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1、1 十大话题 Career DevelopmentInfrastructure AbstractMedia Science (2) shorter working hours; (3) more convenient transportation; (4) better working conditions. 精神需求: (1) more favorable working content; (2) less working stress; (3) better soft environment; (4) more harmonious peer relationships; (5) easi

2、er mingling with higher management. 4 Career Development 跳槽(job-hopping)的原因及选择 双方面需求: (1) higher pay for better family life; (2) closer location to take care of elderly parents; (3) less stress to balance work and life hence prolongs years of working. 5 Career Development 大小公司工作的优劣势比较 大公司优势: (1) sys

3、tematic learning and training; (2) job stability; (3) benefits and total insurance coverage. 小公司优势: (1) comprehensive and full-scale growth; (2) job flexibility; (3) relatively higher monetary benefits. 6 Career Development 大小公司工作的优劣势比较 大公司劣势: (1) more complex relationship management; (2) hierarchic

4、al problems; (3) staff loyalty and sense of belonging. 小公司劣势: (1) generally longer working time; (2) generally plain working conditions; (3) trust issues. 7 Career Development 选择在小公司工作 (1) You may feel more responsible and excited. And you will have more decisions to make, and can see the effect of

5、your work and of your decision right away. (2) You are normally exposed to all kinds of experiences and expected to do more things in a large company, your ability in a coperate organization is fully developed. 8 Career Development 选择在小公司工作 (3) You wont feel too much pressure. Your salary may be a b

6、it little lower, but you work comfortably and feel at ease. Conclusion: In the beginning of ones career, what really counts is not fame or money but experience and skills. 9 Career Development 先工作/先旅游还是先读书A 高中毕业后选择读书的好处: (1) get the degree faster; (2) easier adaptation to study environment; (3) quic

7、kly move into the job market. 高中毕业后选择旅游或者工作的好处: (1) get a better positioning of oneself; (2) stress released and more insight into the specialty selected; (3) precise targeting to the desired job. 10 Career Development 先工作/先旅游还是先读书B 大学毕业后直接工作的好处: (1) economic independence; (2) accumulate working exp

8、erience earlier; (3) build career ladder earlier. 大学毕业后选择旅游的好处: (1) soft landing adaptation; (2) accumulate human resources; (3) broaden ones mind and sharpen ones thoughts in a wider / international perspective. 11 Career Development 社会需要专才还是通才 专业的岗位需要专才: (1) professional skills and field; (2) effi

9、ciency and effectiveness; (3) stimulate in-depth research. 综合的岗位需要通才: (1) comprehensive skills; (2) long term and overall benefits; (3) stimulate all-around developments. 12 Career Development Analyze the individual and social reasons why it is difficult for university graduates to find a job. (1)ov

10、er-estimated ability; (2) lacking of practical knowledge; (3) certificates make graduates unable to estimate themselves rightly; (4) too much time on passing a variety of examinations but ignoring the practical knowledge. 13 Career Development 鼓励老年人提前退休让位给年轻人 Physical work based (1)replaceable labor

11、; (2) efficiency problem; (3) not money driven (leave the chance to the younger). Experience work based (1) irreplaceable labor; (2) efficiency guarantee; (3) not money driven (focus more on the job itself). 14 Career Development 大学教育的目的 Should the goal of college education be to ensure that the stu

12、dents find a good job or should it aim at cultivating the students overall ability? 15 Career Development 失业率居高不下,读书还有什么意义? Conclusion: To sum up, education is neither the direct nor the only reason associated with unemployment. On the contrary, receiving continuous education could, to some extent,

13、act as a positive way to facilitate further employment, thus make it a wise choice. 16 Career Development 名人赚大钱应该吗? What can celebrities bring in? (1) ticket revenue; (2) sponsorship; (3) advertisement; (4) show and activities; (5) movie and dramas; (6) blog marketing. Conclusion: Compared with what

14、 they have brought in, what they have obtained is just a small and also reasonable part of it. 利润决定一切 17 Infrastructure 整体思路:缺东西、缺意识 p 政府(机构、国家)缺乏硬件设施 “建” 交通/通讯设施/自然资源 资金/投资 技术/科技 人才/专家/研究人员等 p 政府(或机构)缺乏“监管”supervision “管” p 政府(或机构)缺乏法律制度体系 “法” legal system/mechanism (laws and regulations) 18 Infras

15、tructure 核心思路:谁该为此负责任? 社会问题:政府、企业enterprises、个人 与人类相关:相关群体relative parties 政府: (1) legislation and regulation; (2) appropriation; (3) infrastructure. 企业: (1) investment; (2) saving cost; (3) profit-driven. 个人: awareness. 19 Traffic Problem Government lack of: (1) complete and relevant legislation; (

16、2) sufficient appropriation(拨款); (3) support for transportation system building. Enterprises (1) insufficient investment direction on Maglev train; (2) profit-driven and cost-saving on low-emission vehicle. Individuals lack of support for public transportation system Infrastructure 20 Childrens Impo

17、liteness Society: lack of relevant publicity Parents: overindulging their children and thus neglecting their moral behaviors Teachers: excessively focusing on scores and kind of ignoring their moral behaviors Themselves: increasing self-center and difficult to manage Infrastructure 21 孩子看暴力电影 Media:

18、 lack censorship审核制度 Government: lack supervision监管 / stipulations规定 Parents/Schools: lack supervision Society: lack propaganda宣传/ companion / peer Individuals: A (2)profitability Infrastructure 23 迁走文化遗迹建设地铁 (1)preserving the cultural/historical heritage and relics (2)popularizing the traditional c

19、ulture (3)meditation on the history and the past Infrastructure 24 贫国和富国差距越来越大的原因 Authorities The underdeveloped countries lack necessities for development such as convenient transportation and communication network, sophisticated technology, abundant investment and capital, and high-leveled talents

20、 and elites, which hampers them from rapid and sustainable development. Infrastructure 25 贫国和富国差距越来越大的原因 Individuals The developing countries lack awareness and consciousness (A (2) supervision of students; (3) lenient with students misconduct Society: Practicality Students: A (2) more burden to nuc

21、lear family (3) inclination to aging society; (4)more burden to social welfare system; (5)lack of labor force; (6) consume more resources(living materials, medical resources, etc.); (7) stimulate the pharmaceuticals and medical services. 31 Infrastructure 16岁以下人口增加所带来的影响 Mental (1)traditions/social

22、value may be negated; (2) more social syndrome, like juvenile delinquency; (3) fierce competition in university enrollment and job application 32 Infrastructure 历史性建筑物(博物馆/画廊)是否应该拆除 Purposes 1. Museum and related heritage institutions promote understanding and appreciation of our diverse cultures, l

23、andscapes, stories and experiences.2. Museums contribute to the enrichment of the lives of people. 3. Guarantee the availability and use of the collections in research and teaching. 33 Infrastructure 历史性建筑物(博物馆/画廊)是否应该拆除 Purposes 4. Collections and exhibitions reflect the cultural and social diversi

24、ty. 5. Museums and galleries make an important contribution to education, scholarship, citizenship , social inclusion and tourism. 34 Infrastructure 历史性建筑物(博物馆/画廊)是否应该拆除 How to Support and Develop the Museum and Gallery 1. The government sets up more state funded museums and art school. 2. Increase

25、education personnel and facilities in museums and galleries, as well as support schools with the cost of visits. 3. We should actively seek to attract additional sources of funding in order to increase the total pool of money available. 35 Infrastructure 历史性建筑物(博物馆/画廊)是否应该拆除 How to Support and Devel

26、op the Museum and Gallery 4. Museums should be taken to raise standards of collection care or management. 5. The government should refund those museum and galleries which offer free admissions to the public. 6. Seek the financial support of corporations , non-profit foundations and individuals who s

27、hare its goal of preserving the cultural legacy of the museums. 36 Infrastructure 体罚Physical/Corporal Punishments Positive (1) a warning to the possible criminals; (2)a sense of relief to the citizens; (3) protect the citizens concerned and the police staff to avoid more severe consequence; (4) rais

28、e their sense of social responsibility 37 Infrastructure 体罚Physical Punishments Measurements (1) Parents and teachers should set up objective evaluating system and fair punishing system for children; (2)More modeling from parents and teachers; (3) Children should raise the A (2) produce a variety of

29、 practical and beneficial discoveries and applications. 39 Infrastructure 政府是否应该投资太空探索 Cons (1) carry out for military purposes; (2) countless pieces of “space junk”; (3) Space Race and unnecessary competition and a consequent failure to cooperate and collaborate on international issues; (4) colonie

30、s in space will create more social problems. 40 Infrastructure 金钱和时间应该花在保护野生动物上 (1) wild animals have equal rights to live better in the world; (2) the expansion of land development reduces the habitat of wild animals; (3) many wild animals, such as frogs, eat pests to provide a more agreeable envir

31、onment for humanity; (4) wild animals are crucial part of our food chain; (5) research into wild animals will make us know more about ourselves and the change of the ecology. 41 Infrastructure 政府应该投资艺术还是基础设施建设 投资艺术 (1) artistic and cultural projects can help people to cultivate a better taste for ar

32、ts and enhance the sensitivity to beauty; (2) potentially profitable. 42 Infrastructure 政府应该投资艺术还是基础设施建设 基础设施建设 (1) achieve modernization; (2) it is difficult to enjoy cultural and leisure pursuits if ones physical needs are not satisfied. 43 Infrastructure Some people believe that to maintain the c

33、ultural identity of a city, the government should build all the new buildings in a traditional way. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (小白) 44 Infrastructure Some people believe that developing countries should concentrate on improving industrial skills. Some people argue that developing count

34、ries should promote education first. Discuss the both viewpoints and give your own opinion. (小白) 45 Infrastructure Some people think that it is the responsibility of government to ensure that people have healthy lifestyle by taking compulsory measures. Others think people should be given the full fr

35、eedom to make their lifestyle decisions. Discuss the both viewpoints and give your own opinion. (小白) 46 Abstract Issues of ideology意识形态问题 (1) Stress (2) Happiness (3) Shopping (4)Selfishness (5) Equal treatment of salary (job satisfaction) (6) Changing jobs (7) Gender issue (women joining army) 47 A

36、bstract 48 Practice Abstract P25: What are the benefits of team sport for high school students? 49 Practice Abstract p physical benefits developing fitness and muscles p lower stress level / avoid latter health problems p learn useful teamwork skills p lead to the development of social skills 50 Abs

37、tract How to manage stress? The Present Situation and Its Effects (1) Stress is your reaction to something you consider a challenge or a threat. Stress is a natural part of life. Modern people are stressed out or under too much stress. (2)Despite the highly developed material life, modern people are

38、 leading an unprecedented stressful life. (3)Some stressors are so powerful that they would evoke significant emotional distress in most mentally healthy people, and trigger mental disorders. 51 Abstract How to manage stress? Causes 1. You may feel physical stress which is the result of too much to

39、do, not enough sleep, a poor diet or the effects of an illness. 2. Nowadays the social competition is becoming fiercer and everyone wants to cope with adversity and to flourish in their education, vocation, and personal relationships. 52 Abstract How to manage stress? Solutions (1) If your stress is

40、 chronic , it may require more attention and lifestyle changes. (2)Exercise. Regular exercise is a popular way to relieve stress. (3)Hobbies. Take a break from your worries by doing something you enjoy. (4)Healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition makes a difference. (5)Share your feelings. (6)Lower demands

41、 you put on yourself. Live for today. 53 Abstract 幸福感 (2007.09.07 China Youth Daily) Happiness is regarded very important in our life. Why it is difficult to define? What factors are in achieving happiness? 54 Abstract 幸福感 (2007.09.07 China Youth Daily) It has been widely noted that happiness is ver

42、y important to our life. However, what is happiness? It seems difficult to define, for different people have different ideas. Some people are brought up that most important thing in their life. They obtain happiness from seeking fame and profit. Other people are in pursuit of mental edification. The

43、y serve people heart and soul and find happiness from it. 55 Abstract 幸福感 (2007.09.07 China Youth Daily) In my view, according to philosophy, everything is in process of development including happiness. We spare no effort to achieve our goal and obtain happiness from success. However, after that we

44、have another new aim to achieve. There is no limit to gaining lasting happiness. 56 Abstract 幸福感 (2007.09.07 China Youth Daily) Then how to obtain happiness? I think true happiness can be got in the following ways. In the first instance, true happiness comes from hard work. A student is very happy w

45、hen he has gotten high score in his examinations. His happiness is the result of his hard and patient study. Thus, happiness abounds in hard work. 57 Abstract 幸福感 (2007.09.07 China Youth Daily) Secondly, happiness is rooted in optimistic attitude. In our daily life, we should face a lot of problems,

46、 which may lead to setbacks. If these defeatist sentiments seize us, happiness will be far away from us. The only way is right attitude and sparing no effort to overcome it then you can find happiness. 58 Abstract 幸福感 (2007.09.07 China Youth Daily) Last but not least, happiness comes from frugality.

47、 Many example display people spending money wastefully for satisfaction of their desires may suffer from poverty in the long run. So living a simple and content life makes one happy and cheerful. All in all, happiness is very important to our life. The good method to find happiness is making our men

48、tality and physicality both strong. 59 Abstract What is the importance for individuals and countries to think about future rather than focusing on the present? (小白) 60 Abstract Infrastructure 社区服务是否可以免费 需要收费 (1)社会贫困地区和社会转型时期的需求较低(MT); (2) 适当的收费可以弥补一些工作付出,解决部分就业 问题; (3)teach the students the importan

49、ce/hardship of making a living/earning money through charged service; (4) set a valve for community work load. PRR 61 Abstract Infrastructure 社区服务是否可以免费 不需要收费 (1) raise peoples A (2) accumulate social experience for the benefit of career development. PRR 62 Abstract Infrastructure Should people save money for the future? Saving Money (1)beneficial for retirement life; (2)good for children; (3) conducive in case of emergency; (4)form the habit of financing and wealth management; (5) raise your A (6)interest gained. PRR 63 Abstract Infrastructure Should people save money fo


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