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1、welcome!,truck,book,dog,duck,log,ruler,Lets chant. Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the pig. It is big. Look at the dog. Its on the log. Look at the duck. Its in the truck. Look at the bear. Its on the pear.,Where is the dog? Its _ the log.,on,log,on,on,o/,n/n/,on/n/,3,举一反三:onpot,cop,1,自然拼.,2,图片展

2、示.,truck,Where is the duck? Its _ the truck.,in,in,i| i |,n/n/,in/in/,in,1,自然拼.,2,图片展示.,3,举一反三:inbin,pin,Where is the ruler? Its _ the book.,under,under,un/n/,der/d/,/nd/,under,1,自然拼.,2,图片展示.,3,举一反三:underup,cut,desk/desk/,K, K, K,/d/, /d/, /d/,E, E, E,/e/, /e/, /e/,/s/, /s/, /s/,/k/, /k/, /k/,D, D,

3、D,S, S, S,2,举一反三:deskbeg,pet,1,自然拼:desk,chair,ch,air,/e/,/ t /,2,举一反三:chairhair,pair,1,自然拼.,chair,bear,desk,book,bag,ruler,pen,pencil,我会编chant.,Put your pencil on your head. Put your book under your desk. Put your eraser in your book. Put your ruler under your chair.,小组活动,展我风采,Clap your hands ,clap

4、your hands . Touch your head,touch your head. Wave your arm,wave your arm. Shake your legs,shake your legs. Shake your body,shake your body. Stamp your foot,stamp your foot.,Lets chant,Lets do Put your foot under your chair. Put your hand on your chair. Put your arm in your desk. Put your hand under

5、 your desk.,小组讨论,各组成员在组内练习、表演本部分,然后老师请一组里的一个同学说出他们的答案,其他组员一起表演。最后,请全班同学展示讨论成果。,大家猜猜看,图片显示的是哪个介词?,Where is the book? Its _ the chair.,on,Where is the ruler? Its _ the chair.,under,Where is the ruler? Its _ the chair.,in,Lets check.,Finish the exercises.,一,根据本节所学单词,补全下列单词。 1,_nder 2, _n 3, ch_ 4, d_sk

6、 5, _air 6, _n 二,看图,连线。 The book is on the desk. The ruler is under the chair. The bag is on the desk. The pencil is in the pencil-case. The dog is on the ball.,u,i,air,e,ch,o,1.单词:on,in,under,desk,chair 2.句型: Where is my ruler? Its oninunder the. 3.注意元音字母在单词里的发音。,Summary,Homework,1,介词是不是只有on/in/under?课后查查看,还有哪里介词是我们还不知道的,比一比,看一看,哪个小朋友找的介词最多。 2,回家后,把自己的文具放在桌子/椅子上,用介词介绍其方位,并且表演给家长看。,Thank you! Goodbye!,


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