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1、2010学年第一学期九年级英语期中考试作文分析,评分标准:,内容分7分:开头总起1分;两条理由各2分;结尾总结1分;全文通顺条理性1分; 语法分8分:给分标准同以往; 文采分3分:内容分与语法分的总得分达到13分,可适当得到1-3分文采分;,A. 全文行文通顺、条理清晰、言简意赅即可得文采分1分;,B.(达到标准A的要求)使用精彩漂亮的语句(词组、句型),且合情合理,不显摆词汇量、不刻意堆砌,可得文采分2分;,C.(达到标准B的要求)文采出众,论据有力,蕴涵深意,令人回味,可得文采分3分。,需注意的问题:,内容方面: 审题不清,造成正文部分内容出现偏题:此为本次作文题中暴露出最严重的问题!,试

2、比较以下2个作文题的区别: Is it necessary for students to take cell phones to school? Is it necessary for students to use cell phones?,Using cell phones for too long does harm to our health, for they produce a lot of radiation. Whats more, well probably end up having poor eyesight. Almost all cell phones are mu

3、ltifunctional. They can be used as an electronic dictionary, a calculator and a powerful search engine. If unfortunately theres an emergency, we can get in touch with our parents or friends immediately so that they can get us out of trouble in time. Cell phones can hold hundreds of individual phone

4、numbers and help to take photos. In this way, we dont bother writing the information down on paper and it really brings lots of convenience to our daily life.,以下所列论据是否围绕文章主题呢?,始终用总分总的结构作为中考作文的基本框架:,A. 总起句开门见山,给出自己的观点,即回答第一个问题(Whats your opinion on taking cell phones to school? Is it necessary?);,B.

5、文章正文部分阐述理由,即回答第二个问题; 注意:根据作文要求,至少阐述2个理由,且都切 实联系到school;2个理由必须从不同方面阐述, 不重复、不雷同!,C. 文章结尾部分必须再次陈述自己的观点,与总起句相呼应,但不宜使用与总起句一模一样的句式。,With all kinds of colors and types, cell phones play important roles in our daily lives. Last but not least, cell phones are more than just a gadget for showing off. We reall

6、y depend on them more than we realize nowadays.,语法方面(单句改错),Cell phones enables the parents to communicate with their children. Students can use cell phones to send messages and play games, so cell phones let students do not listen to their teachers during the class. Some student might stay at school

7、 until very late. Children can text with their parents through cell phones and make their parents not worry why theyll be late for home.,I think take cell phones to school is not necessary. Because when we need to call our parents, we can go to the teachers office and use the telephone there. On the

8、 other hand, many students cant control themselves. They may play the cell phone in class. Sometimes the teachers see it, but sometimes they dont. This will stop students from paying attention on their study and will have a bad effect on their grades. As these reasons, its really unnecessary to take

9、 cell phones to school.,请为以下三篇文章打分:,In my opinion, it is necessary for students to bring cell phones to school to use them as tools. For the time being, many students go to school and go back home by themselves. They need a cell phone to be in touch with their parents when they have some trouble on

10、the way. Also, if they have something that keep them from going home, they can tell their parents in time so that their parents wont be worried. Cell phones are necessary if its used as a tool.,As far as Im concerned, taking cell phones to school is unnecessary. Students in school may put cell phone

11、s close to their bodies. Then cell phones are likely to do harm to their health. Furthermore, students dont need to search for information, since they can ask teachers for help. Most importantly, games in phones stop students from focusing on lessons and thinking deeply. In brief, cell phones do create a lot of trouble in school.,


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