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1、Note-taking in Interpreting,交替传译:口译短期记忆(short-term memory)、口译笔记(note-taking)、口译笔记阅读(note-reading)、连续传译理解原则(principles of CI understanding)、言语类型分析(analysis of speech-type)、主题思想识别(identification of main ideas)、目的语信息重组(reconstruction)、数字传译技巧(interpreting figures)、口译应对策略(coping tactics)、译前准备技巧(preparati

2、on)、演说技巧(public speaking skills)、跨文化交际技巧(cross-cultural communication)、口译职业准则(professional standards)等。,The importance of taking notes in interpreting,Our short-term memory alone can not retain the amount of information the speaker gives in the act of interpreting. We need to employ other means to h

3、elp with our retaining and retrieval of information. Notes are an aid to enhance the work of understanding, analysis and re-expression, the three activities of consecutive interpreting.,The main use of notes is to relieve memory. Although an interpreter may have understood the main ideas of a speech

4、, it is almost impossible for him/her to recall all the elements of a five-minute speech, particularly if it contains numbers, names, lists, since such elements cannot be recalled on the basis of analysis and logic.,笔记是高级口译的关键。使用笔记,是为了补充大脑短期记忆和耐久力的不足,以保证译文的精确度,并保证其不受讲话人持续时间的影响。 如果完全依赖记忆,又没有异常的天赋,即使精

5、力充沛的年青人,也不能胜任高级口译对精确度和耐久力的要求。高级口译员没有不靠笔记的。但是,高级口译使用的笔记与一般的概念,风马牛不相及。,请注意,每个人的记忆,思维,和反应都有各自的特点。没有必要全部照搬别人的方法。最好用的笔记方式是你自己发展出来的,适合自己的系统。 比如,笔记越简单,记录就越迅速。但笔记简单了,对短期记忆的要求就相对提高了。所以,笔记多少为最佳,因人而易,需要摸索出适合于自己的平衡。 笔记各条要点相辅相成,也有一个掌握好平衡的问题,也不是绝对的,也需要你走出自己的路,口译笔记要点,1. 少写多划。划线条比写文字快。线条形象,相当于翻译的“半成品“,有助译员眼看笔记,口出译文

6、。两种情况下应该尽量用线条: 表示动作和动态的词句。比如,以上升的斜线代表“发展“,“增加“,“进步“,“进一步“;以下降的斜线代表“减少“,“下降“,“恶化“等等。 表示因果或前后关系的词句。比如,用一条线代表“因为/所以“,“之后“,“在之前“,以体现出上下前后之间的关联关系。,2. 少字多意,养成一个词的笔记不超过一个字的习惯。中文里有大量的词汇是由两个,或两个以上的字组成。只要看到其中一个,你的短期记忆就应该能够补齐其余的字。不必多写。比如,“中国“最多写个“中“。“北京“最多写个“北“。英文词也同理处理。“politics“ 最多写“poli“,“government“最多写“gov

7、“,等等。另外,需要培养以笔记与记忆互动;看到一个字能说出几个字,甚至一串词的能力。在有上下文的情况下,这不难。比如,谈中国的近况,听到“改革,开放“记一个“改“字,不难从短期记忆中说出原文。听到“British Prime Minister Tony Blair“,记“PM“,也同样能说出原文。,3. 少线多指。通用一小组线条/标记。否则在自己本来熟悉的中英文之外,又编出一套自己不熟悉的文码使用,会导致需要想一想用哪个符号的情况,适得其反。,4. 少横多竖。采取从上往下的阶梯结构记录,尽量少用通常书写时的横向记录。阶梯结构形象地体现出上下文的逻辑结构,简化了译员的思维过程,方便出译文。,5.

8、 快速书写。必须发展自己的汉字快速书写系统。口译笔记完全是自己看,而且只需要几分钟之内能看懂就行。很多汉字笔划减少后,并不影响确认。我这里讲的不是潦草,而是除了实际口译经常不得不潦草之外,花一些时间,把练习中或口译工作中常用的字琢磨一下,看看可以怎样减少笔划,或理顺笔划,一笔成字。,6. 明确结束。口译中,讲话人说一段,停下来让译员译一段,然后再继续。这样,上一段话和下一段话之间,必须有明确的界限。上一次的结束点,就成了下一次翻译的开始点。其重要性在于,如果笔记是从本子的1/3处开始的,下一段话可能写了2-3页,翻回来口译时,眼光无法确定这页上面哪一条线,或符号是这次翻译内容的开始点。所以需要

9、标明 .,所需装备,最后,讲一下所需装备。 建议你使用带有活页圈的笔记本。有活页圈才能来回翻倒方便。笔记本大小以自己感觉舒服为准。,持笔记本的手势。记完一页,翻过去一页。讲话人收口后,一把抓地全部翻回来,落眼处正是这个段子的开头。然后,译一页,翻过去一页。这段译完后,把翻过去的几页一把压在手掌中。这等于是用手掌把已经翻完的,和下一段的笔记清楚分开。这点很重要。否则,很容易出现讲话人收口后,你来回翻找本段首页的难堪局面。 如果是坐在桌前,笔记本放在桌面上,也是记完一页,翻过去一页。也千万不要忘记在讲话人开口说下一段之前,把已经翻完的笔记页压到笔记本下。,笔,建议用按压式的。这样,一手持本,另一手


11、英语口译过程可以分为听辩理解、记录原文和传递译文三项智力活动,其中前两项几乎是同时进行的,因此要求译员掌握一定的注意力分配能力(Split of Attention)。在学习中,学员要注意突破注意力分配的瓶颈,适应边听边记的注意力分配模式。,为了突破交替传译时注意力分配的瓶颈,除了能够熟练运用笔记技巧之外,还需要简化笔记记录时听辩理解的难度。观察发现,交替传译与同声传译两者在听辩理解时的心理机制相似,都是在做听力时,还要分配部分注意力去作笔记或者进行口译。因此,英汉交替传译听力方法可以借用英汉同声传译顺句驱动法。同声传译顺句驱动法指以意群为单位、断句后传递译文的方法,即听到一句英文中的部分内容


13、used in your notes: SL and TL Use whatever language that comes to your mind,Use as many symbols as you feel comfortable with + = ,+ 还有,和,此外,而且,以及 - 减少, 不会,没有 = 等于, 相当于 大过,超过,优越于 少于,小于,比不上 减少,下降 增加,上升,上报 逐步增加 逐步下降,减少 向前发展, 所以, 于是 因为,由于 正确, 同意,好 调换,对调,交流 错误,不行,没有 停止, 国家 国内 国外 ! 注意,警惕 ? 疑问,问题,试验性 - 下划线

14、表示强调。,Use abbreviations “Prof” for “professor”, “dept” for “department”, “std” for “standard”. “ref” for “reference”, “eg” for “for example”, “ie” for “that is”, “esp” for “especially”, “min” for “minimum”, “max” for “maximum”, and “usu” for “usually” cf for compare std standard SH shanghai,GDP (gro

15、ss domestic product), GNP (gross national product), 5yr P (five year plan), SOE (state owned enterprise), FIE (foreign invested enterprise), JV (joint venture), SEZ (special economic zone), trd (trade),invt (investment), respon (responsibility), memo (memorandum), demo (demonstration), Ad (advertise

16、ment), TQC (total quality control全面质量管理), CI (corporate image企业形象), Attn (attention), dept (department),Exch (exchange), coop (cooperation), prodc (production), ref (reference), info (information), IT indy (information industry), telcom (telecommunication), IDD (international direct dialing), R&D (r

17、esearch and development), CAD( computer assisted design), agrd(agreed). CEO(chief executive officer), Govt(government), FOB(free on board), CIF(cost, insurance, fright)。,中文缩略语,中国人民(中民),中国政府(chi,gov), 美国人民(美人,A 人),物质文明和精神文明(物神), 国民经济发展指标(经标),可持续发展(可持),改革开放政策(改开),现代化(现H), 国际化(国H),可行性(可X)。,按我国有关规定国定 企业

18、家企业j /企 感到特别亲切特亲 特殊政策和灵活政策特灵,NPC(National Peoples Congress全国人民代表大会), CPPCC(Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference中国政治协商会议), COSCO(中国远洋运输公司), GE(通用电器公司), GM(通用汽车公司),UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) EU(欧洲联盟), OECD(经济合作发展组织), APEC(亚太经济合作组织),ASEAN(东南亚国家联盟),the - for f that -t from fr and & if .f are r is z h

19、e e be b or o you u to t your ur in n an a of v so s at me m all l they -y but bt this -s would (d there -r,Which (c has hs what (t had hd was (s have hv whom (m she )e will (l shall )l when (n most m- can kn my m. go g new nw,some sm any an could kd first /- thing -, well (el think -nk say sa do d

20、next nx lie l. until tl time t.m cannot knt send s+ more mo very vr easy ez, / country and country acc = account, accountant acdg = according acpt = accept ad = advertisement adm = administration ads = address adv = advice agr = agriculture agt = agent alt = altitude,a.m. = ante meridiem = before no

21、on AMAP = as much as possible amb = ambassador amt = amount anal = analysis B.A. = Bachelor of Arts bal = balance B.C. = before Christ bd = board bdl = bundle bk = bank; book,bkts = baskets B/L = bill of lading (提单) BLDG = building bp = birthplace br = branch; brother B.S. = Bachelor of Science bu =

22、 bureau C = capacity; century; chapter; centigrade; cost; city; center cal = calendar; caliber; calories,cap = capital; captain cat = catalog cc = carbon copy (复印件;抄送) CEO = chief executive officer cert = certificate CFM = confirm cncl = cancel cp. = compare cit = citizen civ = civil; civilization,c

23、lk = clerk cml = commercial co. = company c/o = care of(转交) col = college; color com = commentary; common; communication; community comm = commission comp = complete; computer; competition con = conclusion; against cond = condition,cont. = continent; continued corp = corporation cust = customer; cus

24、tom; customs Dec = December Dec = December dec = deceased; declaration def = defender; defense deg = degree dep = deposit DEPT = department disc = discount dist = distance; distinguish div = divide; divorced do. = ditto (同上),dorm = dormitory dpt = departure dz = dozen e = east; earth; engineering ec

25、on = economics; economy ed. = education; editor e.g. = exempli gratia = for example encl. = enclosed; enclosure esp. = especially etc. = et cetera = and so on ex. = example; exception; extra exp. = export expln = explain ext = extend; extension FAX = facsimile Feb. = February fem = female; feminine,

26、ff. = following fig = figures fin = finance; financial fl = fluid FLT = flight FOB = free on board (船上交货;离岸价格) for = foreign; forestry fp = freezing point fr = frequent Fri. = Friday frt = freight (货物;货运) ft = foot; feet (脚;英寸) fut = future FYR = for your reference (仅供参考) g = gold; grain; guide; gen

27、der; gravity G.A. = General Assembly (联合国大会) gen. = generally,gent = gentleman; gentlemen gm = gram; general manager gov = government gs = general secretary (秘书长) h = harbor; hundred; husband; hydrogen hd = head (头部;首脑) hf = half Hon = honorable; honorary H.Q. = headquarters hr = hour ht = height hy

28、poth = hypothesis; hypothetical i.a. = in absence; absent ib. = ibidem = in the same place ID = identity; identity card i.e. = id est = that is imp = import; imperial,IMPS = impossible IMPT = important in. = inch; inches ind = industrial; independent indiv = individual info = information ins = insur

29、ance inst. = instant; institute int. = interior; interest (兴趣;利息) I/O = instead of IOU = I owe you (借据) I.Q. = intelligence quotient IVO = in view of (鉴于,考虑到) is. = island J = judge; justice jour = journal; journalist jr. = junior (大学三年级学生; 年少的; 初级的),kg = kilogram (千克;公斤) km = kilometer (公里) lat. =

30、latitude lb. = pounds (磅;英镑) L/C = letter of credit (信用证) leg = legal lib = library; librarian liq = liquid lit = literature long. = longitude M.A. = Master of Arts mach = machinery mag = magazine man. = manual; manufacture Mar = March math = mathematics MDL = model (型号;模特),Mdm = Madam med. = medici

31、ne; medical mem = member; memoir (回忆录) memo = memorandum (备忘录) mid = middle min = minute; minimum mkt. = market mod = moderate; modern Mon. = Monday mph = mile per hour (每小时英里数; 车速) Mr. = Mister Mrs. = Mistress MS = manuscripts (手稿) msg = message Mt = Mount; mountain mus = music; museum n = north; n

32、oon; name; normal,nat = national; native; natural n.d. = no date (无日期) NLT = not later than (不迟于) No. = number Nov. = November nr = near obj = object; objective obs = obsolete (过时的); observe obt = obtain Oct. = October off. = office; official op. = opera; operation; opposite ord = ordinary org = org

33、anization orig = original oz. = ounce (盎司) p. = page; power; pressure,para = paragraph part = particular; partner pass = passive; passenger PAT = patent payt = payment pc = piece; personal computer pd. = paid (钱款)已付 perf = perform; performance Ph.D. = Doctor of Philosophy pk = park; peak (备注:pk这个符号大

34、家可以根据时髦的用语来灵活拓展其含义) pkg = package PLS = please p.m. = post meridiem = wafternoon POB = post-office box pop = popular; population pr. = pair; preferred prec = preceding,prim = primary; primitive prin. = principle pro = product Prof. = professor pub. = public; publish qr. = quarter qt. = quantity qua

35、= quality r. = radius; railroad; retired rcd = received rcpt = receipt Rd = road re = about (关于) reg = register; region rep = representative rev = revise; reverse; revenue riv = river,rm. = room rpt = report; repeat Sat. = Saturday sch = school sci = science sec = second; section; sector sig. = sign

36、al; signature sitn = situation sp. = species (物种); specimen (标本) sq. = square STD = standard Sun. = Sunday surg = surgery; surgeon tech = technology tel. = telephone temp = temporary; temperature Thur. = Thursday,TKS = thanks trans = transaction; translation trf = traffic ttl = total Tu. = Tuesday T

37、.U. = Trade Union (英)工会 ult = ultimate UN = United Nations univ = university up = upper usu. = usually vil = village V.P. = Vice President vs. = versus v.v. = vice versa (反之亦然) wel = welcome; welfare XL = extra large (特大号),Note-taking: What to note,Note down the main ideas. Systematically note down

38、the links between different ideas. Note down the point of view being expressed. Pay attention to verb tenses, conditional forms, and modal verbs. Note down accurately the numbers, dates and proper names.,.笔记的原则,1. 口译为主,笔记为辅。 译者应以听看讲者,全面地吸收讯息、组成口译讯息为工作主体,笔记只是辅助的作用,不宜舍本逐末。 2. 笔记应呈现讯息的概念与结构。 无论用图标或文字与符

39、号,都应将之组成完整的讯息概念或组织结构。,3. 记下密度与难度高的讯息。 讯息负荷过量且不易记住的内容(如数字、专有名词),一定要做笔记。 4. 笔记的内容与符号,以多重利用为原则。 任何已记下的笔记内容与符号,都应尽量拉线再次利用,或用不同颜色的笔在原来的笔记上再做笔记,以最经济的方式发挥笔记的作用到极限。,5. 笔记的语言符号,必须能够沟通。 译者应避免使用自己不熟悉的符号,或是双人合作时应避免字迹凌乱。 笔记纸大小,依译者可控空间而定。 译者站立时,笔记本不宜超过手掌大小;有桌椅可用时,笔记可大至A4。,Example,“Hungary has complained that its

40、steel exports to the European Union are unable to develop because of excessively restrictive quotas. But the Union representative pointed out that quotas are still underused by Hungary by a large margin, so the quotas themselves didnt appear to be creating the difficulties“,Reference Note,HU: steel

41、expo cant dev to EU bcasf tariff quotas too restrictive _ but EU: HU under uses a lot quotas so quotas not problem,Example 3,中国周边地区经济都得到发展,我们认为是很好的事。中国一直希望全世界人民都得到发展、繁荣、和平。如果地区间经济差距太大,世界就不会安定。所以,对东盟国家的发展和现代化,我们持高兴态度。从经济角度看,周边国家经济发展水平提高了,互相进口货物的能力也会提高,对我们本身经济也有促进作用。所以说竞争不是坏事。,Reference Note,周 经 我 认 好

42、 chi 世人,发, Pros,和 if 差,世 X 定 Asean 发,现h, 我,高 经角,周经,互 对我经促 竞 X 坏,Example 4,厦门特区在党中央、国务院和福建省委、省政府的确正确领导下,经过15年的奋斗,已经具有一定的经济发展规模,形成了外向型经济格局。1994年底,全市国内生产总值达到189亿元,人均1.6万元。工业总产值246亿元,其中三资企业产值占70%,累计已投资的三资企业2061家,外商直接投资额达41.1亿美元,口岸外贸进出口总额达55亿美圆。,Reference Note,Xm SEZ CPC + S. Coun + 省 15Ys 经发 scale 外经格 1994底 GDP 189 亿 人1.6 万 Ind. Output 246 亿 Jv. 投 V. 2061 直 inv. 41.1亿$ 口岸 Trade 55亿$,


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