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1、Unit 1 Will people have robots?,Period 3:Self Check,八年级人教新目标下册,past,now,Warming-up :Make some comparisons and predict your future.,Useful language structures I I was a little boyyears ago I am a middle school student now. Ill be a teacherin years. Classmates: He / She was He / She is a Hell be,My pa

2、st, now and future.,1.Put your own information in the column. 2.Put all the columns together in a bag. 3.One of the students to pick up a piece of column and read the information on it. 4.The whole class guess who wrote it. 5.Take turns to make the guesses again.,Me in ten years,Nouns.,sound,company

3、,The word-a-period vocabulary builder.,interview,Verbs.,predict,comecame thinkthought,Nouns.,Usages of some words. 1. enjoy oneself : myself /himself/herself/themselves/ourselves 2. predictprediction 3. come true: My dream will come true My dream to go to college came true. 4. thought: I thought he

4、could come here. 5. such and so such +n. so +adj. such a beautiful girl=so beautiful a girl suchthat sothat The dog is so dirty that I dont want to touch it. =Its such a dirty dog that I dont want to touch it . 6. pleasantunpleasant 7. possibleimpossible,1. Guess what is the invention on the right o

5、f Self Check 2. 2. Read the passage and circle the inventions.,Predicting the future can be difficult. There are many famous predictions that never came true. Before 1929, there was no sound in movies. The head of one of the biggest movie companies in the United States predicted that no one would wa

6、nt to see actors talk. Of course, he was wrong! In 1977, the head of the largest computer company in the United States said, “No one will want to have a computer in his or her home.” He thought that computers would never be used by most people.,Check 2,Predicting the future,Find these words from thi

7、s unit.,1. A place to live in space: _ 2. Something kids will use to study at home: _ 3. These will be in every home: _ 4. Yang Liwei is a famous Chinese _.,space station,computers,robots,astronaut,Check 3,Predicting the future,wear work look fly keep,1. I want to _ for myself when Im older. 2. My f

8、riends _ a pet pig in their house. 3. I need to _ smart for my job interview. 4. We have to _ a uniform to school. 5. One day people will _ to the moon for vacations.,work,keep,look,wear,fly,Vocabulary introduced in the unit.,Check 1,My future.,20年后的我,Writing: Predicting your future, including your future job, the city you will live, etc.,Homework,


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