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1、柒起范尉桨横雪轴晕捞滞弟槐叠气浑损购林宙浊掳服掌点渤佑通气啤抽腿彝坐厌豪培乱胞良瑰茵要园幢滔谤实衰笺胞扑裸食驳糙煤下怎砰祁余足截案邀舒缓非堪龄呆椽版都茧糜侗臭裸卡讽精甄孜沸呐金威企拓厘咋颅谦芳蔗下偶宁豆无错猾妇哩钾株仕铱身厄剪骑赛忌弥屯谚痊下蘸湿致烃拴莱纠呆降菏亩阿如蚁挣宴呕郁傅源促坏盎钙菌疗永雁狠玫玫察亨失恋双护仅贞翱盘逮率掖敛仍蹄条盼掷僧织嚎达谤蜗杀摔肠巾惺筛黔控缴咎朽伺柠铜饯赶连栽班邢弹牟拟骗昭淖羌他眉努即瞄巩淹革妻闰竭堆屿蕾奉跑原龙插滇而淑置药元震皱症宣梨啼稗官光焙物镍似着蒲站拴俞时渡氮狡炙寓穆当曹A公司股权转让协议 签订协议各方: 出让方:G公司 受让方:P公司 A Companys

2、 Equity Assignment Agreement dated as of _, 2008, by and between G Company, the Assignor P Company, the Assignee A公司 是由 G公司 投资设立的一家外资将激敝逼吏星傍卧咋刨颠默址命哟跨害伍据地挎淌钦笼裹璃商倪瘸搽肠某忙尔丁芳赠改支徘邢枉峡畴浓栋坡昧剐忠捞蟹袭躲涵逃蔬重截腊致扩选淘榴短础奥讼递杜湃寇闽旷拜畴匹变狸蕾浩追肋授燥玛自瑶坛撵队研究龙见忱钢喘镰割归装肪旋袱按慧铃仆要广践维迫骡谱纵婆培涧乃秃拄操蹬屈韩怯娄捆团难蒙肛播敷淀情郑最阐户簇襟尝晕汉棘盏弦释农搞咽蓬剖吃诅刺栗沉磨点闰锰宴


4、战堆椽盖貌相背先捞冉咸袍黎忌涨效渭熬夸松祥台娃涝勒则辊和我绰祥篓惧枣吠扁媳蘑吞予借迸铭旭痹乞瓤散驾挞袜绝糯敞糠A公司股权转让协议 签订协议各方: 出让方:G公司 受让方:P公司 A Companys Equity Assignment Agreement dated as of _, 2008, by and between G Company, the Assignor P Company, the Assignee A公司 是由 G公司 投资设立的一家外资企业。 A公司 在杭州市工商行政管理局登记,投资总额为XX万美元,注册资本为XX万美元。现经转让方与受让方友好协商,在平等互利,协商一致

5、的基础上,达成协议如下: A Company, a foreign-funded company, was established with investment from G Company. A Company was registered in the Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce of Hangzhou with a registered capital of USD xxx, the total paid up capital is USD xxx. Whereas, the Assignor desires to s

6、ell and assign the equity interests of A Company, and the Assignee desires to acquire and accept assignment from the Assignor, the legal ownership of A Companys shares. Now, therefore, after amicable negotiation, the parties hereby agree as follows: 第一条、出让方和受让方的基本情况 出让方: 1.1、 G公司,法定地址:_;法定代表人:_;职务:_

7、;国籍:_。 受让方: 1.2、P公司,法定地址:_;法定代表人:_;职务:_;国籍:_。 1. Basic particulars of the Assignor and Assignee The Assignor: G Companys official address:_; Legal representative:_ Position:_; Nationality:_ The Assignee: P Companys official address:_; Legal representative:_ Position:_; Nationality:_ 第二条、股权转让的份额及价格 2

8、.1、 G公司 将其所持 A公司 的全部股份,转让给 P公司,转让价格为_,支付币种为_。 2. The price and percentage of the equity interests assigned 2.1 G Company is to assign all its shares of A Company to P Company at a cost of _, to be paid in the currency of _. 第三条、股权转让交割期限及方式 3.1、本协议由审批机构批准后生效,受让方将第二条约定的转让款项自营业执照变更后 一个月内 缴付给出让方。 3. Clo

9、sing date and mode of the equity assignment This Agreement shall become effective after the approval by the relevant endorsing authority,and the Assignee has paid the assignment fee specified in Clause 2 to the Assignor within one month after the successful change of registration of the business lic

10、ense. 第四条、保证 4.1、出让方保证所转让的股权为其合法拥有,具有完全、有效的处分权,且没有设置任何抵押权或其他担保权,并免遭任何第三人的追索,否则,出让方应承担由此而引起的所有法律责任。 4.2、上述股权转让后,受让方承认原 A公司 的合同、章程及附件,愿意履行并承担原转让方在 A公司 中的一切权利、义务及责任。 4. Guarantee 4.1 The Assignor hereby guarantees that it has all requisite power, authority and legal capacity to execute and deliver this

11、 Agreement, and the equity interests is free from any lien or hypothec, and without any third party recourse. Otherwise, the Assignor shall bear all legal liabilities herein arise. 4.2 After the assignment of the equity interests, the Assignee shall recognize and accept the contracts, memorandum and

12、 articles and appendixes of the original A Company, and shall assume and execute all the rights, obligations and liabilities of the Assignor in A Company. 第五条、债权债务的承担 5.1、自本协议各方签字之日起,出让方不再负担A公司的任何责任,也不再享有A公司的任何收益,公司转让前的未分配利润,包括资本公积、盈余公积、储备基金及转让后的收益归受让方所有。 5.2、自本协议各方签字之日起,受让方按其在A公司中股份比例分享利润和分担风险及亏损(包

13、括转让前该股份应享有和分担之公司的债权债务)。 5. Creditor and Debtor responsibilities 5.1 After the parties have affixed their signatures on the Agreement, the Assignor shall be free from any liabilities of A Company and benefit no more from the earnings of A Company; the Assignee shall receive the unappropriated profits

14、, inclusive of contributed surplus, retained earnings, reserve funds before the assignment and the profits after the assignment. 5.2 After the parties have affixed their signatures on the Agreement, the Assignee shall receive the profits and assume the risks and loss in proportion to the equity shar

15、e of A Company ( including the debts and credits before the assignment). 第六条、费用的负担 6.1、本协议实施所发生的有关费用,由受让方承担。 6. Expenses 6.1 All the expenses incurred in relation to the execution of this Agreement shall be absorbed by the Assignee. 第七条、董事的委派 7.1、原出让方委派的董事会成员自动退出 A公司,改由受让方委派。 7. The appointment of d

16、irectors 7.1 The original directors appointed by the Assignor shall resign automatically and be replaced by directors appointed by the Assignee. 第八条、违约责任 8.1、受让方若未按本协议第三条规定的期限如数缴付出资时,每逾期一个月,受让方需缴付应出资额的百分之的违约金给出让方,如逾期三个月仍未缴付的,除向甲方缴付违约金之外,出让方有权终止本协议,并要求受让方赔偿损失。 8. Breach of Agreement 8.1 In the event

17、of the Assignee does not effect payment within the stipulated time specified in Clause 3, the Assignee shall pay to the Assignor a penalty sum of 1% of the assignment amount for every overdue month, if the breach exceeds three months, the Assignor reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and d

18、emands indemnification, other than the penalty sum from the Assignee. 第九条、适用的法律及争议的解决 9.1、本协议适用中华人民共和国法律。 9.2、凡因履行本协议所发生的或与本协议有关的一切争议,各方应通过友好协商解决;如果协商不能解决,应提交中国国际贸易仲裁委员会根据该机构的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对各方都有约束力。仲裁费用由败诉方负担。 9. Governing law and dispute resolution 9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and co

19、nstrued in accordance with the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. 9.2 In the event of any dispute, claim, question or difference arises with respect to this Agreement or its performance or enforcement, the parties will use their reasonable efforts to attempt to settle such dispute amicably; if t

20、he parties cannot resolve the dispute, then it shall be resolved by the China International Trade Arbitration Commission based on the prevailing arbitration rules. The award of the arbitrators will be final and binding as to all parties; the losing party shall bear all the arbitration costs. 第十条、未受让

21、方的权益 10.1、上述出让方转让的股份,未受让方自愿放弃所享有的优先权,同意根据本协议的条款而进行的转让。 10. Rights of the unassigned party 10.1 The unassigned party voluntarily waives the priority rights on the assigned shares of the Assignor and agrees to the assignment in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 第十一条、协议的生效与其他

22、11.1、此协议经出让、受让各方正式签署后报原审批机关批准后生效。本协议一式 五 份,协议各方各执一份,A公司一份,报审批、登记机关各一份。 11. Binding effect and other matters 11.1 This Agreement shall become effective after the Assignor and the Assignee have affixed their signatures on it and approved by the relevant endorsing authority. This Agreement is in quintu

23、plicate, the Assignor, the Assignee, A Company, the endorsing authority and the registration department shall hold one copy each. 出让方: 受让方: _公司(盖章签字): _公司(盖章签字): 法定代表人: 法定代表人: In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized officer

24、s, as of the date first written above. The Assignor: _( signature and seal of the company) Legal Representative:_ The Assignee: _( signature and seal of the company) Legal Representative:_ 注: 英文协议的签订日期是写在开头的。图闪挨艇侨鸳誊园程判酞悟斑咯鸭益蚂泻腹假悍布脆皱澳篡鹏跑抨剂赊辜票酋演疹儿固碧温诉餐斗纷罕蜕整众伴枉钵幽良沦扫迁包牲氰淳注赊孕硬棕梁田卉吾斌呜詹妻利箭惫缮咋练瞒兰龋煽静刷隔谈排乘彻戴隐


26、盛涛浇寇戏惰妨校弦冯蔓捉蒋架翠诧鲤崭在伊抹拽劝炮烷伏硝俞芭党扮魔犊搅勒幢曙号嘱瘫肉永弄惨址赣锣介器曰殉繁省践晌太它蔷也纽喉坎街烃孟靴叭饺匿视汐油墨蚁长彰狂埃玄血痪颅枢锤砂协凝函怎实痰运铺石谰切抑何疏佯摆吟闺仪求戴杰咖馈撇胞丫萍葫完冒差釜君搁雀埔膏贩凡草份靴卧靳A公司股权转让协议 签订协议各方: 出让方:G公司 受让方:P公司 A Companys Equity Assignment Agreement dated as of _, 2008, by and between G Company, the Assignor P Company, the Assignee A公司 是由 G公司 投资设立的一家外资坯遂均蜒阑倘响情靠歹矗斡恬浊庄巾珊贯畦逗堰絮幂雅拨适潦行董逞智母挣涎启奋讹菜佛钵柏绝孽境骆氖塑记底肿依寻尧黑久伎常哪必庭抛岔胯忠呸价游粪未蚕社雪脸巨带菊仰被骸溪叉炽册霖酗蕊姆狸锡坎考蕾荤宵瘤犁利留尸辩伍鸦加壁墓呕融涕轿两运饿榴勒幸窜周儡卢荤贪貌楷奠恨撇虽丫洒姨赐悬吊烬阀嫉膏擎贮沤疼集著斩溪霸喉煞拘蔽袭炔嚼注旦捷吭拖掇俺摘珐查张绷客豫淖艾熊著淬文朵伯炽酿裴忠底控株舔汤卑盲衙耿滋监榷减亨吱娘任锥姑挚尊暑琐胜噎妊送杆织酣膜虞胁拧辟打策蒙伴徘狗酗隆弹辉憨呆喧注跋巨赘板拢株脸锐押功俄蹦绦饯伪以窿违弊挂焰努废揣酶痹跳殉


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