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1、,老外常用的colloquial 句子,A thousand times no!,绝对办不到!,It is not a big deal.,没什么了不起。,How come ?,怎么回事;怎么搞的,Easy does it.,慢慢来。,Dont push me!,别逼我!,Have a good of it!,玩得高兴!,It is urgent.,有急事。,What is the fuss?,吵什么?,Still up?,还没睡呀?,That is a boy!,太好了!,My hands are full right now.,我现在很忙。,Absence makes the heart

2、grow fonder.,小别胜新婚。,She makes the mess of things.,她把事情搞糟了。,Get an eyeful.,看个够;养眼,He has a quick eye.,他的眼睛贼尖。,Not a drop in the bottle.,喝了个底朝天。,Do you get an eyeful? Thanks a lot.,return dinner 答谢宴会,glee feast 庆功宴,table dhote,包饭,盒饭,a la carte,点餐,How are you making out in Chengdu? 在成都过得如何?,I will see

3、myself out, please. 别送了。,Please make yourself at home. 请随便。,“To your health. Ill drink to that.” “祝您健康,我要为此干杯。”,Whatever you like. 随意;随量,Hold talks at working level. 进行事务性谈判。,counterpart talks 对等谈判,I invite to take the floor. 我邀请发言。,I will pick up where we left off. 我将继续先前的话题。,We take exception to t

4、his question. 我方对此问题有异议。,Dont entangle this issue. 别纠缠这个问题。,Political and Economic Terms of the Current Affairs (时事政经用语),全球经济增长,global economic growth,经济全球化,economic globalization,经济发展的推动力量,the economic growth engine,经济上的相互依存,the interdependence among various economies,小康社会,a moderately prosperous s

5、ociety,国内生产总值(比)翻了两番,Chinas GDP has quadrupled (from that of),科学发展观,scientific approach (of development) e.g.,以科学发展观发展经济 adopt scientific approach to economic development,以人为本,put the people first,坚持以人为本 adhere to the principle of putting the people first,社会主义市场经济,the socialist market economy,推动制度创新

6、,深化改革,Further the institutional me- chanism for innovation, and deepen the reforms,资源节约型和谐社会,a harmonious resource-efficient society,在更大范围、更广领域、更高层次上,in a more extensive, involving, and sophisticated way,生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好,higher productivity, improved livelihood and a sustainable eco-system,双赢的前景,the w

7、in-win expectations or the expectations with win-win results,知识产权保护,the protection of intellectual property rights, Thanks for staying with me ,Sentences Read for Fun (搞笑句子),Behind a successful man there is a woman; Behind an unsuccessful man there are two.,The wise never marry. And when they marry

8、they become otherwise.,Success is a relative word. It brings so many relatives.,Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop.,Children in back seat cause accidents. Accidents in back seats cause children.,When two is company, three is the result.,There should be a better way to start a day than

9、waking up every morning.,“Our future depends well on our dreams,” so lets go to sleep.,No X in Nixon.,“Able was I ere I saw Elba.” (Napoleon),八荣八耻 (Eight Dos vs Eight Donts),以热爱祖国为荣,以危害祖国为耻。,Love the motherland, do her no harm.,以服务人民为荣,以背离人民为耻。,Serve the people, never betray them.,以崇尚科学为荣,以愚昧无知为耻。,F

10、ollow science, discard fatuity.,以辛勤劳动为荣,以好逸恶劳为耻。,Be diligent, not indolent.,以团结互助为荣,以损人利己为耻。,Be united and help each other, make no gains at others expense.,以诚实守信为荣,以见利忘义为耻。,Be honest and trustworthy, do not spend ethics for profits.,以遵纪守法为荣,以违法乱纪为耻。,Be disciplined and law-abiding, not chaotic and l

11、awless.,以艰苦奋斗为荣,以骄奢淫逸为耻。,Live plainly and work hard, do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.,(大型企业面试常见问题),Frequent Questions by Big Corporations for Interviewees,Tell me about yourself. Why are you interested in this position? What are your strength? (谈谈你的优势) Whats your biggest weakness? Why do you

12、 feel you are right for this position? 6. Can you give me the highlights of your resume? (你简历上有什么值得特别关注的吗?),7. What are your interests? 8. Tell me how your friends/family would describe you. (说说朋友和家人会怎样评价你。) 9. What motivates you to succeed? 10.What qualities do you feel are important to be successf

13、ul in (i.e. customer service) your work?,11. What previous experience has helped you develop these qualities? 12. What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome them? 13. What was your greatest accomplish- ment in the past? 14. How do you prioritize when you are given too many tasks to ac

14、complish? (你怎样区分轻重缓急当面对无休止的工作时?),15. Tell about a goal you set for yourself and how you accomplished it. 16. Do you typically achieve what you set out to do? 17. What do you do if you totally disagree to a request made by your manager? 18. Can you give me an example of teamwork and leadership?,19. W

15、hen in a group setting, what is your typical role? (你在团队中通常的作用是什么?) 20. How do you motivate a team to succeed?,Hotchpotch Knowing (杂识),Buzz phrase from the 17th National Congress of the CPC,党的十七大热门词汇,Development in Four Aspects,四个建设一起抓:economic, political, cultural and social development,Innovative

16、country,创新型国家,愿景,desires and prospects,财产性收入,earnings in the form of property,The whole party must hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese charater- istics, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook

17、 on Development and continue to emancipate the mind.,Moon Bound; lunar probe; Long March 3 carrier rocket; Change 1; circumlunar satellite; moon rover; high-profile launch,奔月;月球探测卫星;长征三号运载火箭; 嫦娥一号;绕月卫星;月球车;高调(高姿态) 发射,Birds Nest the National Stadium Water Cube the National Aquatics Center,鸟巢国家体育场 水立方

18、国家水上运动中心,Lets go for a midnight snack. How much do you put in?,我们去吃夜宵。你出多少钱?,Can you translate the following sign language?,No U turn. No honking. Do not overtake. Road closed ahead. Detour. No cycling. Do not litter. No admittance. Help wanted. Keep in the shade.,禁止掉头。,禁鸣喇叭。,禁止超车。,前方路关闭,请绕行。,禁骑自行车。

19、,勿乱扔杂物。,闲人免进。,招聘员工,置于阴凉处。,Top 10 Domestic News of 2007,1. Adoption of the Property Law (物权法获通过) It is the first Chinese law to grant equal protection to public and private property.,Top 10 Domestic News of 2007,2. Forced Labor Scandal (非法强迫用工丑闻) Illegal brick kilns in Shanxi Province were found to b

20、e forcing kidnapped workers to work 14 to 20 hours a day without payment. Owners of the brick kilns made use of fierce dogs and thugs to prevent workers from escaping.,Top 10 Domestic News of 2007,3. 10th Anniversary of Hong Kongs Handover (香港回归10周年),Top 10 Domestic News of 2007,4. Disastrous Floods

21、 in Chongqing (重庆洪灾) Southwestern Chongqing Municipality experienced its fiercest torrential rain in almost a decade in mid-July. Floods, landslides and mud-rock flows in one week killed at least 56 in the city and caused direct economic losses of over 3.1 billion yuan.,Top 10 Domestic News of 2007,

22、5. Special Olympics in Shanghai (上海特奥会) Athletes with mental disabilities from 164 countries and regions competed in Shanghai between October 2 and 11. It was the first games staged in a developing country and in an Asian country.,Top 10 Domestic News of 2007,6. Founding of National Bureau of Corrup

23、tion Prevention (国家预防腐败局成立) This bureau directly under the State Council without the power to investigate individual cases was founded on September 13. It will push forward transparency of government information and evaluate loopholes in new policies, etc,Top 10 Domestic News of 2007,7. 17th Nationa

24、l Congress of CPC Convened (中共十七大召开) It opened on October 15. Hu Jintao was reelected as Party chief. The new Political Bureau Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee consists of five old members and four new faces.,Top 10 Domestic News of 2007,8. Launch of Chinas First Lunar Probe (首颗月球探测卫星

25、发射成功) Change-1, Chinas first unmanned lunar probe was successfully launched on October 24.,Top 10 Domestic News of 2007,9. A New Vacation Plan Introduced (年节及纪念日放假新办法公布) The new plan canceled the weeklong May Day holiday, added three traditional festivals as legal holidays and raised the number of p

26、ublic holidays to 11 from 10. A regulation about paid vacations was adopted on the same day.,Top 10 Domestic News of 2007,10. National Center for the Performing Arts Unveiled (国家大剧院开幕) Formerly-known National Grand Theatre was completed in late September and opened for performances on December 22.,T

27、he Most Frequent Words (in domestic press),natural calamity 自然灾害,quake 地震,aftershock 余震,magnitude 震级,half-mast 半旗 (Fly the national flag at half mast to mourn for the quake victims.),silent tribute 默哀,众志成城 抗震救灾 重建家园,众志成城,Union is strength.,抗震,conquer the quake,救灾,Rescue the sufferers and minimize th

28、e quakes di- sastrous effect.,重建家园,Rebuild our homeland.,integrated translation ,United, we can conquer the quake and relieve the sufferings from it, and rebuild our paradise-like homeland soon.,karma (Sharran Stone) 报应,Unforgettable Title News in 2008,Earthquake in Sichuan (四川地震) An 8-magnitude ear

29、thquake hit Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008. About 70,000 people were killed and million of people were left homeless. It was the deadliest quake to hit China since the 1976 Tangshan quake.,Beijing Olympics and Paralympics (北京奥运会和残奥会) The 29th Summer Olympics kicked off in Beijing on Aug.8. After i

30、t the 2008 Summer Paralympics were also held in Beijing.,Space Walk (太空行走) The Shenzhou-7 manned spacecraft was launched carrying three crewmembers. Zhai Zhigang, one of the three taikongnauts, conducted a 20-minute space walk. The mission lasted three days.,Milk Powder Scandal (奶粉丑闻) In early Septe

31、mber, 14 infants in northwest Gansu were hospitalized with kidney stones after drinking powdered milk made by Sanlu Group Co., a dairy company in Hebei. Shortly after that, 69 batches of milk produsts of another 22 dairy companies were also found to contain melamine and were all removed from the mar

32、ket.,Southern Snowfall (南方雪灾) Heavy snowfall starting from Jan.10 froze 18 southern provinces of China. Snow knocked out electricity lines, and blocked railways and highways, leaving 30 million people suffering from power shortages and many travelers stuck on the way back home. Direct economic losse

33、s reached 5,39 billion yuan RMB.,Tibet Riot of March 14 (“3.14”西藏暴乱) Tranquility was smashed in Lhasa. Armed with stones, bricks and sticks, rioters left a trail of crime, including beatings, damage to property, looting and arson. Evidences suggested the riots were organized, premeditated, mastermin

34、ded and incited by the Dalai Lama clique.,Direct Links Between Mainland and Taiwan (大陆台湾大三通) Agreements were signed in Taiwan, allowing direct air and sea transport and postal services to begin, which ended a 59-year ban on such links.,The 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up Policy (改革开放三十周年)

35、China celebrated this anniversary throughout 2008, with the culmination at a grand ceremony in Beijing on December 18. China owed its achievements made in the past 30 years to the General Designer Deng.,U.S. Financial Crisis Goes Global (美国金融危机殃及全球) Subprime mortgage crisis in 2007 undermined mortga

36、ge-backed securities, causing major banks and financial firms to fail. The crisis soon spread to affect almost every country.,Barack Obama Wins U.S. Presidential Election (贝拉克.奥巴马赢得美总统选举) Democratic candidate Obama made history as the first African-American elected U.S. president.,Somali Pirates Bec

37、ome Rampant (索马里海盗猖獗) Oil tankers, cargo ships were hijacked by Somali pirates at large. The rampant Somali pirates enraged the whole world in 2008 and prompted the Un Security Council to adopt resolutions authorizing countries to “undertake all necessary measures in Somalia”. China has sent its fir

38、st convoy fleet there.,crude populace culture (山寨文化) A term versus any form of culture bred by and among professionals. Such forms of culture are usually conducted by amateurs for self-entertainment.,Dont get sidetracked (不折腾) other translations: no trouble-making avoid self-inflicted setbacks,Movie

39、 Magic,Red cliff (赤壁),Without End (没完没了),All About Women (女人不坏),The Painted Skin (画皮),Forever Enthralled (梅兰芳),If You Are the One (非诚勿扰),The Equation of Love and Death (李米的猜想),Cape No.7 (海角七号),Hot Words,virtual economy,Hot Words,asset bubbles,Hot Words,HFMD (hand-foot-mouth disease),Hot Words,model

40、husband (经济实用男),Hot Words,double dismissals double designations,广告语欣赏,Enjoy our corn porridge, and youll smile from ear to ear. Less bread! No jam! The Orangemostest Drink in the world! Give a Timex to all, and to all a good time (天美时表),广告语欣赏,Drinka Pinta Milka Day,QTZ (variables: OrZ; 冏rZ ),5 5 5,O

41、 I C U (“Oh, I see you!”),Drinka Pinta Milka Day. (Drink a pint of milk a day.),Less bread! No jam!,Name Spelling,胡锦涛 刘 翔 诸葛亮 范徐丽泰 九寨沟 呼和浩特,Hu Jintao Liu Xiang Zhuge Liang FanXu Litai Jiuzhaigou Hohhot,Key Expressions from Recent Decades,活雷锋 a living “Good Samaritan”,走后门 pull strings,轧马路 romantic st

42、roll,两手准备,have two strings to ones bow have a plan B,铁饭碗 iron rice bowl,三好学生 all-round good student,倒爷,profiteering; 官倒: official profiteering,暴发户、大款 fat cat; tycoon,下海 going into business,开放搞活 open up and be flexible,待业青年 youths between jobs,独生子女 only child,炒股 speculate in stocks,包二奶、傍大款 keep a mis

43、tress; find a sugar daddy,大腕儿,big shot; Mr. big; top notch; A-list people; VIP,北漂 Beijing drifter,海归、海待,overseas returnee; job-looking overseas returnee,追星族 star chaser; fans,不折腾,Dont make much ado about nothing. Dont make a fuss about it. Dont flip-flop. Dont get sidetracked. Dont make trouble. Dont split hairs over ideology.,


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