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1、高考英语复习和建议,阅读和改错部分,英语试卷结构,近年高考英语阅读理解题的 特点、试题走向和类型分析,第 一 讲,英语阅读理解作为考查和测试学生英语综合运用能力的一种主要形式,在高考中有着非常重要的地位.高考阅读命题的总趋势是能力至上,素质第一。 英语阅读属跨文化交际活动,除语言因素外,它还受到中西文化差异的影响。,一、内容、特点和试题走向,1、命题的主旨,高考阅读理解题主要考查考生在单位时间内快速阅读英语短文,了解短文的主题思想,抓住短文中所包含的信息(事实、细节等),并通过短文提供的材料进行分析、推理、判断,把握上下文事实、细节之间的时空顺序、逻辑联系及作者的意图、态度、观念和文章寓意的能

2、力。,2、考查的内容,1) 快速阅读的能力。 2) 把握文脉,理顺结构,抓文章深层含义的 能力。 3)是否具有较大的词汇量和丰富的文化背景 知识。是否了解当今说英语国家的公共生活, 科技教育等方面的社会知识等。 4)是否具有良好的解题技巧等。,七个方面 :,1)文章的话题 2)文章的中心思想 3)文章的细节 4)文章的结构 5)文章的寓意 6)词义、寓意的猜测 7)逻辑推理、判断,七种题型 :,两大类型: 1、表层理解题 2、深层理解题 1)plain facts(明显事实) 2)main idea (中心思想) 3)inference (推断判断) 4)tones and mood(语气和心

3、情) 5)sequence (时空顺序) 6)maps and charts (图表和图示) 7)evaluation (评价判断),1、表层理解题(客观信息题),a). 认定事实试题 例如: 1)According to the passage, which of the following is (not) true? 2)Which of the following shows the right order of the story? 3)Which of the following statements is true according to the text? 4)Which o

4、f the four pictures below is closest to as mentioned in the text? 5) When/where/what/why/how/which is? 等,b). 猜测词义、句意、片断意义,例如: 1)Which of the following can be used in place of ? 2)The underlined word means/refers to . 3)When the writer says , he refers to the fact that 等,2.深层理解题(主观判断题),深层理解题即主观判断题。这类

5、试题要求考生在理解短文的客观细节的基础上,通过合理的判断、推理归纳等方法,从文章的字里行间挖掘出短文中所包含的潜在的深层含义。即通过已知信息推知未知的信息。常见的测试形式有要求考生推断文章的主旨大意、作者的倾向观念等。这类题目是阅读测试中的难点,而且占的比例很大,考生常常在这类测试题中失分。,这类试题一般有以下几种设问方式 :,1)文章大意 1)What is the main idea of this passage? 2) The writer holds that_. 3) What is the best title of the passage? 4) What does the p

6、assage mainly discuss? 5) The topic of the passage is_.,(2) 作者的观点及态度,1)What is the writers opinion? 2) The writer argues that_. 3) Whats the authors attitude? 4) The purpose in writing this text is_.,(3) 推论、结论及隐含之意,1)It can be inferred/ concluded from the passage that_. 2) We can infer/ conclude/ dr

7、aw from the passage that_. 3) It is implied in the passage that_. 4) “”are used in the text to refer to_.,干扰项的干扰性:,1)脱离原文 2)以偏概全 3)扩缩范围 4)偷换概念 5)正误并存 因此,要耐心读完全部选项,按“误否?虚否?偏否?”三个程序来鉴别每个选项。,3、题材及体裁,高考英语试题阅读理解题的题材、体裁保持一贯的风格,既注重多样化、生活化、交际化,又体现实用性、时效性、知识性、媒介性和服务性等主要特征。涉及了社会文化、能源交通、人生观、日常生活、新闻报导等各个方面。历年高考

8、题材中还涉及到科普知识、天文地理、人物传记、风土人情、广告宣传、体育赛事、历史文化等各个方面。体裁有记叙文、描述文、说明文、议论文、应用文等。下面让我们一起来回顾一下近几年的高考情况:,表1: 2000年高考英语阅读理解考查情况,表2: 2001年高考英语阅读理解考查情况,篇 次,题 材,涉及领域,体裁,A,B,C,D,E,上海出租车行业的发展,一种新的度假方式雪屋生存体验,绿色消费与环境保护,影响英语语言发展最大的人,男性的友谊与女性的友谊,社会生活,社会生活,人与环境,语言文化,社会科学,新闻报导,记叙文,议论文,议论文,议论文,表3:2002年高考英语阅读理解题考查情况,表4:2003年

9、高考英语阅读理解题考查情况,表5:2004年浙江省英语试卷阅读理解题考查情况,4、高考英语阅读试题的四大特点 1)重速度 表5:近五年阅读总词汇量和读速要求,年份,2004,2000,2001,短文词数,1483,1355,选项词数,650,697,681,合计,考试说明时间分配,读速(W/pm ),2140,2174,2036,35,35,35,61.1,62.1,58.2,1597,2)重语篇,重能力,表6: 高考英语阅读理解题的考点分布情况,年份,主旨大意,事实细节,推断判断,猜测词义,图表,2000,2001,2,3,5,6,11,8,2,2,0,1,从04年浙江省高考和全国卷来看,英

10、语阅读理解题的信息量加大,对读速的要求进一步提高。近几年的阅读速度一直控制在60wpm左右。 语篇意识加强,设题手法灵活,提问深入,不仅要求学生理解文章的字面意思,还要求理解文章的内在涵义。视觉拓宽,融合智力和素质要求。 3)生词率略有下降,原则上不超过整个语篇的3%,且减少中文注释。命题者着重考查学生利用同义或反义关系、构词法、语法和语篇文脉等理解生词的能力。 4)既重视从语用学角度考查学生的语言知识和语言技能,又重视从心理学的角度考查学生的学习策略。 从考纲的一些变化来看,05年的阅读理解部分设题会更好的兼顾对学生语言知识和语言能力的检测。,5、考生应具备的能力,理解主旨要义, 理解作者的

11、思想和观点,意图和态度; 理解文中具体信息; 根据上下文推断生词的词义,掌握词的多种含义的知识; 看出作者的主要意图和文章的基调,做出简单判断和推理; 理解文章的基本结构,看出文章的叙事或推论过程。 从有关资料中汲取有用的东西, 对非重要情节或信息一带而过。 根据阅读目的和材料的难易程度调整阅读速度和方法。 根据作者的描述得出自己的结论。,第 二 讲,阅读理解解题方法与技巧,阅读的目的,了解作者要表达的主要思想; 了解文章的主要内容和次要内容,并能把他们区分开来; 了解并记住文章中最重要的内容; 了解文章结构以及事件发生的时间、空间顺序; 了解作者的观点、意图、写作风格及其偏见等; 用自己的阅


13、不能在阅读时积极主动地预测文章的内容,缺乏主观能动性;另一种是先看问题后读短文。其特点是针对性强,节省答题时间,可以用来解答事实性和细节性的问题,但是解答主旨性和推断性问题时效果不明显。 当然,是先看题目还是先看文章,这要因人而异,因材而异,无优劣之分。,应试策略1:,1、审核标题,抓住中心 2、通读全文,掌握全貌 3、浏览答题,明确要求 4、带着问题,重读短文 仔细研究,逐一解答 5、复读全文,仔细核对,应试策略2:,1、审题,心中有数 2、略读,弄懂大意 3、琢磨,选择答案 4、复读,核实验证,阅读微技能:,1、理解主题或中心思想 2、理解文章的细节 3、猜测词义 4、作出判断,(一)理解

14、主旨要义,任何一篇文章都会有一个主旨要义,考生要学会找主题句。文章主题句的表现,通常有五种形式:,1、主题句在段首。作者一开头就提出主题句, 然后用细节解释,支持或发展主题句表达的主 题思想。,如:(NMETOO)64.The subject discussed in the text is _. A. the process of reaching decisions B. the difference between poker and chess C. the secret of making good business plans D. the value of information

15、 in winning games,该题是考主旨大意的,此篇头两句就是文章的中心议题: Decision-thinking is not unlike poker-it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think .The mental process is similar.,根据以上主题,我们可以看出这篇文章将要围绕“决策过程”来展开讨论。再通读下文就不难归纳出文章的大意是“the process of r

16、eaching decisions”,NMET0359. What is mainly discussed in the text? Childrens reading difficulties. Advantages of raising dogs. Service in a public library. A special reading program.,短文首句Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills. 是文章的主题句。文中叙述了美国盐湖城的ITA组织认为,由于狗具

17、有闪亮的棕色眼睛、摇摆的尾巴及无条件的爱,它为儿童获取自信心提供了“必要的听众”。利用对狗阅读来帮助儿童提高读写能力是一种独特的教育方法,故最佳选项为D。,2、主题句在段尾,作者主要采用了表述细节 在前,概括文章大意在后的写作手法。,如:NMET99 B篇的主题就在文章的最后一句“The computers are becoming people-literate” 。虽然本文开篇第一段提出了Computer people talk a lot about the need for other people to become “computer-literate”. But not all

18、experts agree that it is a good idea ,但此句尚未点出什么是好主意,为下文的讨论仅起了铺垫作用。,NMET0272. The main purpose of writing this text is _. to share information about party planning to introduce the joys of a birthday party to announce a business plan to sell a service,短文叙述了孩子的生日不再是一件造成困难或带来麻烦的事情,可以用一个装满各种有趣物的篮子来解决问题。

19、Anaclerio和她的朋友Jill Carilsle 提出了一个家庭聚会计划的设想,称作“篮子里的聚会”。她们制作了家庭聚会袋,里面盛满了祝贺生日的活动计划和礼品之类的东西。我们再根据短文最后一句For more information, call Anaclerio at 708-864-6584 or Carlisle at 708-205-9141. 就可以归纳概括出,这篇短文的主要目的是用来推销一项服务业务,故最佳答案为D。,3、主题句在段中。当主题句在段中时,开段的 句子往往作为引题,而主题则由随之引出的句子来表达。其基本结构为:引题主题解释(细节)。,请看NMET01 E 篇:该

20、篇的前三段均用来引题,主题在第四段:Women have more friendships than men and the difference in the content and the quality of those friendships is “marked and unmistakable” 其实第四段整段是一个主题段,既解释了困惑Harold的问题,又为下文进一步展开讨论作了承接作用。文章的后几段均是对主题句的进一步阐释。,4、主题句在段首和段尾。作者采用前后呼应,两次点题的写作手法。值得注意的是表达同一主题思想的两个主题句,在句型结构和用词方面往往不尽相同,而且在内容上,后

21、者也不是前者的简单重复。,请看(NMET01)B篇,作者就是采用了两次点题的写作手法。文章第一段段首即为主题句:,Holidaymakers who are bored with baking beaches and overheated hotel rooms head for a big igloo.,作者在这儿说明了雪屋在度假者心目中已成热点。为了进一步强调igloo旅馆的热门,作者在最后一段又一次点题:,The popularity at the igloo is beyond doubt : it is now attracting tourists from all over th

22、e world.,NMET0259. What would be the best title for the text? Alice Cities-cities of the future Space travel with H.G. Wells Enjoy living underground Building down,not up,这是一道主旨大意题。短文首先叙述了H.G. Wells科幻小说中的“月球人”询问去月球的探险者为什么不利用地球内部空间而到地球外部进行太空旅行,作者在此其实已借月球人之口引出了主题。我们再根据短文最后一段首句Supporters of underground

23、 development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use the earths space. 可判断出,该题的主旨是在(地表)下面建设,而不是在上面建设。无疑D项能概括全文大意。,5、主题暗含在段中。不是所有的文段均有主题句。在阅读这类文章时,就需要自己根据文章的细节来分析,概括出段落的主题,从而推导文章的主旨。,如(NMET99)E篇70:Which of the following best describes how the writer feels about stage schoo

24、ls ? A. He thinks highly of what they have to offer . B. He favors an early start in the training performing arts. C. He feels uncomfortable about children putting on right shows. D. He doubts the standard of ordinary education they have reached .,1)After all ,what lively children wouldnt settle for

25、 spending only half of the day during ordinary school work and acting, singing or dancing their way through the other half of the day? (para.3),2) Some stage schools give their children too much professional work at such a young age (para.4),3) So what happens to those who dont make it ? ( para.5),4

26、) While all the leading schools say they place great importance on children getting good study results, the facts seem to suggest this is not always the case (para.5),二)猜测词义,提高词语理解和猜词能力,高考阅读理解题设置的一个重要原则就是必须含有一定量的生词,而根据上下文猜测词义是提高阅读水平的重要途径。考生在应试中碰到一些不认识的词,这是正常现象,大可不必惊慌失措,也不要对某个词的词义纠缠不清,以致影响对文章的继续阅读、阅读

27、的速度、阅读的质量,从而影响解题的效果。因此,如何通过语言环境和上下文联系,再结合正确的方法快速而准确地猜测出生词,对阅读理解和做好考题相当重要。有时,必须将生词撇开,继续阅读下去,也许等到将全文阅读完毕,你就会猜出生词的词义。另外,考生也可以通过派生、分解、转换、加减前后缀等方法来获取生词的词义。,NMET0262. What is the meaning of “the organic trend” as the words used in the text? A. growing interest in organic food B. better quality of organic

28、food C. rising market fro organic food D. higher prices of organic food,该题考查对词组意义的正确理解。要求考生做到既理解字面意思,也理解深层含义。根据短文第三段该词组前Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers 及词组后and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business.可以推断出,词组“the organic trend”的意

29、思是不断增长的对有机食品的兴趣,故答案选A。,1、同义词猜义,例1 He replied quickly. But after he considered the problem more carefully, he regretted having made such a hasty decision.,例2 The old woman had a strange habit. She kept over 100 cats in her house. Her neighbors all called her eccentric lady.,2、反义词猜义,例1 (NMET99)57题:We

30、can infer from the text that “computer-literate” means _. A. being able to afford a computer B. being able to write computer programs C. working with the computer and finding out its value D. understanding the computer and knowing how to use it,句中的computer-literate 是生词 ,根据下文所提供的信息:David does not see

31、 it that way. He says that computer town UK was formed for just the opposite reason, to bring computers to people and make them “people-literate”.考生可以断定“computer-literate”与“people-literate”相反。,例2 Unlike his brother, who is truly handsome man, John is quite homely.,3、定义猜词,例1 (2001年上海春季高考B篇) Have you

32、ever wondered what a Degree might be worth to you in your job or career ?,例2(NMET03)65. Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word”baffle” as it is used in the text? To encourage people to raise questions. To cause difficulty in understanding. To provide a person with an explanatio

33、n. To limit peoples imagination.,这道词义猜测题也属定义猜测。第三篇短文对Fermats Last Theorem 一书的介绍中有the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds一句,句中谓语部分为并列的两个过去分词,它们表达的意义相同,只不过是加强语气而已。我们从beat的本意“打败,战胜”(在该句中意为“使无法解答,难倒”)就可以猜测出baffle在该句中的意义,故答案为B。,例3 The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about

34、650 yuan a year.,例4 (NMET00)C篇: Decision-thinking is not unlike poker . This card game has often been of considerable interest to people.,定义猜词时,文中常有解释性词语引出生词含义,如that is, mean, stand for, namely, in other words, to be等,有时用破折号,括弧来表示,或者用同位语、定语从句的形式出现。考生要通过上下文来寻求线索,找到关键性的解释性词语或短语。,4、由对比关系猜词,例1(NMET00)A篇

35、: Thousands of people got stuck in lifts. But no one panicked. We passed the time telling stories.,句中panicked为生词,数千人困在电梯中,情况应该不妙,可but 引出的后半句却告诉我们“人们还在讲故事消磨时间”,因此panicked 应为“慌张”、“恐惧”之意。,例2(NMET00)C篇: One mistaken idea about bossiness is that it can be treated as a game of perfect information. Quite t

36、he reverse, business, politics, life itself are games which we must normally play with very imperfect information.,由前句中perfect information 到后面imperfect information 这一组对比关系的词,我们不难推断“Quite the reverse”应表示“对比、相反”的意思。,一般来说,表示对比关系时,句中常有两个意义相对比的词,只要把握其中一词,就不难推出另一词的含义,这时句中会有 unlike, although, but, while 等信

37、息词。考生可以凭借信息词进行推测词义。,5、由因果关系猜词义,例1(NMET00)A篇: The biggest power failure happened yesterday. All of our ice cream and frozen foods melted.,例2 (2001年上海春季高考A篇),There, his sister and brother, taking short and quick breaths and coughing, collapsed on the lawn.,表示因果关系时,上下文中常有连词because, as, since, so, there

38、fore, sothat, suchthat 连接,由已知的“原因”推出“结果”,反之亦然。,6、由上下文情景关系猜词义,例1(NMET99)A篇55题: What did Cory Luxmoore mean when he said “Im on high”? A. Im rich. B. Im famous. C. Im excited. D. Lucky,此题要求考生根据语篇情境猜测词语的意义。考生从文中可以看出 Cory Luxmoore 丢失日记后,深感难过,后来日记失而复得,他对记者说“Its wonderful, Im on high.”。由此可以推断出“Im on high”

39、应是“快乐,激动”的意思。,7、由构词法来猜测词义,利用构词法知识猜测词义,关键应在理解词根的基础上,掌握前后缀规律,如re-,non-,un-, im-, in-, dis- 等前缀和-able, -an, -ive,-ist, -ise, -ty, -ness, -less 等,要懂得这些词缀与词干结合起来可组成新的单词,即派生词。近年高考试卷中出现的派生词还真不少,如imperfect, yellowish, popularity, inexpensive, rethink, unmistakable 等。,bi two,semihalf,bimonthly biweekly bilat

40、eral bilingual bipartisan biplane,semicircle semiconductor semifinished semidesert semiannual semimonthly,Negative prefixes:,1. innot, without,incorrect, informal, inhuman, incomplete,2. imnot, without (before b, p, m),impolite, imperfect, impossible, immoral, improperly, imbalance, immortal,3. ilno

41、t, without (before l),4. irnot, without (before r),illegal, illogical,irregular, irresponsible,unreal, unclear, unfriendly, unhappy, unequal, unfair , unfinished, unusual, unwelcome, unmanned, unchanged,unlock, undress, unfold, untie,6. un opposite of , contrary to,5. unnot,7. nonnot,nonstop, nonpar

42、ty, nonwhite, nonsmoker, nondrinker, nonmember, nonmetal,8. disnot, without,dishonest, disabled, disappear, disagree, disbelieve, dislike, disadvantage,8、利用熟词的新词性来抽象词义,如(NMET00)D篇中有这样一段文字: When men and women lived by hunting 50,000 years ago, how could they even begin to picture modern life ?,NMET00

43、 D: However, most of our ideas about the future are really very short-sighted. Perhaps we can see some possibilities for the next fifty years. But the next hundred ? the next thousand ? The next million ?,9.通过同类关系推测词义,请看下题: I like many musical instruments such as piano, violin and guitar.,同类关系常由such

44、 as, like, for example, for instance等词列举同类词汇。,(三)作出判断和推理,事实推理(inference) 语气心绪的识别(tones and moods) 评价判断(evaluation),NMET0372. The growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to_. the rapid development of small business the opening up of new markets the printing of high quality copies the

45、increased use of the internet,这是一道事实判断题。文章第二段说很难计算出因为互联网的应用所使用纸张的数量。再根据办公室工作人员所说的,电子邮件一被采用,打印机就超时地工作。由此可知,近年来纸张需求量的不断增长是由于互联网使用的增长,故D是最佳选项。,NMET0363. What is Animal Hospital? A news story A popular book A research report A TV programme,这是一道推理判断题。第一篇短文对Tales From Animal Hospital 的内容进行了概括性介绍。综合该文中Davi

46、d Grant has become a familiar face to millions of fans of Animal Hospital. 和Tales From Animal Hospital will delight all fans of the programme两处信息就可以推断出,Animal Hospital是一个电视节目的名字,而Tales From Animal Hospital是一本书的名字。故答案为D。,NMET0369. In the opinion of Takashi Saito, Japanese people_. are good at learnin

47、g foreign languages are willing to learn about new things trust the media respect experts,这是一道推理判断题。从文章第五段中Takashi Saito说的“The popularity of foreign words is part of the Japanese interest in anything new”得知,外来词普及的原因之一是日本人对任何新事物都感兴趣。由此可以推断出,在Takashi Saito 看来,日本人民非常愿意学习新事物,故答案为B。,NMET0360.Specialists

48、use dogs to listen to children reading because they think_. Dogs are young childrens best friends Children can play with dogs while reading Dogs can provide encouragement for shy children Children and dogs understand each other,这是一道综合分析判断题。解答此题需要综合文中所提供的两处信息:一处是文章第二段中盐湖城图书馆儿童部的管理人员说“读写能力专家认为,阅读能力低于其

49、他同学水平的儿童常常害怕在其他人面前高声朗读,他们缺乏自信,并把阅读看作是一件头疼的事情”;另一处是文章第一段中盐湖城的ITA组织认为狗能以自己的特性为儿童提供所需的听众。综合这两处信息就可以判断出,专家们用狗来听儿童朗读,其目的是为生性内向,不敢在众人面前朗读的儿童提供鼓励。故C是最佳选项。,NMET0370. Which of the following plays an important part in the spread of foreign words? The media and government papers. Best-selling Japanese textbooks. The interest of you


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