3 工商银行 2014 校园招聘笔试模拟卷 考试时间150分钟二.doc

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1、银行校园招聘笔试备考复习资料 淘宝店主:银行校园招聘专家 www.BankersE中国工商银行 2014 校园招聘笔试模拟卷 (二)送的冲刺版本里会添加该类题型。所以冲刺版本只能在考前1周提供给大家哦。中国工商银行最新题型介绍1第一部分 行政能力测试 60题1第二部分 英语 100题13第三部分 综合知识 32题33第一部分 行政能力测试 答案+详细解析36第二部分 英语 答案+详细解析45第三部分 综合知识 答案+详细解析52第一部分 行政能力测试 60题1.下列各句中,句意明确,没有语病的一句是( )。也就为农村工业化、乡村城镇化铺平了道路。最能准确复述这段话主要意思的是( )。A应当坚持


3、茶要录,可见宋代斗茶之风极盛上述句子按语序排列组合,最连贯的一项是( )。ABCD6.我国80%的卫生资源集中在城市,城市卫生资源的80%又集中在大医院,呈“倒三角”,而卫生服务的需求大部分在基层,呈“正三角”,导致大医院资源闲置,小医院资源不足。以患者为中心,根据其不同要求提供相应服务并追求顾客满意度,已成为当下市场动作下供方的生存之基。人类只有10%的疾病需要在现代化的医院治疗,大量的疾病在社区医疗服务机构就可得到医治,部分慢性病的治疗也可以通过家庭护理完成。因此,“小病进社区大病进医院”是一种可行的、新型的就医模式。上述这段文字支持的观点是( )。A我国卫生资源供需配置不和谐B“小病进社

4、区,大病进医院”是一种新型的就医模式C“小病进社区,大病进医院”是一种可行的就医模式D“小病进社区,大病进医院”是一种新型、可行的就医模式7.百姓的好恶要考虑,但他们的法制观念同样需要通过严格的执法引导。在这种引导中,执法机关的作用和责任毋庸置疑。不甄别百姓的诉求是否合法、理性而一味迎合,结果只能让法盲狂欢。符合本句文义的是( )。A老百姓的好恶往往合理不合法B老百姓的法制观念很淡薄C老百姓希望执法机关迎合当事人今已申请了价值八千万美元的专利,这证明“想法”并不_ ,到处都是,我们以为发明所必须具备的天才、专心、灵感和机缘巧合并不是_。依次填入划线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A集体 虚幻 千载难

5、逢B合作 遥远 遥不可及C批量 稀罕 必不可少D专门 离奇 不可替代12.据组织人事报9 月 21 日报道,今年,上海市政府将和香港政府互派政府公务员在对方机构任职工作,学习和借鉴国际大都市政府机关运行、管理的模式和方法。据了解,上海市为了提升公务员的国际化素质,人事部门将以强化科学行政决策能力为重点,继续推进 MPA 和 EMPA 的课程以及法律、WTO 一般规则和现代行政管理知识等方面培训,提高公务员信息技术应用能力、跨文化沟通能力和适应创新能力。另外,上海市有关部门将积极选派一批外语好、专业素质高的青年人才,通过友好城市交流等渠道到海外的政府机关、大企业和国际组织中去工作。为这段新闻拟写

6、引题和主标题,恰当的一项是( )。射来了解黑洞寿终时刻的情形。根据这段话,我们知道( )。A宇宙中普遍存在霍金辐射B宇宙中的物体普遍能发出霍金辐射C在此次发现之前,科学家对霍金辐射在宇宙中是否存在是未置可否的D此次发现使科学家确定了黑洞寿终时刻的情形15.“更开放、更节俭、更务实”,这些真切的感受_着中国经济稳步前行的步伐,也让仍在金融危机中徘徊的世界看到了中国的信心与力量。A证明B昭示C展现D印证16.下列各句中有语病的一句是( )。A. 做好台风过后生产救灾工作,决定于干部是否深入群众。B. 这是一本好书,它能引人深思、促进猛醒、催人进取。C. 我国80年代高新技术开发区的创办,被誉为20

7、世纪在科技产业化方面最重要的创举。D. 工商行政管理部门严肃查处了这家公司出售盗版书刊的行为。17.在法国人到达北美之前,这片土地早已住着土著居民北美印第安人。据说他们的祖先早在3万至1万年前便陆续通过亚洲东北角当时与北美仍接壤的地带(即今白令海峡)来到阿拉斯加和育空地区的非冻土地带居住下来,有的继续向北美东南部扩算,直到大西洋沿岸和南美尖端。一般认为,这里最早的土著人属于亚洲的蒙古种族,当时亚则最初的盐水是( )。A200克 B300克 C400克 D500克22.1/2,3/4,7/8,15/16,( ),63/64A31/34 B33/34 C31/32 D23/3223.每项工程计划3

8、00天完工,开工100天后,由于施工人员减少,工作效率下降20%,问计划推迟了多少天?A40 B50 C60 D7024.甲乙两车从A、B出发相向匀速行进(速度不等),相遇后掉头,乙以甲的速度向B进发,甲以乙的速度向A进发,到达A点后再次掉头追乙,最后和乙同时到达B点。设甲开始时的速度为X,求乙的速度( )A4X B2X CX/2 D无法估计25. 2,13,42,91,( )A134 B188 C170 D16026.27.调查发现,内向的人不太敢在公共场合发表自己的意见,他们即使有好的建议,也往往藏在心里,或者只和自己很熟悉的朋友交流。所以,一个好的领导,除了在大会上听取各种意见之外,还需

9、要( )。A自己多干实事B自己多了解情况C多关心内向的员工D和内向的人交朋友28.29.HighTower是一家占用几栋办公楼的公司,它正在考虑在它所有的建筑内都安装节能灯泡,这种新灯泡与目前正在使用的传统灯泡发出同样多的光,而所需的电量仅是传统灯泡的一半。这种新灯泡的寿命也大大加长,因此通过在旧灯泡坏掉的时候换上这种新灯泡,HighTower公司可以大大地降低其总体照明成本。下列哪一项如果正确,最能支持上面论述?( )A如果广泛地采用这种灯泡,这是非常可能的,那么新灯泡的产量就会大大增加,从而使其价格与那些传统灯泡相当BHighTower最近签订了一份合同,要再占用一栋小办公楼34.行政效率

10、是指在行政管理中投入的工作量与所获的行政效果之间的比率,是人们在单位时间内和空间内开展行政活动,获得改造客观世界和主观世界的社会效果。下列不体现行政效率高低的是( )。A非典期间,哈尔滨市政府严格控制各种大规模集会,通过互动式的视讯会议来传达消息,安排工作B某港商在某省投资兴办企业,跑审批跑了半年,项目书上盖了上百个公章,仍未跑完C中央制订减轻农民负担的政策,增加农民收入,受到农民普遍欢迎D鼠害危害湘江防洪大堤,但当地有关部门因“目前没有防鼠经费,尚需打报告等审批”,使问题议而不决35.社会保障是国家和社会依据一定的法律和规定,通过国民收入的再分配,对社会成员的基本生活权利予以物质保障的一系列

11、社会安全制度。下列不属于社会保障的是( )。A社会给下岗职工提供最低生活保障金B红十字会向灾区人民发放生活救济品C国家给所有退休军人提供生活保障D国家面向工资劳动者提供的保障女职工生育期间生活的生育保险36.37.38.“学生干部都要起模范带头作用,我不是学生干部,所以,我不要起模范带头作用。”列属于间接故意的是( )。A李某由于邻居赵某经常辱骂她而怀恨在心,找人恐吓赵某,赵某由于惊吓过度而突发心脏病死亡B某日深夜,李某在家中听到外面有女子呼救,由于心理害怕没有出门察看,结果第二天警方发现在李某家附近有一女子被害C李某在不知赵某正在维修机器的情况下合上了电闸,导致赵某触电身亡D李某高速驾驶中看

12、到有一老人正在横穿马路,但没有减速,将老人撞成重伤42.在计算机语言中有一种逻辑运算,如果两个数同一位上都是0时,其和为0;一个为0、一个为1时或两个都是1时,其和为1。那么,( )。45.猿猴:山林A阳光:光合B暴乱:野心家C苍鹰:天空D田园:诗人根据下表提供的信息完成4650下各题。 46.该周沃尔玛商店中涨跌变化率最低的电器为( )。A长虹LT4219BBHPC PP42SCC伊莱克斯198EA31D美的微波炉KJ17CM47.该店中原价超过5000元的电器有多少种?( )A5B6C7D848.平均价最低的电器为( )。A洗衣机类B冰箱类C小家电类D厨卫电器类49.现价排名前3名电器的原

13、价之和高出现价排名后6名电器原价之和的( )倍。A6.01B16.72比上年末回落0.1个百分点。51.下列关于我国2003年粮食产量的说法正确的是( )。A增产约210万吨B增产约0.7%C增产量高于2004年D没有增产52.我国2006年全社会固定资产投资增速比房地产开发投资增速( )。A快5.4个百分点B快2.1个百分点C慢5.4个百分点D慢2.1个百分点53.我国2007年居民消费价格涨幅与2006年居民消费价格涨幅的比值是( )。A1.6 B3.2 C4.5 D5.654.我国2007年的进口总额是( )。A6878亿美元 B8126亿美元 C9558亿美元 D12180亿美元55.

14、我国2007年农村居民人均纯收入与城镇居民人均可支配收入的差距是( )。A9646元B8259元C8035元D7674元根据以下图标,完成5660题57.检查到的有不合格产品企业的个数是( )。A28773 B36552 C40512 D6654958.下列说法错误的是( )。A监督检查企业数最多的产品项目是加工食品和饮料B有不合格产品企业所占比例最高的产品项目是加工食品和饮料C有不合格产品企业所占比例最低的产品项目批次合格率也最高D有不合格产品企业所占比例最高的产品项目批次合格率也最低59.下列说法正确的是( )。A有不合格产品企业所占比例高低和批次合格率高低无关系B两个产品项目相比,不合格

15、产品企业所占比例较高的产品项目批次合格率一定较低C总体上说,有不合格产品企业所占比例越高,批次合格率越低D监督检查企业数越少的产品项目有不合格产品企业所占比例越高。60.监督检查企业数量最多的两个产品项目的监督检查企业数之和占监督检查企业总数的比例为( )。A33.41%B59.5%C40.87%D60.33%Ctrl+点击获取以上题目的答案和详细解析第二部分 英语 100题Part 8. The manager did not_ any differences between us.Anotice Bconvene Cnotify Dindicate9. The executives hav

16、e repeatedly indicated the companys interest in setting up shops provided the regulatory _are are removed.Aprovides Bhurdles Chandles Dpaddles10. More than 300, 000 Koreans have anet worth over $1 million,_ property.Aexcluding Bexclude Cto exclude Dexcluded考霸解析:A 空格前的部分是一个完整的句子,因此空格内应填入介词,与property构

17、成句子的状语成分。excluding在做介词时意为除之外。11. We are supposed to discuss what an increasing number of people consider to be an _ dangerous product.Ainherently Binherent Cinherency Dinherence12. The employee who worked most of his life in this division _Employee of the Year.22. Customers demands have out placed t

18、he business sectors ability_ such growing expectations.Ameeting Bto meeting Cto meet Dfor meeting23. The committee will continue to look into the data_ to determine if the marketing survey can be a better guide for the labor market.Ainformatively Bstrictly Cnarrowly Dclosely24. He said some _had bee

19、n made last month in talks on early retirement.Apresentation Bprocedure Cprogress Dpotential25. The labor union remained open to dialogue and was_ to take measures to resolve the conflicts.Aready Bcomplete Corganized Dinclusive26. It was a request from the speaker that the audience _quiet.Awould be

20、Bwas Cbeen Dbe27. The singularly _restaurant is usually crowded with patrons.33. I bet he is well_ for the position of taking care of his staff.Aengaged Bsuccessful Cqualified Dreserved34. Presently, _appears that the problem of absenteeism has yet to be adequately addressed.Ahe Bits Chis Dit35. The

21、 loan agency granted a 3 week _on the loan of $100,000 at the request of Mr. Cha.Aexhaustion Bextension Cexplanation Dexecution36. His experience with Gates taught _to think big and to never miss an opportunity to learn something new.Ahis Bhimself Che Dhim37. Find a user group in your area and atten

22、d a meeting to learn how to use our products more _.Aeffectively Bprofusely Cincreasingly Dfluently38. What a/an _it is to be part of this very stimulating conference. Aanticipation Badmiration Chonor Dhumiliation 39. The list is based on a survey of 10,000 corporate directors, executives, and analy

23、sts at _350 companies.satisfying each side. I hope you will consider this request and agree to meet with those employees. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely yours, James Louis Lander, Counselor41. A has asked B have asked C asking D have been asked 42.A inconsiderate B s

24、wift C benevolent D informed 43.A restrictions B reimbursement C instance D premium BMB Corp. authorizes you to view and download the information ( Materials ) at this Web site (Site) only for your personal, non-commercial use This authorization is not a transfer of title in the Materials and copies

25、 of the Materials and is subject to the following restrictions: 1 ) you must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the Materials ; 2) you may not modify the Materials in any way or reproduce or publicly display or_44_ use them for any public or commercial purpose; and 3)you

26、 must not transfer the Materials to any other person unless you give them notice of, and they agree to accept, the obligations_45_ under these terms and conditions of use. This Site, For questions regarding the 2 year warranty program, please contact me at (800) 742-5656 or www. . I look forward to

27、receiving your order. Sincerely, Donna Karen, Director 50.A area B selection C condition D application51.A convinces B convincing C will convince D being convinced52.A although B otherwise C thus D providedPart Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspap

28、er articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.D To employ computer technicians54.How long has Ms. Maria Hernandez owned her own business?A Ten years B Twelv

29、e years C Twenty years D Thirty years55.Who is offering the events?A The Barbados Hotel B The Greater Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce C The Portsmouth Management Institution D The Traverse City Conference Center56.According to the brochure, what must people do to attend these events?A Pay an admissio

30、n fee B Run a business C Join the business club D Sign up in advance57. Why did Mr. Kenji Yanobe write this letter?A To inquire about employment B To contact his college friend C To recommend a colleague D To accept a job offer58. What did Mr. Kenji Yanobe do at the TBM Group?A He translated article

31、s into Russian. B He worked as a television journalist. C He created marketing materials. D He wrote and edited proposals.59. What is Not implied In the letter?A Mr. Kenji Yanobe hopes to join the company soon. C To ask the employees for comments about the budget D To alert the employees about hirin

32、g more staffWhy does Mr. Frank Palmer want to increase the marketing budget?62. A To compete in the market B To hold a marketing workshop C To recruit new employees D To decrease its rival s revenues66.To what event are recipients being invited?A A free investment seminarB A yearly meetingC A demons

33、trationD A trade convention67. What are recipients asked to do? A Call Ms. Barbara CampbellB Send an e-mail to Ms. Barbara CampbellC Give a presentationD Reserve a hotel room B To finish mandatory courses within a given period C To pay the cost of club membership D To enroll in the club before the c

34、ourse ends70. What is NOT an advertised feature of the Professional Career Training Center?A Small classes B Excellent teachers C Flexible schedule D Advanced facilities B Call the factory to get a brand new pair of boots C Take it back to the store where they were purchased D Send boots back to the

35、 order center D By calling Kaiser Chemical Co.78. What is the subject of the lecture? C Authorization numbers will be made longer. 86. How long has Nestle been in business?A Five years B Fifteen years C Three years D Thirteen years87. What kind of business is Nestle in?A A consulting firm B An Inter

36、net service provider C An apparel maker in New Jersey D A discount department store88. Which of Nestle is the best among its industry?A Its quick and reliable customer service B Its competitive salaries C Its customer satisfaction D Its comprehensive training package89. What is NOT true about employ

37、ment benefits?93. Why is the recipient told to keep a copy of this letter?A It contains an important number. B It can be used to change a Web site. C It outlines membership qualifications. D It provides specific addresses for residents and businesses.94. What is NOT included as a feature of a Web si

38、te? A A member list of the FAASWA B A monthly newsletter C Information about jobs D News about an annual meeting B Only if the child pays a fee of five dollars C Only if the child wears appropriate clothing for tennis D Only if the child is with an adult 97. Which of the following is NOT true about

39、the rules of the courts?A Residents can accompany their friends to play tennis together. B Residents can bring a plastic water bottle on the courts. C Residents can use the courts all the year round. D Residents must wear soft-soled shoes on the courts. D To request a refund 99. When did Mr. William

40、 Winkle send the e-mail?A On June 26 B On July 18 C On July 21 D On July 26100.What did Mr. William Winkle order?A Switches and terminal boards B Car lamp parts C Fuse boxes D Light bulbsCtrl+点击获取以上题目的答案和详细解析第三部分 综合知识 32题征收利息税,则该客户拿到的利息是()元。A135B108C139D111.26.关于短期国债的描述,错误的是()。A 短期国债是由中央政府发行的政府债券B 短

41、期国债期限在一年或一年以内C 银行等机构通过购买短期国债进行投资获得收益D 短期国债二级市场上的交易不+分活跃7.你在年初以 100 元买入某股票,期间得现金股息 10 元,年末股票市价上升为 104 元,则 该股票的年投资收益率为( )。A4%B13.5%C12%D14%8.目前,国际货币基金组织会员国的国际储备中不包含以下哪项( )。14.假设某经济的消费函数为C=100+08Yd ,投资I=50,政府购买性支出G=200,政府转移支付Tr=62.5,税收T=250,则均衡下的国民收入( )。A800 B1000 C1200 D140015.对经济产生不良影响较小的财政赤字弥补方式是()

42、A向中央银行借款 B增加税收 C发行国债 D增加收费 16.以下关于货币政策的效果与IS、LM曲线斜率的关系阐述正确的是( )。A当LM曲线斜率保持不变时,IS曲线斜率的绝对值越大,货币政策对国民收入变动的影响就越大 A成本 B 费用 C资产D 负债22.以下不属于流动资产的特点的是( )。A占用时间短B投资收益高C周转快D易变现23.某企业的速动比率为1.2,流动负债为3,000万元,流动资产为5,600万元,则该企业的存货为( )万元A2,000 B2,600 C3,000 D3,60024.下列交易或事项,不应确认为营业外支出的是()。 A 数量变量B 人口变量C 心理变量D 地理变量31.IPv6地址为( )。A16位 B32位 C64位 D128位 32.CPU的主要功能是进行( )。A算术运算 B逻辑运算 A算术逻辑运算 D算术逻辑运算与全机的控制第一部分 行政能力测试 答案+详细解析住总结关联词“因此”,所以材料的语意重点在“因此”后边,即“小病进社区大病进医院是一种可行的、新型的就医模式”。D选项语意与其一致,所以正确;A选项没抓住重点


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