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1、跨越边界:文学研究与互学科性,Literary Studies and Interdisciplinarity,三个概念,(inter)subjectivity: from self to subject Intertextuality: “from work to text” Interdisciplinarity: “Literature into culture”,(my Q: literature out of culture?),文学是什么?文学和非文学的界限在哪里?如果文学没有边界,那么文学研究的边界又在哪里?文学学科内、外的界限又是什么?如何站在文学学科之外审视“文学”? 构成文

2、学系统的要素:世界、文本、作者(writer)、读者,intertextuality,What is the Text? a text is not a line of words releasing a single theological meaning (the message of the Author-God) but a multidimensional space in which a variety of writings, none of them original, blend and clash. The text is a tissue of quotations dr

3、awn from the innumerable centres of culture.,Text = intertexts = intertextuality,Intertextuality was coined originally by Julia Kristeva, and refers to the ways in which all utterances (whether written or spoken) necessarily refer to other utterance, since words and linguistic/grammatical structures

4、 preexist the individual speaker and the individual speech. (For him, for us too, it is language which speaks, not the author.),Unconscious: displacement and condensation; the passage from one sign-system to another The term inter-textuality denotes this transposition of one (or several) sign-system

5、(s) (carnival, courtly poetry, scholastic discourse) into another. the passage from one signifying practice is a field of transpositions of various signifying systems (an intertextuality), one then understands that its place of enunciation and its denoted object are never single, complete and identi

6、cal to themselves, but always plural, shattered , capable of being tabulated.,Intertextuality = interdisciplinarity,Intertextuality is not merely a literary matter, it is also historical and therefore cultural and ideological. 按罗兰巴特的解释:互文性是重新分配整体语言,是这种重新分配的场地。是解构和重构兼具的途径之一。,1. 所有的文本都处于互文性中。其中在不同的层面、

7、以或多或少可辨识的形式呈现出另外的文本。先前的文化文本和周围的文化文本。一切文本过去引文的新织品。 2.互文性是所有文本的特性,无论怎样,显然不能归结为起源或影响的问题;互文性是不具名的惯用语的普遍底色,其来源罕有能定位的也是无意识地或自动地引用,不加引号地呈现出来。,3. 从认识论来说,互文性的概念给文本理论带来社会性的份量:它是先前和当代的全部群体语言。群体语言来到文本里博物馆不是沿循可定位的源流关系和特意模仿的途径,而是用播撒的方法。这一形象确保了的文本的身份,它不是复制,而是生产力。 真正的文本理论改变了面纱(文本)的方向,力图从其织法中,从符码、惯用语、能指的编织中、辨识织品,主体居

8、于织品之间,解体了,一如蜘蛛融化于其自身的蛛网内。,“这个概念源自我对巴赫金著作的阅读,它建议我们把文学文本看做是其他文本的交汇场所来进行阅读。人们经常从形式主义或结构主义的角度,把它理解为对引文的呼唤,或者理解为旧时的作品起源研究的一种变体。对于我来说,提出这个概念首先是把历史引入到结构主义之中.文本的内部是多么的信赖于外部,这种阐释会发现写作主体的不真实性:,作家乃是一个“形成过程中的主体”,一种嘈杂的狂欢,一种复调音乐,一种持续不断的反抗, 不可能与现实达成媾和。从表面上来看,“文本关联性”是一个后结构主义的概念,实际上它已经包含了我后来在1996至1997年的著作中要阐述的概念:在我看

9、来,文化与反抗之间具有内在的、难以消除的联系。 克里斯特娃:反抗的未来101,Intertextual reading/studies,这个概念使得文本和互文性彼此勾连,且“在社会和历史的文本中思考文本”。 文学研究者(非传统意义的评论家)应该成为巴特意义上的读者、书写者(新的文本的创造者)。 text is not a hermetic or self-sufficient whole, and so does no function as a closed system.,1. the writer (literary critic) is a reader of texts before

10、 s/he is a creator of texts. 2. a text is available only through some process of reading: what is produced at the moment of reading is due to the cross-fertilization of the packaged textual material by all the texts which the reader brings to it. cited in Wolfrey Julian(120-121) Michael Worton and J

11、udith Still (1990:1-2),文学世界:多样性文本交织而成的互文本世界,文学是“生命在语言中的经过 (passage)” (德勒兹论福柯P.175) “生命是一种叙事” 汉娜阿伦特 文学是生命在世性的叙述。 “情感结构” (怜悯、慈悲、荣誉、尊严、责任、宽恕和仁爱) “virtual reality”、“felt life”,多样性的文学,重量、速度、精确、形象鲜明、内容多样 “无限”的书:荷马、但丁、塞万提斯、歌德(宇宙的小说)、福楼拜(空虚的书布瓦尔和佩居谢)普鲁斯特、乔伊斯、博尔赫斯、品钦(百科全书式的叙事),我把小说颂扬为一张大网,现在该结束我的颂词了。也许有人会反驳说

12、,作品愈是接近多样化的可能性,愈是会远离这样的统一性:作者的个性、真挚和诚实的统一。我的回答则恰恰相反。我们是什么?(人是谁?人是什么?)我们中的每一个人又是什么?是经历、信息、知识幻想的一种组合。每一个人都是一本百科辞典,一个图书馆,一份物品清单,一本包括了各种风格的集锦。在他的一生中这一切都在不停地相互混合,再按各种可能的方式重新组合。,但愿有部作品能在作者以外产生,让作者能够以超出自我的局限,不是为了进入其他人和自我,而是为了让不会讲话的东西讲话,例如栖在屋檐下鸟儿,春天的树木或秋天的树木,石头,水泥,塑料 文学是一个用语言(既是属于个体的又是群体的语言)言说/编织、用想象(creati

13、ve imagination)构筑起来的多样化世界,这个世界既是可能的,也是不可能的:可能性世界中的不可能性,也应该言说不可能世界的可能性。文学研究应该是德勒兹所说的褶子:一张写满词语的纸张,不论是人、世界、精神、情感、还是政治、历史、文化、或别的学科,我们要做的是发现新的压缩、新的折叠、新的包裹。折叠、打开再折叠。(metadisciplinarity?),文学如何逃离成为一种metadisciplinary codes的危险境地,文学如何成为一种subdiscipliary? 自文学学科设立以来,不乏各种构建学科性的努力,但最终都趋于瓦解?从这个意义上讲,文学或文学研究本质而言,是一个in

14、terdisciplinary study. 但是文学作为一种interdisciplinarity又应该具有哪些特性?,Further Reading,Moran, Joe: Interdisciplinarity, Routledge, 2002. Stephen Greenblatt and Giles Bunn: Redrawing the Boundaries: the Transformation of English and American Literary Studies, 外研社,2007. “Forum: Defining Interdisciplinarity”, PL

15、MA 111,2 (March), 1996. 朱丽克莱恩著,姜智芹译:跨越边界:知识、学科、学科互涉,南京大学出版社,2005.,Interdisciplinary及相关术语,“跨学科、交叉学科、边缘学科、混合学科、多科性” “科际整合(integrative study)” “学科互涉” Discipline (as a way of organizing knowledge and as an operation of power cited in Moran:153) 1. a particular branch of learning or body of knowledge; 2.

16、 to maintenance of order and control amongst subordinated groups (L,disciplina: the instruction given to a disciple by their elders),Aristotle,1 theoretical: theology, mathematics and physics 2 practical: ethics and politics 3 productive: poetics and engineering Two principles: Hierarchy (speculativ

17、e knowledge) Division: necessary but regrettable,中世纪晚期,随着大学的兴起:Salerno, Bologna, Paris, Oxford and Cambridge. Discipline: medicine, law and theology Core curriculum of the liberal arts: Trivium: logic, grammar and rhetoric Quadrivium: arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music 现代欧美大学的原型:University of

18、 Jena in Prussia (secularized, state-controlled, research-oriented),The mid 1920s Part of traditional search for a wide-ranging, total knowledge Radical questioning of the nature of knowledge itself and our attempts to organize and communicate it.,“Inter”,“inter” is an ambiguous prefix, which can me

19、an forming a communication between and joining together. “international、intercourse” or separating and keeping apart, as in “intervel, intercalate”,Interdisciplinary: to forge connections across the different disciplines; but it can also mean establishing a kind of undisciplined space in the interst

20、ices between disciplines, or even attempting to transcend disciplinary boundaries altogether. (post-; anti-; trans-),Interdisciplianry: flexibility and indeterminacy, and there are potentially as many forms of inerdisciplinarity as there are disciplines. In a sense, to suggest otherwise would be to

21、“discipline” it, to confine it within a set of theoretical and methodological orthodoxies. To mean any form of dialogue or interaction between two or more disciplines: the level, the type, purpose and effect of this interaction remain to be examined. Multidisciplinary (joint honours, combined arts d

22、egree),Interdisciplinarity: real integrative study between two or more disciplines, is always transformative in some way, producing new forms of knowledge in its engagement with discrete disciplines.It can form part of a more general critique of academic specialization as a whole, and of the nature

23、of the university as an institution that cuts itself off from the outside world in small enclaves of experience. Interdisciplinary approaches often draw attention to the fact that what is studied and taught within university is always a political question.,It is indeed as though the interdisciplinar

24、ity which is today held up as a prime value in research cannot be accomplished by the simple confrontation of specialist braches of knowledge. Interdisciplinarity is not the calm of an easy security; it begins effectively (as opposed to the mere expression of a pious wish) when the solidarity of the

25、 old disciplines breaks down- perhaps even violently, via the jolts of fashion - the interests of a newobject and a newlanguage neither of which has a place in the field of the sciences that were to be brought peacefully together, this unease in classification being precisely the point from which it

26、 is possible to diagnose a certain mutation.,What History, our History, allows us today is merely to slide, to vary, to exceed, to repudiate. cited in Modern Literary Theory: 166,互学科性,作为思维维度或思考空间(域外思想) 作为研究方法 作为研究课题,Travelling theory,ideas and theories travel “from person to person, from situation t

27、o situation, from one period to another”. (circulation of ideas) The point of origin,(idea into discourse) The distance traversed Conditions of acceptance or resistances The now full or partly accommodated or incorporated idea is to some extent transformed by its new uses, its new position in a new

28、time and palce,Theory travels between disciplines,There seems nothing inherently literary about the study of what have traditionally been considered literary texts, no literariness which might prevent a contemporary literary critic from recourse to psychoanalysis, sociology, or ligusitics. cited in

29、Glossary of Contemporary Literary Theory, 368,文学批评: 1. 实用批评:图书评论、文学报章杂志 2. 学院式文学史 (19世纪经典研究、语言文献学、文化史) 3. 文学鉴赏 4.文学理论 “世俗批评”,“对位阅读”,作为公共知识分子的文学研究者,“生物学家、地理学家和绿色活动家有自己关于人类栖居的叙述,而一首诗歌或许只是关于人类栖居的启示。这样的论断首先是现象学的,其次才是政治上的考虑。缘此之故,我们可以确当地认为生态诗学是先于政治的。马克思主义、女性主义和多元文化主义评论家们在其对相关文本的论述中或隐或显带有政治的宣示,他们认为其作品在于促进社

30、会的变革。绿色评论家们却面临如是的难题:假如一部文学批评的著述适宜于清晰无误地阐明改善环境管理的实践规划,那只会是堂吉诃德式的幻想。生态诗学必须有意识地关注其自身。当涉及到实践问题时,我们只能通过其它的话语来言说。” Bate, Jonathan The Song of the Earth, London: Picador, 2000, P. 266. quoted in Egan, Gabriel Green Shakespeare: From Ecopolitics to Ecocriticism, London and New York: Routledge, 2006. P. 43(o

31、riginal emphasized).,贝特显然受到了海德格尔“诗性栖居”的影响,从而把实践伦理和政治的考量剔除在文学批评和研究的范畴之外。与诗歌一样,生态诗学首先应该是对诗意地栖居在地球上意味为何的反思和审视。一旦涉及实践问题,就必须用非诗学的其它话语形式来阐述,政治实践或伦理实践的“另一种话语”超出了诗学的范畴之外。无数的社会实践却足以印证,贝特非政治或前政治(pre-politics)的生态批评观念只能是阿卡迪亚式或桃花源式的梦想而已。,布伊尔在回顾西方生态批评发展史时提出,以2002年出版、由亚当森(Adamson, Joni)等人主编的环境正义读本(The Environmenta

32、l Justice Reader)为界,生态批评由绿色和平与“地球第一”原则转向了环境正义运动。环境正义运动突破了第一波生态批评的生态中心主义和狭隘的生态诗学视角,转向对健康的物质环境、社会福利与社会平等的关注,布伊尔称之为第二波或修正主义的生态批评(second-wave or revisionist ecocriticism)。相对于第一波生态批评而言,第二波生态批评方法更具多样性,批评视野更为宽泛,由对自然书写、自然诗歌、荒野小说(wilderness fiction)等文学样式的关注转向社会文化批判的维度,围绕环境责任的争论把研究的视角投向了包括生态戏剧、生态诗歌在内的更为广阔的内心视


34、的发展中国家的人们。由此可见,生态批评必然要转向伦理的、政治的文学批评,转向学科视野更为宽广的文化批判理论和文化研究,更重要的是,生态批评应该从文本转向行动,生态伦理或环境伦理主导下的行动伦理,应该从文学内部转向文学外部,从学院高墙内转向高墙以外的世界,从而使生态批评变成真正意义上的生态批判。,作为互学科性的文学研究,1. Literary studies and cultural studies Canon war Literary and cultural text “time, space, identity, sexuality and gender, high and low” Literature out of cultural studies回归文学文本,2. literary criticism and theory 3. literature and history 4. literature and environment (science,space and nature),


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