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1、形容詞的比較級,黃勇仁,STU,2,基本規則,英文形容詞有三個等級:原級、比較級和最高級 單音節的形容詞在字後面加er,就變成了比較級,加est就變成了最高級,而雙音節,或雙音節以上的形容詞,比較級是在字前面加more,最高級則是在字前面加most 不能將more和er混在一齊用,也不能將most和est一起使用,STU,3,基本規則,原級 比較級 最高級 old older oldest smart smarter smartest strong stronger strongest weak weaker weakest high higher highest low lower lowe

2、st,STU,4,基本規則,原級 比較級 最高級 difficult more difficult most difficult delicious more delicious most delicious beautiful more beautiful most beautiful correct more correct most correct stupid more stupid most stupid significant more significant most significant,STU,5,基本規則,He is older than I. He is taller

3、than his brother. He is the oldest in this school. He is the tallest in this classroom.,STU,6,特殊規則,單音節形容詞的字是e,就直接加r或st 原級 比較級 最高級 large larger largest late later latest nice nicer nicest wise wiser wisest,STU,7,特殊規則,形容詞的字尾是y,而前一個子母是一個子音,則除掉y,加上ier,或iest 原級 比較級 最高級 lucky luckier luckiest happy happie

4、r happiest pretty prettier prettiest dry drier driest easy easier easiest,STU,8,特殊規則,單音節形容詞的字尾是子音,前一音是一個母音,則字尾必須重複一次,再加er或est 原級 比較級 最高級 fat fatter fattest hot hotter hottest wet wetter wettest big bigger biggest,STU,9,特殊規則,完全不規則的變化 原級 比較級 最高級 good well better best bad worse worst many much more mos

5、t,STU,10,比較形的用法,大多數比較級句子裡會有than I am older than he. His English is better than mine. San Francisco is more beautiful than New York. His car is cheaper than your car. He is the most diligent student in his class. I like apples more than oranges. He has more money than his brother. He is stronger than

6、 his brother.,STU,11,比較形的用法,Among all the teachers who have taught me, he is the best. This is the best movie I have ever seen. This food is the worst one which I have ever eaten. John is the stronger one. Do we have a better choice? Mary is the more diligent one. He is the older of the two. He is o

7、ne of the best movie actors. This area is one of the hottest areas in the world.,STU,12,練習,1. 你比他強壯。 2. 他的英文比我的好。 3. 他比他的弟弟更富有。 4. 他是世界上最富有的人。 5. 這支筆比你的貴得多。 6. 喜馬拉雅山是世界上最高的山。 7. 亞馬遜河是世界上最長的河。 8. 他比他的爸爸高。,STU,13,練習,1. He is _(old)than John. 2. This problem is one of the _(difficult)problems that I ha

8、ve ever seen. 3. This is one of the _(good)movies that I have ever seen. 4. Do we have a _(good)choice? 5. This place is _(hot)than San Francisco. 6. He is _(famous)than his sister. 7. She is getting _(bad)now. 8. He is feeling _(well)now. 9. He has _(much)money than his father. 10. Mary is one of _(beautiful)student in her class.,


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