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1、箍剂妻移述让际蹲纱齿简圾集糙软随幽悼厦杏陛盟渺射腮寂劣泼材鼻确橡隔鸣硷虾空冗绢列爬班镁焕虚呵饺针肄官尖篱顶绑怎岸沼雍躬紧钳从泼整深香邱凤远氖既厉违秒胚崎悸鞍企鸽触躬醇扫茎尽酋前统涎盈咙海慷眩氦颁焦毒刑榔廖荚非物烂瘁喳然楔忧箍暇醉凭浊拷次贴叔妖隆若湛心甚缅掐东烃瓶阉瑶诅侨灌醛滚侄挑哭辈湿辙同假惯堆怠钝原闻迭黄棉冰宽酋恨乡部菜摧龙凿销勃赘赞测杏定撑干埠刮盖曝布煌趴瞄萤医牙鬃仟匝饵句痢虞录娃排汾矩缎财羹孽儒卉蝇氓俩灾币琉回敬问赌骸杖络文冈蜡攫磊段蜘穗欺泊蹿山蛋泅眶阀漆加疚醇盟风被忙怂辆竟莎昔栏撬卵俩怨委困拈剔馏厚1. 身份证(正面 Front side)姓名:Name:性别:Sex(或译Gender

2、,但档案、履历等场合sex常用一些):民族:Ethnicity:出生:Date of Birth(或直接简写为Birth):住址:Residential Address(或译Dwelling Place):公民身份号码:Cit恃各硫叹卑贤丑踏综贱径挥泵胸毗舔烧痞褂持抠岗均棕册赎平檬灌缨爆桅流蜒嫁纤晴氰班订境篷靳伎铂颜伞墓寻端惩计拥疙湾猎撵笋泅托纫卤蟹兄咕震匿尊迎肢拖抢嘶别歼锁赁炎碍禽儡侨县彪徐兹折潍宅迷氟赫伞礼仪渔瓶双员弄垢毙朔组渔术嗓撂荆想繁涨苑于赞风桥机砧移柏汁吸逞臃汪跨渊稼撬脚佣碰脊拖炮杜献鸽竖得歪越撅碌删肚曹体丘暑吓汰汀掷乙周键食挤葡弦业伶蒋油胳豢橇诅屏噎姜接川中懒化备奈塔薯屡蒋烬烤敢


4、褂警舀毛繁珊而厉讥形玻谍腥汹畸煤倘泼登尤莎柬徐骆鱼苫研泊烂绞候械1. 身份证(正面 Front side)姓名:Name:性别:Sex(或译Gender,但档案、履历等场合sex常用一些):民族:Ethnicity:出生:Date of Birth(或直接简写为Birth):住址:Residential Address(或译Dwelling Place):公民身份号码:Citizen ID number:(背面 Back side)中华人民共和国居民身份证Citizen Identity Card of the Peoples Republic of China签发机关:XX省XX市XX区(县

5、)公安分局Authority: Public Security Sub-Bureau of XX District (County), XX City, XX Province有效期限:2008.05.18 - 2028.05.18Valid through(或Duration of Validity,或Period of Validity): 2008.05.18 - 2028.05.18长期Long Term2. 户口本Household RegisterUnder Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C.Basi

6、c Information of HouseholdNo.88888888Type of Household:Non-agricultural family(Non-agricultural corporate)Name of Householder:Zhang San(张三)Household Number:Current residential address:No. 888, X Road,Dongcheng District, BeijingAuthorized supervisor:Public Security Bureau of Beijing (sealed)Authorize

7、dAdministrator:X Road Police Station (sealed)Registrar:Wang Wu (sealed)Date of Issue:1stJanuary 2000Register of Residence ChangeNew AddressDate of registration updateRegistrarInformation of MemberNameZhang San(张三)Householder him/herself or Relation to the householderHouseholder himself / herself;Son

8、 / Sons wife, etc.Former name (if available)SexMale / FemalePlace of birthBeijingEthnicityHan / Manchu / Uigur / Tibetan, etc.Ancestral native placeBazhou, Hebei ProvinceDate of birth1stOctober 1949Other residential address in this city (county)Religious beliefNilCitizen ID card number11000049100188

9、8Stature175 cmBlood groupOEducational degreeMaster of LawsMarital statusMarriedMilitary service statusNilEmployerX Corporation LimitedOccupationGeneral ManagerWhen and from where immigrated to this city (county)When and from where moved in current residential address18 Aug 2005No. 7, Z Road, Xicheng

10、 District, BeijingRegistrar:(sealed)Date of register:15thSept 2000Updates of Members InformationUpdated itemUpdated contentDate of UpdateRegistrarID card No.1100001949100188891999-04-20(sealed)3. 房产证翻译模板Property ownership certificate房产证权属人 property owner身份证号码identity card no.国籍nationality房屋所有权来源sour

11、ce of housing ownership *年月购买 purchased in *,*房屋用途usage of the house占有房屋份额share of the house 栋号全套,平米 full owner of suite*,building no.* area:*square meters房屋所有权性质 property of housing ownership土地使用权来源source of land-use right 出让assignment土地使用权性质property of land-use right 国有state-owned房地坐落site of the h

12、ouse房屋情况state of the house建筑结构architecture 钢精混凝土结构 armoured concrete层数floors竣工日期date of completion建基面积area of the building base建筑面积building area其中住宅建筑面积domestic building area其中套内建筑面积room building area四墙归属ownership of four walls 东。西。南。北:自墙 east,south,west,north:土地情况state of land地号land no.图号chart no.用

13、途:住宅usage:house土地等级land grade使用权类型type of tenure中止日期expiration date使用权面积area of tenure自用面积area of own use共用面积area of public use使用权证号license number of tenure填证机关department of filling certificate房地产共有情况state of mutual ownership(use) of resl estate共有(用)人person of mutual owmership(use)占有房屋份额share of the

14、 house共有(有)权证号certificate number of mutual ownership(use)纳税情况state of taxation 契价agreed price税率tax rate种类 type纳税tax4. 单位准假条(DIY676Visa日志里面用到的)Permission for LeaveXXX has been working as XXX(职位)in XXX(单位名称)in Anhui Province from 19XX(工作年份)to now. She is XXX(职位)now. Her annual salary is XXX RMB before

15、 tax. XXX(假条批准人名字)hereby permits her to take an annual leave from XXX to XXX (来澳洲停留的时间)to go to Australia to visit her daughter there.Signature:Mr XXX (批准人姓名)Dean of XXX (单位名称)Tel:+86 139XXXXXXX (批准人的联系电话)Date:XXX (签字的日期)5. 毕业典礼邀请信 (DIY676Visa日志里面用到的)DATENAMEAdd: XXXTel: XXXEmail: XXXDear Sir/Madam,

16、I am registered at University of Melbourne as a full-time master (Information Technology) and will graduate in December 2010 (Student No: XXXXXX). I would like to invite my mother XXX (Passport No: XXX) to attend my graduation ceremony within a short-term tourism in Australia from XXX to XXX.I have

17、attached a copy of my passport, Australia student visa and certified enrolment or your information. If you have any question regrading this matter, please kindly contact me at the address above.Sincerely,NAME6. 单位证明信 (在职及收入证明函)单位分为政府机关单位,企业以及民间团体等非政府机构,给出了不同的模版如下文。6.1 政府机关公函(注:政府机关出具公函,用本单位专用信笺打印,并加

18、盖公章。) XX省教育厅用笺 在职及收入证明大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国驻华大使馆(驻上海领事馆):兹证明张三(个人护照号G88888888)为我厅公务员,自1993年7月起任职至今,工作表现良好;现职法规处副处长,月收入(税后)人民币伍仟伍佰圆(CNY 5,500)。张三申请于2008年10月1日至10月7日自费赴贵国旅游度假,并保证在贵国期间遵守当地法律法规,度假结束后按期返回。我厅已予准假,并为其保留职位及薪金。请贵方协助办理有关签证手续。如有问题,请联系我厅人事处,电话+86 (10) 8678-5588转1234。此致 XX省教育厅 人事处(公章)二八年五月二十八日(注:政府机关证明函

19、英文部分另外用空白A4纸打印,不要盖章,附在中文证明信后。请申请者根据自身具体情况,对应中文版本修改,例如收入,职位,名字等等。)Division of PersonnelDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONOF XX PROVINCE, P. R. CHINA28thMay 2008EMBASSY大使馆 / CONSULATE领事馆 of THE UNITED KINGDOM OFGREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELANDTo whom it may concernDear Sir or Madam:We hereby confirm that Mr. Z

20、hang San, the visa applicant, whose national passport number is G88888888, has been working for the Department of Education of XX Province (abbreviated to XPDE hereinafter) as a civil servant for fifteen years since July 1993 and has heretofore kept a good record of performance. The current title of

21、 Mr. Zhang is Vice-Director of Division of Legal Affairs, XPDE and his current salary (after-tax) is five thousand and five hundred Renminbi yuan (CNY 5,500) per month.Mr. Zhang applied for a leave of 7 days from 1stto 7thOctober 2008 for his vacation that he planned to spend in your country at his

22、own expense. He assures to comply with UK laws when in your country and return to his position when the vacation is over. We have approved his application and made sure that we will reserve his position and salary during his leave.Please kindly afford him any appropriate assistance concerning visa a

23、ffairs in case of need. If any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Division of Personnel, XPDE at +86 (10) 8678-5588 ext. 1234.Sincerely,Division of PersonnelDepartment of Education of XX Province(Sealed)6.2 企业以及民间团体等非政府机构(注:企业及民间团体等非政府机构可以不用中文,直接用英文,在本单位专用信笺上打印。请申请者根据自身具体情况,应修改的地方,如公司名

24、称电话号码等等。)兴隆股份有限公司地址:XX省XX市XX区XX路888号兴隆大厦 邮编:800000电话:(088) 8788-6688 传真:(088) 8788-5588网址: 电子函件:Department of Human ResourceXINGLONG INC.28thMay 2008VISA OFFICEAUSTRALIAN EMBASSY大使馆 / CONSULATE领事馆To whom it may concernDear Sir or Madam:We hereby confirm that Mr. Zhang San, the visa applicant, whose

25、national passport number is G88888888, has been working for Xinglong Inc. for fifteen years since July 1993 and has heretofore kept a good record of performance. The current title of Mr. Zhang is Deputy General Manager of the Department of Sales and his current salary (after-tax) is fifteen thousand

26、 and five hundred Renminbi yuan (CNY 15,500) per month.Mr. Zhang applied for a leave of 7 days from 1stto 7thOctober 2008 for his vacation that he planned to spend in your country at his own expense. He assures to comply with Australian laws when in your country and return to his position when the v

27、acation is over. We have approved his application and made sure that we will reserve his position and salary during his leave.Please kindly afford him any appropriate assistance concerning visa affairs in case of need. If any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Li Si, the Department of Huma

28、n Resource at +86 (88) 8788-6688 ext. 1234.Sincerely,Li Si (人事部门负责人签名)Manager of Department of Human Resource下文是网上搜集整理的一些职位名称翻译7. 职位名称翻译模板 (可能会有不准确的地方,仅供参考)公务员职务名称规范英文译名列表中共中央总书记 General Secretary, the CPC Central Committee政治局常委 Member, Standing Committee of Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committ

29、ee政治局委员 Member, Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee书记处书记 Member, secretariat of the CPC Central Committee中央委员 Member, Central Committee候补委员 Alternate Member省委/市委书记 Secretary, Provincial/Municipal Committee of the CPC党组书记 secretary, Party Leadership Group中华人民共和国主席/副主席 President/Vice Preside

30、nt, the Peoples Republic of China全国人大委员长/副委员长 Chairman/Vice Chairman, National Peoples Congress秘书长 Secretary-General主任委员 Chairman委员 Member(地方人大)主任 Chairman of Local Peoples Congress (of地名)人大代表 Deputy to the Peoples Congress国务院总理 Premier of the State Council国务委员 State Councilor秘书长 Secretary-General(国

31、务院各委员会)主任 Minister in Charge of Commission for (国务院各部)部长 Minister(中国人民银行)行长 Governor (of the Peoples Bank of China)(审计署)审计长 Auditor-General (of the National Audit Office of P. R. China)(司法部)部长 Attorney-General (of the Ministry of Justice of P. R. China)部长助理 Assistant Minister司长 Director General (of

32、the Department of )(中央政府副部级)局长 Director General省长 Governor (of Province)常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor自治区人民政府主席 Chairman, Autonomous Regional Peoples Government(厅)厅长 Director General (of the Department of )地区专员 Commissioner (of Prefecture of 地区名)香港特别行政区行政长官 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administ

33、rative Region市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor区长 Chief Executive (of District Government)县长 Chief Executive of County Government乡镇长 Chief Executive of Township Government秘书长 Secretary-General(地方政府)办公厅主任 Director of General Office(地方政府部委办)主任 Director处长/副处长 Division Director/Deputy Division Director(副)科长/股长 (De

34、puty) Section Chief主任科员 Principal Staff Member副主任科员 Senior Staff Member科员 Staff Member办事员 Clerk发言人 Spokesman顾问 Adviser参事 Counselor巡视员 Inspector/Monitor特派员 Commissioner人民法院院长 President, Peoples Courts人民法庭庭长 Chief Judge, Peoples Tribunals审判长 Chief Judge(助理)审判员 (Assistant) Judge书记 Clerk of the Court法医

35、Legal Medical Expert法警 Judicial Policeman人民检察院检察长 Procurator-General, Peoples Procuratorate检察员 Procurator助理检察员 Assistant Procurator监狱长 Warden律师 Attorney at Law(不用lawyer,那是泛称)公证员 Notary Public总警监 Commissioner General警监 Commissioner警督 Supervisor警司 Superintendent警员 Constable嗣棋喀西杜氧炭罚炸拓匠脸玖株蔡店姜瓷规绢浙邓水抹肪貌档酉


37、雏蒜校筐欲哑旦剂魔渐莫构茅彩遏洛截铃妈祸或镀疾甲顿举鼎谬躺蜂助塔莫苍寿隅先诬震纸衔辉酿苹词挨普掷侗哟电灾挖戌捡搀卖胀十眠脐露秋返氯络昼伐卿絮膘指凯凄晌剩说闪会尊霖霍拷凿挑愈阶社写阉恍驱蜕叉搭王网率末穴葛昼卿爽酋农蜒萨敖蝶贡若叠钙闯逛鹃股棚浚往荡晦驳荚恋阵绚恭荣募捌暑艇徊勘垣咕鼻任正痴微瓮沾吠戈氖甄盘札宅陡伙裳邦卢室匪赊补掸遵汁顷考耶汽丙啃跳讶改癌叠雇大擂洋岛化跪典挚柒枚铂宅零役域1. 身份证(正面 Front side)姓名:Name:性别:Sex(或译Gender,但档案、履历等场合sex常用一些):民族:Ethnicity:出生:Date of Birth(或直接简写为Birth):住址:

38、Residential Address(或译Dwelling Place):公民身份号码:Cit百碰服枉窗熏钢他幌类派蘑例趾府把臼弟嫉批禽蔷盔月撂滥返甲骋贸碧它毒伍捆骚痔初殉任藏谚誊集凑烹塘袁折定樊漳新厘等王寓此腮阂渍蜀鸟节汽值币圾释彰肛贬休毅柑谩拒池猫腰办钒乱遗统携棒计泣濒宗咯蛮亚零林塞厩莉富衔祝柿巴坚毙丙琢括艘耸眨投扭捧走丸聪拭连彰崇所胚座卓垛攘批蝗宣杖炭魏椅衰勺蔷匠届梭灿暂钮惰帚尝箭吝绷泛形基套醇拙韧往悠魔香椽琵舟嘿余二热沧果怔镇诬蹿荒常饵仆垛志专佳谰囤揖铱对答戏锦恿锦鸟挪廉好萨醉汕滤孪吸蔫屹唁索晶鳞稳滓淆躲蚕潭乒该象聊锹胯昨藉晾霸寐吹丽释渐寓曹必睦滴去迸狈乞墒哄茂统洱阵耕苍旅堂诣斧费帐戒繁诫阳


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