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1、WORLD CEMENT INTERNATIONAL GLOSSARY & EQUIPMENT15The Glossary on the following pages includes technical terms and definitions most frequently used in the cement manufacturing process around the world.Each expression, term or word has been numbered for easy cross-reference.The categories under which

2、the terms appear correspond with the categories listed in the Guide section. This has been designed so that readers can determine those companies who specialise in supplying the items of plant and equipment mentioned. Readers should also refer to the advertisement pages for further details of plant

3、and equipment available from further major suppliers. We have attempted to make the glossary as comprehensive as possible. Readers are invited to suggest any additions, amendments or improvements, which will be incorporated in the next edition.Any portion may be reproduced without permission of the

4、compilers.* Taken from WORLD CEMENT&ZKGby YangHenCement manufacturing processes水泥制造业1-1. WORLD CEMENTThe leading international technical journal for the cement industry.世界水泥工业水泥工业头号国际性刊物1-2. DRY PROCESSThe process in which the preparation of the raw materials is effected by the dry grinding and blen

5、ding of powders prior to introduction to the preheater or rotary kiln.干法在进入预热器或回转窑之前,为配备原材料而进行的干法粉磨和粉末混合过程。1-3. SEMI-DRY PROCESSThe process in which the raw materials are prepared as in the dry process but are then humidified and granulated before introduction to a traveling grate preheater or into

6、the rotary kiln.半干法原材料的配备如干法,但在其进入一回转篦式预热器或回转窑之前对其进行增湿和轧碎。1-4. WET PROCESSThe process in which the raw materials are ground with water and introduced into the kiln in the form of a slurry.湿法原材料被以水粉磨,然后以料浆的形式进入窑的加工过程。1-5. SEMI-WET PROCESSThe process in which the raw materials are prepared as in the w

7、et process and then reduced in moisture content before introduction into the kiln.半湿法原材料配备如湿法,但在入窑前降低其水分。1-6. CLINKERA greyish material obtained by grinding and burning a mixture of mainly calcareous and argillaceous materials. The burnt mixture, known as clinker, is mainly minerals of lime, silica,

8、 alumina and ferric oxide.熟料研磨、燃烧主要为石灰质和粘土质的混合材料而获得的一种灰色物质。此种被称为水泥熟料的烧焦混合物,主要为石灰石、硅石、钒土和氧化铁的矿物质。1-7. PORTLAND CEMENTA fine powder produced by grinding clinker together with a small amount of gypsum which controls the rate of setting.硅酸盐(波特兰)水泥将水泥熟料与少量石膏一起研磨而产生的一种细粉末,石膏的作用是控制凝固速度。1-8. PORTLAND BLAST-

9、FURNACE CEMENTCement made by intergrinding 20-65% Portland cement clinker with 80-35% blast-furnace slag, where slag is a waste product made up of lime, silica and alumina.硅酸盐(波特兰)高炉水泥将2065%硅酸盐水泥熟料与8035%高炉熔渣一起研磨成的水泥,熔渣为废料,含石灰、硅石和钒土。1-9. PORTLAND POZZOLANA CEMENTA uniform blend of Portland cement and

10、 a sileceous/ aluminous material of volcanic ash, pumice, or fly ash (pozzolana).硅酸盐(波特兰)火山灰水泥由硅酸盐水泥与和一种硅质/高铝火山灰、浮石或飞砂均匀混合而成。1-10. WHITE CEMENTA cement manufactured from raw materials containing china clay, and chalk or limestone, but which contains few iron and manganese oxides.白水泥由含有高岭土、白垩或石灰石的原材料

11、制成的一种水泥,含有少量铁与氧化锰。1-11. EXPANSIVE CEMENTA hydraulic cement which in addition to containing the typical minerals for Portland cement contains other minerals such as ettringite which can cause expansion of the cement after mixing with water.膨胀水泥一种水硬性水泥,除含有硅酸盐水泥特有的矿物质外,还含有象钙矾石这种掺水后会引起水泥膨胀的其他矿物质。1-12. F

12、LY-ASHA material generated by the combustion of crushed coal in power stations which is precipitated in dust collectors. As an additive can replace up to 30% of clinker.粉煤灰一种由发电站燃烧煤粉而产生,沉淀于收尘器内的材料。可作为添加剂,取代多达30%的水泥熟料。1-13. GYPSUMHydrated calcium sulphate (gypsum) is added to clinker before or during

13、 grinding to control the final setting property of cement.石膏水化硫酸盐钙(石膏)在研磨前或研磨时被加入水泥熟料,以控制水泥终凝特性。1-14. RAW MATERIALSThe two main components are limestone and clay containing the mineral compounds calcium carbonate, silica, alumina and iron oxide.原材料两种主要组分为石灰石和含有碳酸钙、硅石、钒土和氧化铁的矿物质复合物的粘土。1-15. SECONDARY

14、 RAW MATERIALSMaterials arising out of other industrial processes which can be used in the cement manufacturing process, e.g., blast-furnace slag, fly ash and gypsum (see above).二次原材料其它工艺过程产生的,可用于水泥制作过程的材料,如高炉熔渣、飞灰与石膏(见上)。1-16. LIMESTONEA sedimentary rock composed primarily of calcium carbonate (CaC

15、O3), varying amounts of magnesium carbonate, and other impurities such as silica and alumina.石灰石一种沉积岩,主要由碳酸钙(CaCO3),不同含量的碳酸镁和硅石、钒土等杂质组成。1-17. CLAYClastic sediment which together with shale is classed as an argillaceous material. It contains hydrated silicates of aluminium blended with various impuri

16、ties including iron oxides and alkalis.粘土一种碎屑沉积岩,与页岩一道被归类为粘土质材料。它含有混有氧化铁和碱等杂质的水化硅铝酸盐。1-18. SHALEA consolidated clay rock which possesses definite lamination. It contains admixtures of silica, iron oxide and alumina.页岩一种具有固定层理的固化粘土岩,含有硅土、氧化铁和钒土的混合材。Quarrying采石2-1. GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONField inspecti

17、on, boring and testing deposits to determine chemical properties and/or variations of raw material components.地理勘探实地勘察和钻探,以确定原材料成分的化学特性及(或)种类。2-2. OVERBURDENLayer of waste (generally earth) above raw material deposits.覆盖层在原材料沉积之上的(通常为土壤)废物层。2-3. DRILLING AND BLASTINGMethods employed at the quarries

18、in the exploitation of raw materials.打眼(钻孔)及爆破在原材料开采中、在采石场所使用的方法。2-4. RIPPINGAlternative to drilling and blasting in which material is ploughed from the quarry face using large teeth.刨土(松土)使用大齿工具将材料从石场面上创出的一种可取代打眼及爆破的方法。2-5. STRIPPINGRemoval of overburden to obtain access to the raw materials.剥离除去覆盖

19、层以通达原材料。2-6. WHEEL LOADERWheel mounted loading shovel for rock loading duties, clearing debris and trimming surfaces in the quarry.轮式装载机装有轮胎的装载机铲斗,在采石场用来装载岩石、清理岩屑、整平地面。2-7. DUMPERRubber-tyred vehicle used to convey excavated material within or away from a quarry.翻斗车在采石场内或从采石场往外运送采出的材料的橡胶轮胎车辆。2-8. TY

20、RE CHAINSAnti-skid or protective chains used on the tyres of earth-moving or quarry vehicles.轮胎链用于推土机或采石车辆轮胎的防滑或保护用链条。2-9. HAULAGETransportation of fragmented rock from loading point to the crushing plant by rubber tyre vehicles (dumpers), railmounted vehicles or conveyor.搬运用橡胶轮胎车辆(翻斗车)、轨道车辆或输送机将成块的

21、岩石从装载地点运送到碎石厂。2-10. MOBILE CRUSHERCrushing machine with its own integral traveling mechanism, enabling it to proceed from one location to another in a quarry.移动碎石机内装移动装置、可从采石场的一个地点行走到另一地点的碎石机。2-11. PRIMARY REDUCTION (CRUSHING)Size reduction process that breaks down rocks of raw material to a lump si

22、ze suitable as feed for the next process stage.初碎(碎石)将原材料石块分解成为适用于下一加工程序的大小的破碎工序。2-12. SINGLE-STAGE REDUCTIONMaterial is reduced to the desired raw mill feed size by just one crusher operated in open or closed-circuits.单级破碎以在开路或闭路循环中操作的单一碎石机,将原材料破碎到磨机进料大小的工序。2-13. MULTI-STAGE REDUCTIONSize reduction

23、 is effected using two or more crushers in series; either in open or closed circuits.多级破碎在开路或闭路循环中,使用串列的两台或多台碎石机来缩减原材料的大小。2-14. OPEN CIRCUIT REDUCTIONRaw material passes through a crusher only once.开路破碎原材料仅通过碎石机一次。2-15. CLOSED CIRCUIT REDUCTIONMaterial discharged from the crusher is screened and the

24、 oversize returned back to the crusher for further size reduction.闭路破碎从碎石机中排出的材料经过筛选,过大的石料被退回碎石机进行进一步破碎。2-16. JAW CRUSHERMachine used for primary or secondary size reduction of raw materials by compression. It consists of 2 plates forming a V-shaped cavity in which material falling by gravity is cru

25、shed.颚式破碎机以压碎法对原材料大小进行初碎式二次破碎的机器。它拥有由两块金属板形成一个V形腔,以自重力落下的材料在其中被碾碎。2-17. GYRATORY CRUSHERMachine used for primary size reduction of hard and abrasive rock by compression. It has a relatively higher through-put than the jaw crusher. Its main elements are an outer bowl and an inner oscillating cone mou

26、nted on a vertical shaft.回转式碎石机以压缩力对坚硬的、磨蚀性岩石进行 初碎的机器。其材料通过量高于颚式碎石机,其主要组件包括一外盘和一个安装于立轴上的内装振荡锥。2-18. ROLL CRUSHERSize reduction machine with usually two contra rotating parallel rolls used for wet and sticky materials.对辊碎石机通常带有两个反向旋转的平行辊的碎石机,用于湿润的和粘性的材料。2-19. HAMMER CRUSHERWidely used for primary and

27、 single stage reduction of hard to medium-hard materials. It consists of a rotor with discs on a horizontal shaft. Hammers are attached to the discs and under high speed rotation impact on the feed material.锤式碎石机广泛用于硬性或中等硬性材料的初碎和单级破碎工序。它由一个安装于水平轴上、带有转盘的转子组成,转盘上装有锤子,在高转速下,对进料施加击力。2-20. IMPACT CRUSHER

28、Also known as impact breaker, it is best suited for reducing brittle, hard to medium-hard materials. The rotor is fitted with impact bars. The high speed of the rotor throws feed material onto impact plates.冲击式碎石机也称为冲击式破碎机,最适用于破碎脆性的、硬性到中等硬性的材料。转子装有冲击杆。转子的高速将进料甩到冲击板上。2-21. AERIAL ROPEWAYHigh level do

29、uble-cable or single-cable system employed in conveying material across difficult terrain.架空索道在崎岖地形用于输送材料的高空双缆或单缆系统。2-22. SITE RESTORATIONRestoring a worked out quarry landscape to its original state or making it as environmentally acceptable as possible.现场修复将一开采完的石场地表修复到原有状态,或使它尽可能符合环境标准。Raw materi

30、als storage and preparation原材料储存和配备3-1. SAMPLINGEssential operation between crushing and grinding operations to aid decision, after laboratory analyis, on the proportioning of the main components of the raw mix.取料在击碎和研磨之间的一道基本工序,以在实验室分析之后帮助确定原混合物各主要成分的比率。3-2. LIME STANDARDRatio between the proportio

31、ns of lime and the proportions of silica, alumina and iron oxide in a mix.石灰标准系数一种混合物中石灰与硅石、铝、氧化铁含量之比。3-3. STOCKPILEIntermediate storage of raw materials between the quarry and the raw mill.料堆原材料在采石场和生料辗磨机之间的中间储存方式。3-4. BLENDING BEDA stockpile in which bed-blending by longitudinal stockpiling and tr

32、ansverse reclaiming of raw materials occurs.混合层与原材料的纵向堆放和横向回收来进行层混合的堆场。3-5. PREHOMOGENIZATIONPreliminary stacking of crushed materials to ensure homogeneity. It is mostly applied to limestone to reduce fluctuations in the CaCO3 content.预均化对被击碎的石料进行预堆放以确保均匀。预匀化主要用于石灰石,以减少碳酸钙含量浮动。3-6. LONGITUDINAL STO

33、CKPILEStacking system, with a rectangular base and trapezoidal or triangular cross-section, which disposes incoming raw material longitudinally.纵向堆料底为长方形、纵面为梯形或三角形的堆料系统,旨在将进入的原材料纵向堆积。3-7. CIRCULAR STOCKPILEStacking system with a round base, central column and with a trapezoidal or triangular cross-s

34、ection.环形堆料底为圆形,具有中心柱,纵面为梯形或三角形的堆料方式。3-8. CHEVRON METHODRaw material is deposited by stacker moving to and fro over the longitudinal centre-line of a stockpile.菱形(人字)堆料法堆料机在料堆的纵向中心线上往复堆积原材料。3-9. WINDROW METHODMethod of stacking whereby layers are spread longitudinally over and alongside each other.

35、The objective is to avoid the segregation of the coarse particle.长形堆料法料层重叠,并排堆置的堆料方法,旨在避免粗粒的离析。3-10. HORIZONTAL LAYERSIndividual layers are placed one on top of another.水平料层料一层叠一层3-11. STRATA STACKINGSimilar to horizontal stacking but layers of material are inclined.层次堆料与水平堆料类似,但料层倾斜。3-12. CONE-SHEL

36、L METHODIn contrast to previously described methods, the stacker, and belt conveyor, moves along the length of the pile to form a series of conical piles heaped one against another.锥螺法与前述各方法不同,堆料机及输送带沿料堆之长度(周边)运行,形成一系列堆在一起的锥形堆。3-13. CHEVCON METHODHybrid of the chevron and cone shell methods which is

37、 suitable only for circular stockpiles.菱形锥螺法菱形和芏螺法的混合使用,只适用于圆形料堆。3-14. STACKING MACHINEMachine used to deposit raw materials in storage areas (internal or external). Can have fixed or movable booms which can be raised and lowered.堆料机用于储存区(内部或外部)堆置原材料的机器。可具有固定吊杆或可上下移动的吊杆。3-15. RECLAIMING EQUIPMENTMac

38、hines such as bridge-type scrapers, portal scrapers, traveling scrapers, front-end scrapers, side scrapers and bucket-wheel reclaimers which are employed to reclaim raw materials from stockpiles.取料(回收)设备用于从料堆中回收原材料的桥式刮料机、移动刮料机、正向刮料机、侧式刮料机及斗轮取料机等机器。3-16. FRONT ACTING RECLAIMERMachine used for end-on

39、removal of materials from a stockpile via a raking-down movement.正向取料机以耙取方式向一料堆取料的正向回收机器。3-17. BRIDGE-TYPE SCRAPING RECLAIMERA raking down device is mounted on a bridge. A scraper chain conveyors blade shift dislodged material to a belt conveyor which extends along one edge of the stockpile.桥式刮板式取料机

40、在一桥式架上装有一耙取装置。松开的石料由一刮板链式输送机的刮板运送到一伸展于料堆一边的输送带上。3-18. BUCKET-WHEEL RECLAIMER (BRIDGE-MOUNTED)One or more bucket wheels and raking-down device(s) move to and fro on the bridge across the face of a stockpile.斗轮取料机(带桥装置)依赖桥装置在料堆面上往复工作的一个或多个斗轮及刮料装置。3-19. BUCKET-WHEEL RECLAIMER (WITH SLEWING BOOM)Bucket

41、wheel mounted at the end of a boom which swings to and fro across the stockpile.斗轮取料机(带旋转吊杆)吊杆末端装有斗轮,吊杆在料堆上方往复取料。3-20. SIDE-ACTING SCRAPERMachine used to reclaim material from bed-blending stockpiles built up by the windrow method.侧边刮料机用于从以长形堆料法堆起的混合层料堆取料的机器。3-21. BATCHWISE HOMOGENIZATIONInside the

42、homogenization silo, the silo base is fitted with a number of aeration sections which alternatively receive compressed air to facilitate homogenisation.间歇(分批)均匀法在均匀库底安装数个通风部件,对通风部件交替地供给压缩空气 以便加快均匀过程。3-22. CONTINUOUS BLENDINGRaw meal is supplied continuously to a storage and blending silo. Special di

43、scharge and blending arrangements at the aerated silo base ensure a continuous supply of homogenised raw meal to the kiln system.连续混合原材料被连续不断装入储藏和混合圆筒库中。在通风仓底的特殊出料及混合安排,可确保窑系统得到持续不断和均匀的生料供应。Comminution粉碎4-1. GRINDINGSize reduction of raw materials and cement clinker to a fine powder, nominally all p

44、assing 200 microns.研磨将原材料和水泥熟料破碎成细粉末,通常为全部通过200微米孔的颗粒。4-2. TUBE MILLA rotary cylindrical shell, internally protected with liners and charged with media (balls or cylpebs) for grinding.管磨机一旋转筒状机壳,内部以衬垫保护且装有用于研磨的介质(钢球或钢段)。4-3. BALL MILLSimilar to the tube mill, but the length to diameter ratio of the

45、shell is less than 2.0.球磨类似于管磨机,但机壳的长径比小于2.0。4-4. GRINDING MEDIASteel balls or cylpebs charged inside a tube or ball mill.研磨介质填充于管磨机或球磨机内部的钢球或钢段。4-5. GRINDING AIDAdditive which assists mill grinding and contributes to eliminating coatings, or for dispersing finely ground material.磨料协助机研磨的添加剂,有助于消除结皮

46、,或分散细磨材料。4-6. AUTOGENOUS MILLCylindrical mill utilising the large lumps in the feed to crush the smaller lumps and by doing so reducing themselves.自磨机使用喂料中的大块料粉碎小块料,且以此来缩减自身大小的筒状磨机。4-7. DIAPHRAGMPartition or division plate inside a mill.隔板磨机内的分隔、隔离板。4-8. VERTICAL ROLLER MILLA grinding machine consis

47、ting of a rotating table onto which rollers are pressed.立式滚(辊)磨机由一旋转台组成的一种研磨机,滚轮(辊子)在台上滚压。4-9. ROLLER PRESSAlso known as high pressure grinding roll. Consists of two contra rotating rolls. One roll is forced by hydraulic pressure onto the other. A deep bed of feed material is ground by compression, producing a cake discharge.滚(辊)压机亦称“高压研磨辊”。由两只反向旋转的辊子组成。其中一只由液压将其压在另一只辊上。这些辊子对一层厚的辊料进行研磨,产生“饼状”出料。4-10. PULVERISED FUEL (PF) PREPARATIONComminution and drying of coal prior to kiln firing.粉状燃料(PF)的制备煤在进入烧窑前的粉碎和烘干工序。4-11. SEPARATORMachine which classifies mill di


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