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1、弗朗索瓦-克萨维埃-巴努协会 Association Franois-Xavier Bagnoud,FXB 中国 FXB International,宗旨 VISION,每个儿童都应当在爱的关怀下健康成长 Every child deserves to be loved, wanted and nurtured.,使命 MISSION,帮助受到HIV/AIDS影响的儿童改善其生活质量, 并提供发展机遇 Improve quality of life and provide opportunity for children affected by HIV and AIDS,FXB Village

2、 Model,永久关爱 PERMANENCY,防止遗弃 Prevent abandonment 始终保持家庭对孩子的关护 Preserve family care giving relationships 使得孩子同核心家庭团聚 Reunite child with nuclear family 使孩子融入亲属的大家庭 Integrate child into extended family 社区中其他家庭将对孩子进行正式的合法收养 Formal legal adoption by a family in the childs community,永久关爱 PERMANENCY,医疗 HEAL

3、TH,帮助孩子及其家庭获得以下服务 Assist access to: 母婴传播阻断 mother to child transmission prevention programs 艾滋病防护 HIV prevention programs 家庭成员艾滋病护理治疗 HIV and AIDS treatment programs for family members 必要时的营养 nutrition, when needed,教育 EDUCATION,帮助孩子获得 Assist access to: 免费的九年制义务教育 free 9 years education 高中教育 high sch

4、ool education 职业培训 vocation training,教育 EDUCATION,家庭稳定性 FAMILY STABILITY,向受到爱滋病影响儿童的家庭提供生产自救机会 Provide income generating opportunities for families of AIDS affected children,制定家庭关爱的原则,在孩子家庭的居住地为其提供保护 Utilize Permanency Planning principles to protect children in placement of families 协助政府的优先政策(四免一关怀)

5、,使孩子能够享受到医疗和教育服务 Support government priorities (Four Frees and One Care) to access medical care and education 雇佣并培训当地社区人员作为管理员,社工和医疗协助人员. Hire and train local community members as managers, outreach social workers and medical support 把和HIV/AIDS人员一同生活的未成年人和儿童, 纳入到项目的规划,设计和实施方案中. Involve PLWHA, young

6、people and children in program planning , design and implementation. 建立当地的中心:为孩子,家庭和社区提供防治,教育,生产自救和其他救助服务, Provide a local center : a hub of prevention, education and support for children , families and community income generating activities.,实施方式 IMPLEMENTATION,成果 OUTCOMES,在全面关爱模式的基础上,建立起能够改善受爱滋病影响

7、儿童生活质量的社区, A community based comprehensive care model which improves quality of life for AIDS affected children 为促进更好的开展工作,需要有正规的评估,能够见证可持续开展的内容和成果. A formal evaluation which substantiates lessons learned and outcomes in order to promote best practices. 建成为一个投入有成效,并可以被复制借鉴的模式. A cost effective replicable model.,成果 OUTCOMES,


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