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1、a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and challenge coexist of a years, grasp internal contr

2、ol system construction is we can achieved and good and fast science development of important link, face new of environment, new of changes, company internal to further optimization process, integration resources, take effective measures building good of internal control platform, to improve manageme

3、nt effectiveness for target, at any time master company the system in implementation process in the appeared of problem, find process and system operation aspects of insufficient, timely organization personnel for amendment perfect, guarantee the work rules, and Standard and efficient, in order to e

4、nhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management of the company lay the Foundation for improving. 2, strengthen human resources management. Human resources is enterprise value created of source, is enterprise keep sustainable development of driver, 2013, company internal to accordin

5、g to XX overall deployment, combined company strategy development planning, as soon as possible started developed special large power plant organization institutions programme of planning, while, to further research employing, and left people, and development people of management mechanism and manag

6、ement measures, strengthened human resources management, vigorously advance company four support talent team construction, and personnel training, and training, and selection and evaluation work, continued improved employees performance assessment management, Improving the salary management system,

7、promote human resources management more rational, scientific, for companies to create a good atmosphere for a more vigorous and comprehensively improve the quality of personnel, for the company and the development of reserve talent resources of XX. 3, enhanced benchmarking. Company production busine

8、ss system to combined economic technology index lack and both at home and abroad advanced level between of compared of status, established collection domestic similar unit advanced economic technology index data of effective channel, full using information means, built on standard management platfor

9、m, regularly carried out on standard analysis, strengthened on standard management, formed compared industry first-class, and find problem gap, and insisted improved perfect, and efforts achieved beyond of on standard management mechanism, from company this part to grass-roots team workshop implemen

10、ted more level and more angle of on standard, Effectively implemented company-wide benchmarking system and a full range, runs through the whole process of production and business development, and constantly improve production and management company of the indexs advance, to enhance the management le

11、vel of the company. 4, strengthen supervision and management. To further一、工程概况:本工程为中煤平朔煤业有限责任公司二号井选煤厂7902矸石皮带东侧铁路暗涵修复工程,工作内容为在原有的排水口修建毛石挡墙,加固原有周边的自然土护坡,确保原有护坡不塌方,不堵排水口。二、施工准备: 、技术准备工作:(1)入场后组织各专业技术人员认真学习设计图纸,领会设计意图,做好图纸会审。(2)编制分部、分项工程施工技术措施,做好技术交底,指导工程施工。(3)认真做好工程测量方案的编制,做好测量仪器的校验工作,认真做好原有控制桩的交接核验工作


13、工进行临时用电的操作及管理,用电设备重复接地及接零,实行一机一闸一保护。三相五线制重复接零。本工程现场项目管理班子及组织机构:为优质高效率的完成本工程的建设任务,我们公司将尽最大努力完成该工程施工任务。并成立三级项目部,配备2名有技术职称技术人员负责工程施工。确保工程进度。正常施工人数25人,高峰期施工人数达到30人。本工程工期定为17天。项目经理: 柴书昱 男 技术负责人: 施工员: 质量员: 安全员: 资料员: :各分部分项工程施工布署:浆砌石砌筑浆砌石施工的主要部位挡墙及排水渠石料必须选用质地坚硬、不易风化、没有裂缝且大致方正的岩石,d=270330mm,G=5126kg/块,必须有一个

14、用作砌体表面的平整面。 按照施工设计进行测量放样。做好现场面的样桩标识。 砂浆采用机械拌制,必须拌和均匀。一次拌料应在其初凝之前使用完成。 在铺砂浆之前,石料应洒水湿润,使其表面充分吸水,但不得有残留水。 采用铺浆法进行砌筑;砌筑时,应先铺砂浆后砌筑,石块分层卧砌,上下错缝,内外搭砌,砌立稳定。相邻工作段的砌筑高度差不应大于1.2m。每层应大致找平,分段位置应尽量设在沉降缝或伸缩缝处。 砌体基础的第一层石块应将大面向下。砌体的第一层及其转角、交叉与洞穴、孔口处,均应选用较大的平整毛石。 所有的石块均应放在新鲜的砂浆上,砂浆缝必须饱满,石缝间不得直接紧靠,不充许采用外面侧立石块、中间填心的方法砌

15、石。砌缝要求做到饱满,勾缝自然,均匀美观、表面平整。 砌体结构尺寸和位置,必须符合设计图规定,砌缝宽度,平缝1520mm,竖缝2030mm。 砌体外露面宜在砌筑后1218h之内及时养护,养护时间14d并经常保持外露面的湿润 。工程质量保证措施:我公司成立现场质量检查组, 形成以项目经理为主, 项目工长为主要负责者,质量检查员为第一责任者的质量三级管理体系,质量检查对所有分部分项工程进行监督检查。建立相应的质量奖罚标准,奖优罚劣,责任到人,全面推行质量一票否决制,发现质量问题一追到底,决不放过。工地设土建专业工长、一名质量检查员。严格按国家规定的标准及验收规范组织施工。 各种施工的技术资料必须与

16、工程形象进度同步,各种试验报告及时准确。开展TQC小组活动,定期开展质量月宣传活动。认真做好自查、 互检、 交接检、隐蔽项目等工作未经验收不得进行下道工序施工。各分部分项工程施工前, 应进行认真的书面交底,严格按图纸及设计变更要求施工。发现问题应及时上报经技术部门和设计单位核定后再处理。加强测量放线工作,建立复测制度,确保各种轴线、中心线和标高偏差不超过规范规定的允许范围内。质量保证体系图如下:施工现场安全保证体系及预控措施我公司在该工程现场成立安全监督检查小组,组长由公司安全科科长,副组长由项目部经理、主管工程师担任,严格按照安全监督控制网领导施工。安全监督检查组内设若干名安全员,分别负责分

17、部分项工程的安全工作,确保该工程安全顺利进行施工。 施工现场负责人及施工人员必须认真执行和贯彻“安全第一、预防为主”的方针。施工现场负责人应严格按照安全技术操作规程、安全措施和“其它安全规定”,以科学的态度指挥生产,不得违章指挥,并督促施工人员遵章守纪,文明施工,发生安全事故应做到“三不放”。加强安全教育和安全管理工作,成立安全执法队,抽调专人负责安全具体工作和经常性安全检查,制止一切违章作业。加强安全防护和劳动保护工作,备齐安全防护和劳动保护设施,使施工人员和设备材料确有安全保障。进入施工现场要戴安全帽,正确使用个人劳动保护用品,各工种施工人员必须持证上岗,否则不准上岗。工地危险地方要设置安

18、全警告标志,经常检查电的线路和绝缘情况,机械设备有无漏电保护装置,非操作人员不得动用机电设备,电工负责每天检查一次,保证其正常工作。加强一切洞口的防护设施,如绑扎护身栏或加临时盖板;临时作业要加设安全防护栏杆及安全警告标志,黑暗处加设照明。现场应成立保卫消防领导小组,制定一系列消防保卫措施,对现场消防保卫工作进行监督检查,教育现场施工人员认真执行各项消防保卫安全管理制度。现场要有消防灭火系统。并且要设有“严禁烟火”的警告标志,避免一切火灾发生, 确保工程顺利进行。工程项目经理施工班组专职安全组技术、机电、保卫安全保证体系:工期保证体系及预控措施本工程我们公司施工工期为17天,为确保按期交工,公

19、司将该工程列为重点,由公司编制施工进度控制计划和施工网络控制计划图,由工程科编制月进度控制计划和施工网络计划图,由工地编制旬、日进度计划和施工进度图。本工程实行公司、工程科和工程项目部三级生产调度会制度,公司每月至少到现场召开一次施工调度会, 每月考核工程形象进度,并制定严格的奖罚制度,责任到人,并从人、财、物上优先保证该工程使用。建立完整的物资供应体系。计划采购供应三位一体,保证各种工程材料及时进场。文明、环境消防措施(1)施工现场出入口设专人指挥车辆进出施工现场,并设置警告信号。(2)施工现场的工地进入口,设置洗车槽,离开工地的机动车辆,在工地内冲洗干净后,才能上路行驶。运载建筑散体物料、


21、须加强对流动人员的计划生育、法制道德等方面的管理。(10)尽量减少夜间施工,需要夜间作业必须在晚上十点前收工,以免噪音影响周围工作人员的休息。(11)施工现场建立安全消防规章制度,每天检查消防工作。项目部副经理主抓施工消防工作,落实施工组织设计规定的消防器材,确保消防人员、器材两到位。严禁将火种带入工地。strengthen the supervision and inspection work within the company, increase the intensity of internal assessment, appraisal, ensure the effective i

22、mplementation of the mandate and work. Implementation of the internal control Department caught operating framework, safety ring to catch security checks, catch the daily affairs of the Department of supervision, General Manager, from three established companies full, full time supervision, supervis

23、ion network, form a good management mechanism, so as to continuously improve performance and enhance efficiency. 5, enhanced information one . Gang , the law enforcement model gang demonstration activities, establish a number of DMV business model per month, strengthening the construction of the ima

24、ge. 2, pay close attention to propaganda work. This year yilai, DMV in Wenshan police information online released car tube information briefing 82 article, in Yunnan province Corps car tube at page Shang released car tube information briefing 32 article, in Wenshan seven are late published, and broa

25、dcast TV Shang total published his pards tube aspects content of news publicity manuscript 7 article, through 96XX8 chief information online answers system reply masses Advisory 74 article, through 96166 phone service platform reply masses Advisory 43 article, through Yunnan mobile enterprises lette

26、r pass SMS platform on new driving people for visit 229 passengers , Through Yunnan province chief network Wenshan Public Security Bureau traffic police detachment page released motor vehicle for critical scrap notification 3,960 car times, and late scrap announcement 1320 car times, and late not ch

27、eck motor vehicle announcement 23,274 car times, and motor vehicle registration certificate, and plate, and driving card void announcement 20 car times; full marks stop using license announcement 5 pieces times, and license cancellation announcement 44 pieces times, and license revoked, and revoked

28、announcement 25 pieces times, and driving people late for card told 264 pieces times, and Motor vehicle driver training Institute examination quality rankings announcement 5 times. 3, active police culture. For Memorial WuSI youth section, promote patriotism spirit, advance DMV police camp culture c

29、onstruction, May 4 afternoon, DMV in State Stadium integrated Museum held has one Creek of sports activities, by five people a group men and women playing of vitality gas volleyball game, and two section collection group of full tug-of-war game, and three people a group of fun together March, and la

30、ugh makes of Rob bench game and competition intelligence of chess game composition, field Shang, DMV all police, and workers in friendship first, game second of sports spirit, More emphasis on teamwork, participation, it has both competition and cooperation, laughter, and atmosphere was very warm. (

31、D) hold workforce management, further standardize workforce education and rectification. DMV according to Wenshan Public Security Bureau police system traffic Coordinator member management approach on workers 消除质量通病措施砌降低噪音措施认真执行国家有关法规和制度,并根据我项目部的具体情况,制定降低噪音实施细则。夜间不安排产生建筑施工噪音的施工项目。在施工中将建筑施工的噪音排放量控制在国家标准内。实行项目经理巡查制度,对违反项目部消除噪音管理规定的人员,严格按照文件规定的执行。项目机械设备资源计划序号名称数量1挖掘机1台2自卸汽车3辆34砂浆搅拌机2台5翻斗车6辆6提升架1套7卷扬机1台8钢筋切断机2台9木工电锯4台10电焊机2台11对焊机1台12经纬仪1台13水准仪1台14平板振动器2台15插入式振捣棒8台项目劳动力资源计划序号工种人数1瓦工202木工303混凝土工154钢筋工155抹灰工186架子工57管道工88电工69油漆工5


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