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1、IELTS writing 2016年2月27日写作真题,蒋晓刚/蒋伪园长 (蒋干会群英) hu建福州,蒋晓刚(蒋伪园长), 2007年起专职从事一线雅思教学,执教过各知名语言学校; 历任学科带头人、教学总监、副校长; 研发了一系列课程及教案编写,管理与培训了众多中外教 接受过现任资深考官面对面的指导培训 多次接受当地媒体采访 研究了近10年的雅思写作题库,独立完成近400页的写作专著 培养众多写作单科7分及以上的学员 培训过众多“正常”G类学员,澳洲457学员数以百计 - 2015年8月担任由美国商务部与福建省商务厅主办的“2015美国特许加盟经营洽谈会”福州站现场口译。 2012年9月为福

2、建港口录制英文宣传片 加拿大Alberta省来华招生会现场口译(福州站) 校对人民文学出版社围城英文(2003年出版,ISBN:7020042570,中英对照版),纠正全书英语译文错误。,本来也想靠脸吃饭 怎奈雅思虐我千百遍,新浪微博:蒋干会群英,A big fan of sports,这一站,你在哪里?,考题回忆,VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,怎么破,大陆,(社会生活)In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after

3、the birth of their baby. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 【新题】,VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,审题,(社会生活)In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first month after the birth of their baby. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 【新题】,VIP/班级课报名QQ:

4、157005297,构思,Advantage是有哪些? Disadvantages呢? 那到底advantages多还是disadvantages多?,VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,大纲,立场:pros cons 正文:1)The benefits of allowing women to take maternity leave are quite obvious. firstly time to heal and get their strength back physically demanding. Secondly,health benefits breastfeedi

5、ng. Thirdly, job security in the job market. quit a price too huge 2)The disadvantages, on the other hand, are mainly related to gender equality in the workplace as well as financial concerns. a privilege inequality in the workplace. to reproduce costs a big fortune taxpayers or employers not fair 3

6、) In my opinion, granting women paid maternity leave brings more positive effects raise healthier generations female human resources in the labor market. discrimination against women in the workplace come back refreshed and even more productive employers paychecks will pay off.,VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297

7、,开头段,VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,正文1,VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,正文2,VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,总结段,VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,考题回忆,VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,我能为你做什么?,雅思全项班(2.29晚开讲),VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,雅思写作X能观点与遣词造句,VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,我还能为你做什么 (VIP/组团),课程1雅思写作遣词造句:从5分到9分 课程2雅思写作10年题库精讲 课程3雅思写作A类小作文 课程4雅思写作G类书信速成 课程5雅思写作

8、G类题库精讲 课程6雅思语法 课程7作文批改(按套收费,A/G不限),VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,提分效果,如果你嫌7+分太高,QQ 邮 箱: 【VIP作文批改】 G友群:249667660【G类答疑解惑】 新浪微博:蒋干会群英【写作/口语素材,作文展示】 2015年4月份起,我一直整理英文语料库发布在我的微博和各QQ群。 作用:1、提升语感,写出流畅的英文;2、学习搭配,掌握高分的表达; 3、拓展思路,锻炼严谨的逻辑;4、积累素材,举出恰当的例子。,【蒋晓刚/蒋伪园长】,VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,下期预告,每周六21:00,VIP/班级课报名QQ:157005297,


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