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1、,PICTURE START,Hunan cuisine,History of Hunan cuisine,Hunan cuisine has a history of more than 2000 years. Hunan cuisine has assimilated a variety of local forms, eventually evolving into its own style. It contains 4,000 dishes now, among which over 300 dishes are very notable,Character,Hunan cuisin

2、e is known for its liberal use of chilli peppers, shallots (青葱) and garlic (大蒜). Its dishes tend to be dry hot (干辣) or purely hot which distinguish from ml (hot and numbing 失去感觉的; 麻木的 ) in Sichuan cuisine,Dongan chicken 东安子鸡,Named by its materialthe pullet (young hen) Was handed down more than 1000

3、years from Tang Dynasty Is one of the most famous Hunan dishes.,Cook material,Ingredients: Hen 750g Chili 15g(辣椒) Ginger10g(姜) Vinegar 5g(醋) Peanut oil 30g(花生油) Sesame oil 10g(香油) Pepper 3g(花椒) Wine 10g(料酒),How to cook Dongan chicken,First,Clean the small Hen , then put the meat washed into the pot,

4、 add appropriate amount of water to burn it for about 5 minutes, until chicken is cooked, remove and let it cool. cut onion and ginger , 将小母鸡宰杀干净后,再将其肉洗净,放入汤锅内,加入适量清水焯约5分钟,至鸡肉八成熟时捞出晾凉。葱切段,生姜切成丝。,Pour heat oil into the hot pot, put the pepper, red pepper, ginger, stir-fried, the chicken, pour the wine, chicken soup, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, vinegar, seasoning, stir to cooked chicken strips, into the surface, thicken the sauce, pour sesame oil . (炒锅内倒油烧热,下入花椒、干红辣椒、生姜丝煸炒,下入鸡肉,倒入料酒、煮鸡肉的汤,用精盐、白糖、味精、鸡粉、醋调味,翻炒至鸡肉条熟后,放入面,勾芡收汁,淋香油即成。),Thank you,


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