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1、酒店实用英语,公共用语,1、How do you do ? 您好。 2、How are you? 您好吗? 3、Good morning(afternoon,evening). 早上(下午、晚上)好。 4、Good night. 晚安。 5、Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你。 6、Welcome to our hotel! 欢迎光临。 7、Hope to see you again!欢迎再次光临。 8、Thank you! 谢谢! 9、Youre welcome! 不客气。 10、Im sorry! 对不起。 11、Never mind. 没关系。 12、Excuse me.

2、请原谅/打扰了。,13、Im sorry to disturb you. 对不起,打扰您了。 14、This way,please! 请这边走。 15、Take care. 请慢走。 16、Please wait a moment. 请稍等。 17、Please take this elevator. 请乘电梯。 18、Goodbye. 再见。 19、See you later. 回头见。 20、I see. 我明白了。 21、Its my duty. 这是我应该做的。 22、Have a nice day. 祝您今天心情愉快。 23、Congratulations! 祝贺您! 24、Wish

3、 you good business. 祝您生意兴隆! 25、Wish you a happy holiday. 祝您节日愉快!,26、Happy birthday to you. 祝您生日快乐。 27、Happy new year. 新年快乐。 28、Merry Christmas. 圣诞快乐。 29、Happy weekend. 周末愉快。 30、Good luck. 祝您好运。 31、Wish you success in your work祝您工作顺利。 32、Im glad to serve you. 我很高兴为您服务。 33、Please sit down. 请坐。 34、Plea

4、se have a cup of tea. 请喝茶。 35、Please take a rest. 请休息一下。 36、Ill do it for you right now. 马上去办。 37、Dont worry. 别着急。 38、Please follow me. 请跟我来。 39、Please after you! 您先请。 40、Here you are. 给您。,41、Happy landing. 一路顺风。 42、Turn left(right),please. 请左(右)拐。 43、Straight on(Go straight ahead),please.请直走。 44、I

5、cant catch you quite well,would you repeat it? 我听的不大清楚,您再说一边好吗? 45、I beg your pardon.(Please repeat)请再说一遍。 46、Can you speak slowly? 请讲慢一点。 47、Can you spell your name? 请拼一下您的名字。 48、Can I have your name? 请问您贵姓? 49、Please sign your name here. 请签名。 50、Sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了。 5

6、1、Would you pay by cash or credit card? 您是用现金还是信用卡结帐? 52、Here is your change. 这是找您的零钱。,53、Please keep it. 请收好。 54、Please take your time.不用急,您再好好想想。 55、There is no hurry. 不用急。 56、Its free. 这是免费的。 57、Would you like? 您喜欢? 58、Can I help you? 可以为您效劳吗? 59、Anything else I can do for you? 您还有别的需要吗? 60、I am

7、sorry.I am afraid that is not allowed. 对不起,这是不允许的。 61、I am sorry.It is out of the question. 对不起,这恐怕是不可能的。 62、Hope you will understand me. 希望您能谅解。 63、Any uneasiness,please point it out. 照顾不周的地方,请多多关照。,基础英语100句,1、您好! Hello(or Hi)! 2、早上好!(下午好!晚上好!) Good morning !(afternoon , evening) 3、先生、先生们、太太(夫人)、小姐

8、、女士们。Sir,Gentlemen.Madam.Miss.Ladies. 4、欢迎光临。 Welcome 5、欢迎光临我们酒店。 Welcome to our hotel. 6、希望您在我们宾馆停留愉快! Hope you have a good time in our hotel. 7、先生,您好,贵姓? hello sir,May I help you? 8、先生,请问能为您效劳吗? Sir,Can I help you?,9、先生,对不起,让您久等了。 Sorry to have kept you waiting ,sir? 10、先生,请问还有别的事吗? Anything else

9、I can do for you,sir? 11、先生,如果您不介意的话,我可以吗? Sir,Do you mind , if I 12、好的。 All right . 13、我明白了。 I see . 14、请不用担心。 Please dont worry about it . 15、我马上为您办。 Ill do it for you right 16、谢谢您。 Thank you. 17、不用客气。 You are welcome.,18、您太客气了。 It is very kind of you. 19、很高兴为您服务。 I am glad to serve you. 20、这是我应该做

10、的。 It is my duty. 21、先生,请原谅。 Excuse me,Sir. 22、对不起。 I am sorry. 23、对此向您表示歉意。 I am sorry about this. 24、对不起,是我们的过错。 I am sorry ,its our fault. 25、对不起,打扰您了。 I am sorry to disturb(interrupt) you.,26、对不起,先生,请稍等。 Sorry sir, wait a monent please. 27、请再说一遍好吗? I beg your pardon. 28、随您的便。 As you like. 29、听到这

11、事我很难过。 I am very sorry to hear that. 30、对不起,账目搞错了。 Sorry , there is a mistake in counting. 31、请进。 Come in please. 32、请这边走。 Please come this way. 33、请跟我来。 Please follow me.,34、先生,请一直往前走。 Please go straight ahead, Sir. 35、请这里下(上)楼。 Please go down (up) stairs here. 36、乘电梯,请走这边。 Please come this way to

12、the lift. 37、请在第一个转弯处向左(右)转。 Please turn left (right) at the first corner. 38、美容室在哪里。 Where is the Beauty Salon? 39、在三楼。 its on the third floor. 40、商场在哪里? Where is the shopping Centre . 41、在大堂吧旁边。 Its next to the lobby bar. 42、请问中餐厅在哪里? Where is the Chinese Restaurant?,43、在二楼。 It s on the second flo

13、or. 44、大堂吧在哪里? Where is the lobby bar? 45、在前台的左前边。 Its in front of the Front Desk on the left. 46、宾馆有什么娱乐设施? Do you have any entertainments in the hotel? 47、有,在三楼有歌舞厅、KTV包房、桑拿包房。 Yes,We have. We have a SingingDancing Hall ,KTV rooms ,Sauna rooms on the third floor . 48、在大堂有个售票处。 The Ticket counter i

14、s in the lobby. 49、洗手间在那边。 The restroom is over there . 50、从这到云台山要多长时间。 How long will it take from here to the Yuntai mountain?,51、乘的士大约要一个小时。 Its one hour by taxi. 52、到火车站要多长时间。 How long will it take to the railway Station. 53、乘的士大约5分钟。 Its about 5 minutes by taxi. 54、哪里可以兑换钱? Where can I get my mo

15、ney exchanged. 55、银行在哪里? Where is the Bank? 56、去总台这边请。 This way to the front desk ,please. 57、先生,这是您的行李吗? Is this your luggage. Sir? 58、让我帮您提行李好吗? Let me help you with your bags.,59、欢迎光临,我是楼层服务员,愿意为您效劳。 Welcome ,Sir. I am the floor attendant. Can I help you? 60、请出示一下您的房卡好吗? Would you please show me

16、your room card? 61、请问您的房间号是多,先生? May I have your room number,Sir? 62、对不起,我过会儿再来. I am sorry. I will come back later. 63、对不起,先生,让您久等了,这是您要的开水。 Sorry,Sir. Thank you for waiting.Here is your room,please call room service. 64、对不起,我马上就来一只。 I am sorry. I will change one for you. 65、欢迎您来我们餐厅用餐。 Welcome to

17、our restaurant. 66、请问您喜欢喝什么茶? What kind of tea (do you like to drink)? 67、请问现在可以点菜了吗? (Are you ready) order now?,68、还需要点什么吗? Anything else (do you want),sir? 69、如果您想在房间里用餐,请拨服务。 If you wish to have meals in your room,please call room service. 70、请走好,当心台阶。 Please mind your step. 71、希望再次为您服务。 Hope to

18、serve you again. 72、对不起,您要的商品己售完了。 I am sorry,it is sold out. 73、您看这个怎么样? What about this one? 74、这个行吗? Is this all right? 75、我将尽快为您安排。 Ill arrange it for you.,76、这是找您的钱和收据。 Here is your change and receipt. 77、请在这签名。 Please sign your name here. 78、请点一下。 Please check it. 79、商场几点钟营业? What are the serv

19、ice hours of the shop? 80、从早上8点晚上11点。 Its from 8:00 am to 11:00 PM 81、我们供应中西食品 We provide both Chinese Food and Western Food. 82、这里提供24小时服务。 We provide 24-hour service here. 83、祝您愉快! Have a nice day! 84、生日愉快! Happy birthday!,85、节日愉快! Happy holiday! 86、新年快乐! Happy New Year! 87、圣诞快乐! Merry Christmas!

20、88、周末愉快! Happy weekend. 89、万事如意! Wish you every success. 90、祝您生意兴隆! Wish you good business. 91、祝您好运! Good luck. 92、祝您旅途愉快。 Have a good trip.,93、对不起,这是不允许的。 I am sorry .I am afraid that is not allowed. 94、对不起,这恐怕是不可能的。 I am sorry.it is out of the question. 95、希望你能谅解。 Hope you will understand me. 96、感

21、谢您的光临。 Thank you for your staying here. 97、希望您再次光临。 Welcome to again. 98、一会儿再见。 See you later. 99、很高兴再次见到你。 Nice to see you again. 100、几点钟了? What time is it? 早上8:30分。 Its 8:30 in the morning.,常用单词,Front desk /reception 总台/接待处 Front office 前厅办公室 Reservation 预订 Laundry 洗衣 Business center 商务中心 Room ser

22、vice 送餐服务 Bar 酒吧 Lobby bar 大堂吧 Cashiers 收银处 Beauty salon 美容中心 Healthy Room 健身房 Billiard room 台球室,Chess Room 棋牌室 Tennis room 乒乓球室 Coffee shop 咖啡店 Night club 夜总会 KTV Rooms KTV包房 Sauna rooms 桑拿包房 Banquet Room 宴会包房 Banquet Hall 宴会厅 Conference Hall 会议厅 Public Area 公共区域 Chinese food 中餐厅 Western food 西餐厅 S

23、upermarket 超市,Operator 接线员 Bellboy 行李生 Floor attendant 楼层服务员 Waiter 服务员(男) Waitress 服务员(女) Receptionist 接待员 Cashier 收银员 Supervisor 主管 Manager 经理 Assistant Manager 大堂副理 General Manager 总经理 PersonnelTraining Department 人事培训部 Financial Department 财务部 Room Division Department 房务部 Food Beverage Department 餐饮部 Engineer Department 工程部 Security Department 保安部 Recreation Department 康乐部 Sales department 营销部,


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