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1、英 语,新课标(RJ)七年级下册,单元主题写作十一,整 体 感 知,实 例 分 析,本单元的话题是“School trip(学校郊游)”。在考试中,与之相关的常见的书面表达是“描述学校郊游时的经历”,时态一般要使用一般过去时。在写此类文章时,常会用到的短语有go for a walk, go to the park/farm/countryside, take some photos等,还可以使用“The school trip was great.”或“We had a great time.”等描述心情或感受的句子。,话题分析,单元主题写作十一,整 体 感 知,请根据下面的提示内容,以“O

2、ur School Trip”为题写一篇文章,描述你们去农场郊游时的经历。 1上周六你们去阳光农场(Sunshine Farm)郊游。 2上午你们体验了挤牛奶、喂鸡,而且还摘了新鲜的(fresh)蔬菜。 3. 下午你们在农场散步,和农场主聊天。 4. 你们玩得很开心。 要求:1. 词数:70词左右; 2. 可适当发挥想象。,典型例题,单元主题写作十一,实 例 分 析,下面我们就结合实例加以分析。,(1)提示结构图,思路点拨,单元主题写作十一,(2)根据图示写出相关联的句子 开头:Last Saturday we had a great school trip. 上午活动:We milked c

3、ows and fed chickens. We also went to the field to pick some fresh vegetables. 下午活动:We went for a walk on the farm. We talked with the farmer. 结尾:We learned a lot and we had a good time on the farm.,思路点拨,单元主题写作十一,Last Saturday we had a great school trip. We went to Sunshine Farm by bike. In the morn

4、ing, we milked cows and fed chickens. We also went to the field to pick some fresh vegetables. It was interesting. In the afternoon, we went for a walk on the farm. We talked with the farmer and he told us something about his farm. We learned a lot and we had a good time on the farm. We were tired b

5、ut we were happy.,单元主题写作十一,连句成篇,请根据提示,写一篇短文,记述你们的一次校外郊游。 提示: 1. 上周二我和我的同学、老师乘坐公交车去了儿 童乐园。 2. 在门口照相,坐过山车(roller coaster)。 3. 中午在餐馆吃面条。 4. 下午购物,返回。 要求:1. 短文须包括所有要点,可以适当发挥; 2. 70词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。,单元主题写作十一,自我展示,单元主题写作十一,Last Tuesday, I went to the Childrens Fun Park with my classmates and teachers._ _ _

6、 _,One possible version: Last Tuesday, I went to the Childrens Fun Park with my classmates and teachers. We took a bus to the park. At the gate we took some photos. After that, we rode the roller coaster. We were all excited when we rode it. At noon, we were hungry, so we went to a noodle house to eat noodles. In the afternoon, we went shopping and bought some gifts. We took the bus back to school. We enjoyed ourselves there and hope to go there again.,单元主题写作十一,


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