10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2).doc

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1、enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect and implement the party theory study group, group study

2、, legal seminars, training of the legal system, legal knowledge examination and assessment system, promote leading cadres learning methods often, system; establish long-term mechanism of adolescent students of publicity and education on law; on floating population, migrant workers to carry out its c

3、losely related laws and regulations, publicity and education. (5) around the overall situation to carry out publicity and education on law. Stick around a major deployment of the party and the country, major task and the District, state, county Party committee, government center, organize momentum,

4、have the effect of legal publicity and education theme activities. With the deep development of promoting economic development, safeguard the peoples livelihood of publicity and education activities, carry out anti violence rule of law and order and with the maintenance of social stability of laws a

5、nd regulations related to the study and publicize, vigorously carry out strict enforcement of the law publicity and education in the typical deeds and Favoritism case. Give full play to the legal publicity and education in the promotion of the economic and social development, maintaining social harm

6、ony and stability, the service guarantee and improve the livelihood of the people in the area Polar effect.Strengthen organization of an important node of the legal publicity planning. Earnestly carry out 3, 15 consumer rights day, April autonomous region constitutional law awareness month, 12 - 4 n

7、ational legal advocacy, etc. an important node of the legal publicity and education activities, expand the legal publicity and education effect. (VI) to create a legal governance according to law qualified units to the carrier of rule of law in authority to carry out in-depth. Conscientiously implem

8、ent the catch double hung system, carry out the creation of legal governance according to law qualified units. Combined with practical work to take measures to work for application, solve each into the existing difficulties and problems to ensure my bureau the rule of law into the organs work with r

9、emarkable results. (VII) according to law governance and the rule of law activities to create deepening. Insist on the combination of publicity and education in the legal system and the rule of law and practice, consolidate legal governance according to law results based, deepening activities to cre

10、ate the rule. To further promote the legal governance according to law, qualified units to create activities, efforts to enhance our bureau and the rule of law building effect. Actively carry out safety production, road traffic, public security, environmental protection and other special rectificati

11、on activities, and further improve the level of rule of law. (VIII) actively promoting popularization of governance according to law innovation. Make full use of radio, television, newspapers, networks and other media open legal 施工组织设计 工程名称:2009年增储扩容工程新木联合站10000m3浮顶罐建设单位:设计单位: 监理单位:施工单位: 编制人:雷春杰 石海秋

12、审核人:张学信批准人:王长发编制单位:编制时间:2010年5月10日 目 录一、工程概况-41、工程名称-42、工程地点-43、工程内容-4二、主要工程量-41、罐壁板-42、罐底板-53、浮船-54、加热器-5三、执行的相关标准-51、编制依据-52、相关标准-5四、施工组织机构-61、项目部管理人员-62、安装管理人员-62、安装施工人员-7五、施工前的准备-71、技术准备-72、技术培训-73、施工机具检修、维修-84、临时设施规划-81六、施工过程中的技术管理-131、施工方法-132、材料进场、存放及检验-133、安装施工方案-154、雨季施工措施-505、工程验收-53七、施工过程

13、中的质量控制-531、质量管理措施-532、焊接合格率目标-553、工程质量保证措施-564、质量管理总体要求-595、关键工序控制-60八、施工过程中的成本控制措施-62九、综合控制-631、计划控制-632、合同控制-63 3、现场控制-634、工程调度控制措施-64十、安全环保措施-651、HSE管理保证措施-652、环境保护计划及措施-873、应急程序和事故处理-8924、现场文明施工保证措施-92十一、施工进度-941、施工网络计划-942、施工程序框图-963、施工机械设备表-974、施工平面布置图-985、施工人员入驻现场计划表-996、施工设备材料进厂计划表-100 3一、工程

14、概况 1、工程名称:吉林油田2009年增储扩容工程新木联合站10000m3浮顶罐。2、工程地点:新木联合站。3、工程内容:10000m3浮顶罐两座及工艺、消防管线。二、主要工程量10000m3浮顶罐两座单座罐总重:约257.043 T。罐壁高度:17430。罐内径:28500。工艺、消防管线:3000延长米1、罐壁板底 圈:B=1800 =16 Q345R2 圈:B=1800 =14 Q345R3 圈:B=1800 =12 Q345R4 圈:B=1800 =12 Q345R5 圈:B=1800 =10 Q345R6 圈:B=1800 =10 Q345R7 圈:B=1800 =8 Q345R8

15、圈:B=1800 =8 Q345R9 圈:B=1180 =8 Q235B10 圈:B=1800 =8 Q235B42、罐底板 边缘板:10块 =12 Q345R 中幅板: =8 Q235B3、浮船 船舱20个 Q235B 单盘板 18.45T =5 Q235B4、加热器 加热器80组 无缝钢管 10# 三、执行的相关标准1、编制依据1.1吉林石油集团石油工程有限责任公司制5468施工图。1.2GB501282005立式圆筒形钢制焊接储罐施工及验收规范。2、相关标准立式圆筒形钢制焊接油罐施工及验收规范GBJ12890现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范GB5023698中低压化工设备施工及验

16、收规范HGJ20183石油化工施工安全实施规程SHJ350599钢制焊接常压容器JB/T47351997石油化工安装工程质量检验评定标准SHJ51490工程建设交工技术文件规定SH350393钢融化焊对接接头射线照和质量分级GB332387焊接接头的基本形式与尺寸GB985885石油化工工程焊接工艺评定标准SHJ50988四、施工组织机构1、项目部管理人员 2、安装管理人员 63、安装施工人员序号工 种人 数1铆 工72电焊工143火焊工44电 工35起重工106司 机67机械工28力 工25五、施工前的准备1、技术准备1.1学习中国石油吉林油田公司基建工程施工管理办法。掌握限上项目的有关管理


18、护、保养,使其处于完好状态。3.2加强主要设备操作人员的业务培训,做到掌握操作技能并且能够熟练运用。4、临时设施规划8publicity column (column, pages and pages), active use of its advantages, make full use of the television building and modern bus TV, mobile news, government information network media to carry out distinctive legal publicity and education. (

19、IX) strengthen legal governance according to law to protect the building. In-depth implementation of the , establish reward mechanism, clear job responsibilities, form pays special attention to the legal work force. The Franco Prussian funding is guaranteed. Through a variety of ways to grow publici

20、ty team. Open exhibition legal propaganda activities on a regular basis.Three, job requirements (a) to strengthen organization and leadership, to the work of self-examination and listed on the agenda of Legal Popularization and governance according to law, held a special meeting arrangements, the pe

21、rson responsible for, to ensure the orderly conduct of the work.(two) pay attention to the effectiveness of the work. In strict accordance with the program to carry out self-examination, but also to sum up good experience and practice, found the existing problems and deficiencies, and put forward th

22、e improvement measures in time.Since the beginning of this year, XX town in the District, under the leadership of the district government and the District Commission for Discipline Inspection, implement the partys eighteen Commission for Discipline Inspection and the eighth session of the Fifth Plen

23、ary Session of the spirit of learning, effectively assume responsibility main body, earnestly implement the eight provisions, solidly carry out the work, efforts to solve the populace to reflect strong outstanding problems, to the town to build a clean government and anti-corruption work has achieve

24、d great development, give full play to the role of the Town Commission for Discipline Inspection and supervision, for the towns economic and social good and fast development with a strong political, organization, discipline guarantee. Reports are as follows:, grasping the implementation of the respo

25、nsibility, strict implementation of honest government, accountability to ensure clean and honest administration The responsibility system strictly enforced, effective implementation, combined with the practical in our town, strengthen construction of a clean and honest administration responsibilitie

26、s to implement the work of the leadership, the implementation of a pair of leading cadres. Supervise the town cadres to conscientiously implement the , , increase of the party, government, efforts to check the work of village affairs to ensure standardization of public, program, system. We make full

27、 use of Hong Kong North portal, town government of Party and government affairs open column, blackboard newspaper publicity slogans and village, public bar to the issuance of capital Huinong, membership dues collection, Party branch public commitments and other open device. Items one by one for publ

28、icity, and consciously 4.1施工临时设施规划见图194.1.1四通一平4.1.1.1施工用水施工用水见临时设施规划图。施工用电设备总耗电功率大约400KW。施工用电见临时设施规划图。施工用电所用材料表见附表。序号材料名称规格型号单位数量备注1电力电缆Zr-yv22-6/6kv-3*35米1102电力电缆VV22-1.0kv-5*95米3503电力电缆VV22-1.0kv-5*50米3704空气开关NM1-400/3300 400A个45空气开关NM1-400/3300 225A个126空气开关DZ47-50/3p 50A个307空气开关DZ47LE-50/

29、2p 16A个128空气开关DZ47-50/2p 20A个69铜鼻子35mm2个810铜鼻子95mm2个4511铜鼻子50mm2个6512开口铜鼻子400A个813开口铜鼻子100A个15014热缩终端头10kv,户外,25-502套215高压跌落式开关HRW10-10/200 200A个316氧化锌避雷器YH5WS-10/50个317风雨线铜心,35 mm2米5018镀锌横担L=1800mm根3制作见03D103第164页19方头螺栓M16*240个420方螺母M16个821方垫M16个822U型抱箍I 2型个1制作03D103第156页23方垫M16个224方螺母M16个225针式绝缘子P

30、-15(10)T付1226低压绝缘子个2027铜母线25*4kg828镀锌角钢50*5米1829镀锌扁钢40*4米180 10序号材料名称规格型号单位数量备注30塑铜线BV-0.5KV 10mm2米20031塑铜线BV-0.5KV 1.5mm2米10032尼龙绑扎带10cm长条100033空气开关DZ47-50/3p 6A个134三相四线有功电度表DT862-4 3*380V,3*1.5(6)A块135电流互感器LMZ-0.5 400/5个336镀锌角钢25*2.5米1837焊锡条kg338稀盐酸37%kg139锌粒 瓶140电焊条3.2kg10暂设和罐区施工用41自喷漆红色桶342自喷漆灰色

31、桶643直把麻花钻头12.5个344直把麻花钻头10.5个545直把麻花钻头9个546直把麻花钻头6.2个547直把麻花钻头5.2个548镀锌螺栓M10套100螺母,平垫弹簧垫各一个49橡皮电缆2*2.5米10050橡皮电缆3*4+1*2.5米10051无齿锯片CZ2Y24-36# 400*30片1052相色带卷30黄,绿,红各10卷53黑胶布卷1054自喷铝银浆桶255切割片100片1556低压配电柜个9尺寸见外型图114.1.1.3通讯施工现场固定电话一台。施工现场允许使用移动电话。道路利用罐区原有消防道路。从预制场地至施工现场及两罐周围,修5m宽临时进场道路,满足施工车辆和机具进出预制场地的要求。场地平整可以利用现有10000m3罐区北侧预留罐区作为预制场,对预制场地进行平整,并采用装载机反复碾压,以满足要求。完成储罐基础施工后,对罐基础周围场地进行平整碾压。4.1.2现场铺设钢平台平台规格:12m18 m所需材料:钢板 =20 216 工字钢 20# 120m 枕木


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