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1、The Present Perfect Tense( 现在完成时态 ) .,.现在完成时态的构成:,have/has+过去分词!,现在完成时的基本用法 (一)现在完成时表示过去某时发生的动作到说话时已经完成,对现在产生的影响或结果。 可用一个一般过去时和一个一般现在解释。,She has had lunch. She is full now.(现在的情况) She had it an hour ago.(过去的动作) (现在完成时把过去的动作和现在联系起来并着眼于现在),eg:,这种用法一般不带明显的时间状语,但可以already ,yet, just, once, twice等副词用,e g

2、. You have learnt/ed English for over three years. Mrs luo has taught Chinese for about 30 years. He has done his homework for an hour. (2)since+时间点/具体的过去时间 e g. You have learned English since 2003.,He has been in the army for ten years. He has lived here since 1977. He has lived here for 29 years.,

3、(二)未完成用法。表示动作或状态开始于 过去, 一直延续到现在,这个动作并未结束还会继续延续下去。这种用法一般可以与表示延续性的时间壮语连用,如 (1)for+数词+时间名词,B:since+S(主)+V-ed+others. You have learnt English since you came to No.1Middle School. 从上面的句子可以得出:现在完成时的第二种用法的两种时间状语可以转换,同时还可与一般现在时和一般过去时进行转换. He has lived here for 29 years.,常用的时间状语: since, for, all ones life in

4、 the past/last few years, so far,.,for 和since的运用对比:,for: +一段时间 for two weeks for three years,since 过去的某一时刻 since then since last month 一般过去时态的时间状语从句 since she left,注意:for 和since 所引导的时间状语都表示一段时间.,He has been away for a week.,He has been away since last week.,对划线部分提问都用How long,She has ever been to Bei

5、jing. (现在已不在北京,从结果上和现在联系起来),3.Special usage: a.要表示某人曾去过某处,或去过某处多少次。要用have/has been to +a place,b.要表示某人一直在某处。,She has been in Beijing for two years. (现在仍在北京,从时间上和现在联系起来) I have been in this town since 1977.,c. 要表示某人到某地去了。即说话人不在说话的地点。,He has gone to Shanghai. 他已经去了上海。,Ex: Say “W”or “R” to the followin

6、g sentences。 You have gone to Shanghai.( ) Your pen-friend,Tom has gone to Shanghai. ( ) I have gone to Shanghai.( ),W,R,W,Examination point: Say “W” or “R” to the following sentences. A.He has bought a book.( ) He hasnt bought any books for a long time. ( ) He has bought the book for two weeks.( )

7、He has had the book for two weeks. ( ) B.The old man has died. ( ) The old man has died for two years. ( ) The old man has been dead for two years. ( ),R,R,R,W,R,W,R,结束性动词在陈述句中不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,但是可以转换成对应的延续性动词后接段时间.,结束性动词与延续性动词的转换: buy have catch (get) a cold have a cold borrowkeep come/go /becomebe

8、put on- wear,join the army be a soldier / be in the army go to school be a student/ be in school finish be over beginbe on leavebe away fall sleep be asleep close be closed diebe dead,1.我们买这本书三年了.,We have had the book for three years.,2.他感冒三天了.,He has had a cold for three days.,We bought the book th

9、ree years ago.,He caught a cold three days ago.,一般过去时态和现在完成时态同义转换,3.我借的这本书一周多了.,I have kept the book for a week .,4.我成为一个学生两年多了.,I have been a student for over two years.,I borrowed the book a week ago.,I became a student two years ago.,5.Mr Black死了三年了。,Mr Black has been dead for three years.,Mr Bla

10、ck died three years ago.,1 Can you make sure _ the gold ring? A.where Alice had put B.where had Alice put C.where Alice has put D.where has Alice put,使用现在完成时表示过去发生的“放”的动作 对现在的影响,究竟金戒指现在“在哪里”。,2 When I was at college I _ three foreign languages,but I _ all except a few words of each. A.spoke;had forg

11、otten B.spoke;have forgotten C.had spoken;had forgotten D.had spoken;have forgotten,“但都忘了”是现在的情况,要用现在完成时,强调结果!,3 -Im sorry to keep you waiting. -Oh,not at all.I _ here for only a few minutes. A.have been B.had been C.was D.will be,“(for) only a few minutes”说明几分钟前来到 了这里,一直到现在。,5 My dictionary _. I ha

12、ve looked for it everywhere but still _ it. has lost; dont find is missing; dont find has lost; havent found is missing; havent found,4 -_ the sports meet might be put off. -Yes,it all depends on the weather. A. Ive been told B. Ive told C.Im told D.I told,“被告知”是过去的事,对现在的影响 是“我已知道”,6-Do you know our

13、 town at all? -No, this is the first time I _ here. was B. have been C. came D. am coming,7-Where _ the recorder? I cant see it anywhere. -I _ it right here, but now its gone. did you put; have put have you put; put had you put; have put were you putting; have put,8 - Who is Jerry Cooper? - _? I saw

14、 you shaking hands with him at the meeting. Dont you meet him yet Hadnt you met him yet Didnt you meet him yet Havent you met him yet,9 You dont need to describe her. I _ her several times. had met have met met meet,Exercises,Youve never seen such a wonderful film before, _? A havent you B have you

15、C do you D dont you 2. -Ann has gone to Shanghai. -So _ her parents. A do B gone C have D done 3. I have watched the game. -When _ you _ it? A have watched B do watch C did watch D will watch,4. Mr. Green _ in China since five years ago. A lived B has lived C lives D is going to live 5. His grandma

16、_ for two years. A died B has been dead C was dead D has died 6. You havent changed your mind,_? A do you B are you C have you D did you,7. - Where is Han Mei now? - She _ to Shanghai. She will be back in two days. A has gone B has been C goes D had gone 8. Ive never _ to the United Stated, but I we

17、nt to Canada a few years ago. A go B gone C got D been 9. How long have you _ the football team of the school? A been on B been at C joined D played 10. -Where have you _ these days? - I have _ to Dalian with my friends. A been , gone B been , been C gone , been D gone, gone,11. How long have you _ this dictionary? A bought B borrowed C had D lent 12. Excuse me, _ you seen the film yet? - Yes, I _ it last night. A have, see B have, have seen C have, seen D have, saw 13. He has never ridden a horse before,_? A is he B isnt C hasnt D has he,Goodbye!,


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