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1、Welcome,第二届 趣味英语知识竞赛,(经济管理学院)学生会学习部,第一关,单词大比拼,60,59,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,28,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,33,32,29,30,31,34,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,每组选手选出一名代表从准备好的26个英文字母中随机抽取一个,然后将抽到的字母作为单词的首字母,然后在规定的两分钟内(不能参考任何工具)默写出单词。最后比较正确单词数量(由评委评定结果):一个单词得2分。,比赛

2、规则,第二关,本环节为抢答题,主要为谜语、脑筋急转弯可以由全组一起讨论结果,答对一道的10分,答错一道扣除2分。每道题思考时间不得超过10秒钟。(不得借用任何电子工具),2. Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired . 谁一年只工作一天却不会被开除。,The key: santa Claus 圣诞老人,3. Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe ? 为什么狗害怕日光浴?,The key: they dont want to be hot-dog. 他们不想成为热狗.,4.What water boun

3、dless ? 什么水永远用不完?,The key: Tears 泪水,5.What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth ? 不用耳朵可以听到你,不用嘴巴却能回答你的是什么?,The key : An echo 回声,6.You can see it, but you cant touch it. It may disappear, but has never really left you. It grows throughout the day. What is it? 什么东西你能看到它,但是不能打它。

4、它可能会消失,但它不会真的离开你。它会一整天在你身边?,The key : shadow 影子,7.It looks like sugar, but its not sweet. It looks like cotton, but it can t spin. It comes in winter and makes the weather colder.What is it? 是你东西看起来像糖,但是它不甜;看起来像棉花,但是不能纺织。它是气温降低从水变成的.,The key : snow 雪,8. How many months have 28 days ? 几个月有28天?,The ke

5、y: All of them. Each month has its 28th day. 12个月。每个月都有28天。,9. What is smaller than an insects mouth? 什么东西比昆虫的嘴还小?,The key: Anything is eat 任何吃的,10. When I come down from the sky, I make everything wet. What am I ? 当我从天上掉下来,把地上弄湿了。 我是什么?,The key : rain 雨,11. What animal carries two hills on its back

6、? 上什么动物背上背着两座山?,The key: camel 骆驼,12. What animal sleeps in daytime but flies at night? 什么动物在白天睡觉,但晚上飞吗?,The key: bat 蝙蝠,13. What always goes up and never goes down? 什么东西只升不降?,The key: The age 年龄,14. “If” is between us. Can you guess what English word it is ? “如果“是我们之间,你能才出是什么英文单词吗?,The key : Wife 妻

7、子,15. What animal wears big black glasses on its face ? 什么动物戴着两个大的黑色的眼镜?,The key : panda 熊猫,第三关,本环节必答题,各小组必须在音乐结束后的5秒钟内猜出所放的歌曲名称。每个小组一首音乐任务。答对20分,答错不扣分。,peanut 花生,1.baby.mp3 2.eminem、rihanna - love the way you lie.mp3 3. lady gaga - bad romance.mp3 4. lady gaga - poker face.mp3 5.loveing you.mp3 6.

8、m2m - the day you went away.mp3 7mp3 8.迈克尔杰克逊 - beat it.mp3,The answer:,第四关,本关总共有八道题(绕口令),每小组抽取一道,然后在最短时间内念出来。本题为20分,由评委根据选手的表现来打分。,第五关,本环节为观众互动环节,由主持人想观众提问。主要是与英语相关的知识。答题正确的观众可以获得精美小礼品一份。,Puzzle II,1.Why breed(品种)of dog has no tail(尾巴)?,A hot dog,2. The 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing English slogan?

9、 2008年北京奥运会的英文口号是?,The key: One world , one dream 同一世界,同一梦想。,3. Put a chicken and a goose and put in an iceberg, why did the chicken dead geese not dead ? 把一只鸡和鹅放在冰山上,为什么鸡死了鹅却没有死?,The key : Because goose is penguin 因为鹅是企鹅.,4. The most afraid of what man wearing a hat ? 男人最怕戴什么帽子?,The key: Green hat

10、绿帽子,Shrek,Donkey,电影欣赏,1、“Im not through with you yet. ”,Through with sb:,我已经跟你没关系了,别再给我打电话。 e.g. Im through with you. Dont call me any more.,我的话还没说完呢。,不再想与某人有任何关系,2、You are mean to me.,Mean to sb: 对他人不好,自私。,他对她女朋友一直很差劲。 e.g. He has been very mean to his girlfriend.,你对我很刻薄。,3.“You are always pushing

11、me around or pushing me away.”,Push sb. Around: 以粗暴、无礼的方式支使他人。,我不认为有钱人就可以随意支使别人。 e.g. I dont think rich people can push people around.,Push sb. Away: 强迫他人远离自己,在得到自己所要的之后,他把艾米赶走了。 e.g. He pushed Amy away after getting what he wanted.,你总是对我呼之即来、挥之即去,手舞足蹈小游戏,第六关,规则: 三人一组,根据PPT上所给的图片,在90秒钟内,分别由一个人模仿、一个人

12、描述、另一个人猜单词的形式完成游戏。 得分标准: 一、在规定时间内猜对3个单词的队伍得全分(15分)。 二、跳过图片的队伍,评委根据跳过图片数量酌情给分。,猴子:monkey,镜子:mirror,羊肉串:mutton shashlik,鸭子:duke,睡觉:sleep,钢琴:piano,游泳:swimming,乒乓球:table tennis,咖啡:coffee,气球:balloon,狗:dog,苹果:apple,鱼:fish,足球:football,白酒:wine,鸟:bird,吉他:guitar,散步:walking,保龄球:bowling,手表:watch,烦恼:worry,枪:gun,自行车:bicycle,肥皂:soap,第七关,才艺大展示,由每个团队派出代表(可以是团队)表演有关英语方面的内容,如:演讲、唱歌、讲故事等。表演时间不超过五分钟。最后由评委给分(总分30分)。,第一组,演唱歌曲: baby,第二组,第三组,戏剧表演:威尼斯商人,第四组,戏剧表演: 孔雀东南飞,第五组,老师提问或老师发言 及点评,Byebye,感谢老师们、同学们的光临,


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