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1、高考英语词汇复习的方法, 13851522413,2011.2.12,一、充分了解掌握词汇的重要性和艰巨性,缺乏对于词义的准确理解和把握,学生的词汇经验不牢固,容易遗忘,并且 活用能力差。,教师要想方设法帮助学生树立信心,不畏艰难, 下决心突破单词关,江苏2011年高考英语考试说明,对词汇表进行了勘误校订,原2010年新增词汇(164个单词)仍以“*”号标出,以便考生查询; 阅读题型有两处变化:1、把“理解语篇主旨大意”改为“理解语篇主旨要义”;2、把“根据所读,用恰当的词语补全文章提纲、概括关键内容或作要词词语转换”改为“根据所读,用恰当的词语补全文章提纲、概括关键内容或作关键词词语转换”;

2、,书面表达题型要求更加明确。明确要求考生根据所给情景用英语写一篇150个单词左右的短文。对情景的内涵和提供情景的形式有了明确的规定。情景包括目的、对象、时间、地点、方位、关系、内容、数据等;提供的情景形式如图画、图表、提纲、信函等。明确要求考生要能根据特定的语境准确使用英语语法,选用适当的词汇。 “图”不局限于某一类型的图,如漫画、广告。也可包括其他图画、照片、图表等情景材料。考生可根据情景图示的寓意内容或情节线索,自己组织文字、进行描述、叙述、比较或表达思想观点。作文应覆盖提示的要点,但应避免仅根据提示文字做简单翻译。,复习建议,1、采用多种有效方式对考试说明中的实词、高频词和核心词 进行多

3、角度复习,结合情景开展词汇练习。如开展单词默写、 翻译训练、对这些词进行归纳拓展、边做阅读理解边进行词汇 学习等等。做到读得准、听得清、写得对和用得妥;,2、开展对多种题材和体裁的文章进行阅读训练。找出其中 蕴含的有效阅读技巧,并进行内化训练。注重文章的基本结构 和文脉逻辑关系。能够写出文章提纲、概括关键内容或作关键 词词语转换;,3、书面表达要求在充分积累基础知识的基础上,根据不同 体裁的套路和要求,适当使用高级词汇和复杂句子结构, 才能完成高质量的作文。看图作文应从多种类型的图着手, 在特定的情景中进行有效变通表达。,二、合理计划和组织英语词汇复习,词汇先行,全部背诵,并每天检查,每周检查

4、,每月检查,反复巩固,直到掌握。(3,500 /70天 50词/每天),教师要有超前意识,在组织新内容教学 的同时,要有计划地及早组织学生进行 词汇复习。掌握词汇不能靠冲刺式的突击,必须有持之以恒、坚韧不拨的耐心的毅力。,三、以学生为主体,根据学情,努力尝试有效的词汇复习策略,找到最适合自己学生的有效方法,复习单词,应注意四种能力的培养。四种能力即单词的听、说、读、写能力,这四种能力是相辅相成、互为条件的。四个要素是指单词的读音、拼写、词性、词意。在复习中不能把这四个要素孤立地割裂开来记忆。,新课程标准:“在用中学、在学中用、学用结合”。,词汇复习要着重理解记忆,明确用法,切不要孤立地死记 硬

5、背单词。复习时要做到词不离短语、词不离句,结合科 学的练习方法,不要只停留在概念的记忆上,而要把记忆 和使用结合起来。,(一)归纳概括巧记单词,高考英语词汇十分繁杂丰富,而高考复习时间又有限, 如复习时能总结归纳词汇的音、形、义、用四个方面,扩大 词汇学习的深度和广度。,所谓深度和广度是指归纳同义词、近义词的异同;尽 可能掌握常用词的各种用法、搭配和意义,特别是那些用 法和词义繁多、搭配能力强的常用基本词汇,除音、形、 义外,还要掌握他们的适用条件、语法特点以及与其他相关知识的联系,尽可能争取训练到位、熟练运用。,1、归纳课本中常用和常考词汇的基本用法、语法特点、适用条件以及相关知识点的异同比

6、较,特别是一些使用频率较高的动词如:need、consider、suggest、expect、prefer等。 例如suggest一词,可以表示“建议”,也表示“暗示”、“表明”等意义,还有“suggest doing“的结构;它作“建议”讲时其宾语从句中要用虚拟句型“suggest that sb.(should)do sth.”结构,而作“暗示”、“表明”讲时则要用陈述语气;从suggest还可以联想到宾语从句中同样要用虚拟语气的相关动词如:insist,demand,order,ask,advise等。 再如:复习need一词时,不仅要了解它作情态动词的用法,还要和它的实义动词用法相比较

7、,掌握它后接动名词和不定式的用法区别。,2、对有共同用法特点的词汇进行归纳,形成知识链。 如,教材中既可作实义动词又可作系动词的词有:sound,smell,taste,get,become,turn,grow,come,fall,go,remain,look,appear,seem等。 又如,表示“计划去做而结果不一定能实现”的动词有intend,mean,hope,plan,expect,think,want,suppose等,这些动词常用过去完成时加动词不定式或宾语从句,或用过去式接动词不定式的完成时态表示原来有计划或想法但最终未能实现,意为“本来而未能”。 再如,中学课本中有一些带介词

8、to的动词词组常接动词ing形式或名词,易与动词不定式混淆,此类动词词组有look forward to,devote.to,be/get used to,lead to,stick to,get down to,prefer.to.,pay attention to,object to等。,3、由点到面,培养发散思维和知识迁移的能力。对搭配能力强的词汇在复习时可以让学生自己先行归纳复习。 如复习call的用法时,马上想到call sb,call up,call for,call out,call in,call on,call at,give sb. a call,call sb. name

9、s等。 再如,get既可作连系动词也可作实义动词,做实义动词用时意义较多,教材中含有get的短语有get off,get on,get in,get to,getup,get hold of,get on/along with,get rid of,get into trouble,get used to(doing),get together,get ready for等,而get作连系动词用时有get +v-ing/ v-ed/ adj等结构。,4、学习和归纳近义词、同义词,可以扩大知识面,增强运用语言的能力。 如:在复习besides用法时,可以联系except,but,except f

10、or,except that,but for等词语的词义区别和用法。 再如:dress,in,put on,have on,wear等词语都可以表示“穿戴”,但它们的意义和用法有所区别。,5、归纳复习之后,再配上高考考点及对应练习,提高学生的实际运用能力。,(二)活用词句融入语篇,学生 的英语水平能力的高低主要就看他们的理解能力和表 达能力。训练中完形填空和语篇阅读理解两项测试的就是 理解能力,而译句和作文两项则是检验表达能力。,能把词汇在具体的语境中灵活运用,能够用词汇解决具 体问题,比如能够灵活运用所学词汇进行阅读理解书面表达就可以认为“掌握”了词汇。,理解能力相当程度上决定于词汇量的多少

11、,这里所说的词汇量不光指记忆词汇册上所有的词,更要注意多义和多用途词的确切理解,这里举个例子: They lived by their own industry. 句中的industry不是“工业”,而是“辛勤工作”,所以应该理解为“他们靠自己辛勤工作生活”,不能误认为是“他们靠自己的工业生活”。,又如:The danger ranges from tourists who wet paintings to make them easier to photograph to guerrillas who hide in caves and use the art for shooting pr

12、actice. 理解这个句子的关键在于了解range fromto这一结构分别带了tourists和guerrillas两个介词宾语,还要注意句中wet和photograph都用作了动词,这样才能理解为“把图弄湿便于拍摄”。所以全面复习词汇,特别要注意了解一些词的几种释义和几种词性非常必要,但不必过多地学习词汇册要求之外的内容。,表达能力相当程度上决定于对常用词的活用能力,包括与之有关的结构。为此,要加强常用词,尤其是动词用法的掌握,力求做到正确使用,搭配合理。例如: They made great achievement.(取得成绩) They gained a lot of profits

13、.(获得利润) They acquired knowledge and skills(学得知识和技能) Ill realize my dream(实现理想) Ill carry out my plan.(实施计划) Ill reach my goal.(达到目的) Ill hit my target.(达到目的),此外,要多练习用不同的结构来表达同一思想内容,以此来弄熟一批常用词和常用结构。例如: When I looked at the picture, I couldt help recalling my childhood The sight of the picture reminde

14、d me of my chidhood. At the sight of the picture, I was reminded of my childhood. 这三个句子都表示“看到照片使我想起了童年”。,高考英语词汇复习的五个层次,第一个层次:发掘同根词,掌握构词法常识 高考试卷中把高考要求词汇的同根词不作为生词对待,比如:“create”的同根词: create(vt.创造)- creative(adj.富有创造力的)- creatively(adv.富有创造性地)- creativity(n.创造力)- creation(n.创造、产生)-creator(n. 创造者、创作者),第二

15、个层次:在构词法的基础上,了解不同词性的语法功能,有利于高考题目中的“任务型阅读”的解决,例如: (1)、A good teacher should be good at creating more opportunities for the students.(create 为及物动词,其后需要直接跟宾语) (2)、A good teacher should be good at developing the students creative thinking.(creative 为形容词,它可以修饰名词,或者做表语) (3)、A good teacher should be good a

16、t developing the students creativity.(creativity是名词,可以做宾语 (4)、A good teacher should be good at making the students think creatively.(creatively 是副词,在句中做状语),第三个层次:关注活跃词汇的常用搭配,以丰富学生高考中书面表达的语言表现力,“Create”是一个非常活跃的动词,关注活跃动词的搭配,有利于书面表达能力的培养。例如: (1)、Having a mixture of male and female nurses also helps cre

17、ate a fun atmosphere, which helps patients recover faster.(Unit1 M11 P11)(create a fun atmosphere意为“营造快乐的氛围”) (2)、Having more male nurses will help create a positive balance between male and female staff, and it will allow patients the choice of a male or female carer. (Unit1 M11 P11)(create a posit

18、ive balance between A and B意为“在A和B之间建立一个积极的平衡”) (3)、Mensa is a society for bright people, and it aims to create a platform for these people to share their thoughts and ideas. (Unit3 M11 P35)(create a platform for sb意为“为某人建立一个平台”),(4)、It is the responsibility of the government to create more job oppo

19、rtunities for the farmers. (create more job opportunities for sb意为“为某人创造更多的就业机会”) (5)、It is the responsibility of the government to create a positive balance between the development and the environment.,第四个层次:充分利用常用句型,以丰富学生高考中书面表达的语言表现力,学生在书面表达中,语言表达过于“精炼”,即句子表达不丰满 如:Creativity is the key to success

20、.(创造力是成功的关键),我们可以用以下方法丰富学生的语言表达能力: 1) 用短语或习语来丰富语言表现力 (1)、To conclude/In conclusion, creativity is the key to success. (2)、To sum up/ In summary, creativity is the key to success. (3)、To be brief/In brief, creativity is the key to success. (4)、In a word, creativity is the key to success. (5)、Generall

21、y speaking, creativity is the key to success. (6)、In general, creativity is the key to success. (7)、All in all, creativity is the key to success. (8)、For my part, creativity is the key to success. (9)、In my opinion/In my view, creativity is the key to success. (10) 、As far as Im concerned , creativi

22、ty is the key to success.,2) 用副词来丰富语言表现力 (1)、Clearly , creativity is the key to succes (2)、Apparently, creativity is the key to success. (3)、Definitely, creativity is the key to success. (4)、Obviously, creativity is the key to success. (5)、Briefly, creativity is the key to success. (6)、Personally, c

23、reativity is the key to success. (7)、Not surprisingly, creativity is the key to success.,3) 用从句来丰富语言表现力 (1)、Its widely accepted that creativity is the key to success. (2)、It is clear that creativity is the key to success. (3)、It is apparent that creativity is the key to success. (4)、It is obvious th

24、at creativity is the key to success. (5)、It is definite that creativity is the key to success. (6)、It is certain that creativity is the key to success. (以上六个that引导的从句为主语从句) (7)、There is no doubt that creativity is the key to success. (8)、There is no question that creativity is the key to success. (以

25、上两个例子为There be句型),(9)、I want to stress that creativity is the key to success. (上例that引导的从句为宾语从句) (10)、I want to stress the point that creativity is the key to success. (上例that引导的从句为同位语从句) (11)、What I want to stress is that creativity is the key to success. (12)、My opinion is that creativity is the k

26、ey to success. (13)、My view is that creativity is the key to success. (14)、My viewpoint is that creativity is the key to success. (上例四个that引导的从句为表语从句),第五个层次:对经典句型借题发挥,以丰富学生高考中书面表达的语言表现力,Creativity is a kind of basic quality and thats what it takes to do anything well. 本句型借鉴于一道高考单向选择题。我们可以对此经典句型 发挥,以

27、丰富学生高考中书面表达中的语言表现力。,我们可以把上面句型中的主语Creativity,替换为其它一些 说明人品质的常用词汇, 如:Imagination/ Determination/ Honesty/ Patience/ Perseverance/ Persistence/ Coopration/ Optimism/ Self-respect/ Self-confidence,这样就组成了如下表现力很丰富的句型: (1)Imagination is a kind of basic quality and thats what it takes to do anything well. (2

28、)Determination is a kind of basic quality and thats what it takes to do anything well. (3)Honesty is a kind of basic quality and thats what it takes to do anything well. (4)Patience is a kind of basic quality and thats what it takes to do anything well. (5)Perseverance is a kind of basic quality and

29、 thats what it takes to do anything well. .,(三)拓展词汇复习途径,不断激发兴趣,让学生每天进行阅读,记下重要单词或生词,然后以“牛津”或“朗文”字典为参照记下例句,经常诵读记忆。第二天课前选出3-5个词板书在黑板上,上课开始用英文解释选这3-5个单词的原因(或串讲单词形成段落)并教全班同学朗读、学习,每天两人。因为阅读中单词的复现便于记忆,字典中的例句往往是出题的依据,学生教学不仅让自己记住单词也让大家熟悉词汇。例如:,1. 阅读中发现有用词汇,依托字典例句, 学生板书教学,例一(基础较差同学的板书): 1.ideal 理想的 He is my i

30、deal of a good teacher . 2.reputation 名望 He earns a good reputation in his field. 3.destination 目的地 We arrived our destination finally. 4.delight 使高兴He takes delight in proving others wrong.,例二(基础较好同学的板书): 1.Aerospace航空航天的 the aerospace industry航天工业 The Nanjing Aerospace University is a good place t

31、o study. 2.consistent一致的 You are not consistent with yourself . 3.ensure保证,担保 I can not ensure what he has said is true . 保护,使安全 Strict management can ensure students safety.,2. 利用网络资源和多媒体进行教学 充分选择网络中能够调动学生兴趣的新闻、故事、笑话、歌曲等资源在课堂上用多媒体进行教学,从而达到复习巩固词汇的目的。,例一:Everyday News SEOUL, (Xinhua) - Chinese Presid

32、ent Hu Jintao and leaders of other Group of 20 (G20) members gathered here Friday to address(处理)the challenges to the ongoing(仍在进行的) global economic recovery(复苏)and work out strategies (计划)to achieve strong, sustainable(可持续的)and balanced global growth,例二:Everyday Story One day a farmers donkey fell

33、into an abandoned well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was too old and the well needed to be covered up anyway; so it just wasnt worth it to him to try to retrieve the donkey.He invited all his neighbors to come over

34、and help him. They each grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. Realizing what was happening, the donkey at first cried horribly. Then, he quieted down completely. The farmer peered down into the well, and was astounded by what he saw. With every shovel-full of dirt that hit his bac

35、k, the donkey would shake it off and take a step up on the new layer of dirt. As the farmers neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off, to the shock and astonishment

36、of everyone.,例三:Forrest Gump视频播放阿甘正传片断,从影片的台词中学习听力和词汇。 1. Wanna = want to, want a, do you want to 2. a million and a half: 3. “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what youre going to get“: 4. awful: A.极不好的,让人很不开心的 an awful smell B.身体欠佳 I felt awful this morning. C. 很非常,不正式 We spent an

37、awful lot of money on furniture.,例四:泰戈尔飞鸟集 I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes.我今晨坐在窗前,世界如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。 There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind.这些微思,是树叶的簌簌之声呀;它们在我的心里欢悦地微

38、语着。 What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow. 你看不见你自己,你所看见的只是你的影子。 My wishes are fools, they shout across the song, my Master. Let me but listen.神呀,我的那些愿望真是愚傻呀,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫着呢。让我只是静听着吧。 I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me. 我不能选择那最好的。是那最好的选择我。,例五:歌曲Right Here Waiting for you此情

39、可待 Oceans apart, day after day,and I slowly go insane.I hear your voice on the line, but it doesnt stop the pain.If I see you next to never,how can we say forever? Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you; Whatever it takes,Or how my heart breaks,I will be right here wa

40、iting for you.I took for granted all the times, that I thought would last somehow.I hear the laughter,I taste the tear,but I cant get near you now.Oh, cant you see, baby,youve got me going crazy?,3. 利用近年高考题和全真题巩固词汇,把近几年高考题、全真试题和联考模拟题的选择题全部过一遍,把所有单词项以辞典标准例句记忆,因为此类题会作为老师选题依据; 如果学生的单词水平较差的话可以把直接答案进入背诵,肯定会有大收获; 对词汇手册进行排查的时候一定注意每个单词的第二第三词义用法,和其在英语语境中的拓展用法。,四、注重信息搜集,加强交流协作,实现资源共享,提高复习效率,谢谢各位!, 13851522413,


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