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1、 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!Unit 4 Global warming( by liu jinzeng 2009-12-15) Warming up 1. Please list as many energy sources as you can._2. which energy sources on your list are renewable and which are non-renewable? _阅读小贴士一 我们可以利用构词法来猜测词义。re(重新;再) new able renewable(可再生的) 再如,reconstruct _; re

2、group _; rethink _; reuse _ Pre-reading Activities Talk about the picture at the bottom of the page 25 1. What can you see in the picture? _2. How does it work? _3. What do you know about “ greenhouse gases”? _ While- reading Activities First reading Glance quickly at the magazine and answer the que

3、stions. 1. Whats the main topic of the article? _2. Who wrote the magazine article? What is the name of the article? _3. What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article? _阅读小贴士二 Please read LEARNING TIP at page 32.4. What are the two graphs about? What are they for? _Second readi

4、ng Read the text quickly to get the main idea of each paragraph.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _阅读小贴士三 Topic Sentence (主题句) Each paragraph has a main idea. Sometimes the main idea of a paragraph is directly written down. We call that sentence topic sentence. The topic sentence can appear at the beginnin

5、g, middle or end of a paragraph. Most often, though, it appears at the beginning. Third reading Read the text quickly to list the ideas and major details. Part I ( paragraph 1) to introduce the topic. (1)_ Part II ( paragraph _) (2) _ How has global warming come about? (3) _ _ to make life positive

6、effects _ for human Part III ( paragraph _) _ beings better effects of global warming negative effects _ Part IV the last paragraph conclusion of the article 阅读小贴士四 Listing (列举) When you read, you can list the ideas and major details, which is of great value for your reading comprehension. While lis

7、ting, you can copy whole sentences and phrases, or you can shorten them, so long as you capture the main idea. Making a list is like taking notes, or writing an informal outline. When you are done, you have your own statement of what is important in the reading. Fourth reading Read each paragraph ca

8、refully for detailed information, and finish the exercises blow.Paragraph 11. During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit.Notes: Fahrenheit华氏度1714年德国人法勒海特(Fahrenheit)以水银为测温介质,制成玻璃水银温度计,选取氯化铵和冰水的混合物的温度为温度计的零度,人体温度为温度计的100度,把水银温度计从0度到l00度按水银的体积膨胀距离分成100份,每一份为1

9、华氏度,记作“1”。按照华氏温标,则水的冰点为32,沸点为212。 “华氏温标”是经验温标之一。在美国的日常生活中,多采用这种温标。华氏温度用字母“F”表示。摄氏温度()和华氏温度(F)之间的换算关系为: F=9/5+32, 或 =5/9(F-32) 摄氏度9/5+32=华氏度。 2. It is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. Rewrite this sentence: It is a rapid increase _ _ other natural changes.3. So how has this co

10、me about and does it matter? Here in the sentence, “ come about” can be replaced with “ _ _”. What does “ matter” mean? Whats its synonym(同义词)?_Paragraph 2 1. There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random bu

11、t natural phenomenon. Here in this sentence, “that” has been presented three times, can they be omitted(省略)? Paragraph 3 1. All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earths temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels.Rewrite: All scientists _ _ _ _ the view that the increas

12、e in the earths temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels.2. Dr Janice Foster explains: “ There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the greenhouse effect.” “Dr” is the abbreviation (缩写形式)for “ _”. Generally, it has two meanings. What are they? _ Here in the sentence, can “that” be o

13、mitted(省略)? Paragraph 4 We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increase greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. What does “ level” mean? A. the amount of sth. B. a particular standard or quality C. the height of sth. in relation to the ground D. a floor of building According to the context,

14、there are another two ways to express “ the levels of carbon dioxide”. What are they? _ _Paragraph 5 It is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.Rewrite: It is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has _ _ this increase in carbon diox

15、ide.Paragraph 6 On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. What does “this view” refers to? _ Guess the meaning of the phrase “ are opposed to” according to the context. Po

16、st-reading Activities 1. Whats the authors attitude towards the global warming? _阅读小贴士五 作者观点态度题设题方式:(1) Whats the writers attitude in writing this passage?(2) The text is mainly written in a(n) _ tone.对策:无论是新闻报道还是科研报告,此类题材的文章作者力求站在客观公正的立场上传递信息。因此,此类试题的答案往往是:objective(客观的)或neutral(中立的)。2Put the following into English. (1)可再生资源 _ (2) 温室效应 _(3)发生;造成 _ (4) 同意;赞成 _(5)往往做某事;易于 _ (6) 上升 _(7)导致 _ (8) 反对 _(9)即使 _ (10) 继续 _(11)二氧化碳含量 _ (12) 聚集;增加 _中小学教育资源站 http:/


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