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1、开放英语 3 期末复习重点 电大考试电大小抄电大复习资料 第一部分 交际用语 1. Hello, Sally. Hows everything? _ . A. Good for you B. Thats right C. Just so-so 2. Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? _ . A. Certainly. Here you are B. Yes, I have a hand C. Its nothing 3. I dont like the sports programs on Sundays. _ . A. So do I

2、 B. Neither do I C. So am I D. Neither am I 4. Whats the problem, Harry? _ . A. No problem B. I cant remember where I left my glasses C. No trouble at all 5. What kind of TV program do you like best? _ . A. Im too busy to say B. Its hard to say, actually C. I only watch them at weekend 6 - Could you

3、 tell me where Mr. Lake is? - _. A. From England B. At the office C. Hes working 7. - May I help you, madam? - _. A. Sorry, I have no idea B. Youd better give me a hand C. Yes, Id like 2 kilos of oranges 8. - Hello, could I speak to Don please? - _? A. Who are you B. Are you Jane C. Whos speaking? 9

4、. -What would you like, tea or coffee? - _. A. Yes, I would B. Coffee, please C. Its very nice 10. -What about going for a walk? - _. A. Why not? A good idea B. Thats all right C. So, do I D. Walking is good to you 11. Nice weather, isnt it? _ . A. Im not sure B. Yes, it is C. Yes, it isnt 12. I thi

5、nk the Internet is very helpful. _ . A. Yes, so do I B. Thats a very good idea C. Neither do I 13. What subjects are you studying? _ . A. Yes, Im studying history B. Im doing my homework C. Im studying philosophy 14. Which language do you speak at home? _ . A. I can speak English and French B. Engli

6、sh, most of the time C. English is my mother tongue 15. Must we hand in our homework now? _ . A. No, you mustnt B. Yes, you mustnt C. No, you neednt 16. Lets take a walk. _ . A. Yes, lets B. Oh, thanks C. Yes, please 17. Do you think the exam will be put off? _ . A. Not likely B. The exam is difficu

7、lt C. It was put off yesterday 18. In my opinion, youd better take a couple of days off. _ . A. Im afraid so B. Let me see C. Ill take your advice 19. Would you mind if I open the window for a better view? _ . A. Thats fine, thank you B. Yes, please C. Of course not 20. I have an appointment with Dr

8、. Johnson. - _. A. The appointment is put off B. You look sick and weak C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now D. Tell me your ID number 21. Afternoon, sir. Where to? - _. A. Please get me to the airport B. please pick me up next time C. Ive been to the airport D. The plane will take off in an ho

9、ur 22. Can I help you to get it down? _ . A. No problem B. Yes. Lets get it C. Thanks. Its so nice of you D. Its no trouble at all 23. Im trying to call Marie, but theres no answer. _ . A. I didnt realize that B. Here is a message for her C. Im really sorry about it D. Really? Maybe shes out 24. Are

10、 you sure about that? _ . A. You neednt worry about that B. I like the idea. C. Oh, no. Im afraid of that D. Oh, yes. Im absolutely positive 25. Would you like to see the menu? _ . A. No, thanks. I already know what to order B. Your menu is very clear C. I hear the food here is tasty 26. What if my

11、computer doesnt work? _ . A. Im not good at computer B. Ask Anne for help C. Ive called the repair shop D. There must be something wrong 27. Hows the movie? Interesting? _ . A. It was shown late until midnight B. It was starred by a few famous people C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching T

12、V D. I was seated far away in the corner 28. Is this the motel you mentioned? _ . A. It looks comfortable B. Yes, its as quiet as we expected C. Youre so considerate D. No, the prices reasonable 29.Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? _. A. Sorry, you cant B. No, you cant C. sorry, he is busy at

13、 the moment 30.Oh, sorry to bother you. _. A. Thats okay B. No, you cant C. Thats good 31.Can you turn down the radio, please? _. A. Im sorry, I didnt realize it was that loud B. Please forgive me C. Ill keep it down next time 32. -May I know your address? - _. A. Sure. Here you are B. I have no ide

14、a C. Its far from here 33. Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? _. A. I dont know B. Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents C. No, I cant 34. Well, Mary, how are you? - _. A. Im good B. Im nice C. Im fine 35. Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? -_

15、. A. Yes, but Ill have English classes B. Sorry, I have an appointment with Dr. Brown C. Im afraid I have no idea D. Neither am I 36. Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? -_. A. Its not very far from here B. The supermarket is very large C. The goods there are very expensive D. Sorry

16、, sir. Im a stranger here myself Key: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. A 11.B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. A 17.A 18. C 19. C 20.C 21.A 22.C 23. D 24.D 25.A 26.B 27.C 28.B 29. C 30. A 31. A 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. B 36. D 第二部分 词汇与结构 时态、语态 1.She has lived here _ three years. A. since B.f

17、or C.during 2.Next year, I _ plan to go to Italy. A.am B.- C.have 3.The road _ built last year. A.has been B.was C.is being 4.I broke my leg when I _ skiing in America. A.- B.is C.was 5.My father _ take me to work with him when I was a child. A.did B.used C.would 6.Im tired. I _ working very hard. A

18、.have B.have been C.had 7.He has _four successful books. A.wrote B.written C.been writing 8.I have lived here_1997 A.for B.since C.at 9.My car was being_ when it was stolen. A.repaired B.repair C.repairing 10.By the end of this year, I _ enough money for a holiday. A. will save B.will be saving C.wi

19、ll have saved 11.The bedroom needs_. A. decorating B.to decorate C.decorate 12. At present, the most important thing is that Britain needs _ more to improve the relationship with the USA. A. to do B. doing C. to be done D. do 13.A new hotel _ in the centre of town at the moment. A. has been built B.

20、is built C.is being built 14.I have_ finished the report. A. yet B.already C.still 15.I _ her to marry me and she agreed. A. ask B.asked C.told 16. I broke my leg when I _ skiing in America. A. is B. was C. (不填) D. would be 17. Before she left on the trip, she _ hard. A. trained B. has trained C. wo

21、uld trained D. had trained 18. When we were having a meeting, the director _ the bad news by telephone. A. was telling B. was told C. could tell D. would tell 19. Silk _ by Chinese for thousands of years now. A. has used B. has been used C. was used D. is used 20. Before I got to the cinema, the fil

22、m _. A. had begun B. has begun C. was beginning 21. Dont worry, your watch _ and you can have it in no time. A. is repaired B. has been repaired C. was repaired D. is being repaired 22. Sadam _ for 25 years. A. got married B. was married C. married D. were married 23. Why _ the old block of flats _

23、demolished next month? A. arebeing B. isbeing C. hasbeen D. havebeen 24. More and more people in China now _ to work regularly. A. drive B. drives C. drove D. have driven 25. - Whats happened to Tom? -_to hospital. A. Hes been taken B. Hell be taken C. Hell take 26. You look _. What _ you _? A. tire

24、, diddo B. tiring, havedone C. tired, dodo D. tired, havebeen doing 27. What a fool I have been! Why _I think of that before? A. dont B. didnt C. not D. do 28. He _ in the laboratory the whole morning. A. has been working B. is working C. has worked 29. The play _ already _ when we got to the theatr

25、e. A. hasstarted B. wasstarted C. had started 30. When was the building _? A. complete B. completing C. completed 31. He asked where _ from. A. did I came B. I came C. I come 32. Are you still here? You were here half an hour ago. Who _ for? A. were you waiting B. are you waiting C. do you wait 33.

26、They _ for hours. A. have been driving B. have been driven C. is being driven 34. The boy _ to school already. A. has taken B. is taken C. has been taken 从句 35.If he was fitter, he_live longer. A.- B.will C.would 36.If I get the new job, I _buy a better car. A. - B.will C.would 37. If you _ stop smo

27、king, you can only expect to have a bad cough. A. wont B. wouldnt C. dont D. cant 38. Everything _ if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade. A. will be destroyed B. will have been destroyed C. would be destroyed D. would have been destroyed 39. If the man _ succeed, he must work as hard as he can. A.

28、 will B. is to C. is going to D. should 40.He is the man_dog bit me. A.that B.which C.whose 41.Given the high price, _ its not surprising they didnt buy it. A. and B.but C.- 42. The sun heats the earth, _ is very important to living things. A. that B. what C. which D. where 43. A lecture hall is _ w

29、here students attend lectures. A. there B. which C. one D. that 44. _ he said is quite right. A. That B. What C. How 45. That is the dog _ name is Henry. A. whose B. who C. which 46. _ I enjoy most is _ I can have a holiday from work. A. Thatthat B. Whatthat C. Whatwhat 非谓语动词 47. _ all your money in

30、 the first week is not a sensible strategy. A. Spending B. To spend C. Spend 48. _ every day for 20 minutes. A.Exercise B.To exercise C.Should exercise 49. _ it with me and Ill see what I can do. A. When left B. Leaving C. If you leave D. Leave 50.Its very convenient_here. A.living B.live C.lived 51

31、.She likes to spend time_with her grandchildren. A.play B.to play C.playing 52.I have spent a lot of time_working on this problem. A.at B.- C.on 53. He spends a quarter of the day _. A. to sleep B. sleeping C. sleeps D. to sleeping 54.I stopped _ last year. A. smoking B.smoke C.to smoke 55. He keeps

32、 _ at himself in the mirror. A. to look B. looking C. look D. looked 56. He kept the light in his room _ the whole night. A. burnt B. burning C. burn D. to burn 57. Please stop _. It cannot help the situation. A. to shout B. shouting C. to speak D. speaking 58. Id rather stay at home than _ a walk.

33、A. taking B. to take C. take D. to be taking 59. _ for the Olympic Games begin about ten years in advance. A. Bid B. To bid C. Bidding D. To be bidden 60. Its not safe _ in the street. A. to play B. play C, playing D. plays 61. I know it isnt important but I cant help _ about it. A. but to think B.

34、thinking C. to D. think 62. Mary forgot _ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now. A. writing B. to write C. having wrote 63. We must make a difference between _ language and _language. A. spoken, written B. speaking, written C. speaking, writing D. speak, write 64. We need _ the machin

35、e. A. repairing B. to repair C. to be repaired 65. I regret _ that Im unable to help you. A. saying B. to say C. say 词类 66.Those cakes look nice. Can I have _? A.one B.it C.one cake 67.I can do that job _myself. A.by B.on C.with 68.Im in Greece at the moment, I like the weather _. A.here B.there C.t

36、hat 69.I am leaving for New York _three days time. A.- B.at C.in 70.That place is_the south of the city. A.at B.in C.on 71._majority of people agree with him. A. - B. A C. The 72.The blue whale is _largeset animal in the world. A.a B.the C.- 73.When I was a child, we_wear a uniform for school. A. ha

37、ve to B.must C.had to 74.She comes from_ Peoples Republic of China. A. the B.a C.- 75.You _ to exercise more. A. ought B. should C.must 76. You _ to lock the door at night. A. should B. ought C. must D. shall 77.If you go by car, youll get there_ 40 minutes. A. within B.about C.under 78. It happened

38、 _ a winter night. A. at B. in C. by D. on 79. Thats all settled. It _ talked about. A. shouldnt B. mustnt be C. cant D. neednt be 80. _ these chilren know the answer. A. Most of B. Some C. Most 81.Of all the stories here, I like this one _. Its not interesting at all. A. most B. best C. worst D. le

39、ast 搭配 82.I have given _eating meat. A. over B.down C.up 83.She _talking when I am watching TV. A.always B.keeps C.forever 84.I prefer the TV_the radio. A.to B.on C.- 85.I prefer tea _ coffee. A. to B.from C.by 86. -Which do you like better, real movies _ cartoons? - I prefer cartoons _ real movies.

40、 A. and , than B. or, than C. or, to 87. She has brought _ two children by herself. A.- B.up C.on 88. We have our office_every day by a cleaner. A.clean B.to clean C.cleaned 89.The policeman was attacked_a knife. A.on B.by C.with 90. Could you please pay me_advance? A.- B.on C.in 91.The problem is _by pollution. A. caused B.because C.due 92.She was convicted_ murder. A. to B.in C. of 93. Mr. Smith _ a most important part in the development of our city. A. took


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