脑卒中后癫痫PPT (1).ppt

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1、脑卒中后癫痫,郑州军海脑病医院,概述,自1864年Jackson首次报道脑血管疾病与癫痫的关系以来,人类已认识到脑血管疾病,特别是脑卒中是癫痫最为常见的病因之一。脑卒中病程中的各种类型癫痫发作特别是强直-阵挛发作持续状态对患者的病程进展和预后存在不良影响。因此,在临床工作中脑卒中与癫痫,应给予足够的关注和重视。,http:/ CI:2.453.41;P0.0001)。这个结果支持了老年人中的癫痫发作可能是其他潜在脑血管疾病的早期表现的假说。卒中后癫痫发作是否增加脑梗死再发的风险仍然是一个有待解决的问题。,http:/ epilepsy),是指脑卒中前无癫痫病史,在脑卒中后一定时间内出现的癫痫发

2、作并排除脑部和其它代谢性病变,一般脑电监测到的痫性放电与脑卒中部位具有一致性。 post-stroke seizure stroke-related seizure,Myint PK, et al Post-stroke seizure and post-stroke epilepsy Postgradmed J, 2006, 82: 568-572,http:/ 1981: Seizures in the first week of stroke: “early seizure” After the first week: “late seizure” 国内认为以2周为界限: 2周:卒中后早

3、期癫痫发作 2周:卒中后迟发性癫痫发作,http:/ 一项2021例的随访观察,有9%在卒中后4周内出现痫性发作,进行为期2年的随访,只有3%的患者最终反复发作成为癫痫。 因此,早发性癫痫准确的表述应以脑卒中后早发性痫性发作更为恰当。4周后出现的癫痫发作,绝大部分会反复发作,所以,对卒中后迟发性癫痫定义的争议不多。,Bladin CF, et alSeizures after Stroke: a prospective multicenter studyArchneurol, 2000, 57: 1617-22 Hesdorffer DC, et al. Is a first acute sy

4、mptomatic seizure epilepsy? Mortality and risk for recurrent seizure. Epilepsia, 2009;50(5):1102-8.,http:/ (Camilo 2004; Delorenzo 1996; Herman 2002) 2010中国急性缺血性卒中诊治指南 早发性 2%-33% 晚发性 3%-67% 不同的流行病学调查对卒中后癫痫的发生率报告不同,So EL, Annegers JF, Hauser WA, OBrien PC, Whishnant JP. Population- based study of sei

5、zure disorders after cerebral infarction. Neurology 1996;46:350355.,http:/ 病人因意识及言语障碍,致使某些类型的癫痫可能被漏诊,卒中后癫痫的实际发生率可能要比所报道的高。 随访中无法排除其它因素所致的癫痫发作。 国内外研究卒中后癫痫的方法不同,国外偏重于研究卒中后痫性发作和癫痫,并将二者分为两个问题来探讨,国内偏重于探讨卒中后癫痫的发病率。 国外研究以前瞻性研究为主,范围以街区或城市的前瞻性研究,而国内研究则主要以院内资料的回顾性研究,主要是以医院为核心的层级单位的回顾。,http:/ Kammersgaard 95%C

6、I 1.3-16.0)。,So EL, Annegers JF, Hauser WA, OBrien PC, Whishnant JP. Population- based study of seizure disorders after cerebral infarction. Neurology 1996;46:350355. Kammersgaard LP, Olsen TS. Poststroke epilepsy in the Copenhagen stroke study: incidence and predictors. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 20

7、05;14(5):210-4.,http:/ 蛛网膜下腔出血 皮层受累(出现转换) 大范围神经元损伤(多脑叶受累) 年龄:35% (aged 3564 years) vs 67% (older than 65 years) 男性?- 2:1 心血管栓子脱落所致脑梗 伴有残疾的卒中患者,Alberti A, et al. Early seizures in patients with acute stroke: frequency, predictive factors, and effect on outcome. Vasc Health Ris Manag, 2008, 4(3):715-2

8、0 Leone MA, et al. Risk factors for a first epileptic seizure after stroke: a case control study. J Neurol Sci, 2009;277(1-2):138-42. Hauser WA, Annegers JF, Kurland LT. Incidence of epilepsy and unprovoked seizures in Rochester, Minnesota: 19351984. Epilepsia 1993;34:453468.,http:/ patients were tr

9、eated with acute stroke 94 patients with post-stroke seizure (5.5%) MCA :80% PCA: 15% ACA: 5% 早发性癫痫: 8.5% (in 15 days) 晚发性癫痫:91.5% (over 15 days),Borcsik Lszl, Diszeghy Pter. Epileptic seizures after stroke. Clin Neurosci/Ideggy Szle 2006;59(56):201215.,http:/ 妊娠尤其是产后妇女2周内出现部分性发作和继发全面性发作,伴昏睡或嗜睡者,要考虑

10、皮层静脉血栓形成的可能 血管畸形 CAA CADASIL,Ferro JM,et al. Early seizures in cerebral vein and dural sinus thrombosis: risk factors and role of antiepileptics. Stroke, 2008, 39(4): 1152-8.,http:/ 卒中前痴呆患者脑梗死后发生迟发性癫痫发作的风险显著增高。,http:/ 钠泵衰竭 钠离子大量内流 细胞膜稳定性破坏 过渡去极化 痫性放电,脑梗塞,出血后脑血管痉挛,畸形血管盗血,脑水肿,应激致激素水平变化,水电解质、酸碱平衡破坏,谷氨酸

11、释放,BBB损伤,含铁血黄素,http:/ 卒中后囊腔的机械牵拉刺激 胶质细胞增生 高血糖,http:/ of Clinical Elect roneurophysiology (China) , September 2005 ,Vol . 14 , No. 3,http:/ HM. Seizures and epilepsies after stroke. Nervenarzt, 2009, 80(4):405-14.,痫性发作与卒中类型的关系,http:/ CF, Alexandrov AV, Bellavance A,et al.Seizures after stroke:a prosp

12、ective multicenter study.Arch Neurol. 2000;57:1617-1622,Kaplan-Meier生存曲线,http:/ 壳核和丘脑出血很少引起癫痫发作,脑叶出血常并发癫痫: 颞叶41%,顶叶41%,枕叶22%,额叶12%,岛叶10% 小脑及脑干出血极少继发癫痫 AVM及动脉瘤破裂引起的皮层型脑出血极易伴发早期癫痫 Berger研究: 排除中风类型的影响,病灶大者并发癫痫的比例明显高于病灶小者,Faught E, et al. Neurology, 1989, 39:1089 Berger AR, et al. Neurology, 1988, 38:13

13、63,http:/ Artery Occlusion Presenting as a Tonic-Clonic Seizure,Avi Gadoth MD and Hen Hallevi. lIMAJ 2011, 13: 314,Israe,Convulsive Movements in Bilateral Paramedian Thalamic and Midbrain Infarction,Neurol 2011;3:289293,Japan,http:/ h内。Sung和Chu的研究认为血栓性卒中后痫性发作的时间分布呈双峰,第1峰在2周内,第2峰在6个月至12个月。出血性卒中相关性痫性发

14、作高峰在卒中后1个月。早期痫性发作发生率占全部卒中后痫性发作的13%-60%。总的来说,73%发生在第1年内,只有2%发生在梗死2年后。,痫性发作与卒中时间的关系,Bladin CF, Alexandrov AV, Bellavance A,et al.Seizures after stroke:a prospective multicenter study.Arch Neurol. 2000;57:1617-1622,1897 patients available for analysis. During the study, seizures occurred in 168 patient

15、s (8.9%), including 140 (8.6%) of 1632 with ischemic stroke and 28 (10.6%) of 265 with hemorrhagic stroke.,Seizures in 24 hours,http:/ 单纯部分性发作:61% 部分继发全面性发作:28% 癫痫持续状态:9% 国际研究: 部分性发作占42%-89% 复杂部分性发作占3%-14.3% 癫痫状态占4%-10% 迟发性癫痫中则以全身强直-阵挛性发作多见,http:/ 卒中人群的1% 卒中后癫痫的10%,De Reuck J, Van Maele G . Status e

16、pilepticus in stroke patients. Eur Neurol, 2009; 62(3):171-5 .,http:/ 早发性癫痫发作形式单一,晚发性复杂 不同程度的肢体活动障碍 不全或完全性运动性失语 偏身或单肢感觉减退,Berges S, Moulin T, Berger E,et al. Seizures and epilepsy following strokes: recurrence factors. Eur Neurol. 2000;43(1):3-8.,http:/ 2003-2005年 5022例: 缺血性卒中4083例(81.2%) ,出血性卒中939例

17、(18.7%) 死亡率:30天 36.2% vs 16.8% P0.0001 1年后 48.6% vs 27.7% P0.001 神经功能损害严重CNS 5.20.3 vs 7.50.05 P0.0001 住院时间延长 22.62.6 vs 16.30.3 P0.0001 残疾(出院Rankin评分) 4.41 vs 3.15 P =0.0001 医疗资源消耗严重,Burneo JG, et al. Impact of seizures on morbidity and mortality after stroke: a Canadian multi-centre cohort study.

18、European Journal of Neurology, 2010, 17: 528,http:/ 脑电图: 78%呈局灶行棘波者临床有痫性发作;呈局灶性慢波、弥散性慢波和EEG正常的患者癫痫发作的风险分别为20%、10%和5% 神经影像学: 皮层受累是癫痫发生的高危因素 排除其它可能导致癫痫发作的因素: 基础疾病、致痫药物、撤药反应(如苯二氮卓类)、代谢紊乱(如血糖异常),http:/ slow waves : 39.0% Focal slowing : 19.5% Focal sharp and slow waves:9.8% Focal spikes & slow waves:4.9

19、% Focal sharp waves:4.9% Focal spike waves:2.4% PLEDS : 2.4% Normal EEG 17.1%,Maimoona Siddiqui, Urooj Yaqoob, Asia Bano, et al. EEG findings in post stroke seizures: an observational study. Pak J Med Sci, 2008 . 24(3): 386-389.,http:/ IE,Restrepo L,. Mathews G.Poststroke Seizures.Arch Neurol. 2002;

20、59:195-202,http:/ Seizure Incidence in Thrombolysis-treated Ischemic Stroke Patients Canada,Of 400 eligible patients, 4% developed post-stroke seizures: 62.5% within one week (early) and 37.5% after 1 week but within the hospital stay (late). Atrial fibrillation was more common in those with (56.3%)

21、 than without (36.1%) seizures (P = 0.04). Death during admission was more likely in those who sustained seizures (37.5%) compared to those without seizures (17.6%) (P = 0.03) .,Couillard P, et al. Neurocrit Care. 2011 Dec 13. Epub ahead of print,Antidepressant use and risk of adverse outcomes in ol

22、der people: population based cohort study UK,54,038 (89.0%) patients received at least one prescription for an antidepressant during follow-up. epilepsy/seizures (2.24, 1.60 to 3.15) Trazodone Mirtazapine Venlafaxine,Coupland C, et al. BMJ, 2011, 2: 343,http:/ 病理生理机制:手术部位的栓子引起皮质缺血性梗死;内膜切除导致慢性脑血管自动调节

23、障碍,突然变化的结果引起局部的高灌注,局部痫性发作阈值可能减低。,再灌注损伤诱发癫痫持续状态,Silverman IE,Restrepo L,. Mathews G.Poststroke Seizures.Arch Neurol. 2002;59:195-202,Carotidartery stenting: Seizures are related predominantly to hypoperfusion and also occur in 1% of cases.,Higher incidence of in-hospital complications in patients wit

24、h clipped versus coiled ruptured intracranial aneurysms.,Of the 931 patients, 548 (59%) were clipped and 383 (41%) coiled. Compared with patients with coiled aneurysms, patients with clipped aneurysms had a higher incidence of in-hospital complications (37.2% versus 24.5% of patients; P0.0001). High

25、er incidences were observed for seizure (P=0.01).,Vergouwen MD, et al. Stroke, 2011; 42(11): 3093-8.,http:/ 严重高颅压 消化道出血 癫痫 血糖异常 发热,http:/ 是否应在首次卒中后癫痫发作开始AEDs治疗? 药物选择 哪种AEDs最适合卒中患者? 何时停药 2年?,http:/ 卒中后癫痫的发作频率以及预测因素(卒中部位、亚型和严重性)对于决定一名卒中患者何时接受抗癫痫治疗是很重要的。,Ryvlin P, Montavont A, Nighoghossian N. Neurlolo

26、gy 2006;67(S4):S3S9,http:/ ESO卒中并发症的处理,预防性的抗惊厥治疗并无效果。 卒中发生时有痫性发作的患者,如果神经功能缺损与急性脑缺血有关,可以静脉使用rtPA (IV类证据,优良临床实践)。 2009年未更新,http:/ AHA/ASA动脉瘤性SAH的治疗指南,20%以上的SAH患者伴有癫痫,通常发生在出血后24 h内。 可在SAH后的超急性期,对患者预防性应用抗惊厥药(b类,B级证据) 。 不推荐对患者长期使用抗惊厥药( 类,B级证据)。 但若患者有以下危险因素,如大脑中动脉瘤、脑实质内血肿、脑梗死以及高血压史等则可考虑使用抗惊厥药( b类,B级证据) 。,

27、http:/ AHA/ASA脑静脉血栓形成指南,对于有幕上脑实质损伤且出现痫性发作一次的CVT患者,推荐尽早启动抗癫痫治疗并持续一段时间,以预防癫痫进一步发展(,B)。 对于无幕上脑实质损伤,有痫性发作过一次的CVT患者,推荐尽早启动抗癫痫治疗并持续一段时间,可能预防癫痫进一步发展(a,C)。 对于无癫痫的CVT患者,不推荐行常规抗癫痫治疗(,C)。,http:/ AHA/ASA脑出血指南,有临床发作的痫样发作需要抗癫痫治疗(级推荐,A级证据);(Revised from the previous guideline) 精神状态的改变伴EEG癫痫波的患者,应给予抗癫痫治疗(级推荐,C级证据);

28、 不推荐预防性抗癫痫治疗(级推荐,B级证据);(New recommendation) 卒中后23个月再次发生的痫样发作,按癫痫的常规治疗进行长期药物治疗(级推荐,D级证据)。,http:/ 检索并分析19502009年随机对照研究的数据 评价药物对卒中后癫痫的预防作用,Kwan J, Wood E. Antiepileptic drugs for the primary and secondary prevention of seizures after stroke. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2010, (1):CD005398.,http:/ 有三项RCT

29、评价不同药物之间对卒中后癫痫的二级预防的疗效: 一项在老年患者(mean age 72)中的研究评价CBZ,LTG (lamotrigine),GPB(gabapentin)的疗效 SANAD研究 一项卒中后癫痫的LTG与CBZ的随机对照研究,三项RCT评价,目前仍没有充分的证据支持常规应用AEDs用于一级及二级预防卒中后癫痫。,http:/ 荷兰 随机对照安慰剂试验,卒中7天内口服左乙拉西坦1500mg/d,3个月 结论:预防卒中后癫痫不可行 入组率低:Only 16 patients were included in this trial. 癫痫发作的评估、合并用药、出院后治疗、药物不良反

30、应,van Tuijl JH,et al. Early treatment after stroke for the prevention of late epileptic seizures: a report on the problems performing a randomised placebo-controlled double-blind trial aimed at anti-epileptogenesis.Seizure, 2011,20(4):285-91.,预防,积极对脑血管疾病进行一级、二级预防以降低脑卒中发病率是预防脑卒中后癫痫最有效的措施(2010中国急性缺血性卒

31、中诊治指南) Gilad等进行回顾性分析,发现缺血性卒中早期癫痫发作接受2年治疗的患者癫痫再发的风险下降,但停止治疗后癫痫风险与未接受治疗的患者比较无显著差异。,Gilad R, Lampl Y, Eschel Y, Sadeh M. Antiepileptic treatment in patients with early postischemic stroke seizures: a retrospective study. Cerebrovasc Dis 2001;12:3943.,Effects of epilepsy and selected antiepileptic drugs

32、 on risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, and death in patients with or without previous stroke: a nationwide cohort study Denmark,Compared with Carbamazepine monotherapy: Valproate with a decreased risk of stroke (HR, 0.86; 95%CI, 0.76-0.96) Oxcarbazepine with increased risk of stroke (HR, 1.21; 9

33、5%CI, 1.10-1.34) Phenobarbital with increased risk of cardiovascular death (HR, 1.08; 95%CI, 1.00-1.17) .,Olesen JB, et al. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, 2011,20(9):964-71.,AEDs选择的影响因素,几项研究结果共同表明,大部分第一代AEDs(尤其是苯妥英)并不是卒中患者最适合的治疗选择,因为它们可能对功能恢复和骨骼健康带来有害影响,药代动力学特点不理想,与抗凝药或水杨酸盐类药物存在相互作用,耐受性欠佳,并且缺少针对老年患者的A级

34、证据。,AEDs药物影响卒中后恢复的可能性:苯妥英和苯二氮卓类药物可能影响脑梗死后的功能预后。 AEDs与抗凝药和抗血小板药物之间的相互作用:第一代AEDs与缺血性卒中二级预防药物之间存在药物间相互作用。苯巴比妥、苯妥英和卡马西平均是肝酶诱导剂,而苯妥英、苯二氮卓类药物和丙戊酸与血浆蛋白高度结合,从而导致下列现象的发生:苯妥英和华法林的血浆浓度相互影响,从而使两种药物均很难维持在稳定的治疗范围。 相比之下,新型AEDs(包括拉莫三嗪、加巴贲丁、奥卡西平、托吡酯和左乙拉西坦)与抗凝药或抗血小板药物之间无显著的相互作用。,AEDs选择的影响因素,根据目前有限的临床数据,我们似乎更应该关注传统AED

35、s对卒中恢复潜在的损害,而不是寄望于新型AEDs神经保护作用的假说。,7 Principles of therapy in the epilepsies173 Principles of management in the elderly with epileptic seizures 219 Difficulties in diagnosing epileptic seizures in the elderly219 Frequency of seizures and their severity in the elderly .220 EEG and other investigative

36、 procedures in the elderly. 220 Physiological and other changes in the elderly that may affect AEDs 221 Principles of AED treatment in the elderly 221,Principles of AED treatment in the elderly,A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment. Revised Second Edition. Based on the ILAE cla

37、ssifications and practice parameter guidelines. Springer Healthcare Ltd 2010,Principles of AED treatment in the elderly,A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment. Revised Second Edition. Based on the ILAE classifications and practice parameter guidelines. Springer Healthcare Ltd 20

38、10,A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment. Revised Second Edition. Based on the ILAE classifications and practice parameter guidelines. Springer Healthcare Ltd 2010,中国指南2010,目前缺乏卒中后是否需预防性使用抗癫痫药或治疗脑卒中后癫痫的证据 不推荐预防性应用抗癫痫药物(推荐,D级证据) 孤立发作一次或急性期的痫性发作控制后,不建议长期使用抗癫痫药物(推荐,D级证据) 脑卒中23个月后再发的癫痫,建议按癫痫的常规治疗进行长期药物治疗(推荐,D级证据) 卒中后癫痫持续状态,可按癫痫持续状态的治疗原则进行处理(推荐,D级证据) 脑血管畸形手术切除的适应证 药物不能控制的癫痫频繁发作,http:/


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