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1、Lesson 10 Before and After September 11,-Tai Moses,Teaching Aims and Requirements,1. Why does the author use two opposite before and after? 2. Which should go first, individuals liberty and freedom or loyalty to ones country? 3. What is the authors attitude toward “National Security”?,Warm-up,Why do

2、es the author write the article?,The first paragraph on P152 offers us some information on the circumstances under which the author wrote this article. Please sum up the background for the article.,background,governments attitude and publics reaction,91% of the American public considered such policy

3、 the right one in guiding the United States along the correct path.,Publics reaction,governments law,Publics reaction,“The Patriot Act” authorizes the interception of wire, oral and electronic communications for the production of evidence and it authorizes the FBI to request telephone toll and trans

4、action records, financial records and consumer reports.,26%-not enough restriction on civil iberties 60%-right, 10%-go too far,governments poicy,Homeland security becomes a top priority. Bush Administration declared war on world terrorism. He said, “America will do what is necessary to ensure our na

5、tions security.”,Dilemma,Under such circumstances it is very difficult for one to air different views. Anyone who expresses views different from the conservative mainstream view would be accused of being “unpatriotic” or “anti-America”. But the American democratic tradition is still there. There are

6、 still some outspoken people, such as the author of the article under our study. He is putting another approach towards 9/11 and holds that in order to win the struggle against terrorism abroad it is all the more necessary to strengthen, not to weaken, freedom and democracy at home.,Organization of

7、the essay,Part I (paras 1-6),This section gives a general description of the change in the United States after September 11. “The events of September 11 divided out world into two radically different eras.”,a new age of anxiety was born.,Sep. 11 attacks were not considered as single, individual acti

8、ons but part of a well-coordinated, well-organized plan of a terririst group with global reach. Terrible things or more terrible things may follow.,anxiety: a state of feeling uneasy apprehensive or worried about what may happen; concern about a possible future event,Two radically different eras,The

9、 pre-9/11 world,The post 9/11 era,Idyllic-peaceful, happy Securesafe People talk about it with a feeling of deep respect and love which can only be found in talking about dead people.,an astonishing new landscape Unmapped wilderness-unclear and is full of uncertainties, like an uncultivated, wild re

10、gion that has not been explored.,evidence?,What does the Bush Administration do in the post 9/11 era?,Guardsmen are stationed at the airport Airspace over Yankee Stadium is closed The vice-presidents safekeeper whisk him Bin Laden is presumably moved from cave to cave Anthrax panic sends Congress ru

11、nning from its Chambers. A fierce battle is being waged for its psychic,political and material capital. the struggle for the soul of the 21st century a battalion of securitycrats and generals sre attempting to colonize the future with their own repressive agenda.,Para 2 shows us that America was str

12、ong and well prepared for further terrorist attacks.,Para 4 tells us again that securitycrats and generals in Bush Administration are taking the lead in the violent attack,The authors opinion,Para 5&6,More and more people expressing their opposition to the national tendency of suspicion and mistrust

13、 of others as well as self-arrogance,Kesey considered the war between the traditional pattern of power politics and a way of the weak trying to strike back as an asymmetrical war, so he hoped eagerly that the future should be constructed on a model of “mutual cooperation, trust and rational thinking

14、”.,Key Sentences,We still remember that assassinated world as idyllic, secure, we will speak of it in the reverent tones reserved for dead (para 3),In our memory, the pre-September 11 world was peaceful, happy and safe and we will talk about those days with a feeling of deep respect and love which c

15、an only be found in talking about dead people,the spoils of war include some of our most cherished values and liberties. (para 4),In order to win the war, we might have to give up some the basic values and liberties we treasure most. This might be the cost we have to pay.,contrast,who are attempting

16、 to colonize the future with their own repressive agenda. (para 4),They are planning to carry out the plan of expanding the power of law enforcement agencies at home and of striking at the “axis of evil” abroad so as to extend American domination into areas originally beyond American reach, such as

17、Central Asia. Hence, the colonization of the future.,which assumes the public is thinking in red, white and blue, when actually the spectrum of emotions, ideas and opinions is, like America itself, multihued. (para 5),which takes for granted that people think in a simple and uniform way while actual

18、ly the feelings, thoughts and views of the American people are as varied as America itself.,How beautiful Jerusalem is?,The root of Palestine-Israel conflict?,No other place on Earth has stirred such passions as the barren strip of land on the edge of the Arabian Desert that has been called Palestin

19、e, the Holy Land and Israel. The harsh beauty of the landscape is filled with holiness and bitterness.,Jerusalem: A Light Too Bright,: 耶路撒冷市 (jerusalem) 位于巴勒斯坦中部犹地亚山的四座山丘上,是一座举世闻名的历史古城,距今已有多年的历史。四周群山环抱,面积平方公里,由东部旧城和西部新城组成。海拔米,万(年),是以色列最大城市,Jerusalem: A Light Too Bright,The dazzling white stone of Je

20、rusalems buildings reflects so much light at the height of the day that it blinds rather than illuminates. But at dawn, the ancient city reveals itself: For a moment, the light seems to burn everything it touches. It is Judaisms holiest site and Islams third holiest site behind Mecca(麦加) and Medina.

21、 (麦地那),The conflict between Palestine and Israel began around the turn of the 20th century. It is essentially a struggle over land. Until 1948, the area (approximately 10,000 square miles) that both groups claimed was known internationally as Palestine. But following the war of 1948-49, this land wa

22、s divided into three parts: the state of Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. On the one hand, the Israelis seem to have a valid claim to having a state and to being safe and free from terrorism. Except for extremists in the Middle East, few try to make a case today for eliminating the state of

23、 Israel entirely and no one believes that a constant state of fear among the Israeli people is something morally acceptable.,Root of Palestine-Israel Conflict,Yet, the Palestinians seem to have valid moral claims as well. They, too, would like to have their own state and how can anyone accept the ri

24、ght of Jews to have a state in Israel but also deny that Palestinians should be permitted the same? Palestinians would also like to live in peace without having to be in a constant state of fear not so much from terrorist bombers but from the Israeli military.,Root of Palestine-Israel Conflict,Part

25、II (paras 7-11),The cause of the change,the shattering of the sense of invulnerability,the emergence of national paranoia,psychological,The sense of invulnerability,Since 1812, continental America has not been invaded by a foreign country. And since the end of the Civil War in 1865, there has been n

26、o war taking place on American continental territory. The disintegration of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War make the United States the only superpower in the world. the sense of invulnerability became the hallmark of the American psyche. Although the United States of America suffered he

27、avy losses in the Pearl Harbor surprise attack, in the Korean War and the Vietnam War, Americans did not have the visual impact of the devastation because all these took place thousands of miles away from home.,innocence,Superpower,sense of invulnerable,undesirable quality,pundits ( innocence),autho

28、r(critical of their analysis, the loss of innocence is not a bad thing.),Paranoia,Gas masks Mails irradiation against biological threats Nuclear weapons against Muslim countries A zealous new patriotism,Key Sentences,Overnight, the United States perceived a sword of Damocles suspended over its head

29、(para 8),This is an illusion and the writer uses it to show that people fear terrorist attacks may fall upon them any time so they live in constant fear, the same as Damocles sitting under a sword suspended by a hair.,Suddenly, people in the United States found themselves living in constant fear, fe

30、aring that another terrorist attack might come at any time and as a result, there had been growing tendency of irrational suspicion and mistrust, leading to certain frantic (由于恐惧或担心)无法控制感情的;发狂似的) actions.,29,authors attitudes towards such statements?,The advocacy of the use of nuclear weapons is app

31、alling. (immoral, irrational and irresponsible),The disproportionate response is appalling. (one-millions) disprpo:nnit不相称的, 不成比例的,Op-Eds that declared using apons against Muslim countries would be justified if terrorists killed so much as one more American.,appalling,We too are mired near the botto

32、m of Maslows pyramid, struggling to regain our lost sense of safety and security. (para 9),The terrorist attacks have put us in the lowest type of needs, i. e., safety needs, near at the bottom of the hierarchy of needs (Maslows pyramid): and, we are trying everything possible to regain our lost sen

33、se of personal safety and social security.,key sentence,The American people now have much more in common with millions of the planets people.(para.10),They had in common with other people the sense of insecurity. For the first time, the Americans had a taste of what it meant to be living in constant

34、 fear of terrorist attack and loss of life. This put them in common with people in regions where “armed conflict or terrorism take innocent lives daily“. This time, the Americans could appreciate the feeling of people in those regions better.,The flag is an icon, a brand (para 11),idol,image,paintin

35、g of a holly person; symbol 圣像;象征,image of god or person that is greatly loved 偶像;神像,general impression a person or firm gives to public形象,What are the two kinds of patriotism in para.11?,文字内容,1,2,upholding the principle embodied in the constitution political stability economic growth social progres

36、s,display of the flag, intensely patriotic irrational emotion,Part III (paras 12-15),What is the relationship between this part and the previous part?,The result of national paranoia is the hardening of outlook-.,war on terrorism,Sacrifice the civil liberties,Examples?,Key Sentences,It has not been

37、fashionable for some time to assign oracular qualities to Orwells novel, 1984. (para 12),give hidden meaning to 赋予隐意/神谕,imprisonment without trial未经审讯即监禁, public execution公开处决, torture to extract confessions严刑拷打逼供,Key Sentences,But many of us . state security.para.14 (1) How, according to the writer

38、, do many Americans define their personal safety (2) What was happening to these liberties, according to the writer?,They consider the civil liberties embodied in the Bill of Rights and in the Constitution as the most important guarantee of personal safety.,They are being weakened or cancelled by th

39、e authority of national security. In other words, for the sake of security of the country, people are being asked to give up some of the liberties they enjoy by law.,Bill of Rights,This is one of the most important principles of the Constitution. Based on the concept of the dignity of the individual

40、, this principle reverses the common notion that the individual is subordinate to the state and declares the most important characteristic of a just society should be the recognition of individual worth. The Bill of Rights contains the most sweeping and substantive protections for the individual rig

41、hts in the US. Included, among other things, are rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press, the right to a recognizable procedure in criminal law, and the freedom of religion.,Bill of Rights (cont.),The Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the Constitution) guarantees: freedom of re

42、ligion freedom of speech freedom of the press freedom of assembly and petition freedom from unreasonable searches right to jury trial right to due process of law other legal rights,Key Sentences,it is something we associate with repressive regimes, not with participatory democracies.,We are used to

43、thinking that Western democracies practice rule of law and individual rights and freedom are protected by law. Violation of individual rights and suppression of dissenting voices can only be found in repressive regimes.,para.15,What kind of liberties are compromised?,at home,abroad,compromise the na

44、tions integrity,undermine American incredibility,Part IV (paras 16-19),shop,drop,attacks,The rampant materialism; Economic patriotism,Accompanying symptoms,Separation and compulsion,Is the author in favor of the governments measure?,Largest oil-consuming country: U.S.A,Oil-producing countries ( Iraq

45、, for example),Relies heavily on the import of oil from the Gulf area.,The Arab world would turn against and cut off the oil supply,Key Sentences,There was a relaxing of the rampant materialism, along with its ugly stepsisters isolation and compulsion, that has been the undoing of community in this

46、country. (para 18),less serious, reducing,widespread, unstrained,cause of ruin, downfall or destruction 毁灭的原因,People began to put less emphasis on the pursuit of wealth and possession of worldly goods (property). And the other two dangerous symptoms that went with materialism, that is, physical sepa

47、ration from others and irrational behavior as a result of impulse, also became less serious. Materialism, together with the accompanying symptoms of separation and compulsion, had been the cause of the ruin of community in this country.,before 911,shopping malls,before 911,200 satellite channels,gam

48、eboys,after 911,materialism , together with the accompanying symptons of separation and compulsion, had been the cause of the ruin of the community of this country.,This Frankensteinian creation asserts that consumption is an American value, extols the nepenthean powers of the dollar and in effect,

49、discourages national introspection at a time when it would be most valuable.,n. (据传说古希腊人用的)忘忧药, 解忧烦之物,nepenthe nepeni ,at a time when it is highly important for Americans to look into ourselves and ask ourselves why “they hate us”, this concept directs our attention and thinking away from such analysis.,allusion作法自毙或作茧自缚的臆造,changes after 911,gathering with others and talking,before 911,singing,questioning and arguing,after 911,Part V


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