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1、HISTORY AND ANTHOLOGY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE,by li xiaojie,American Literature,Definition: American literature is the literature produced in American English by American citizens. Basic Qualities of American Writers: independent; individualistic; critical; innovative; humorous,American Literature,Wo

2、rks Cited I,Rubinstein, Annette. American Literature Root And Flower (Significant Poets, Novelists& Dramatists 1775-1955) M. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press, 1988. 常耀信. 美国文学简史(第二版)M. 天津: 南开大学出版社,2003. 常耀信. 美国文学研究评论选M. 天津: 南开大学出版社,1992. 常耀信, 李宜燮. 美国文学选读M. 天津: 南开大学出版社,1991. 程爱民.

3、美国华裔文学研究M. 北京: 北京大学出版社,2003. 董衡巽. 美国文学简史M. 北京: 人民文学出版社,2003. 高健. 美国散文选M. 北岳文艺出版社,1989.,Works Cited II,郭继德. 当代美国文学词典M. 南京: 江苏人民出版社,1987. 郭继德. 20世纪美国文学:梦想与现实M.北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2004 郭继德. 美国戏剧史M. 郑州: 河南人民出版社,1993. 郭继德. 美国戏剧选读M. 济南: 山东大学出版社,2006. 金莉,秦亚青. 美国文学M. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社,1999. 李翠亭,李正栓. 美国文学学习指南-美国文学史及

4、选读综合练习M. 北京: 清 华大学出版社,1998. 梁亚平. 美国文学简介M. 上海: 东华大学出版社,2006. 梁亚平. 美国文学研究M. 上海: 东华大学出版社,2004. 刘研. 美国诗歌导读M. 北京: 北京语言文化大学出版社,2000. 毛信德. 美国小说史纲M. 北京: 北京出版社,1998.,Works Cited III,纳博科夫著, 申慧辉等译. 文学讲稿M. 北京:生活读书新知三联书店, 1991. 钱青. 美国文学名著精选M. 北京: 商务印书馆,1994. 单德兴. 重建美国文学史M. 北京: 北京大学出版社,2006. 陶洁. 美国文学选读M. 北京: 高等教育

5、出版社,2000. 吴定柏. 美国文学欣赏M. 上海: 上海外语教育出社,2002. 吴元迈. 美国文学简史(中文). 杨仁敬. 20世纪美国文学史M. 青岛: 青岛出版社,1999. 翟士钊. 美国文学选读M. 开封: 河南大学出版社,1994. 张冲. 新美国文学史M. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002. 张锦. 当代美国文学史纲M. 沈阳: 辽宁教育出版社,1993. 张立新. 二十世纪美国文学导读M. 沈阳: 辽宁人民出版社,2002.,Bibliography,PART I THE LITERATUE OF COLONIAL AMERICA,Historical Introduct

6、ion Puritanism and Puritan Literature Writers of Colonial Period Analysis of Some Fragments,Summary,Historical Background,I. The historical background of the colonial time Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1491. The earliest settlers included Dutch, Swedes, Germans, French, S

7、paniards, Italians, and Portuguese. The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown, Virginia in 1617 The war for Independence(1776-1783) The colonies, most of which in old English tradition, made the original United States The Land of Promise: in the Christian B

8、ible, the Land of Promise is Canaan, the place that God gives to Abraham (who is the first ancestor of Jews).(pa3, p2),Part I,Choice-making,1517 “Puritan” 1536 Martine Luther 1543 Henry VIII 1560s John Calvin (Institutes of the Christian Religion,John Calvin,John Calvin (15091564), the great French

9、theologian, preached the doctrine of predestination, original sin and total depravity堕落, and limited atonement赎罪 (or the salvation of a selected few) through a special infusion of grace from God.,Puritanism,PURITANISM,Puritan Thoughts Influence Early New England Literature: Puritan Literature,Part I

10、,Features of Puritanism,Predestination: God decided everything before things occurred. Original sin: Human beings were born to be evil, and this original sin can be passed down from generation to generation. Total depravity Limited atonement: Only the “elect” can be saved.,Puritanism,Puritan Thought

11、s(p7-9),Pure/purify: the simplicity of church services and the authority of the Bible ( p7) Puritan: one part of the Protestant; “would-be purifier” ( p7)(灵魂将要得到净化的人) The formation of Puritans: the Plymouth Plantation group (Separatists) and the Massachusetts Bay group ( p8) Puritans weakness: intol

12、erant of the beliefs of others ( p8-9)/opposition to pleasure and the arts for the emphasis of the image of a wrathful God and forgetting His mercy,Influence of Puritanism,A group of good qualities hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety (serious and thoughtful) influenced American literature. It led to

13、the everlasting myth. All literature is based on a myth garden of Eden. Symbolism: the American puritans metaphorical mode of perception was chiefly instrumental in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American regard to their writing, the style is fresh, simple With and direc

14、t; the rhetoric is plain and honest, not without a touch of nobility often traceable to the direct influence of the Bible.,Puritanism,Literary Terms: Separatists,Separatists In the colonial period (from the early 17th century to the mid-18th century), the Puritans who had gone to extreme were known

15、as “Separatists”. Unlike the majority of Puritans, they saw no hope of reforming the Church of England from within. They felt that the influences of politics and the court had led to corruptions within the church. They wished to break free from the Church of England. Among them is the Plymouth Plant

16、ation group. They wished to follow Calvins model, and to set up “particular” churches.,Early New England Literature(p4-5),New England: the northeastern colonies of the 13 colonies-New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine and Rhode Island, founded by Puritans. Literary ideas: theological, mor

17、al, historical and political Puritans and their life: hard work (hardship/braveness), thrift, piety (disciplined/harsh), and sobriety (purpose/character) John Cotton Cotton Mather: more than 450 works Anne Bradstreet: a poet-European style + American subject,The Map of U.S.A,Colonial Types of Writin

18、g,diaries histories journals letters travel books autobiographies/biographies sermons religious poetry,Writers of Colonial Period,Imitation-inclined writers: (Captain) John Smith John Winthrop Puritanism-inclined writers: John Cotton and Roger Williams Both-inclined writer: William Bradford Puritan

19、Poets: Anne Bradstreet Edward Taylor,Part I,The First American Writer(p3-4),Writers,One of the leaders of the Jamestown colony 8 works: about New England A True Relation A Map of Virginia: with a Description of the Country General History of Virginia : too much color for sober Puritan taste His Cont

20、ribution: The survival of the Jamestown colony foretelling the basic principle of American history: the need of “workers”,(Captain) John Smith,William Bradford(1590-1567)(p5-6),First governor of Plymouth works: The History of Plymouth Plantation He said : “ As Pilgrim passed I to and fro ” “我作为清教徒而来

21、,我作为清教徒而去” As “a common blessing and father to them all” by Cotton Mather “ 他是众人之福,也是众人之父”,Analysis of Fragment I,Shortly before his death in 1657, he wrote a summation of his life of faith in simple verse, beginning:,From my years young in days of youth, God did make known to me His Truth, And call

22、ed me from my native place For to enjoy the Means of Grace. In wilderness He did me guide, And in strange lands for me provide.,从我青春年少时起, 上帝就教给我他的真理, 号召我离开家乡, 去享受天赐的财富。 他在荒野中为我指路, 并赐给我神奇的土地。,Analysis of Fragment I,In the same poem he identifies himself with the name by which the whole land has been

23、remembered: As Pilgrim passed I to and fro. He was perhaps the greatest of them. The New England colonies mourned him, in words written later by Cotton Mather, as “a common blessing and father to them all”. (百姓之福,万民之父。) (pa2-3, p6),John Winthrop(p6-7),1630 Sails for New England; delivers his “A Mode

24、l of Christian Charity,“ aboard the Arbella “We shall find that the God of Israel is among us, when ten of us shall be able to resist a thousand of our enemiesfor we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill”,the governor of the Massachusetts Bay group,His works: The History of New Englan

25、d:,John Cotton (p9-10),John Cotton “the Patriarch of New England” - puritan argument through his book and the pulpit more concerned with authority,Writers,Roger Williams(p9-11),more democratic his exile to Rhode Island more tolerant interested in the Indian language: A Key into the language of Ameri

26、ca (开启美国语言的钥匙),Ann Bradstreet (1612-1672),Background: well educated at childhood; married at sixteen; came to America with “Arbella”in 1630; “the tenth muse”in America a poetess, a wilderness wife of eight children The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America(在美洲诞生的第十个缪斯),(p11-12),I heard the merry gr

27、asshopper then sing, The black-clad cricket bear a second part; They kept one tune and played on the same string Seeming to glory in their little art. Small creatures abject thus their voices raise, And in their kind resound their Makers praise, Whilst I, as mute, can warble forth no higher lays(a p

28、oem or song)?,吾问蚱蜢欢快声 又听黑壳蟋蟀吟 一根琴弦共鸣生 微薄技艺颂主音 小虫小物尚扬音 吾生安能作哑鸣,咏怀天主造物恩 嘹亮歌声更动听,Analysis of Fragment II,The fragment on Page 12 is taken from the Contemplations written by Anne Bradstreet, an early American woman writer, a woman poet in the 17th century. A Brief Comment: This short poem offers the rea

29、der an insight into the mentality of the early Puritan pioneering in a new world. When she, the poet, heard the grasshopper and the cricket sing, she thought of this as their praising their creator and searched her own soul accordingly. It is evident that she saw something metaphysical inhering in t

30、he physical, a mode of perception which was singularly Puritan.,Part I,Edward Taylor(p12-13),religious themes, based on Psalms posthumous publication of his poetry,Writers,Summary of Part I,The Characteristics of The Colonial Literature: Puritanism Focus- self-analysis;so-called Puritan Literature i

31、n some books Writing Types-diaries, histories, journals, letters, travel books, autobiographies/ biographies, sermons Style- homeliness of imagery, simplicity of diction, an emphasis on the recognized values (Puritan values).,After-class Thought,How does Puritanism influence American literature? Preview the next part: the literature of reason and revolution Do you think Benjamin Franklin is a Puritan writer? Why? Attention: the questions in the teaching materials (.ppt and .doc) can be used for the reference when you compose your graduation thesis.,


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