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1、简单服务英语学习,Words which are “musts” in English: 英语基本必须礼貌用语单词 Welcome 欢迎光临 Good morning/afternoon/evening 早上/下午/晚上好 Please请 Thank you 谢谢 Excuse me 不好意思,打扰一下/对不起 Pardon对不起,请再说一遍好吗 Sorry 对不起 Goodbye 再见 Ok 好的,Addressing individuals如何称呼个体的客人 If you do not know the guests name, address him/her as: “sir” or “

2、madam” e.g. “Yes, sir.” “Good night, madam.” “May I help you, sir?” Addressing a group of guests如何称呼群体的客人 “Gentlemen” “Ladies” “Ladies & gentlemen”,Greetings 打招呼 According to the time of day, say: “Good morning, sir/madam. Welcome to seven foods.”早上好,先生/小姐,欢迎来到七件事。 “Good afternoon, sir/madam. Welcom

3、e to seven foods.”下午好,先生/小姐,欢迎来到七件事。 “Good evening, sir/madam. Welcome to seven foods.”晚上好,先生/小姐,欢迎来到七件事。,Exchange of greetings向客人问好: “How are you today/ this morning, Mr. ?” 今天/今天早上好吗?*先生。 如果客人回答 If he answers, “Fine, thank you.”,(很好,谢谢) say: “ Im glad to hear that.” 听到这消息我很高兴。 If he answers someth

4、ing not very positive about himself, say: “Im sorry to hear that, I hope you are better now.” “Im sorry to hear that, take it easy today.” “Im sorry to hear that, please take care.” (此处不做要求) 此种打招呼的形式主要针对我们与之熟识并关系良好的客户。,当客人遇上问题的时候: If a guest hurts himself, say: “Are you all right, sir/madam?”你还好吗?先生

5、/小姐 如果客人向你问好: If the guest greets you first with “How are you?”你好吗? say: “Very well/ Fine, thank you. And you?”非常好,谢谢你,你呢? 如果你出现了事故,客人友好向你问询: If you have an accident, and the guest sees it, the guest ask you: “Are you all right?” 你还好吗? say: “Im all right, thank you.” 我很好,谢谢。,On serving 服务客人: what ca

6、n I do for you? 我能为您做点什么? May I help you?有什么我能帮您的吗? (建议以上用语用于跟客人打完招呼之后,可一气呵成。) e.g Good morning, sir, welcome to 7 foods. What can I do for you? 早上好,先生,欢迎光临七件事,我能为您做点什么? 询问客人是否还需要什么物品时 Is there anything else?您还要别的什么吗? 为客人带路 This way, please。这边请。,向客人介绍你自己Introducing yourself “My name is *. If there i

7、s anything we can do for you, just let us know.” 我叫*,如果有什么需要我们为您做的,请尽管让我们知道。,当你要离开为客人拿他所需要的产品时: If you have to leave the guest to get what they want, say: “Just a moment, please, sir. Ill go and get it right away.”麻烦您稍等一下,我马上去拿来给您。 你回来的时候: When you return, say: “Im sorry to keep you waiting.” 不好意思让您

8、久等了。 “Here you are.” 给您。,当客人要求购买的物品我们无法供应时: When guests ask for something that you cant provide, say: “Im very sorry we have run out of .” 非常抱歉我们*商品已经卖完了。 “Sorry sir, Im afraid we do not have this product。 先生,很抱歉我们没有这种产品。,当客人提出的问题无法马上给出确定的答案时: When guests ask for something that you are not sure you

9、can provide answer honestly: “Please wait a moment, sir/madam, Ill try to find out.” 请稍等,我试一试。 “Im sorry, madam, Im afraid Im not sure, but Ill ask someone for you.” 不好意思,女士,我现在不能给您确切的答复,请让我问一下我的同事。 如果实在没有答案,要对客户抱以歉意。 “Sorry, I dont know.” 对不起,我不知道。,当客户对你表示感谢时 When guests thank you: Always reply wit

10、h a smile请报以微笑, using one of the following: “Its my pleasure.”这是我的荣幸。 “My pleasure. Im happy everything was satisfactory.”我很高兴您一切满意。 “Youre most welcome.”不用谢,您太客气了。 “Thank you.”谢谢。,当客户为某事向你表示歉意时 When guests apologize by saying, “Sorry”, say: “Thats all right.” “It doesnt matter.” 没关系。,1-10 one two t

11、hree four five six seven eight nine ten 11-20 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 21-29 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four 30-39 thirty thirty-one thirty-two 40-49 forty forty-one forty-two forty-three 50-59 fifty fifty-one fifty-two fifty-t

12、hree. 60-69 sixty sixty-one sixty-two sixty-three. 70-79 seventy seventy-one seventy-two . 80-89 eighty eighty-one eighty-two eighty-three 90-99 ninety ninety-one ninety-two ninety-three. 100 one hundred 1000 one thousand 小数点的读法 point e.g 6.4six point four,收银数字Number,-Welcome! Do you have the VIP ca

13、rd? -Here you are. 您好,欢迎光临!请问您有会员卡吗? 给你。 如果客人没有会员卡且用信用卡支付 -Sir/Madam/Miss, they are * yuan in total. Cash or credit card? 先生/小姐,您共计消费*元,请问您是用现金还是信用卡? -Credit card.信用卡 -Please enter your password.请您输入密码。 -Ok.好的。 -Please sign your name here.请您签字。 -Ok, here you are.好的,给你。 -Ok, this is your card and you

14、r receipt.好的,卡及小票请收好。 -Thank you.谢谢。 -Youre welcome. Thank you for coming.不客气,谢谢光临。,收银用语,如果客人用现金支付 -Sir/Madam/Miss, they are * yuan in total. Cash or credit card? 先生/小姐,您共计消费*元,请问您是用现金还是 信用卡? -Cash。现金 -Here is * yuan. The change is * yuan / This is your change. Here is your receipt. 一共消费*元,找您*元/这是找您

15、的零钱,小票请收好。 -Thank you.谢谢。 -Youre welcome. Thank you for coming.不客气,谢谢光临。,补充信息 Im sorry, RMB only. 不好意思,我们只接受人民币。 Please wait a moment, Ill ask others for help. 请稍等,我需要请其他人帮助解决。 Im sorry, maybe there is something wrong with the machine, would you please change another one? 不好意思,可能是POS机出了点问题,请您换另一种信用卡好吗? Sorry, this card doesnt go through. 对不起,这张卡不能用。 Thank you, welcome to visit again. 谢谢光临,欢迎再来。,谢谢!Thank you!,


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