good progress in many of the! in my class the work carried out and the results achieved, thanks to the concern and support of the Department, thanks to instructor teachers good, proper guidance, thanks to 46 students in the class will work closely together, to work together. Of c

18、ourse, we also have our weaknesses, needs to be further correction in their future learning and life, with a view to achieving greater results. Five declarations of good party branch branch is a fortress, a party member is a banner. Fighting in the railway engineering construction Group Headquarters

19、 Headquarters branches, a total of members 18. Role of the Xiang-GUI railway and tight South Lebanon railway, heavy, poor conditions of disadvantage, the branch closely around the construction work. Holding high the flag of our party members, unite and lead staff on the difficulties, overcome diffic

20、ulties, take the zhengyou, a job well done and an engineering task, won the highly valued by leaders at all levels. Since October last year since the project began, Headquarters Branch is tightly around the center of its activities. Face South, climate is wet, sooner or later temperature larger, spe

21、cific difficult, I branch from thought requirements all workers active motivated, do can long-term hard, dare fight of spirit prepared, while requirements all members lead, encouraged colleagues Zhijian each other help, each other learning business knowledge, overcome temporarily difficult, active i

22、nto to engineering official starts of the prepared work in the to, play out has as a branch of fighting fortress role and members of pioneer model role. Since its start, I command under the correct leadership of the party branch in the Group and the superior party, centering on building a qualified

23、party branches, branch of the forts and the battle to play the exemplary vanguard role of party members, actively working. In command personnel less, and task heavy of situation Xia, all members always according to party stronger, and style to are, and service better, and efficiency to high of requi

24、rements, from overall starting, better to completed has production organization, and coordination, and guarantees and the management work, in engineering progress, and quality, and benefits, and safety, aspects are made has good of results, get has owners and the Group and grass-roots units of prais

25、e. First, give full play to the exemplary role of party members. The exemplary role of party members and cadres are silent on the command, the exemplary role of party members and cadres are the best of the ideological and political education. We pay close attention to party building, requires politi

26、cal party members and cadres must take the lead in learning, set strict demands on themselves, .目 录目 录I前 言1第一章 工程设计依据21.1 基础资料21.2 法律法规21.3 标准与规范4第二章 建设规模和设计范围62.1 项目摘要62.2 项目概况62.3 建设内容和对续建的设想72.4 承担的设计范围7第三章 总指标93.1 项目组成的相关参数93.2 生产厂房、仓库的火灾危险性分类10第四章 生产工艺情况114.1 生产方法及简要工艺流程114.2 原料、中间体、成品的火灾危险性特征1

27、64.3 工艺流程中物质反应的操作条件及危险分析164.4 有火灾爆炸危险介质设备安全控制措施194.5 有爆炸或火灾危险的气体、粉尘浓度的检测204.6 原材料和动力的消耗量及存储方式204.7 工艺管道要求214.8 自控系统22第五章 总平面布置235.1 项目地理条件235.2 总图消防布置原则235.3 总平面概述245.4 各建(构)筑物平面布置及防火间距255.5 消防通道的布置25第六章 建筑及结构276.1 主要建(构)筑物及其结构类型276.2 防火分区的划分276.3 安全疏散286.4 防火防烟设施28第七章 电气工程317.1 消防电源及配电317.2 消防用电设备控

28、制327.3 火灾报警系统337.4 电气设备选型337.5 防雷、防静电及接地34第八章 消防给水和灭火设施388.1 消防类型的确定388.2 消防水源、供水能力及储存量408.3 室外消防给水系统418.4 室内消防给水系统428.5 灭火设施配置43第九章 通风及防烟排烟449.1 通风系统449.2 通风管道配置44第十章 消防工程专项投资概算47第十一章 结论及要求4812.1 结论4812.2 要求49附件52II荆门市天新新能源开发有限公司消防工程设计文件前 言根据中华人民共和国消防法及建设工程消防监督管理规定,为保证生产的安全正常进行,贯彻“预防为主,防消结合”的方针,武汉江

29、汉化工设计有限公司接受建设单位荆门市天新新能源开发有限公司委托,按照国家有关消防及防火的法规及设计规范并参照建筑工程设计文件编制深度规定(2008版)等其他相关设计规范,对“15万吨/年石脑油深加工项目(一期)”的消防进行设计,采取有效措施,以防止和减少火灾的危害。 49第一章 工程设计依据1.1 基础资料(1)本建设项目的可行性研究报告(2011年6月)(2)湖北祝安安全技术有限公司编制建设项目设立安全预评价报告(2012年1月)(3)荆门市环境科学研究院编制的建设项目环境影响报告书(2011年7月)(4)荆门市天新新能源开发有限公司提供并确认的有关基础技术资料、数据和相关文件(2012年2

30、月)(5)荆门市天新新能源开发有限公司签订的设计合同(2012年2月)1.2 法律法规(1)中华人民共和国安全生产法(中华人民共和国主席令第70号,2002年11月1日施行)(2)中华人民共和国消防法(中华人民共和国主席令第6号, 2009年5月1日施行)(3)中华人民共和国环境保护法(中华人民共和国主席令第22号,1989年12月26日施行)(4)中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法(中华人民共和国主席令第72号,2003年1月1日施行)(5)中华人民共和国监控化学品管理条例(国务院令第190号,1995年12月27日施行)(6)建设工程安全生产管理条例(国务院令第393号,2004年2月1日施行)



33、,1996年7月1日施行)(21)仓库防火安全管理规则(公安部令第6号,1990年4月10日施行)(22)防雷减灾管理办法(国家气象局第8号令,2005年2月1日施行)1.3 标准与规范(1)工业企业总平面设计规范GB50187-1993(2)化工企业总图运输设计规范GB50489-2009(3)建筑设计防火规范GB50016-2006(4)石油化工企业设计防火规范GB50160-2008(5)建筑给水排水设计规范GB50015-2003(2009版)(6)建筑抗震设计规范GB50011-2010(7)建设灭火器配置设计规范GB50140-2005(8)自动喷水灭火系统设计规范GB50084-


35、 DB34/183-1999(20)爆炸和火灾危险环境电力装置设计规范GB50058-92(21)消防安全标志设置要求GB15630-1995(22)危险化学品重大危险源辨识GB182182009(23)工业建筑防腐蚀设计规范GB50046-2008(24)工业设备管道外防腐设计规定HG/T20679-1990(25)化工工厂初步设计文件内容深度规定HG/T20688-2000(26)工业金属管道设计规范GB50316-2000(2008版)(27)其他国家现行的有关设计标准和规范第二章 建设规模和设计范围2.1 项目摘要项目名称:15万吨/年石脑油深加工项目(一期)建设单位:荆门市天新新能源

36、开发有限公司建设项目性质:新建建设地址:荆门化工循环产业园项目投资:4800万元占地面积:180亩建筑面积:48852.7 m2定员人数:50人2.2 项目概况本项目以石脑油为原料,将其切割成馏程依次相差2030的7个窄馏份溶剂基油,再根据市场需求,以不同溶剂基油调合成满足用户需要,不同牌号的溶剂油。一期新建一套5万吨/年石脑油蒸馏装置、储运工程等辅助生产设施、配套公用工程等,生产主体设施建设期为6个月,后期达产后生产总规模为15万吨/年。本项目消防工程文件中的主体生产设施按15万吨/年设计,配套消防设施与其他子项同步建设一步到位。2.3 建设内容和对续建的设想该公司依据市场对石油副产品日益增


38、设计;公用辅助工程包括给排水工程、供配电工程、热工等工程等设计,其最终达到年深加工15万吨石脑油。本项目建设主要根据产品的市场需求,瞄准市场机遇,加强生产设施的技术改造,完成产品、工艺技术改造和扩大生产规模,从而提高市场份额,增强企业竞争力,提高公司的经济效益和社会效益。2.4 承担的设计范围本次消防工程设计范围为荆门市天新新能源开发有限公司15万吨/年石脑油深加工项目(一期),主要产品为各馏分溶剂油产品。本报告主要针对上述范围内(包括生产装置、辅助装置等)的工程进行消防设计。第三章 总指标3.1 项目组成的相关参数荆门市天新新能源开发有限公司厂区位于荆门化工循环产业园园区西部,国道207复线

39、以西,夏家湾污水处理厂以东,竹皮河以北,乙醇路以南约180亩的城市规划工业用地。厂区总占地面积12万余平方米,总建筑面积48852.7平方米,厂址详见地理位置附图1。本项目生产装置为石脑油蒸馏装置、油罐区等组成,拟建项目主要建设内容及规模如下:新建一套5万吨/年石脑油蒸馏装置、储运工程、配套公用工程等,详见下表。表3-1 建设项目基本情况一览表工程类别装置名称工程组成主体工程蒸馏装置新建一套5万吨/年石脑油蒸馏装置,由导热油炉、石脑油蒸馏塔及冷凝器部分组成储运工程原料油罐区4个1500m3的原料石脑油罐产品油罐区10个1000m3的立罐组成停车场用于停车过磅公用工程清水站及消防水池提供生产给水

40、及消防给水循环水站提供蒸馏装置的冷凝循环水及处理污水处理装置新建一座处理规模为5000t/a污水处理装置及事故污水收集池火炬系统负责渣油燃烧变电站厂区的变配电及供电办公楼、宿舍楼容纳50人的办公生活大楼1座+ i& m5 Y/ B- : k7 R5 x: . n. W3 K6 l( m; m 1 B6 |5 y* M本项目中厂区主干道宽12m,一般运输道路和厂区周围消防通道宽12m,装置内道路一般宽6m或9m,道路转弯半径为12m或9m。其他循环水、供配电、污水处理等公用工程设施与厂区内其他生产车间共用。3.2 生产厂房、仓库的火灾危险性分类本项目各生产厂房的建筑火灾危险性分类详见下表。表3-

41、2 建筑物的火灾危险性类别一览表序号子项名称建筑火灾危险性耐火等级1石脑油蒸馏装置区甲一级2原料油储罐区甲一级3产品油储罐区甲一级4火炬装置系统甲一级5变配电站丙一级6清水站丙二级7循环水站丙二级8污水处理站丙二级9储运区甲一级第四章 生产工艺情况4.1 生产方法及简要工艺流程1、工艺流程本项目以石脑油为原料,将其切割成馏程依次相差2030的7个窄馏份溶剂油基油,再调和成不同型号的溶剂油。工艺生产装置的产品方案详见表4-1。表4-1 15万吨/年溶剂油装置产品方案序号产品名称馏程()主要成分11号溶剂基油4360C3C422 号溶剂基油6190C433号溶剂基油96120C4C544号溶剂基油



44、油进一步被蒸馏切割,其轻组分经塔3冷凝器LN-03冷凝成5溶剂基油,再进入塔3回流罐CG-03、塔3回流泵P-06,其中一部分基油回流到T-03,一部分基油送至5溶剂基油贮槽ZC-05。由塔T-02侧线生产的6号溶剂基油依次经过塔3侧线基油泵P-09、6号溶剂基油冷却器LQ-03,送至6溶剂基油贮槽ZC-06。第三蒸馏塔T-03的釜液(7号溶剂基油),通过塔3釜液泵P-10 经7号溶剂基油冷却器LQ-04,送至7号溶剂基油贮槽ZC-07。各塔顶冷凝器均以循环水为冷却介质。重沸器均以导热油为加热介质,为充分回收低温热,本装置采用T-01、T-03顶放空油气作塔1重沸器RJ-01的热源,开工正常后

45、代替导热油,既节能又环保。T-03 顶过剩热量由LN-03平衡,既节省操作费用,也降低能耗。连续蒸馏法生产溶剂油工艺流程图,详见图4-1。加热炉废气图4-1 连续蒸馏法生产溶剂油工艺流程图T-01为第一蒸馏塔;T-02为第二蒸馏塔;T-03为第三蒸馏塔;CG-01为塔1回流罐;CG-02为塔2回流罐;CG-03为塔3回流罐;RJ-01为塔1重沸器;RJ-02为塔2重沸器;RJ-03为塔3重沸器;RJ-04为导热油加热炉;LN-01为塔1冷凝器;LN-02为塔2冷凝器;LN-03为塔3冷凝器;LQ-01 2号溶剂基油(塔1侧线油)冷却器、LQ-02 4号溶剂基油(塔2侧线油)冷却器、LQ-03

46、6号溶剂基油(塔3侧线油)冷却器、LQ-04 7号溶剂基油(塔3底油)冷却器;P-01为塔1进料泵;P-02为塔2进料泵;P-03为塔3进料泵;P-04为塔1回流泵;P-05为塔2回流泵;P-06为塔3回流泵;P-07为塔1侧线基油泵; P-08为塔2侧线基油泵;P-09为塔3侧线基油泵;P-10为塔3塔釜液泵。2、主要设备列表清单表4-2 主要设备列表序号设备位号设备名称规格型号数量(台套)介质备注1T-01第一蒸馏塔1500、H220001石脑油2T-02第二蒸馏塔1200、H200001石脑油3T-03第三蒸馏塔1000、H180001石脑油4RJ-01塔1重沸器F200m21 石脑油、水蒸气5RJ-02塔2重沸器F150m2


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