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1、EMILY DICKINSON (1830-1886),罗佩 朱凯 陈剑 贺瑞琪 张乔萌 英语0901班,Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (December 10, 1830 May 15, 1886) was an American poet. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, she lived a mostly introverted and reclusive life. After she studied at the Amherst Academy for seven years in her youth, she spent a

2、short time at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary before returning to her familys house in Amherst.,Published only 10 poems before her death. living an unknown life. After 70 years of her death,she begun to receive serious attention of the literary. Being considered a pioneer in modern poet. Along with Wh

3、itman,being regarded as one of the greatest American poets.,她与另一位生活在19世纪的美国诗人惠特曼一道成为了游荡在美国乃至全世界现当代诗歌原野上声名赫赫的幽灵。可以这么说,任何美国当代诗人不管如何后现代,如何先锋,起步时也逃不过他俩的影响,一如中国的诗人无不受礼拜和杜甫的庇护。威廉斯说:迄今为止在诗歌这个人迹罕至的精神领域,他俩代表了19世纪美国心灵拓荒的最高才智。,Family and childhood,Miss Dickson was born in Amherst. Her father was a prominent la

4、wyer and politician and her grandfather had established an academy and college. In her entire life, she took 1 trip to Philadelphia (due to eye problems), one to Washington, and a few trips to Boston.,Young Emily was a well-behaved girl. On an extended visit to Monson when she was two, Emilys Aunt L

5、avinia described Emily as “perfectly well & contentedShe is a very good child & but little trouble.“ Emilys aunt also noted the girls affinity for music and her particular talent for the piano.,Teenage years,Dickinson spent seven years at the Academy, taking classes in English and classical literatu

6、re, Latin, botany, geology, history, “mental philosophy,“ and Daniel Taggart Fiske, the schools principal at the time, would later recall that Dickinson was “very bright“ and “an excellent scholar.,Dickinson was troubled from a young age by the “deepening menace” of death, especially the deaths of t

7、hose who were close to her. When Sophia Holland, her second cousin and a close friend, grew ill from typhus and died in April, 1844, Emily was traumatized(受创伤).Recalling the incident two years later, Emily wrote that “it seemed to me I should die too if I could not be permitted to watch over her or

8、even look at her face.“ She became so melancholic that her parents sent her to stay with family in Boston to recover. With her health and spirits restored, she soon returned to Amherst Academy to continue her studies.,During this period, she first met people who were to become lifelong friends and c

9、orrespondents, such as Abiah Root, Abby Wood, Jane Humphrey, and Susan Huntington Gilbert (who later married Emilys brother Austin).,Adulthood and seclusion,In early 1850 Dickinson wrote that “Amherst is alive with fun this winter . Oh, a very great town this is!” Her high spirits soon turned to mel

10、ancholy after another death. The Amherst Academy principal, Leonard Humphrey, died suddenly of “brain congestion“ at age 25.,Two years after his death, she revealed to her friend Abiah Root the extent of her depression: “. some of my friends are gone, and some of my friends are sleeping sleeping the

11、 churchyard sleep the hour of evening is sad it was once my study hour my master has gone to rest, and the open leaf of the book, and the scholar at school alone, make the tears come, and I cannot brush them away; I would not if I could, for they are the only tribute I can pay the departed Humphrey“

12、.,Reclusion,After 1832, she became a total recluse, not leaving her house nor seeing even close friends. Her later retirement from the world, though perhaps affected by an unhappy love affairs, seems mainly to have resulted from her own personality, from a desire to separate herself from the world.,

13、The range of her poetry suggests, nor her limited experiences,but the power of her creativity and imagination.,Early influence and writing,When she was eighteen, Dickinsons family befriended a young attorney by the name of Benjamin Franklin Newton. According to a letter written by Dickinson after Ne

14、wtons death, he had been “with my Father two years, before going to Worcester in pursuing his studies, and was much in our family.“ Although their relationship was probably not romantic, Newton was a formative influence and would become the second in a series of older men (after Humphrey). (The Amhe

15、rst Academy principal),Dickinson was familiar not only with the Bible but also with contemporary popular literature. She was probably influenced by Lydia Maria Childs Letters from New York, another gift from Newton.,Jane Eyres influence cannot be measured, but when Dickinson acquired her first and o

16、nly dog, she named him “Carlo“ after the character St. John Rivers dog. William Shakespeare was also a potent influence in her life.,Publication,Despite Dickinsons prolific writing, fewer than a dozen of her poems were published during her lifetime. After her younger sister Lavinia discovered the co

17、llection of nearly eighteen hundred poems, Dickinsons first volume was published four years after her death. Until the 1955 publication of Dickinsons Complete Poems by Thomas H. Johnson, her poems were considerably edited and altered from their manuscript versions. Since 1890 Dickinson has remained

18、continuously in print.,Complete poetic works,Emily wrote more than 1775 poems through out her life. Best work was written in the four years period(1858 -1862 ). Poetry books: Poems, Series 1 Poems, Series 2 Poems, Series 3,Poetic Works,Famous Poems,A Bird Came Down the Walk A Door Just Opened on a S

19、treet,I had no time to hate Is Heaven a Physician? The Mystery of Pain,1. Ballad Stanza form the rhyme scheme of either abcb or abab, influenced by the hymnal(赞美诗). 2. rhyme Dickinson was famous for using half-rhyme, off-rhyme离 韵 or we call “near rhyme“( means that rhyme word dont really rhyme with

20、each other).,3. Imagery and Figurative language the use of imagery and symbols. She is good at the use of metaphors.,The artistic features of Dickinsons writing,4. pause the original use of “dash“ to pursue freshness and dramatic effect, and to highlight important words by showing a pause of emphasi

21、s, anticipation(悬念), suspense, irony, imagination and mildness of tone. 5. Others features Dickinsons poems contain short lines, typically lack titles, and often use unconventional capitalization and punctuation.,狄更生的诗采用一般教会赞美诗的格律:每节四句,第一、三句八音节,第二、四句六音节,音步是最简单的“轻、重”,第二、四句押韵。 诗的篇幅短小,多数只有两至五节,经常破格,常押所

22、谓“半韵”(half rhyme);放弃传统的标标点,多用破折号“;”名词多用大写(但这个习惯在当时很平常);常省略句子成分,有时甚至连动词也省掉;句法多倒装,有学者指这是受拉丁文词序的影响。,Her place in literary history,Emily Dickinson is one of American greatest poets, took the 20th century modernism literature the pioneer. She created close 1800 poems. This huge literature inheritance cau

23、sed her and Walt Whitman is the same, has become the 19th century US one of greatest two poets.,I heard a fly buzz when I died,I heard a fly buzz when I died; The stillness in the room Was like the stillness in the air Between the heaves of storm.,我听到苍蝇的嗡嗡声当我死时 房间里,一片沉寂 就像空气突然平静下来 在风暴的间隙,I heard a f

24、ly buzzwhen I died1-4行 在这一段里 诗中人描述了本诗的背景 她躺在自己即将死亡的床上房内的沉静及一只苍蝇的嗡嗡声 显示出一种死亡的气氛 The stillnessroom 屋内默然沉静的状态 like the stillness in the air 像在暴风雨来临之前 天空中的一片宁静 the heaves of storm 暴风雨的起伏之状,The Eyes around- had wrung them dry- And Breaths were gathering firm For that last Onset- When the King Be witnesse

25、d- in the Room,围绕着眼睛都已哭得干瘪 当呼吸也逐渐聚集稳定后 为了最后一击-当国王 在屋中-被亲眼目睹-,5-8行 在这段里 诗中人将其叙述的对象集中在探望她病情的人们的身上 The eyes dry 围绕在即将去世人的四周的人们 他们把眼睛哭得干瘪 (wrung是wring 的过去式 意为扭干) breathgathering firm 大家都屏息静气以待死亡的来临 last onset 在人去世之前 死亡对病人最后的一次的侵袭 King 国王此处指上帝 Be witnessed 为所目赌 指诗中人的去世 为上帝亲身所目赌,I willed my Keepsakes- Sig

26、ned away What portion of me be Assignable- and then it was There interposed a Fly,我立了遗嘱,签字离去 我所有可签让的部分 而就在此时 一只苍蝇介于中间,9-12行 在这段里 诗中人又讲述到她自身及她订写遗嘱的事 除了她的灵肉之外一切均可赠与别人 willed my keepsakes 立遗嘱 将我的身外之物 均赠与别人 keepsakes 纪念物或赠与别人 此处指诗人身外的所有物 signed away 签字让渡 Assignable 可分让给与的 interposed 介于其间,With Blue- unce

27、rtain stumbling Buzz- Between the light- and me- And then the Windows failed- and then I could not see to see-,带着忧郁、不确定踌躇蹒跚的嗡嗡声 在我与光之间 然后窗子暗了,之后 我看不见我要看的,13-16行 在此最后一段里 诗中人将目标转移到苍蝇的身上 她注意到苍蝇的嗡嗡忧郁之声 Withbuzz 带着沮丧 踌躇 及蹒跚的嗡嗡声 Between 此字该接第12行的interposed 意指这只苍蝇盘旋在诗中人与屋内灯光之间 windows failed 诗中人逐渐看不到屋中的屋子了

28、 could not see to see 第一个see是诗中人的视力第二个see是指诗人的观看意指诗中人到最后失去了她观视的能力,本诗对死亡的心理状态 作一敏锐的分析 道出感官世界与精神世界终于分开 诗中人就真正进入死亡之境。 诗中主要意境即是“fly”这一意象 诗人将此意象应用得非常成功 当“fly” 这一段中出现时就暗示了死者的肉体已经用的非常成功。 当“fly“在第一段中出现时,就暗示了死亡者的肉体已经开始溃烂.四周的静,全由这只苍蝇的嗡嗡声打破,也为其所反应出来. 同时诗中人让读者意味到,她的听觉以外的感官,全都失去知觉。,她自己也似乎与此感官世界脱离关系。此一感觉在第二段里,表现的

29、更为明显。由于死亡的接近, 她的感官与感觉全都失去作用.仅凭一点心智的活动,感觉到外界苍蝇的飞动。 在最后一段里,诗人更让这只苍蝇来表明即将去世者心智衰退的情形。 一个健康的人很少会注意到一只苍蝇的活动.更不会注意到它的声音, 形状及颜色.可是在这首诗里, 这只苍蝇的形状及声音,都受到诗中人重视.,Because I could not stop for Death,我听到苍蝇的嗡嗡声当我死时 房间里,一片沉寂 就像空气突然平静下来 在风暴的间隙 注视我的眼睛泪水已经流尽 我的呼吸正渐渐变紧 等待最后的时刻上帝在房间里 现身的时刻降临,我已经分掉了关于我的 所有可以分掉的 东西然后我就看见了

30、一只苍蝇 蓝色的微妙起伏的嗡嗡声 在我和光之间 然后窗户关闭然后 我眼前漆黑一片,Because I could not stop for Death,此诗大约写于1863年,发表于1890年, 编号第712首。它以死亡为题材,行文极其洒脱,反映了迪金森视死如归的人生态度。她认为死是一种特殊的光荣,意味着悠闲、庄严和永生。表面上全诗在描绘一次传统的送葬仪式,记述死者一路到达墓地的情形,语调平静,节奏沉稳,随着马车徐徐向前。实际上诗中隐藏着一个象征性的框架。,作者利用有代表性的、具体可感的意象,打动读者的感官和心灵,对人生历程做了一番巡视:学校令人联想到人的童年;稻田暗指青壮年时期; 落日象征晚年;夜露和薄衣暗示尸骨之寒;隆出地面的矮屋代表坟墓;马车就是灵车。现实生活中迪金森的死亡观正如该诗中描写的那样。在1886年5月15日新英格兰(New England)那个明媚的初夏黄昏,迪金森异常平静地撒手人寰,临终前留给自己两个小表妹的遗言只有两个字:“唤归”(Called back)。,The end,


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