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1、 特殊句式 本节目录 语法精讲考点整合 语法专练知能闯关 语法精讲考点整合 考点一 主谓谓一致 1people,cattle等集体名词词作主语时语时 ,谓语动词谓语动词 必须须 用复数形式, 但family,class,team,group,public 等集体名词词作主语时语时 ,如果把它们们作为为一个整体看待 ,谓语动词应谓语动词应 用单单数形式;如果强调调的是个体成员员, 谓语动词应谓语动词应 用复数形式。 All my family enjoy skiing. 我们们全家都喜欢欢滑雪。 2如果主语语由“more than onen.”或“many an.”构 成,谓语动词谓语动词 用单

2、单数形式;如果主语语由“more复数名 词词than one”构成,谓语动词谓语动词 一般用复数形式。 More than one boy likes to play basketball while many a girl is good at playing baseball. 不止一个男孩喜欢欢打篮篮球然而不止一个女生擅长长打棒球。 3由or,either.or.,neither.nor.,not only.but also.等连连接的并列主语语,谓语动词谓语动词 常与最近的主语语在单单 复数上保持一致。 Either you or your secretary has to check

3、 over the speech draft and correct the mistakes.要么是你要么是你的秘书书必 须检查须检查 一下演讲讲稿并把错误错误 改过过来。 4如果主语语后面带带有as well as,as much as,no less than, along with,with,like,rather than,together with,but, except,besides,including,in addition to等引导导的短语时语时 , 句中谓语动词谓语动词 的单单复数取决于主语语的单单复数。 Dr.Smith,together with his wife

4、and daughters,is going to visit Beijing this summer. Dr.Smith将在今年夏天和妻子女儿们们一起游览览北京。 In my opinion,he rather than you,is to resign. 依我看来,他,而不是你该该辞职职。 5单单复数同形的名词词作主语时语时 ,应应根据名词词的意义义来确 定谓语动词谓语动词 的单单、复数形式。 Every necessary means has been used to protect milu deer which are very valuable to us.As a result,

5、the number of the milu deer is increasing. 用来保护对护对 于我们们来说说很珍贵贵的麋鹿的各种必要手段都已 使用。因此,麋鹿的数量正在增加。 6由each,every,no所修饰饰的作主语语的名词词即使有and 连连接,谓语动词谓语动词 仍用单单数形式。 Every boy and every girl wishes to attend the English evening party to be held on Saturday. 每个女生和男生都希望参加星期六举办举办 的英语语晚会。 【典例】 (2012高考陕陕西卷)The basketball

6、 coach,as well as his team,_interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance. Awere Bwas Cis Dare 【解析】 选选B。本题题考查查主谓谓一致和时态时态 。句意:那位 篮篮球教练练以及他的球队队在比赛赛后不久就因为为他们们杰出的表 现现而受到采访访。as well as连连接两个名词词或代词词作主语时语时 ,谓语动词谓语动词 的数由第一个名词词或代词词决定,本题题中as well as连连接the basketball coach与his team,the b

7、asketball coach为为第三人称单单数,故谓语动词谓语动词 用第三人称单单数形式,排 除A,D两项项;另外,由关键键信息shortly after the match可 知动动作发发生在过过去,句子采用一般过过去时时,排除C项项。 【易错错剖析】 本题题容易误选误选 A。把谓语动词谓语动词 看成了和 靠近的名词词his team一致,注意:A,as well as B作主语语 时时,谓语动词谓语动词 和A一致。 触类类旁通 1(2013甘肃肃高三联联合测试测试 )Some modern teaching equipment as well as hundreds of compute

8、rs _ to ten Hope Schools in South China. Awere sent Bwas sent Chave been sent Dhad been sent 解析:选选B。考查查主谓谓一致和时态时态 。句意:一些现现代化 的教学设备连设备连 同成百上千台电脑电脑 被送到了华华南的十所希 望学校。本句的主语语是equipment,是不可数名词词,所以 谓语动词谓语动词 用单单数形式。过过去完成时时表示动动作发发生在过过 去的过过去,因此D项项不恰当。 2(2013银银川部分中学高三联联考)The number of people who _ exposed to se

9、condhand smoking in public places _ up to 740 million in China. Ais;are Bare;are Cis;is Dare;is 解析:选选D。考查查主谓谓一致。分析句子成分后可知“who _exposed to secondhand smoking in public places”是定语语从句修饰饰先行词词people,谓语动词谓语动词 用复数 形式are;整个句子的主语语是“The number of people”,意 为为“人们们的数量”,谓语动词谓语动词 用单单数is,故D项项正确。 考点二 倒装 1部分倒装 (1)在s

10、o/such.that.句型中,若so/such.提到句首时时。 So cold was the weather that we had to stay at home. 天气如此冷以至于我们们不得不呆在家里。 (2)hardly.when., no sooner.than.,not only.but also.等 引导导两个分句时时,前一个分句用部分倒装,后一个分句不变变。 Hardly had they got to the airport when the plane took off. 他们刚们刚 到机场飞场飞 机就起飞飞了。 Not only should we learn Engl

11、ish,but also we should learn how to apply it to practice.我们们不但应该应该 学习习英语语而且我们们 应该应该 学会如何把它应应用于实实践。 (3)否定副词词never,nor,not,hardly,little,seldom, scarcely,rarely及表否定意义义的介词词短语语at no time, under/in no circumstances,in no case,by no means,on no condition等置于句首时时。 Little did I know that this spilled the end

12、 of my career. 我一点也没想到这这会断送了我的职业职业 生涯。 It is said that by no means can the students be allowed to get into this laboratory without Mr.Jacksons permission. 据说说未经经Jackson先生的许许可,学生绝绝不允许进许进 入这这个实验实验 室 。 (4)当“only状语语(副词词、介词词短语语或从句)”置于句首时时 。 Only when Tom fully recovered did he go back to work. 只有当汤汤姆完全恢复

13、他才回去工作。 (5)用于as引导导的让让步状语语从句中(表语语/状语语/动词动词 原形as 主语语)。 Quiet student as he may be,he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class. 尽管他是一名沉默寡言的学生,但课课后谈谈起他最喜欢欢的歌 手他却滔滔不绝绝。 2完全倒装 (1)表示方式或方位的副词词或介词词短语语,如here,there, now,then,up,down,in,away,off,out,on the wall等,置于句首时时,完全倒装。 On the top of the hill sta

14、nds a temple where the old man once lived. 在山顶顶上有一个这这位老人曾经经生活过过的寺庙庙。 For a moment nothing happened.Then came voices all shouting together. 那会儿,什么都没发发生。之后大家一起欢欢呼起来。 (2)表语语连连系动词动词 主语语(表语语可以是:形容词词、介词词短语语 、现现在分词词、过过去分词词) Present at the meeting were Professor White,Professor Smith and many other guests.

15、出席会议议的有怀怀特教授、史密斯教授还还有许许多其他客人。 【典例1】 (2012高考辽辽宁卷)Not until he retired from teaching three years ago _ having a holiday abroad. Ahe had considered Bhad he considered Che considered Ddid he consider 【解析】 选选D。考查查倒装。表达否定意义义的连词连词 短语语位 于句首时时运用部分倒装,因此可以排除A、C两项项。再分析 句子结结构可知,本空所在的是主句部分,结结合从句时态时态 可 知主句用一般过过去时态

16、时态 。句意:直到三年前从教学上退休 后他才考虑虑到国外度假。诸诸如倒装、虚拟语拟语 气这样这样 的语语 法题题,我们们要熟记规则记规则 。 【易错错剖析】 本题题容易误选误选 B。只注意到了倒装而忽视视 了时态时态 ,主从句的动动作几乎同时发时发 生,不存在时态时态 差别别 。 【典例2】 (2010高考江苏苏卷)Is everyone here? Not yet.Look,there _ the rest of our guests! Acome Bcomes Cis coming Dare coming 【解析】 选选A。there引导导的倒装句谓语动词谓语动词 要跟后面 的主语语一致,

17、且用一般现现在时时表示将来。 【易错错剖析】 本题题容易误选误选 D。注意:完全倒装的时态时态 一般只用一般现现在时时和一般过过去时时。 触类类旁通 1(2013济济南外国语语学校第一学期高三质质量检测检测 )_ he met with the difficulty did he realize the importance of our help. AEven though BNever until COnly before DEver since 解析:选选B。根据后面的did he realize the importance of our help可知本题题是部分倒装,只有B选项选项

18、符合部分倒装的 条件。 2(2012温州十校联联合体高三上学期期中考试试)He suggests the number of cars should be limited to stop air pollution._,the idea is not very practical. ASounds good as it BAs it sounds good CAs good it sounds DGood as it sounds 解析:选选D。as引导让导让 步状语语从句,需用倒装,表语语提至 as的前面。 3(2013浙江金华华一中高三年级级月考)I got in his old truc

19、k and off _ to one of the far corners of the farm to fix the fences. Adid we go Bwent we Cdid go we Dwe went 解析:选选D。虽虽然off位于句首常用完全倒装,但前提条件 主语须语须 是名词词,此处处主语语是代词词,所以不用倒装。 考点三 强调调句型 1强调调句的基本句型是“It is/was被强调调的部分 that/who其他部分”。被强调调的部分可以是主语语、宾语宾语 和状语语等。 It was in the shop that we met him yesterday. 昨天我们们在

20、商店里遇到了他。 2强调调句型的一般疑问问句只需将is/was提前,特殊疑问问句 的结结构是“疑问词问词 is/wasitthat从句”。 Was it Mr.White that to blame for breaking the cup? 是怀怀特先生因打碎杯子而应应受责责任吗吗? 3“It was not until.that.”这这个句型强调时间调时间 状语语。 It was not until I went there that I began to know something about the matter. 直到我去那儿我才开始知道有关那件事。 【典例1】 (2012高考重庆

21、庆卷)It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic_Zheng He sailed to East Africa. Awhen Bthat Cafter Dsince 【解析】 选选B。本题题考查查强调调句型。句意:郑郑和航海到 东东非比哥伦伦布横渡大西洋早80年。分析题题干可知本句是一 个强调调句,被强调调部分是“80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic”,根据强调调句结结构“It is/was被强调调部分that剩余部分”可知选选B。

22、 【易错错剖析】 本题题容易误选误选 D。忽略了时态时态 ,since引导导 时间时间 状语语从句的话话,主句要用现现在完成时时。 触类类旁通 1(2012杭州萧萧山区5校高三期中)It was not until Mum agreed to buy him a computer,_ was his favorite, _ the boy promised to study hard. Athat;that Bwhich;that Cthat;which Dwhich;which 解析:选选B。第一个空是which引导导的非限制性定语语从句, 修饰饰computer;第二个空是not.unti

23、l.句型的强调调形式It was not until.that.。 2(2013安徽合肥一中高三第一次阶阶段考试试)The police were seeking more information to find out _ the rich merchant. Awho was it that killed Bwho it was that killed Cit was who killed Dwho was it killed 解析:选选B。强调调句型的特殊疑问问句:疑问词问词 was it that ;又用于宾语宾语 从句中改为陈为陈 述语语序,所以选选B。 3(2012云南第一次高中毕

24、业毕业 生复习统习统 一检测检测 )Not a single word in the guildebook _ because it was in Italian. AI can understand BI understood Ccould I understand Dcan I understand 解析:选选C。考查查倒装结结构。否定词词或否定结结构置于句首 时时,句子常用部分倒装;再根据句中“was”的提示可知, 此处应处应 用过过去时态时态 ,所以C项项正确。 考点四 省略 1.在when,while,whenever,till,as soon as,if,unless, as if

25、,though,as等引导导的状语语从句中,若谓语谓语 有be动词动词 ,而主 语语又与主句主语语相同或主语语是it时时,从句的主语语和be常被省略. Though surprised to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome. 教授看到我们们,虽虽然很惊讶讶,但还还是热热情地欢欢迎了我们们。 When people cut down big trees,new trees should be planted. If not they will have no trees to cut down in the future. 当人们们砍倒大树

26、时树时 ,应该应该 种植新树树,不然的话话,他们们以后 就没有树树木可砍了。 2不定式省略,单单独使用不定式符号to。 (1)用来代替动词动词 不定式后被省略的动词动词 ,常在be afraid, be glad,forget,hope,intend,like,love,mean,prefer ,refuse,seem,try,want,wish等的后边边。 Whats the matter with Della? Well,her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party, but she still hopes to. Della出什么事了?

27、 父母不允许许Della参加晚会,可她仍然希望参加。 Will you join in the game?你愿意加入做游戏吗戏吗 ? Id be glad to.我很高兴兴。 (2)如果不定式中含有be,have,have been,通常保留be, have和have been。 Are you a sailor?你是海员吗员吗 ? No,but I used to be.不,但我过过去是。 【典例】 (2012高考陕陕西卷)All the photographs in this book, _ stated otherwise, date from the 1950s. Aunless Bu

28、ntil Conce Dif 【解析】 选选A。本题题考查连词查连词 的应应用。句意:除非做出 特别说别说 明,这这本书书中所有的照片可以追溯到20世纪纪50年代 。由信息词词otherwise可知,A项项符合题题意。 【易错错剖析】 本题题容易误选误选 D。原因在于只理解出了是 条件状语语从句,忽略了句子的意义义是:如果没有另外的说说明 ,unlessif.not。 触类类旁通 1(2012浙江诸暨诸暨 中学高三期中考试试)Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when _ alone. Ato see

29、Bseeing Cis seen Dseen 解析:选选D。这这是状语语从句的省略,补补全了是:when it is seen alone。 2(2013唐山高三第一次模拟拟)The new technology,if _ to farming,will help increase the grain output. Aapplying Bto apply Capplied Dhaving applied 解析:选选C。考查查省略。if引导导的条件状语语从句中省略了 与主句相同的主语语及系动词动词 ,补补全后为为:if the new technology is applied to farming,因此选选C。 语法专练知能闯关 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键键退出全屏播放


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