20062009年新托福口语试题和参考答案key to 20062009 TOEFL iBT Speaking.doc

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1、2006 2008 2009 TOEFL iBT Speaking答案汇编2006 2008 2009年TOEFL iBT Speaking新托福三年口语真题 答案汇编2006年1月(1.6, 1.14, 1.21)1.6T1. What do you like most about the city you live in?Sample answer:I now live in Beijing and I like it very much not only because its the place where I can feel the heartbeat of China, but

2、it also offers me great opportunity to realize myself.First,it gives me better job security. I have a great job here and I like what Im doing cause I can feel a sense of achievement.Second,it equips me with cultural identy. Beijing spans history in a way and it likes to hold on to its traditions and

3、 its character(喜欢保持着它的传统与文化特色)even though it has beenswept upin modernization.Third,it has a lot of recreational facilities, like Beijing Amusement Park, Pleasure Vally, lots of Karaoke centers, theaters and cinemas. These are places where I can take my mind off work. Thats what I like about Beijing

4、.共8句 我的时间记录为:43T2. Describe the place you most like to go.Sample answer:The place I most like to go is a Karaoke house. Karaoke is very popular in China. Men or women, young or old, they all like to go there for relaxation and Im not the exception. I like to sing and singing along with the tune is q

5、uite different fromthroat-singing. That way I can learn a new song very quickly.Whats more,singing with friends is more relaxing. Especially when doing that in an interesting way, like the competitive game where men play against women, or one group against another, its more fun cause the Karaoke hou

6、se has the scoring system. Thats why I like to go to a Karaoke house.T3.Reading:【学校通知】:食堂里放大屏幕电视要取消。Listening:【学生议论】:男生不同意。原因有二:1)食堂的relaxing地方。2)学生都是大人了,该去图书馆交流。Sample answer:In the reading material, the university is consideringtaking off the big-screen TV in the school cafeteria cause sometimes s

7、tudents read there.In the listening material, we clearly learn that the mandoesnt like the idea.One reason he gives is thatthe school cafeteria is a relaxing place. Watching TV while eating is not necessarily a bad choice.Another reason is thatstudents should read and communicate in the library. He

8、also points out that students would be able to handle this cause they are already adults.Therefore, he disagrees with that opinion.T4.Reading:【课文要点】食物保存有两种途径:一种是低温,一种是保持干燥。Listening:【教授举例】低温可以长期保存食物;干燥可以抑制细菌生长。Sample answer:In this set of materials, the reading passageexplainstwo ways of preserving

9、food.It states thatone way is low temperature preservation; the other way is drying.In the listening passage, the professor gives a talk onfood preservation.He brings up the fact thatlow temperatureor freezing can provide large volume, long-term storage for food stocks.He goes on to further explain

10、thatreduction of water activity ordrying canpreventbacterialgrowth and allow food to be stored without any special containment for long periods.By these means, he provesthe two ways of preserving food.T5.【学生困难】:学校的一个期刊照片不够。【解决方案】:有两个解决办法:1)降低对照片的要求。2)改变期刊的发行频率。Sample answer:This is a discussion betw

11、eentwo students. They are discussing the problem ofthe school journal which is lack of photographs.The two students work out two solutions. One of the solutions they come up with is tolower the requirements of the photographs.The other solution is tochange the issuing frequency of the periodical.I t

12、end to agree with the second solution becausethey will have more time to take good-quality photographs. If they cannot assure the quality of the photographs, they would have less and less readers.T6.【讲课要点】:讲一个动物行为habituation(适应性)的生物概念,即在自己的领地上对外来事物的反应。1.动物第一次见了东西,都害怕。2.后来熟悉了,就没事了。然后举了狗狗的例子。Sample an

13、swer:The lecture tells abouta kind of animal behavior - habituation.Habituation is a simple kind of learning involving loss of responsiveness to repetitive stimuli that do not reward or harm the animal. That is learning to disregard stimuli that are without significance to theanimal. Most animals in

14、herit a response to be frightened by sudden and strong stimuli such as loud sounds, flashes of light, and the sudden intrusion of another animal.For example, a dog may bark when the doorbell rings or the delivery person comes to the doorGradually, the dogs attention began to wane.注:此次考题中的T3-T6回忆的机经极

15、其有限。所以答案仅供参考。1.14T1. Where do you like to go when you are with friends? And why?When Im with friends, I like to go to the restaurant.We would head for someexotic(异国的) restaurant where we would choose our favorite dishes. And also, it should be one of the restaurants where the waitresses do not talk

16、too much or disturb you. I would like to find asecluded(隐蔽的) table just for 3 or 4, perhaps with apanoramic(全景的) view over a river or the lights of the city.We would have some verymellow, warming red wine in sparkling glasses twinkling in the candlelight, thehues(色调) andaroma(香味) filling our senses.

17、 We would eat slowly and carelessly for the joy of sharing and of being together. Our senses heightened, breathing deeply to the point of silent sighs, we would enjoy an endless evening there.Thats the right place where I dont want to end our gathering.共8句我的时间记录为:42T2. Do you prefer eat out at a res

18、taurant or at home? And why?Some people prefer eating out at a restaurant because they can eat a variety of delicious food in restaurants. However, I think that preparing food and eating home would be better for 3 reasons.First,home-cooked meals are always cheaper and cleaner. I dont have to pay a l

19、ot for the food in a restaurant or worry about thesanitory standard.Second,eating homeallowsfora free choice of foodcause each person has a private taste.Third,eating at home is one of the best ways toenhance the relationship inside the family. A table is a good place where family members could talk

20、 about their happy day.To conclude,I prefer eating home to eating out.T3.Reading: 【学校通知】学校发通知说新增加了公交路线经过学校,可以节省学生上学时间并且方便没有车的同学。Listening: 【学生议论】一个女同学反对,原因有2个:一是环境和噪音污染,二是未必方便没有车的同学。Sample answer:In the reading material, the announcement saysmore busservice has been provided to campusesso that the s

21、tudents can save time and those who dont own a car can take the advantage.In the listening material, we clearly learn that the womandoesnt like the idea.One reason she gives is thatmore environmental pollution and noise pollution will be produced.Another reason isthat may not necessarily serve those

22、 students who dont have a car very well.Therefore, she disagrees with that opinion.T4.Reading:【课文要点】art happeningListening:【教授举例】就是一些艺术学校的学生在路上拦住行人在其脸上作画。Sample answer:In this set of materials, the reading passage explainsart happening.It states thatarthappeningstake place anywhere, are often multi-

23、disciplinary, often lack a narrative and frequently seek to involve the audience in some way.In the listening passage, the professor gives an example to further explain that. He brings up the fact thatstudents could normally stop passers-by to draw on their face.By these means, he provesthat a happe

24、ningis a performance, event or situation meant to be considered as art and artists or art studentslike to share their art with everyone.T5.【学生困难】:女同学抱怨说她想选的Modern Literature太热门没得选了。【解决方案】:教授给她两个建议:1)先去上两三次课,等有人drop掉, 你就上。但女生说那个课太热从来就没人放弃。2)明年再选。女生说不好,那个课每次只focus on一两个作家,这次是她喜欢的, 明年就不是了。男生说那就今年还是就去上上

25、课先认识一下教授, 多交流搞好关系,说不定教授会指导thesis。Sample answer:This is a discussion betweentwo students. The female studentcomplains that she wasnt able to register Modern Literature course because its too hot.The male student suggestsshe go to class a couple of times, waiting for someone else to drop or just to me

26、et and communicate the professor in case that the professor may give some guidance to her thesis.He also suggestsshe take the course next year.I tend to agree with the second solution becauseshe wont get much out of the class if so many people are taking it.Also,she may still have the chance to lear

27、n about her favorite authors.T6.【讲课要点】:心理学,讲displacement,释放和转移怒火的方法。教授举了一个例子,如果你在生日那天希望你父母打个电话过来问候,结果却失望了,你烦。这时候你会有两种解决方法:1) 第一种是消极的。当有人碰巧打错电话到你那的时候,你对他大发雷霆,怒火全部发到这个陌生人身上。2) 第二种是积极的,你可以去做些户外运动例如骑车啊什么的,放松心情又锻炼身体,何乐而不为。Sample answer:The lecture tells aboutdisplacement.Displacement operates the mind su

28、bconsciously and involves emotions, ideas, or wishes being transferred from their original object to a more acceptable substitute.The professor gives an example to further explain that.For instance, you expected your parents to give you a call on your birthday, but it turned out that they didnt. The

29、n you felt disappointed. At the moment, you would have two ways of reactions. One is negative; the other is positive. And just at that time, someone dialed your number by mistake. Then you would be very angry at him/her. Thats negative reaction. For the positive one, you may do some outdoor sports l

30、ike bicycle riding to exercise your body and remove your mood. Thats killing two birds with one stone.2007年 1月(1.6,1.13,1.14,1.19,1.27)1.6T1.Choose one of the following and explain why you like it most: fictions, magazines and poems. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.I preferm

31、agazinesto fictions or poems, especially monthly magazines cause they arelike colorful flowers in a garden.They are good in some way andfill current trends and demandsin different ways.My definition of a good magazineis one that doesnt just stick to the same writers and trends. The presentation, the

32、me, and subjects should vary tograb the interest ofreaders. And a magazine should bea placewhere new writers canblossom. I would like to see more magazine stories and features on the new generation of writers and I hope to read more aboutnew trends and new ideas.I read five or six magazines per mont

33、h and I buy two magazines regularly-fashion and beautymagazines, cause they areworth reading for their entertainment news and fashion and beauty tips.Sometimes thepersonality profiles(人物肖像)or successful businessicons(图标) are also fun to read.T2.Some students prefer to live alone. Others prefer to li

34、ve with their roommates. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.Some people maylike to live by themselves cause they may have much privacy and freedom.But I thinkliving with a roommatewould be better for three reasons.First,sharing the rent would decr

35、ease the financial burden. Especially when living in a big city, living with a roommate is a better choice.Second,one may feel lonely when living all by oneself. Talking to someone or sometimes cooking together wouldoffer change,enrich ones character and help build better interpersonal relationship.

36、Third,if you are sick, the roommate would help you get the medicine or a doctor. However, if you live alone, you would be in great trouble.Therefore,I would rather have a roommate living with me.共8句T3.Reading:【学校通知】:学校准备将宿舍建到附近社区.一来可以节约校园用地,二来增加学生与当地社区的交流Listening:【学生议论】:女生不同意。原因有二:1)更多的学生开车上学,对校内停车

37、空间会有更多的要求。2)学生应该更多的时间在校内活动而不是校外。Sample answer:In the reading material, the university is consideringa plan to build up new houses off campus for the better being of students. They are trying to make more parking and space. Also students can spend more time off campus in different communities.In the

38、listening material, we clearly learn that womandoesnt like the idea.One reason she gives is thatmore students will drive to school and there will be more requests for parking。Another reason is thatstudents should spend more time on campus, take advantage of the activities on campus instead of doing

39、them off campus.Therefore, she disagrees with that opinion.T4Reading:【课文要点】:Attribution Theory(归因理论):对别人的行为我们解释为性格和品质,对自己的行为我们归咎为当时的情况。Listening:【教授举例】:他曾去超市买东西,排队,一个男的插队,他就想为什么那人非站他前面,他觉得那个人很自私,粗鲁. 但是后来他又去商店买东西,但是这次他要赶着参加一个重要会议,时间很紧,队伍又特别慢,所以他也插队了,但认为自己有赶时间的理由。Sample answer:In this set of materials

40、, the reading passage explainsAttribution Theory.It states thatpeople usually account for other people different than account for themselves.In the listening passage, the professor gives 2 examples to illustrate this.One time when he was shopping and waiting in line, a man cut him off. So he thought

41、 the man was rude and selfish. And another time, he had to go to an important meeting and he was in a hurry and he was trying to buy things, he cut off a woman who was going to stand in the line. He thought there was nothing wrong with himself. Same situation, he accounted himself different with oth

42、er people.By these means, he proves thatpeople usually account for themselves different from other people even in the same situation.T5.【学生困难】:女生必须参加美文课程才能毕业。但是下学期学校还不开设。【解决方案】:教授给她两个建议:1、去城市学院。那里下学期开设美文课。但女生嫌太远。2、选择其他课程,如研究生的课程。女生又嫌太难。Sample answer:This is a discussion between a student and a profe

43、ssor. The studenthas to take American literature to graduate, but it isnt offered next semester in the university.The professor gives her 2 solutions. One of the solutions the professor comes up with issuggesting shego to City College, where there will be American literature course next sememster.Th

44、e other solution istochoose other courses which can make her graduate.I tend to agree with the second solution becauseshe could still graduate by taking other courses. Its true that the graduate course is a little difficult, but if she worked hard, she would be able to handle it cause it takes time

45、to learn something new.Alsoshe wouldnt have to take much trouble go to and from City College to study American literature.T6.【讲课要点】:艺术对儿童的发展的影响。1、儿童可能会用艺术形式来表达复杂的思想。例如:一个小女孩可以通过drawing来表达她的心情,表现自己的自豪感;2、艺术还会帮助儿童增强毅力。例如:小男孩用泥土做汽车,屡败屡做,最后成功,在此过程中锻炼了毅力。Sample answer:The lecture tells us thatart can imp

46、act childrens development in two ways: one is to help develop complex emotion; the other is to help develop the quality of persistence.Then the professor goes on to explain that by giving two examples. One is thata girl can develop her sense of pride through drawing a picture. She is very happy caus

47、e she is able to do that.Another example is abouta boy who was making a a clay car, but failed many times. However, after several failures, he learned how to persist. The ability can transform to other areas through his hard work.注:此套题与06. 2. 3,06. 10. 28重复1.13T1.Describe your favorite room in your house or somewhere else and explain why.My favorite room isthe living room.I like lots of open space anda sense of expansiveness, offreedom(宽敞和自由的感觉).Also,its a place where I can look around and not feelagitated(不安的) orconfined(受限制的). All dif


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