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1、英 语,新课标(RJ)七年级下册,单元主题写作二,整 体 感 知,实 例 分 析,本单元的写作话题是“描述自己或他人的日常作息活动”。 我们每天都忙忙碌碌,似乎是简单的重复。然而,每天又总有新鲜事。请用我们手中的笔记录下一天的活动吧!,话题分析,单元主题写作二,整 体 感 知,假设你叫李华,请根据你的实际情况,以“My School Day”为题,写一篇英语短文。 要求:1. 至少包含三项日常活动。 2. 词数:60词左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数),典型例题,单元主题写作二,实 例 分 析,下面我们就结合实例加以分析。,单元主题写作二,My name is Li Hua. I study

2、in No. 1 Middle School. _ _,(1)提示结构图,思路点拨,单元主题写作二,(2)写作提示 写此类文章,要按照时间的先后顺序,从早到晚描述。 找出表达此类活动的短语,如:get up, take a shower, have breakfast, go to school, have lessons等。 表示时间的词,按照先小后大的顺序书写。如: at 7:30 in the morning, at 6:30 in the afternoon等。 一天的活动很多,要选择重点,不要写成流水帐。,思路点拨,单元主题写作二,(3)根据图示写出相关联的句子 早晨情况: I ge

3、t up at 6:00 and then I brush my teeth. I take a shower at 6:15 in the morning. I eat breakfast at 6:30. 上午上学情况:I go to school at 7:00. I have four classes in the morning. They are Chinese, math, English and physics. I do morning exercises for half an hour.,思路点拨,单元主题写作二,(3)根据图示写出相关联的句子 中午情况: I dont

4、have time to go home. I have lunch at school. 下午上学情况:I have two lessons in the afternoon. 放学后活动:I get home at 5:30. I watch TV for half an hour. I have supper at 7:00. I go to bed at nine.,思路点拨,单元主题写作二,My name is Li Hua. I study in No. 1 Middle School. I usually get up at 6:00 in the morning. After

5、that, I brush my teeth and have breakfast quickly. Then I go to school. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. I have lunch at school. I usually eat rice and vegetables for lunch. After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour. I go home at 5:30. I eat dinner at hom

6、e and then do my homework. I often go to bed at 9:00 at night. Thats my school day.,单元主题写作二,连句成篇,假设下表是Tom的日常生活时间表。请你根据下表中的内容写一篇文章,描述Tom的日常生活。,单元主题写作二,自我展示,要求:1 5060词。 2可适当发挥想象。,One possible version: This is Toms school day. He gets up at 6:40. He eats breakfast at 7:10. After breakfast he goes to school at 7:40. Then he has classes from eight oclock to eleven fifty. Then he eats lunch at school at twelve oclock. He starts to have classes at two oclock in the afternoon. He eats dinner at 5:50. He goes to bed at half past nine.,单元主题写作二,


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