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1、Unit 8,When is your birthday?,Section B 2 3a-Self check,September 21st,October 12th,October 15th,October 22nd,November 3rd,November 30th,December 3rd,school trip,soccer game,volleyball game,school day,Art festival,English party,book sale,Review,基数词变序数词顺口溜,基变序,有规律,词尾加上th。 一二三 特殊记(first,second,third),

2、 八加h(eighth),九去e(ninth) f来把ve替,(fivefifth;twelve twelfth) 整十时候要注意,变y为i再加e, -th 最后加上去, (twenty twentieth,thirty thirtieth) 若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。 (twenty-onetwenty-first; twenty-fourtwenty-fourth),Complete the chart with the correct forms of the numbers.,Task 1,two,sixth,third,seven,four,eighth,fifth,ninth

3、,ten,twelfth,thirteen,twentieth,twenty-one,thirtieth,Free talk:,There are twelve months in a year. They are:,January February March April May June,July August September October November December,My birthday is on September 16th.,Pairwork: A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is,When is Womens Da

4、y (妇女节)?,When is April Fools Day (愚人节)?,When is Childrens Day(儿童节)?,When is Teachers Day(教师节)?,When is our National Day (国庆节)?,1. When is Childrens Day(儿童节)? Its on _. 2. When is National Day(国庆节)? Its on _. 3. When is Womens Day(妇女节)? Its on _. 4. When is New Years Day(新年)? Its on _.,Write the date

5、s for these holidays in China.,Task 2,June 1st,October 1st,March 8th,January 1st,Dear Alan, Do you _ sports? Do you have a _? Please come to _ next week. We have a basketball _. It is on _ 28th. See you there! Guo Peng,Task3,Complete the note with the words in the box.,my school game September like

6、basketball,September,basketball,game,like,my school,应是一动词,应是一表事物的名词,应是表地点的词,篮球比赛,应是表月份的词,阅读3a中的便条,完成下列思维导图。,Dear Alan,please come to my school next week,see you there!,Guo Peng,Do you like sports?,泸县城北初级中学校 圣诞节晚会 Christmas party,Write a note to invite me to the Christams party.,What is your friends

7、name? Alice What does your friend like to do? Play games What activity do you have in your school? Christmas party When is the activity? December 25th,v.邀请,Task4,写作指导: 这是一则邀请某人参加某项活动的便条,其内容须包含括号内提出的四个问题, 1. 参加人的名字及爱好、 2. 活动名称 3. 该活动举行地点与时间。 写作过程中可能用到的句型如下:,1. Do you like ? 你喜欢吗? 2. Please come to ne

8、xt week/this Friday. 请下周/这周五来 . 3. We have a (an) . Its on . 我们举行, 它在. 4. On , we have a(an) in . 在 , 我们在举行. 5. See you there!/Have a good time! 那儿见!/祝你玩得高兴。,可能用到的句型,Dear _, _,Group work: write an invitation,Dear_,One possible version:,Alice , Do you like playing games? Please come to my school next week. On December 25th, we have a Christmas party in our school . See you there! Tom,Design your Christmas party invitation,homework,Thank you!,


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