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1、,Module 4,Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.,shorts,trousers,T-shirt,a pair of,clothes,Words,a red,matter,Whats the ?,argue,Dont !,pair 一套,一双,一副,shorts 短裤,argue 争论,争吵,matter 问题,麻烦,took(take的过去式)拿走,取走,wear穿,sports 体育运动的,体育运动用的,hey嘿,喂,Mum bought a for me,Mum bought a pair of for me,buy (物)for(人)表

2、示为买了。让我们 来看看下面的句子吧:,Read .,Sam : Thats_ T-shirt! Amy: No! Its_T-shirt Ms Smart:_! Whats the matter? Amy: Sam_my T-shirt. He_ wear it. Sam: But it isnt _T- shirt. Mum_ it _me. Amy: No, she didnt. Mum _a new T-shirt _me.,不要吵架,发生什么事了?/怎么了?,拿走,为买,my,my,Dont argue,took,wants to,your,bought,for,bought,for

3、,Ms Smart: _red T-shirts are _ the line. I _ them_ you. Look! Sam: Did you wash _T-shirt? Ms Smart: No, I didnt. Linglings T-shirt is clean. She didnt wear it.,在绳子上,为洗,Read .,Your,on,washed,for,Linglings,Sam: Im so sorry, Lingling. Amy: Im sorry too. Lingling: .,没关系。,Read .,Thats OK,Lingling: Look,

4、this is my new kite. Amy: Oh, its beautiful. Sam: The cat is so cute! Lingling: Lets_and_ it. Amy and Sam: Great!,让我们去,Read .,go,fly,想想下面句子的意思.,Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. Lingling didnt wear her T-shirt. Lets go and fly it.,Whats the matter?,怎么了?/ 发生什么事了?,妈妈给我买了一件新T恤.,玲玲没有穿她的T恤。,让我们出去放风筝吧.,- D

5、ont the T-shirt, its dirty. A. were B. wash C. wear 2.Dad a new book me last Sunday. A. buy, to B. bought , for C. bought , with 3. Whats ? A. matter B. the matter C. matters,选择。,4. Lets the kite. A. fly B. flying C. to fly 5.-Whats the matter? - . A. Im in the park B. Im doing my homework C. Im ver

6、y hungry 6. ? -They are on the line. A. Who is Daming B. Where is Daming C. Where are my trousers,选择。,What is the matter?,a, for, Mum, me, T-shirt, bought, new.,Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.,连词成句。,the, matter, is, What?,Do you like this pair of shorts?,didnt, it, She ,wear.,She didnt wear it.,连词成句。,Do, like, shorts, pair, this, you, of?,Homework: 1. 读:熟读课文。 2、背:20到21页重点知识点及短语。 3、写:单词抄写四遍,要求书写正确、工整。,


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