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1、封面:投资的热土 创业的高地腾飞的天津市示范工业园区Industrial Demonstration ParksAn Investors Paradise in Tianjin天津市人民政府Tianjin Municipal Government2-7页:天津,一座具有600年历史的文化名城,区位优势明显,雄踞环渤海经济圈的核心位置,是中国北方最大的沿海开放门户,是中国经济实现跨越发展的第三极。Tianjin, a city with a history of 600 years, boasts an exceptionally advantageous position - sitting

2、at the center of the Bohai Economic Ring,working as the biggest “door” along the North China coast that opens to the outside world and the third “pole” in Chinas economic leap forward.新世纪新阶段,中国加快天津滨海新区开发开放战略部署的顺利实施,使天津经济发展空前活跃,成为中国乃至世界投资最密集的地区之一。Thanks to the successful implementation of Chinas stra

3、tegic planning to speed up the development and opening up of Tianjin Binhai New Area (TBNA) in a new era of this century, Tianjin has witnessed unprecedented economic boom, turning out to be a magnet for investors from home and abroad.天津大力实施城乡一体化发展战略,确立了“滨海新区龙头带动、中心城区全面提升、各区县加快发展,三个层面统筹联动、全面推进”的新思路、

4、新格局。In its endeavors for urban-rural integration, Tianjin has created a development pattern by mapping out the city into three sections: the Binhai New Area which plays a leading role; the Central Areas which seek comprehensive improvement; the Suburban Districts and Counties which strive for accele

5、rated developmenteach bringing its own advantages into full play while one complementing the other(s) for coordinated development.“天津发展的空间在区县、潜力在区县、希望在区县”。在滨海新区龙头示范作用的带动下,天津市人民政府做出了在11个区县建立31个示范工业园区的决策部署,园区规划总面积达381.4平方公里。政府在资金支持、金融配套、土地供给、科技创新等方面给予了特殊优惠政策,促进区县经济实现快速集聚发展,与滨海新区协调一致,紧密配合,共同促进天津经济实现“加速

6、跑”。“The room, potential and hope of Tianjins development lie in its districts and counties.” In order to coordinate with the Binhai New Area, the Municipal Government unveiled its strategic program for the establishment of 31 industrial demonstration parks in the 11 suburban districts and counties o

7、f the city. A total area of 381.9 square kilometers is planned for these parks. Meanwhile, preferential policies are granted in terms of funding, financial support, land supply and technology innovation to spur economic growth of these districts and counties.东丽区位于天津市中心城区和滨海新区之间,地处津滨发展主轴。这里将建成Dongli

8、District lies between the Central Area and the Binhai New Area of Tianjin (TBNA) and finds itself on the Principal Axis of TBNA Development. Established here are:天津东丽航空产业区总面积18.3平方公里。重点发展飞机总装、机载设备、发动机、零部件和航空材料的制造以及航空维修领域。l Dongli Aviation Industrial Park-with a total area of 18.3 square km, engaged

9、in manufacturing of on-board equipment, plane engines, plane parts and aviation materials, plane assembly and aviation maintenance. 天津华明工业区总面积7.3平方公里。重点发展航空零部件与输配电设备制造、科技研发总部。l Huaming Industrial Park-with a total area of 7.3 square km, engaged in manufacturing of aviation parts and power transmissi

10、on and distribution (PTD) equipment. 津南区位于天津市东南部海河下游南岸,素有天津“金三角”之称。这里将建成Jinnan District is situated south of the Haihe River downstream in the southeast section of the city, dubbed as “Golden Triangle” of Tianjin. Established here are:天津双港工业区总面积10.1平方公里。重点发展数控系统、数控设备、精密机械研发制造。l Shuanggang Industrial

11、 Park-with a total area of 10.1 square km, engaged in research, development and manufacturing of numerical control systems, numerical control equipment and precision machinery.天津八里台工业区产业总面积6.2平方公里。重点发展通讯电子、汽车电子终端产品的研发制造。l Balitai Industrial Park-with a total area of 6.2 square km, engaged in researc

12、h, development and manufacturing of electronic and communication products, and auto-electronic terminal products.天津海河工业区总面积10.6平方公里。重点发展功能型电子元器件、通讯设备制造、环保设备制造。l Haihe Industrial Park-with a total area of 10.6 square km,engaged in manufacturing of functional type electron components, communication ap

13、paratus and environment protection equipment.天津小站工业区总面积4.6平方公里。重点发展航空新材料、电子信息材料、汽车新材料研发制造。l Xiaozhan Industrial Park-with a total area of 4.6 square km, engaged in research, development and manufacturing of new aviation materials, electronic information materials and new auto materials. 西青区是中国乡镇企业百强

14、区县之一,云集了世界500强的18强,带动了200多家配套企业。这里将建成Xiqing District boasts as one of Chinas Top 100 Counties and Districts in Developing Township Enterprises, and 18 of the worlds top 500 corporations have established themselves in this district, which have brought about more than 200 supporting enterprises. Estab

15、lished here are:天津西青汽车工业区总面积25.5平方公里。重点发展节能型和新能源汽车、汽车关键零部件、汽车新材料、汽车新能源。l Xiqing Auto Industrial Park-with a total area of 25.5 square km, engaged in developing energy efficient and new energy autos, key auto parts, new auto materials and new auto energies. 天津西青高端金属制品工业区总面积10.5平方公里。重点发展板、管、带、材产品、金属零部

16、件以及下游高端金属产品加工制造。l Xiqing High-end Metalwork Industrial Park-with a total area of 10.5 square km, engaged in processing and manufacturing of metal plates, tubes, bands and wires, metal parts as well as high-end downstream metal products.天津西青学府工业区总面积10.2平方公里。重点发展电子信息产业、高科技数字产品创新与技术输出、电子物流业。l Xuefu Ind

17、ustrial Park-with a total area of 10.2 square km, engaged in developing the electronic information industry, electronic logistics as well as innovation and technology export of high-tech digital products. 北辰区位于天津市中心城区北部,被列为天津首批国家级技术市场试点区和科技成果推广示范区。这里将建成Beichen District is located in the north of the

18、 Central Area of the city, and finds itself among the citys first batch of state-level pilot districts on technology marketing and districts on sci-tech achievement demonstration. Established here are:天津风电产业园总面积14.1平方公里。重点发展风电装备机电零部件生产、零部件关键材料和系列化产品的研发制造。l Wind Power Industrial Park-with a total are

19、a of 14.1 square km, engaged in research, development and manufacturing of wind power equipment parts and related key materials and serial products. 天津陆路港物流装备产业园总面积9.8平方公里。重点发展物流装备、自动化物流集成制造和专业配套制造。l Industrial Park for Land Port Logistic Equipment-with a total area of 9.8 square km, engaged in manu

20、facturing of logistic equipment, and automated logistics integration equipment and corollary equipment. 天津医药医疗器械工业园总面积8.8平方公里。重点发展医药制药、制药设备和医疗器械研发制造。l Pharmaceutical & Medical Equipment Industrial Park-with a total area of 8.8 square km, engaged in pharmacy, and research, development and manufacturi

21、ng of pharmaceutical and medical equipment. 汉沽区是天津滨海新区的重要组成部分。这里将建成Hangu District is a major component of Tianjin Binhai New Area (TBNA). Established here are:天津茶淀工业园总面积8.0平方公里。以水、固体废物处理设备;资源化综合利用等设备的研发制造为产业特色。l Chadian Industrial Park-with a total area of 8.0 square km, engaged in research, develop

22、ment and manufacturing of recycling and comprehensive utilization equipment, and water and solid waste treatment equipment. 天津滨海物流加工区总面积9.3平方公里。重点发展物流装备及水产品物流加工。l Binhai Logistic Processing Zone-with a total area of 9.3 square km, engaged in manufacturing of logistics equipment and logistic processi

23、ng of aquatic products.大港区是国家重点发展的特大型石油化工基地之一,是天津滨海新区的重要组成部分。这里将建成Dagang District is a major component of Tianjin Binhai New Area (TBNA) and a superhuge petrochemical industrial base under the states development priority program. Established here are:天津太平工业区总面积13.3平方公里。重点发展石油石化专用仪表配套设备,石油钻采设备,石油机械配件

24、和海水淡化设备。l Taiping Industrial Park-with a total area of 13.3 square km,engaged in manufacturing of corollary equipment for petroleum instruments, petroleum and petrochemical transformers, petroleum drilling equipment, petroleum machinery accessories and sea water desalination equipment. 天津中塘工业区总面积11.

25、2平方公里。重点发展橡塑制品和橡塑金属复合制品。l Zhongtang Industrial Park-with a total area of 11.2 square km, engaged in manufacturing of rubber and plastic products, and rubber-plastic-metal composite products. 宝坻区位于北京、天津、唐山三大城市的中心腹地,经济发达,文化昌盛。这里将建成Baodi District is situated north of Tianjin and adjoins Beijing and Tan

26、gshan (of Hebei) together with Jixian County, boasting well developed economy and flourishing culture. Established here are:天津宝坻节能环保工业区总面积19.4平方公里。重点发展脱硫除尘、海水淡化和污水处理设备;节能灯具以及金属航空新材料、热固塑料复合材料。l Baodi Industrial Park for Energy Conservation and Environment Protection-with a total area of 19.4 square k

27、m, engaged in manufacturing of high-value-added equipments of desulfurization, dedusting, seawater desalination and sewage treatment, energy-saving lamps, as well as new metal and aviation materials and composite materials of thermoset plastics.天津宝坻低碳工业区总面积18.8平方公里。重点发展新能源产业和施工机械、环卫机械、农用机械的加工制造。l Ba

28、odi Low-carbon Industrial Park-with a total area of 18.8 square km, engaged in new industrial projects, as well as processing and manufacturing of construction machinery, sanitation machinery and agricultural machinery.天津宝坻塑料制品工业区总面积10.8平方公里。重点发展塑料原材料加工、塑料加工机械制造。l Baodi Plastics Industrial Park -wit

29、h a total area of 10.8 square km, engaged in processing of plastic raw materials and manufacturing of plastics processing machinery.天津马家店工业区总面积10.0平方公里。重点发展不锈钢的板、管、棒制品及线材制品加工制造。l Majiadian Industrial Park-with a total area of 10.0 square km, engaged in processing and manufacturing of stainless steel

30、 plates, tubes and bars, and wire products. 武清区处于环渤海经济区中心地带,位于京津两大城市之间,自古以来即为交通要道,素有“京津黄金走廊” 之称。这里将建成Wuqing District is located at the centerpiece of the Bohai Economic Rim and is sandwiched by Beijing and Tianjin, known historically as a vital communication line and more vividly, as a “Beijing-Tian

31、jin Golden Passage.” Established here are: 中华自行车王国产业园总面积10.7平方公里。重点发展高端自行车整车零部件研发制造、自行车现代服务业以及新材料新能源研发制造。l “China Bicycle Kingdom” Industrial Park-with a total area of 10.7 square km, engaged in research, development and manufacturing of high-end bicycles and bicycle parts and related new materials

32、and energies, as well as modern services as regards the bicycle industry. 天津地毯产业园总面积9.5平方公里。重点发展顶级手工地毯、地毯机械设备、创意设计、区域性交易市场等高增值产品和服务。l Carpet Industrial Park -with a total area of 9.5 square km, engaged in producing superior handmade carpets, carpet machinery and such high value-added services as cre

33、ative design and regional trading market.天津武清汽车零部件产业园总面积9.6平方公里。重点发展汽车零部件研发制造。l Wuqing Auto Parts Industrial Park -with a total area of 9.6 square km, engaged in research, development and manufacturing of auto parts.天津京滨工业园总面积9.7平方公里。重点发展新材料、石油机械设备制造业、配套精密设备制造。l Jingbin Industrial Park-with a total

34、area of 9.7 square km, engaged in manufacturing of new materials, petroleum machinery and equipment, corollary equipment and precision equipment. 静海县处于天津市公路、铁路、海运、空运立体交通网络之中,运输极为便捷。这里将建成Jinghai County finds itself in a convenient network that integrates highway, railway, and sea and air transportati

35、on. Established here are: 天津大邱庄工业园总面积17.4平方公里。重点发展优质钢材和金属制品制造。l Daqiuzhuang Industrial Park-with a total area of 17.4 square km, engaged in manufacturing of high-quality steel and metal products. 天津唐官屯加工物流区总面积10.0平方公里。重点发展新型建材、木材深加工、家具制造及加工物流。l Tangguantun Logistics Processing Zone-with a total area

36、 of 10.0 square km, engaged in deep processing of new timber and building materials, furniture manufacturing and processing logistics. 天津静海北环工业园总面积18.0平方公里。重点发展专业化、规模化绿色农副产品精深加工。l Beihuan Industrial Park-with a total area of 18.0 square km, engaged in large-scale specialized refining and deep proces

37、sing of “green” agricultural and sideline products. 宁河县有丰富的自然资源,特别是水资源极为丰富,为国家确定的全国无公害农产品生产基地示范县。这里将建成Ninghe County is blessed with abundant natural resources, especially water resources, and is designated as a national demonstration base for the production of pollution-free agricultural products. E

38、stablished here are:天津宁河现代产业区总面积16.6平方公里。重点发展航空航天零部件、通讯电子设备制造和物流加工仓储。l Ninghe Modern Industrial Park -with a total area of 16.6 square km, engaged in manufacturing of aerospace parts and electronic communication equipments and logistics processing and warehousing. 天津潘庄工业园总面积23.0平方公里。重点发展肉制品、粮油、乳品、果蔬

39、、饲料绿色食品深加工、新型建材的研发及生产。l Panzhuang Industrial Park-with a total area of 23.0 square km, engaged in meat products, grain and oil, dairy, fruits and vegetables, deep processing of green food feedstuff;research, development and production of new building materials. 蓟县位于京、津,冀腹心,自然风光秀丽,旅游资源极其丰富,为首批全国绿色食品示

40、范基地。这里将建成Jixian County is located in the far north of Tianjin and adjacent to Beijing and Hebei. With beautiful natural landscapes and exceptionally rich tourism resources, Jixian is among the first batch of national green food demonstration bases. Established here are:天津专用汽车产业园总面积10.0平方公里。重点发展以专用车生

41、产为主的装备制造业。l Industrial Park for Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV)-with a total area of 10.0 square km, engaged in SPV equipment manufacturing.天津上仓酒业及绿色食品加工区总面积10.6平方公里。重点发展白酒酿造,酒精生产,果酒酿造,软饮料加工,绿色食品加工制造。l Shangcang Winery & Green Food Processing Park-with a total area of 10.6 square km, engaged in the p

42、roduction of Chinese wine and alcohol and processing of soft drinks and green food. 封底:津沽大地,物华天宝,人杰地灵,政策宽松,活力无穷,天津市示范工业园区欢迎您!天津欢迎您!Welcome to Tianjin - a land of abundance, an investors paradise.服务热线:Service Hotline:天津市人民政府中小企业发展促进局Tianjin SME Development & Promotion BureauTianjin Municipal Government电话(Tel):022-24219192022-24222915传真(Fax):022-2422291719


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