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1、Morphology and semantics,Practice on 8 Nov 2010,Falloween: an extended celebration or observance of Halloween, often beginning several weeks before the day; the retail season that extends from the beginning of fall through Halloween and Thanksgiving in the US (fall to Halloween). Giraffiti: graffiti

2、 painted at a high spot (graffiti and giraffe).,Metrosexual: an urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle (metropolis and heterosexual). Nicotini: a nicotine-laced martini (nicotine and martini ). Pedlock: the condition or stat

3、e of being so crowded that people are unable to move easily in any direction ( pedestrian and gridlock).,Rhetoric features of homonyms,Homophones Phoebe: I brought you alphabet soup. Lizzie: Pick out the vowels? Phoebe: Yes, but I left in the Ys. You know, sometimes people wanna know why.,Rhetoric o

4、f homonyms,Homographs: Joey: Arent we in the middle of something? Chandler: Yes, but these women are very hot and they need our help! And they are very hot!,Phoebe: Oh, you have a window! Chandler: Yes, indeed. With a beautiful view of Phoebe: Oh, look! That guys peeing! Chandler: Ok, thats enough o

5、f the view. Ross: I have a dream last night. I was playing football with my kid. Joey and Chandler: Oh, thats nice. Ross: No, with him.,Joey: Ah, now Rach, these ah, these little women. Rachel: Yeah? Joey: How little are they? I mean, are they like scary little?,Meaning and context of pun,(1)Left is

6、 right and right is wrong. (2)We eat what we can and we can what we cant,Bacronyms are words that are reinterpreted as acronyms, for instance George as a name for an organization with the acronymic interpretation: Georgetown Environmentalists Organized against Rats, Garbage, and Emissions. a. Which kind of word creation is the word bacronym itself an instantiation of ? b. Do you know bacronyms in your native language?,


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