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1、了解考试,回归教学 - NMET分析&高中英语教学反思 Aug. 2004, Beijing,*Bottleneck? Backwash! 高考改革与教学改革的关系 *Test Score & Performance 考试分数的背后 *Tests & Tests 高考的定位与定性 *Testing & Teaching 了解考试,反思教学,The Climate for language testing: Language testing almost never takes place in isolation. advances in language testing do not tak

2、e place in a vacuum; they are stimulated by advances in our understanding of the processes of language acquisition and language teaching. Procedure, or part of it, of test is mysterious or secret; yet it doesnt mean the testing is frozen in a vacuum. - Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing,

3、高考改革与教学改革孰先孰后 - 是高考制约了教学改革吗? 考试应该保密但不会也不该太神秘。 - 关于高考我们应该知道些什么? 保密性与公平性的考虑 - 分省命题意味着什么?,Bottleneck?,Backwash!,了解高考考试分数的背后:,难度(P)- 通过率(答对率)/得分率(平均分) 区分度(Discrimination)- G1 - G5: D = Hi - Lo n 效度/有效性(Validity) 信度/可靠性(Reliability),2003年高考全国抽样英语人均分为79.12, 其难度为 2002年难度为0.50,说明: 2003年比上年,0.53,容易,从理论上说,区分度

4、可能出现负值吗? 会为零吗? 高考命题对于区分度的要求: 0.3 以上可以接受;0.4 以上为很好 得分率低,区分度不理想的题说明了什么?,效度:测量的有效性(考试是否考到了它所需要 考查的内容/达到测试目的的有效程度); 影响效度:所用题型;试卷难度 信度:考试结果的可靠性(测量结果的一致性程度。 影响信度: 试卷题量;评卷准确性,讨论:“短文改错”的去留,数据分析-相关概念,NMET试题的有关数据分析 2000-03 数据对照(全国抽样武汉市全样)理科,人均分 难度 有效分(单科/总分) 2000高考全国 74.15 0.49 武汉全样* 83.5 0.56 85/480 95/519 1

5、06/559 2001高考全国 78.0 0.52 武汉全样* 88.5 0.59 87/455 97/501 111/555 2002高考全国 74.97 0.50 武汉全样 81.1 0.54 90/502 96/525 104/555 2003高考全国 79.12 0.527 武汉全样 83.93 0.56 92/436 99/468 107/502 2004 各省 ? ? (各地不一) 武汉(湖北卷) 89.82 0.60 116/561 105/510 85/420,Tests & Tests 测试的分类,* 按测试目的分类 - 成绩测试 Achievement Test: 毕业会考

6、 水平测试 Proficiency Test: NMET, TOEFL 学能测试 Aptitude Test: Scholastic Aptitude Test 诊断性测试 Diagnostic Test: 随堂练习/测验 编班测试 Placement Test * 按对测试分数的解释方式分类 - 目标参照性测试 Criterion-referenced Test 常模参照性测试 Norm-referenced Test,NR-testing: interest in seeing how candidates perform by comparison with each other,讨论:

7、分省命题以降低难度 来追求“稳定”合理吗?,认识高考:NMET的定位与定性 总体风格 + 选材特征 + 命题思路,Q: NEMT的定位如何? 突出风格是什么? 重在考 语义内容还是考形式? 何谓“三维模式”? 分省命 题应以何为准? Q: 一份高考英语试卷有多长?词汇覆盖面有多大? 高考词汇范围与课本三会四会有何关系?,语言交际能力测试 Language communicative competence test 突出语篇 强调应用 注重实际,Discourse: recordings of naturally occurring samples of language within thei

8、r communicative context - David Nunan: SECOND LANGUAGE TEACING & LEARNING,Q: 单项填空也是语篇吗?,分省命题:形似已不易,神似何其难,Form How is the grammar structure formed?,Meaning What does the grammar structure mean?,Use When or why is the grammar structure used?,pie chart,Grammar Dimensions Larsen-Freeman(1995),题形特征: 听力 选

9、材+语速+设题,Q: 2002 听力难在哪里?语速?训练? Texts 1-5: Who/What/Why/Where/When 20031-5: What x 5 Q: 1-5题解题思路如何把握? Native speaker & Normal speed 大纲:120 wpm 语速统计 音节/重读音节计时?,背景: Manchester Leeds Dorset/ Somerset/Harrow; Michael Owen - 20 goals this season 2003 Text 10: training program learning from adventure - publ

10、ic relationship - paid holiday,Matching!,wps: 2000: 146 2001: 156 2002: 165 2003: 140 2004 ?,听力选材特征: 1. 口语特征 2. 语境明确 3. 相对完整 4. 身份明确 5. 信息量足 6. 不含生词 7. 三个“贴近” 8. 长短适宜,考查要求: 1.理解主旨要义。 2.获取具体事实信息(与话题中心相关)。 3.推断说话背景、说话者之间关系。 4.理解说话者意图、观点或态度。,命题原则: 1.均匀分布,考虑先后 2.首句无题 3.问答形式 4.设题简明 5.不涉及与听力无关内容 6.答案唯一 7.

11、干扰有效 8.选项平行,不相包容。,典型试题分析:2001-1 (2001大题难度:0.58) WHERE did the conversation most probably take place? concert/flower shop/restaurant? M: The music and flowers are lovely. W: Yes. I hope the food is good, too. 难度0.18 区分度 . 169 B: 56.5%,2002-1: Who is Chris Paine? (大题难度:0.54) computer engineer / book s

12、eller / writer W: I like to read Chris Paine. M: So do I. I hear he writes on his computer. And his new book will come out next week. W: Great. Ive got to get one as soon as its out. 难度0.32 区分度.324 A:52.1%,背景? Writers write on computer,2004卷1 听力选材涉及话题(cf.2003): 1- 5: 商务旅行 约看球赛 生日礼物 业余安排 往事回忆 2003:开关

13、窗户电话留言母子谈球考试时间 核对地址 6-10:住店预约 超市论价 同事相助 售后服务 贫困失学 2003:迟到辩解电话指路公交调查老友邂逅探险训练,2003大题难度 0.64 抽样人均分 19.33,题型特征:单项填空,“覆盖面 + 综合性 + 语境化” 题干加长 考点转移 最佳答案 微型语篇,Q: “单项填空”考查内容是什么?叫它“语法填空”合适吗?为何称之为过渡题型?,2004全国卷1、2 单项填空中 30小题 无一为简单句 卷3中仅两题为 复杂结构的简单句,2003“单项填空”考点分布,为2004年各省命题依据之一,2003“单项填空”,27. All morning as she

14、waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness _. has grown / is growing / grew / had grown 24.4% 22.0% 26.3% 27.2%,基本时态掌握如何?不可冷落语法!,24. - Sorry, Joe. I didnt mean to - Dont call me “Joe”. Im Mr Parker to you, and _ you forget it! (0.48 -.005) A. do B. didnt C. did *D. dont D: G1-G5

15、463 465 418 438 447,dont you forget it! = dont forget it! 表示强烈不满(strong irritation)或坚持(insistence): You show me what to do. You be quiet! You mind your own business, and leave this to me! A COMPREHENSIVE GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE Dont you speak to me like that! Dont get too used to it! Dont you sa

16、y anything! LONGMAN ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Reference and Practice),Form+Meaning+Use:语义文化,Tarzan of The Apes of Cartoons: Ill be there. Dont you cry!r,35. I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. - _. It was her fault. (.284) No way / Not possible / No chance / Not at all A: 51.8% B: 30.0%,本题考查

17、:常见表达方式 (show strong refusal or opposition ) G1-G5 B项误人数:299 313 301 281 - 188,Q: “单项填空”的投入太多合算吗?,B、C 干扰为何成功?,2004-21. - Its going late. Im afraid I must be going now. - OK. _ A. Take it easy B. Go slowly C. Stay longer D. See you,2004-34. - Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer? - _ ? A.

18、What for B. What is it C. How is it D. How come,used to ask why someone does something - ibid,used to say goodbye when you know you will see some one again - LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English,题型特征:完形填空,Q: “完形填空”考什么?文长是否会有较大变动?与所设空数之间有无换算公式?难度如何调节,与阅读的相同和不同在哪里?近年来的选材比以前有何变化?,局部 x 2: 38, 41(2

19、003); x 2 (2002) 逾越本句x 18: . . . ; x 18 (2002) 通篇 8: 36, 38, 47-51, 54; 11(2002),单纯叙事 - 夹叙夹议 + 人物观点 2003: 锻炼前后对 cousin Ed 印象的转变; 描写细致:言语行为心理活动(人物评价); 2004全国卷1选材相似:racquetball - spaghetti 考查(cf.单项填空): 准确理解文意特定语境中的词汇运用能力,大题难度: 2001:0.51 2002:0.45 2003: 0.45 2004 普遍降低,完形填空难题 NMET2002 NMET2003,2003“完形填空

20、”难题: Although the family often 43 about that, Ed refused to buy a 44 T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed 45 for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly 46 , I was so surprised that I was 47 . 45. A. set out B. got ready C

21、. arrived D. returned 46. A. notice B. admire C. believe D. measure 47. A. nervous B. curious C. careless D. speechless,45. (0.12/.048) B: 63.0% -416、593、651、667、576 46. (0.19/.114) C: 61.4% -403、573、649、627、577 47. (0.27/.190) A: 27.6% - 234、240、259、270、267 (B: 20.4%;C: 25.1%),for,global judgment,“

22、完形填空”有关数据与难度对照,文长 阅读量 参考 读速 最大 最小 平均 难度 给时 要求 间距 间距 间隔 1998 297 377 18 20.9 23 4 10.2 0.63 1999 274 357 18 19.8 24 3 9.8 0.50 2000 282 381 18 21.1 28 1 10.2 0.52 2001 265 355 15 23.6 25 4 9.4 0.51 2002 273 338 15 22.6 33 5 12.9 0.45 263 330 15 22.0 23 6 11.6 0.45 245 329 15 22.0 25 3 11.3 ?,“完形填空”选项

23、涉及词类分布情况分析表,选项涉 动 词 形容词 副词 名/代词 介词 连词 及词类 1998 6(24%) 5(20%) 2(8%) 9(32%) 1(4%) 2(8%) 1999 8(32%) 4(16%) 2.5(10%) 7.5(26%) 1(4%) 2(8%) 8(32%) 4(16%) 5(20%) 7(28%) 1(4%) 0 5(25%) 4(20%) 6.25(31%) 3.75(19%) 0 1(5%) 8(40%) 2(10%) 4(20%) 5(25%) 0 1(5%) 2003 8(40%) 5(10%) 3(20%) 3(25%) 0 1(5%) 注:小题四个选项中含

24、两类词时,各占0.5。,快速甄别:看文看题,横看竖看。,Q: 决定“阅读理解”难度的因素或可用来调节难度的手段有哪些?文长总量一般是多少词?选材和设题有何特征?对于阅读技巧的考查在近几年来的试卷中怎样得到体现?,Q: 近年来阅读中“超纲”词汇有哪些?反映出什么特点?如何解释与应对?,题型特征:阅读理解,文长/读速选材设题,2002年起全卷总词汇量比上年减少; 但涉及词汇级别不断提高: 2002年覆盖到700+词, 其中高中词汇约为300,为历年最多!,Cambridge English Lexicon,读 速:,(A)文长 题长 阅读量 (B)文题 合计 读速(50) 难度 N98 1160

25、628 1788 96 1884 37.7 0.52 N99 1244 735 1979 92 2211 44.2 0.52 2000 1328 780 2108 130 2238 44.7 0.43 (含听力卷) 2108 60wpm(35) ? 2001 2180 62wpm 0.51 2045 59wpm 0.51 2037 59wpm 0.51 1236 754 1990 56wpm,语言运用 无速则无用,阅读量回落的背后,“阅读理解”选材特点,*背景:文化意识 + 获取信息 railcard, safety belt(99) Gairaigo(2003) *结构:篇章 + 语句 *内

26、容:思想内涵 + 思维空间 decision-thinking, human history (2000) - treasure hunts (2002) *词汇:数量?处理能力!,“阅读理解”涉及题材 A:汽车租赁 - car rentals in Shanghai B:冰屋旅馆 - igloo hotel in Sweden C:绿色消费 - green products D:英语简史 - The French influences on Eng. E:友情心理 - friendship of men and women,A: underground development (开发地下)

27、B: organic food (生态食品) C: Theatre (演出公告) D: Treasure hunts (读书寻宝) E: Party in basket (Party “套餐”),时代气息 文化背景 思维空间,2001,2002,2003年(全国卷)阅读理解选材一览 A: 地理 小岛轶闻 (farthest inhabited islands) B: 动物 小狗助读 (reading education assistance dogs) C: 广告 科普书介 (bookshelf) D: 语言文化 日语外来语(Gairaigo) E: 科技 网络与环保 (Internet Re

28、volution and Environment),2004全国卷1“阅读理解”选材: A:广告 - 招聘外教(法国招人去日本); B:轶文三则 - Giving Back(更正比赛结果、 募捐善举、回报母校); C:科普小品 - 心理分析,“宽容”的好处与应 对伤害; D:科技报导 飞机试飞的两项试验: E:特写 - 文科生就业优势,NMET2004“阅读理解”生词: 旧词新意 派生(转化+合成+词缀) 不加注,*dig 查明真相;share(s),份额,股票;major,主修课,主修者;land词义推断(74题); *specially, requirements, forgiveness

29、, hopefulness, energetic, container, unemployment, managerial, pre-professional, entry-level, sought-after; *instructor, technology, applicant, C.V.,golf; upset, tank; Osaka, Sampy, Haussmann,Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, AT&T,以及人名,材料更真实 语言活动更实际 考查区分更合理, field: the president fielded questions for 20

30、minutes with the young audience,设题,*考查阅读技巧: 2000(A) : New York power failure 2001-56. The words “deluxe sedans,” refer to _. (cars for rent) *考查写作技巧 作者意图: 2000(D) 68. A particular mention of Stapledons book in the opening paragraph _. (serves as an introduction to the discussion),skimming; scanning,

31、2004 56. the purpose of the text? 65. The text is mainly written to explain _ 62. The word “Change“ means _. 74. “land” probably means _.,2004 71. What might be the most suitable title 72. By saying that “you may have had the last laugh”, the author means that,2004 全国卷1 “设题”推理判断: 59. If you want to

32、work you should _. 60. What did Greg probably do in the end? 64. gave the money because _. 67. Dr Luskin advises us not to wait for an apology after being hurt because _. 70. According to the text, why are most dangerous?,题型特征-写:短文改错,When I first learned to write in English, I ran into many (difficu

33、lties) 76. . . . My teacher advised me to keep my diary. I followed her 79. advice and should put down 100 words or so each day 80.,2003 76: 0.31 79: 0.04 80: 0.26,a,should,题型特征 - 写: 短文改错,2004 短文改错 选材:学生口气写新生感受(XiaoWei -Ralph); 出自身边同学/自己笔下? 设题:所设错误为中国学生常见常犯; 考查:语言表达的准确与规范; 考点分布:无错 x 1 介词: of from; (

34、laugh) to at; about 词性: quietly quiet 比较: well as, as 连词:that why; since that 动词: talkedtalk to, it 名词: stranger strangers,题按行出 错从句看,历年难度最大 2000 - 0.45 2001 - 0.40 2002 - 0.44 2003 - 0.45 2004 - ?,Q: “书面表达”的情景设置形式究竟有多重要?提高成绩的关键在哪里?写作训练如何突破?One possible version 的作用究竟有多大?训练中老师全批全改的效果好吗?网上阅卷意义何在?书写不好影响

35、得分吗?,语言运用- 写:书面表达,Q: 考试大纲结尾处“书面表达”评分原则 中如何解释了内容与语言的关系?但求无错 的指导思想对吗?什么样的答卷才能得高分? 怎样让学生学会用高级词汇和复杂结构?,含听力卷书面表达评分原则 与评分标准的变化, 4. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性。 5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。 6. 如书写较差,以致影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。,内容 + 语言 多样性; 准确性; 连贯性,得体性,get: flexible in me

36、aning & overused I had got a bad cold, so, as soon as I got home and had got upstairs, I got changed out of my wet clothes and got some medicine out of the cupboard,第五档(21-25分)给分范围和要求: 完全完成了试题所规定的任务 *覆盖所有内容要求; *应用了较多的语法结构和词汇; *语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使 用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语 言运用能力; *有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构 紧

37、凑。 完全达到了预期的写作目的。,大题 2000: 0.52 难度 2001: 0.56 2002: 0.53 2003: 0.52,Task Writing,PRIZE?,PRICE!,PRISE?,NMET2003书面表达 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Bob将于九月到你所在城市的建新华文学校学中文,来信请你在学校附近为他找一套住房。请根据图画提供的信息,写信介绍住房的情况,并告知住房面积为25平方米,月租500元。 注意:1词数:100左右; 2参考词汇:房租 rent(n.)。,任务写作 情景真实 多点信息 一动一静,稳中在变: 内容要点(1. 开头 6. 结尾。),Testing & T

38、eaching 回归教学 反思教学,- 关于考试 - 关于教学 - 关于复习,定性 作用 成绩,安排;资料,方法过程,思想观念 内容要求,学习策略,语言输入;复习课,语言运用模型(考试分数的背后): Some components of language use and language test performance - Language Testing Practice, p63,Language knowledge,Topical knowledge,Personal characteristics,Characteristics of the language use or test

39、 task and setting,Affect,Strategic Competence,Affective schemata,反思何谓“交际”: Communication = Knowledge + Situation,知识与能力关系一例:computer translation . many words have more than one meaning. Sentences also can have more than one meaning. The statement “I can fish“ can mean “I am able to catch fish“; or it

40、 can mean I work in a factory, putting fish into cans . When you say “he can fish“, you mean _. A. He is able to catch fish B. He works in a factory, putting fish into cans C. either A or B D. neither A nor B,反思:Our philosophy of language testing,1. Relate language testing to language teaching and l

41、anguage use. 2. Design your tests so as to encourage and enable test takers to perform at their highest level of ability. 3. Build considerations of fairness into test design. 4. Humanize the testing process: seek ways in which to involve test takers more directly in the testing process; treat test

42、takers as responsible individuals; provide them with as complete information about the entire testing procedure as possible. 5. Demand accountability for test use; hold yourself, as well as any others who use your test, accountable for the way your test is used. 6. Recognize that decisions based on

43、test scores are fraught with dilemmas, and that there are no universal answers to these. Bachman&Palmer: Language Testing Practice,Humanize the testing process: seek ways in which to involve test takers more directly in the testing process; treat test takers as responsible individuals; provide them

44、with as complete information about the entire testing procedure as possible.,Design your tests so as to encourage and enable test takers to perform at their highest level of ability.,考试人性化,反思: 教学内容与教学要求; 学习策略与教学策略,Teacher = decision-maker/ task-designer 听力:选材录音 阅读:读速 选材 设题 语法:讲与练 词汇:与语法关系 课本:如何利用?,“

45、较高级词汇 + 较为复杂结构 使用能力的培养,语言意识&欣赏水平 课内课外阅读 量 指导 课外阅读量30万词 -高中课程标准,难题背后:听读过程中的汉语干扰 学习策略的关注与培养(朗读的淡忘),“书面表达”的“准确性” 与“完形填空”词汇考查要求 内在联系 异曲同工,反思: 教学方法(过程) 教学思想(原则),常规课听课听什么:表现过程思想 热闹与门道;听读并行的目的性 优质课评课标准:教师语言条件与其它; 评教更评学;课堂气氛;教学民主 复习课习题讲评:什么题怎么讲谁来讲 S-centred? 无奈的中文讲题,“Teaching is a very personal activity, an

46、d it is not surprising that individual teachers bring to teaching very different beliefs and assumptions about what constitutes effective teaching. ” - Reflective teaching in second language classrooms 第二语言课堂的反思性教学,Learning-centred !,Learner-centred ?,普通高中英语课程标准(实验) 第四部分 实施建议 二 评价建议 7. 注重实效,合理恰当地使用评

47、价手段,“ 避免使用过于烦琐的程序,干扰日常教学。应注重评价活动的质量和使用时机,让学生感到评价是积极的、有意义的学习活动;要防止评价流于形式,或因评价活动不当使学生产生心理负担和厌倦情绪。总之不能为评价而评价或以评价为目标进行教学。”,以考代学不可称道; 单元套题作用何在?,评估、测量与考试之间的关系图: Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing p23,Relationships among measurement, tests, and evaluation,1,TESTS,2,3,4,5,EVALUATION,MEASUREMENT,Functions different: Evaluation: decision-making; Measurement: information-providing evaluative test: a


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