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1、(人教版),中考题型二 词汇运用,英语,1词汇是学习英语的基础,也是中考的高频考点之一。近几年来,许多省市的中考英语都非常重视考生在具体语境中运用词汇能力的考查,词汇部分在历年中考题中约占总分值的5%10%。 2命题特点:主要考查一些高频词汇(如名词、动词、形容词等);考查各类词形变化;考查六种时态的正确运用。 3考查题型:根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词,根据句意及首字母提示写出正确单词,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空;用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。 4预计2016年中考将会加大对各类词汇的灵活运用及单词拼写能力的考查。,(一)根据汉语提示拼写单词,1做此类题目首先要正确写出所给汉语提示所

2、对应的英语词汇。 2若有两个以上的词汇符合所给的汉语意思,则要根据具体语境及固定搭配形式进行取舍。 3然后从语法角度确定英语词汇的适当形式。若填写的是名词,就要注意用名词的单数还是复数;若填写的是形容词、副词,就要注意是否需要用比较级和最高级的形式;如果是动词,就要注意它们的时态、语态等。,A(2015,新疆) 1My father cant _(忍受) soap operas. 2Mary is an _(外向的) girl.She always gets on well with others. 3The cup is _(几乎) empty. 4He doesnt like crowde

3、d places,because the air isnt usually _(新鲜的) 5Aunt Liu treats everyone with kindness and _(温暖),stand,outgoing,nearly/almost,fresh,warmth,D(2015,烟台) 1Could you please tell us about the four great _(发明) of China? 2Hes already _(喂养) his pet dog. 3My grandfather is interested in _(收集) old coins. 4The de

4、ntist suggests that we should brush _(牙齿) three times a day. 5After the sudden earthquake,most of us were _(醒着) all the night.,inventions,fed,collecting,teeth,awake,E(2015,苏州) 1Helen _(点头) with a smile when she met me. 2Becky _(明智地) decided to tell us the truth. 3Justin lay back and enjoyed the _(安宁

5、) of the summer evening. 4The bank is _(在对面) the supermarket,on the other side of the road. 5Mr.Green often _(惩罚) his children by not letting them play games.,nodded,wisely,peace,opposite,punishes,F(2015,安徽) 1It is _(礼貌的) to offer seats to the old on the bus. 2When swimming,you should put _(安全) firs

6、t. 3The newlyopened museum is certainly _(值得) a visit. 4Could you please _(借) me your dictionary? 5Please accept our best _(祝愿) for your exams.,polite,safety,worth,lend,wishes,G(2015,鄂州) 1Each time I listen to the piece which is played on the erhu,Im _(感动) 2He lost his iPad last _(星期五)He was very sa

7、d. 3She gets tons of _(关注) everywhere she goes. 4To celebrate grandfathers _(八十岁) birthday,children are going to hold a big party. 5Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to _(成功),moved,Friday,attention,eightieth,success,(二)根据首字母提示拼写单词,1读懂句意,确定单词。所缺的单词一定是句中的关键词,一般多为名词或动词等实词。 2瞻前顾后,确定形式。

8、 3检查所填单词的形式以及语法结构是否正确。,A(2015,济宁) 1_ is the first day of a week. 2How often do you go to a concert? _a week. 3Gina is _in class.She often answers questions. 4Whats your favorite _besides maths,Sonia? History.,Sunday,Once,active,subject,pity,B(2015,广州) 1It is a _that the weather is so bad today.We ca

9、nt go to a picnic. 2You should always knock at the door before you _a room. 3Close the window or the wind will _everything off my desk. 4The young woman is very _She is not afraid of anything. 5Wed better drink a glass of _every day.Its good for our health.,enter,blow,brave,milk,C(2015,杭州) 1Good mor

10、ning,boys and _Lets begin our class. 2Im _of snakes because I think they are dangerous. 3Im going to Toms birthday _next Monday. 4A rose is a _that has a good smell. 5Mother _me up at 6 oclock yesterday morning and told me it was time to get up.,girls,afraid,party,flower,woke,hundred,6Fifty and fift

11、y is one _ 7The telephone was _by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876,that is,he was the first person to make the telephone. 8All the students are studying at school _Tom,who is ill at home. 9_bag is this? Its mine. 10Dr.Naismith _the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play basketball.,inv

12、ented,except,Whose,divided,D(2015,孝感) 1There are four seasons in a yearspring,_,autumn and winter. 2Frank was _in 2000.He is fifteen this year. 3Its 12:00 at noon.Its time for students to have _in the dining hall. 4To keep _,youd better exercise every day and eat more fruit and vegetables. 5In China

13、,many children are taken _of by their grandparents in the village.,summer,born,lunch,healthy,care,never,6Ive _been to a water park before. Me neither. 7What does John want to be when he _up? 8A boy _himself in PE. class.The teacher and two students took him to the hospital at once.,grows,hurt,second

14、,E(2015,新疆) 1February is the _month of the year. 2Dont be _in the test.Just relax. 3My grandma usually _up early in the morning.She is very healthy. 4Lily has a _She has to see a dentist right now. 5Some of the children _cartoons to documentaries.,nervous,gets,toothache,prefer,(三)用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,解答此

15、类题目,应重点从语法角度考虑: 1名词:一般应考虑名词的单、复数形式和所有格形式。 2形容词或副词:这两类词学生极易混淆,做题时应仔细分析,慎重选择究竟用哪类词,有时还要考虑到形容词和副词的比较级、最高级的变化。 3动词:首先应考虑动词的语态和时态。动词的变化形式较为复杂,一般有五种,即动词原型、第三人称单数形式、现在分词、过去式和过去分词。,4数词:根据具体语境确定用基数词还是序数词,特别要注意某些序数词的正确拼写。 5代词:主要从人称代词(主格或宾格)、物主代词(名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词)和反身代词等几个方面考虑,有时还要考虑用单数还是用复数。,A(2015,鄂州) 1James

16、will phone you as soon as he _(get) the tickets to the art exhibition. 2In many countries,it is often not polite to ask very _(direct) questions when you meet someone for the first time. 3Foreigners can hardly ever avoid _(buy) Chinese products. Yeah.“Made in China” is seen all over the world now. 4

17、A number of useful _(invent),such as smartphones,have changed our lives. 5Children under 18 _(not allow) to watch this show without their parents.,gets,direct,buying,inventions,arent allowed,have eaten,B(2015,常州) 1We _(eat) up all the food,but we still feel hungry. 2Have you handed in your project?

18、No.I _(check) it again right away. 3Whos that boy standing over there? Sam,a foreign friend of (I) 4Why didnt you watch Running Man on TV? I _(make) up the music for the coming School Art Festival. 5I dont know the competition of model planes _(cancel) the other day.,will check,mine,was making,was c

19、ancelled,twelfth,C(2015,烟台) 1Next Tuesday is my sisters _(twelve) birthday. 2In general,Chopin is a _(piano) of great ability. 3Dont forget _(turn) off the gas after cooking. 4Of all the teachers in the school,Mrs.Smith is the _(patient) with students. 5Finally the firemen saved the little girl unde

20、r the damaged building _(success),pianist,to turn,most patient,successfully,D(2015,临沂) 1There were _(thousand) of people at the concert. 2By the end of this month,people in Beijing will be able to brush their _(tooth) with water from Hubei. 3We have already learned many _(interest) ways to relax. 4T

21、hese magazines are _(me),not yours. 5Its _(polite) to stare at anyone or to talk loudly in public. 6Glass didnt become _(wide) used until the 13th century. 7The larger library you have in your head,the _(long) it usually takes to find a particular(特定的) word. 8After class,children went out of their c

22、lassroom to enjoy the _(warm) of the sun.,thousands,teeth,interesting,mine,impolite,widely,longer,warmth,E(2015,安顺) 1There used to be many _(wolf),but only a few of them remain today. 2At present,Chinese is _(wide) used around the world. 3The doctor advised my father _(not smoke) any more. 4We shoul

23、d be _(friend) to others at any time. 5Its reported that Chinese couples can have their _(two) child if one of them is an only child.,wolves,widely,not to smoke,friendly,second,F(2015,兰州) 1Lao She was a great _(write) and hes especially famous for his play,Teahouse. 2Would you mind _(take) out the t

24、rash,Jerry? 3The girl is going to repair the bike by _(she) 4Although he lives on the _(twelve) floor,he seldom uses the lift. 5He _(not come) yet.What do you think has happened to him? 6This _(wood) bridge was built more than 20 years ago.,writer,taking,herself,twelfth,hasnt come,wooden,7Mom couldn

25、t stand the mess in my room,so she asked me _(clean) it right now. 8The road to _(successful) is never straight. 9The water _(feel) cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. 10Hed like to get some suggestions on how to learn _(wise) and well.,to clean,success,felt,wisely,(四)选词填空,1认真查看所给

26、的单词,弄清楚每个单词的意思及词性。如动词一般作谓语、形容词常作表语或定语、副词作状语等。 2认真阅读所给的句子,弄清楚句子的结构及句子大意,特别是空格前后单词的词性,这很关键。因为空格前后的单词往往是选择所要填入空格的单词或短语的重要依据。 3根据句意,确定空缺选项在句中作何成分,然后从方框内所给单词或短语中筛选最恰当的选项填入空格内,最后再从语法角度确定选项的适当形式。,A(2015,福州) 1We are sure that the first National Youth Games will be _ 2It rained so _that many streets were cov

27、ered with water. 3Lin Zexu was one of the most famous national _in recent history. 4You should try your best to avoid _mistakes while taking an important exam. 5Last month Prince Williams wife Kate _birth to a girl at a London hospital.,successful,heavily,heroes,making,gave,B(2015,温州) 1The Highland

28、Museum is open every day _Monday. 2The airport is so far.It _takes an hour to get there by car. 3On Emmas birthday she got two pretty _from Aunt Lee. 4Today in Tokyo the _temperature is 16,and the highest is 28. 5A reporter _Mr.President,and theyre talking about the education problems.,except,nearly

29、,handbags,lowest,is interviewing,C(2015,台州) 1I have made a lot of good friends _I came to this school. 2Linda used to be too shy to speak in _,but now she is outgoing. 3The man asked _,“Could you please tell me where the bank is?” 4For your health,for your _,keep away from the drugs(毒品) 5The table m

30、anners in France are quite different from _but I am getting used to them.,since,public,politely,safety,ours,D(2015,青岛) not plan,solve,enjoy,write,fill,discover 1Laura usually _beautiful music to get relax. 2Be careful!She _the cup with hot water. 3In the future,humans _more secrets of nature. 4To ou

31、r surprise,the problem _by the expert three days ago. 5_ to your parents is a good way to communicate with them. 6Where are you going on vacation this summer? I _it yet.,enjoys,is filling,will discover,was solved,Writing,havent planned,E(2015,海南) 1My brother is very busy.He often _day and night. 2What do you think of this math problem? Its as _as anything. 3“May I come in?” he asked _ 4Mrs.Black doesnt allow her son _computer games on school nights. 5We should be friendly to_Theyre also members of our world.,works,easy,politely,to play,animals,


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