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1、Unit 2,What should I do?,Section A,What should I do?,单词和词组 loud, argue, wrong, ticket, surprise, either, except, fail, until, fit, include, send, freedom, upset; keep out, out of / in style, on the phone, pay for, call sb. up, part-time job, the same as, get on, as . as possible, all kinds of, on th

2、e one / other hand,动画词汇,单元重点,句 子 My brother plays his CD too loud. What should I do? Why dont you talk to him about it?,语 法 掌握情态动词should和could的用法 交流用法 Whats wrong / the matter? My clothes are out of style. What should I do? Maybe you should buy some new clothes.,,完全免费,无需注册,天天更新!,What s wrong with hi

3、m? What should he do?,My clothes are out of style. What should I do?,Maybe you should buy some new clothes.,I argued with my best friend. What should I do?,I argued with my best friend. 我与我最好的朋友吵架了。 argue with sb. 意为“与某人争论或争吵”。 如: We argued with them for a long time. 我们和他们争论了好长时间。,拓展:argue about (do

4、ing) sth. 意为“就 (做)某事发生争论或争吵”。如: They are always arguing about money. 他们总是为钱而争吵。 Let us not argue about going out tonight. 我们不要为今晚是否外出而争吵了。 argue with sb. about sth. 意为“与某人为 某事而争论或争吵”。如: He often argues with his wife about his work. 他经常为他的工作与妻子争吵。,1.You should say you are sorry.,2.You could write a l

5、etter to her.,3. Maybe you could go to her house and say sorry.,4. Maybe you should call him up and talk about it on the phone.,Youd better say youre sorry.,Why dont you say youre sorry?,Why not say youre sorry?,I want to buy a guitar. But I dont have enough money. What should I do?,2.You could wait

6、 until next year.,1. Dont buy a guitar.,3. You could get a part time job.,4. You could buy a used guitar.,Whats the matter?,My clothes are out of style.,Whats the matter?,My parents want me to stay at home every night.,Whats the matter?,I dont have enough money.,Whats the matter?,My brother plays hi

7、s CDs too loud.,What should I do?,Why dont you talk to him about it?,Maybe you should talk to him about your problems.,What are the serious problems?,I dont have enough money. I argued with my best friend. My clothes are out of style.,What problems do you have?,at school,at home,too much homework. t

8、oo many examinations cant get good grades cant choose subjects we like have to go to school early have too much pressure have to wear the school uniform often fail in the exams too many rules to obey at school,have to get up too early have no enough money have no time to watch TV argument between pa

9、rents have an argument with friends There is something wrong with my computer. ,Pair work: Give advice to your partners problems and make dialogues.,discuss with teachers to have less exams try to spend less money work harder at school try to do things quickly and go to bed early get a part-time job

10、 try to love all the subjects communicate with other students and your parents ask teachers to balance the homework try to understand others,Listen and circle the problems you hear in activity 1a.,1b,My parents want me to stay at home every night. My brother plays his stereo too loud. I dont have en

11、ough money. I argued with my best friend. My clothes are out of style.,What is Peters problem?,He argued with his best friend.,argue with 与某人争吵 I dont want to argue with him. 我不想和他吵架。 My clothes are out of style. 我的衣服过时了。 out of style “过时的,落伍的” 3. maybe, may be表示“可能,也许” 表示推测。 maybe一般放在句首,引导句子。may be

12、由情态动 词may加系动词原形be构成。其后所接词决定于 be,可以是名词、形容词等,一般放在句中。 Maybe he is Johns father. 也许他是约翰的父亲。 He may be a student. 也许他是一名学生。,4. call up表示“打电话”可以与名词、 代词连用。连接代词时,把代词放在call与 up之间。 Please call me up. Dont forget to call up your uncle. 5. on the phone 用/通过电话 I want to know the weather on the phone. 我想通过电话查一下天气

13、。 6. ask for 要求,索要,完整形式为ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物 Please ask him for the book. 请向他要那本书。,7. be angry with 对生气, 注意be动词及介词with Jim is angry with me. 吉姆生我气了。 get on 相处, get on well 相处融洽 get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽 have a fight with sb. 与打架 8. lots of 许多,大量,可修饰可数与不可数名词。,Girl 1: You look unhappy. Whats wro

14、ng? Girl 2: Ohmy clothes are out of style. I dont look cool. Girl 1: Well, maybe you should buy some new clothes. Girl 2: Yes, but I dont have enough money. Girl 1: Huh. Maybe you could get a part-time job in the evenings.,Tapescript,Girl 2: I cant, because my parents want me to stay at home every n

15、ight. I argued with them about it. Girl 1: Well, you shouldnt argue with your parents. You should talk about your problems. Girl 2: And guess what else is wrong? Girl 1: What? Girl 2: My brother plays his CDs too loud! I cant go to sleep.,Listen. Peters friend is giving him advice. Circle the word “

16、could” or “should”.,You could/should write him a letter. 2. You could/should call him up. 3. You could/should say youre sorry. 4. You could/should go to his house. 5. You could/should give him a ticket to a ball game.,Maybe you should call him up. 也许你应该给他打电话。 call sb. up 意为“打电话给某人”,其中的up是副词。如果用人称代词作

17、宾语,则人称代词必须放在副词之前,而不能放在副词之后;如果用名词作宾语,则名词放在副词之前或之后均可。如: Will you please call her up now? 你现在给她打电话好吗? I called my mother up / called up my mother half an hour ago. 半小时前我给我妈妈打了电话。,Boy 1: Hey, Peter, whats wrong? Boy 2: I had an argument with my best friend. What should I do? Boy 1: Well, you could write

18、 him a letter. Boy 2: I dont think so. I dont like writing letters. Boy 1: Maybe you should call him up. Boy 2: No, I dont want to talk about it on the phone.,Tapescript,Boy 1: Well, you should say youre sorry. Boy 2: Yes, I know I should, but its not easy. Boy 1: Maybe you could go to his house. Bo

19、y 2: I guess I could, but I dont want to surprise him. Boy 1: Hey, I know. You could give him a ticket to a ball game. Boy 2: Well, thats a good idea, but I dont have enough money.,Listen again. Why doesnt Peter like his friends advice? Draw lines to match the advice with the reasons.,You could writ

20、e him a letter. Maybe you should call him up. You should say youre sorry. Maybe you could go to his house. You could give him a ticket to a ball game.,Its not easy. I dont have enough money. c. I dont want to surprise him. d. I dont like writing letters. e. I dont want to talk about it on the phone.

21、,surprise;surprising;surprised 【Explanation】 surprise既可用作动词,也可用作名词。用作动词时意为“使(某人)惊奇或吃惊”,用作名词时意为“惊奇;吃惊”。如: The bad news didnt surprise them. 这个坏消息没使他们吃惊。 (v.) To their surprise, the poor boy didnt die 使他们吃惊的是,那个可怜的男孩没有死。(n.),surprising通常用作形容词,意为“令人吃惊的”,在句中多作定语,后面接名词,也可作表语,主语是物。如: He told me some surpr

22、ising news. 他告诉我了一些令人惊讶的消息。 The result is surprising. 结果是令人惊讶的。 surprised通常用作形容词,在句中多作表语,其后接动词不定式或从句,主语是人。如: I was surprised to see him there. 在那儿见到他我很吃惊。,I need to get some money to pay for summer camp. 我需要得到一些钱来支付夏令营的费用。 (1) need to do sth. 意为“需要做某事”。如: We need to tell him the truth. 我们需要告诉他真相。 (2

23、) pay for sth. 意为“为付款”。如: I have to pay for the lost book. 我不得不为丢失的书赔款。,拓展: pay (sb.) . for sth. 意为“付钱(给某人)买”。如: I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付给他们20英磅的房租。 pay for sb. 意为“替某人付钱”。如: Dont worry! Ill pay for you. 别担心, 我会替你付钱的。 pay . back意为“还钱”。如: May I borrow 12 yuan from

24、you? Ill pay it back next week. 你能借给我12元钱吗?我下周还你。,also;too;as well;either 【Explanation】 also用于肯定句,一般放在be动词和助动词之后、行为动词之前。如: He is also a teacher. 他也是一名教师。 We would also like to go to the movies. 我们也喜欢去看电影。 too用于肯定句,位于句末,其前常用逗号隔开。如: They are middle school students, too. 他们也是中学生。,as well多用于口语,可以和too互换使

25、用,通常位于句末。如: I can do it as well. 这件事我也能做。 either只用于否定句,位于句末,且其前常用逗号隔开。如: If you dont go there, I wont, either. 如果你不去那里,我也不去。,Groupwork,should和could可用来提建议,表示轻微的批评或遗憾。和其他情态动词一样,它们没有人称和数的变化,其后接动词原形。 【建议一】 should意为“应该”,表示劝告或建议。如: You should stop smoking. 你应该戒烟。 Maybe he should say that hes sorry. 也许他应该说

26、对不起。,Grammar Focus,,三星学科,教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友!,拓展:(1) should表示“要求;命令”。如: You shouldnt talk in class. 你不许在课堂上说话。 (2) should表示“预测;可能”。如: His backpack should be in the classroom. 他的背包可能在教室里。 (3) should有时也表示说话人的感情,如惊讶、愤怒、失望等。如: Why should I go? 为什么是我去?(不满),【建议二】 could意为“可以;不妨”,表示委婉、客气的建议。如: We could write a l

27、etter to the headmaster. 我们不妨给校长写封信。 You could try his home number. 你可以试试(拨打)他家的电话号码。,拓展: (1) could表示过去的能力。如: Tina could play chess when she was six. 蒂娜6岁时就会下象棋。 (2) could表示推测的可能性。如: He could be in Beijing now. 他现在可能在北京。,Homework,课后,请同学们分小组讨论自己周围的事,如“迷路,犯了错误,面对学习中的困难”等,并给出对别人的建议,利用“should/could+动词原形”这种结构完成,并以书面的形式向全班同学汇报。,,完全免费,无需注册,天天更新!,


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