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1、冀教版英语六年级上:lesson1 At the Airport教学目标:学会用“What time is it ? Its ”描述具体的时间。了解并运用所学的语言知识在实际的生活中进行熟练的交际。教学重点、难点:重点:能听、说、读、写句子“What time is it ?Its”及单词“oclock”的用法。难点:运用所学语言,表达时间安排等。教学用具:多媒体课件,单词卡片等。教学过程:Step1: WarmingupGive the students a beautiful song .Step2: Revision.(1)Have a free talk with the studen

2、ts : Hello , What did you do in this summer holiday ? Did you have a good trip ? etc.(2)Show the number cards ,ask the students to read them quickly.(设计意图:轻松的谈话让学生不知不觉的进入到学习的状态,谈论的内容既和学生的生活相关,又和本节课的内容有联系,从谈话的点涉及到了全班的面,可以让全体学生迅速回忆起所学内容。)Step 3: New Concept .1、新知呈现,初步感知。学习“ What time is it ? Its ”T: (

3、课件出示LiMing 的三幅图) Today is September first. LiMing wants to go to school in Canada .He is too happy to sleep ,but he doesnt want to be late ,So he finds a clock to call him on time .(设置这个情境既可以让学生学会并理解:What time is it ? Its 同时也和本课的内容相联系。)T: What time is it ?Ss: Its _.T: Yes ,I ts _oclock .(教师板书并领读单词:o

4、clock ,让学生明白只有在整点的时候才用这个词)2、利用教材,熟悉句式。(出示5幅图,李明用语音闹钟定了以下几个时间,请你帮他写出英文,再画表)6:10 Its _. (钟面图)7:50 Its _. (钟面图)12:30 Its _. (钟面图)5:00 Its _. (钟面图)读表写时间钟面(2:45) (3:00 ) (2:25 ) (10:40)_ _ _ _3、结合实际,意义操练。两人一组,互做调查。What time is it ?8:0011:304:306:00What do you do today ?假设你的朋友要从北京来到唐山,你要去车站接他,就此情景编一段对话。Hi , Lili ! Nice to see you again !Nice to see you, too. I am excited .Me, too . Did you have a nice trip ?Yes , but I feel a little tired and hungry.Lets go home .Step 4: Class Closing .


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