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1、Unit 5 Visit my school!,Listening and Speaking 大楼中学 吴宁,看谁耳朵最灵敏!,Whats there in DaLou Middle School? 在大楼中学有什么? There be:某处有某物 There is+a/an+名词单数+ in my school. There are +基数词+名词复数+in my school.,a building,buildings,Are there five buildings in your school?,Yes, there are. (No, there arent.),How many b

2、uildings are there in your school ?,Is this a building?,Yes, it is.(No, it isnt.),There are five buildings in it.,谁能回答我呢?,竖起耳朵,看看谁最棒!,变问句,be提前,句尾问号要配全。,How many +可数名词复数+are there+地点状语? 对数量提问用how many:表示多少,an office,offices,a和an均为冠词,用在名词的前面表示人、事物的类别,它们都可以表示“一”。 二者的不同点是:a用在以辅音音素开头的单词、符号、字母、数字等的前面;an用在

3、以元音音素开头的单词、符号、字母、数字等的前面。,a toilet,toilets,a library,libraries,a hall,halls,a playground,playgrounds,a classroom,classrooms,an art room,art rooms,你能把下列的可数名词变成复数吗?看看有啥规律呢?,building office toilet hall classroom playground library,s,s,s,s,s,s,yi,+es,libraries,这七个是规则变化。 规则变化通常在单数形式的词尾加s. s的读音根据单词词尾的读音确定,

4、加在清辅音后读成清辅音s,加在浊辅音和元音后读成浊辅音z.,以辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i,再加es.,谁是造句大王呢?和你的同桌 用下列的单词和句型造句。,Is therein your school? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. Are there in your school? Yes, there are./No, there arent.,How many +可数名词复数+ are there in your schoo? There is only one./ There are ,Lets listen and tick!,仔细听,完成课本25

5、页B部分的内容。 你能全答对吗?,情景交际:,下面将出现一张大楼中学十年以后的图片,假设你现在是大楼中学的老师,你的一位外国朋友向你询问大楼中学的情况,请你和你的同桌用所学句型进行对话!,你能活学活用吗?,一、根据中文提示完成下列句子。 1、Is there _(美术室)in your school? 2、(有)five posters on the wall. 3、How many _(礼堂)are there in the school? There is _(只有)one. 4、There is _(一个) “f” and _(一个) “d” in the word “friend”.,

6、an art room,There are,halls,only,an,a,二、根据要求完成句子。,There are two computer rooms in my school. (改为否定句) (改为一般疑问句 ,并作肯定和否定回答) (对划线部分提问) (用a 该改为单数形式),There arent two computer rooms in my school.,Are there two computer rooms in your school? Yes, there are./ No, there arent.,How many computer rooms are there in your school?,There is a computer room in my school.,变否定,真容易,be后not为标记。,变问句,be提前,句尾问号要配全。,对数量提问用how many:表示多少,Homework:,1.抄写生词。5+1 2.完成课课练45和46页。 3.预习课本26页Reading内容,看看能不能够把课课练47页的相关预习内容完成。 4.用今天学的单词和句型写五句话,并且说给你的同座听,要求他回答。,


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