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1、mnemonics,记忆术,the origin of mnemonics,The ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called mnemonics . The name is derived(源于) from their Goddess of memory “Mnemosyne” . In the ancient world , a trained memory was an immense(极大的) asset , particularly in public life.,They were no convenient devic

2、es for taking notes , and early Greek orators(演说家)delivered long speeches with great accuracy because they learned the speeches using mnemonic systems.,When the materials are contacted,-PQ4R,P-Prepare 预习,View all the materials Find the central idea divide the materials into several parts use the nex

3、t four steps in every part,Q-Question 提问,ask question about every part transform the title of every part into question,1R-Read 阅读,read the contents of every part carefully try to answer the questions you put forward before,2R-Rehearsal 复述,try to understand the contents when you are reading Come up w

4、ith some examples associate the material with the existing knowledge,3R-Recall 回忆,try to recall the knowledge you have learned in every part try hard to answer the questions you propose about every part re-read the contents you can not recall,4R-Review 复习,review all important points try to answer th

5、e questions again,When the materials are not contacted,We can use the methods like these:position mnemonic,series method and so on.Then I will present them to you in detail.,position mnemonic,match the memory items to familiar places ,so that the places could be a cue of the memory items,定位记忆法,The a

6、ncient Romans used to use this method. They like to use the goods in room to help remember , so this method is also called Roman room method.,series method,connect the first letter or syllable(音节) of words into a word,串联法,I find we use it frequently in our daily life. For example, if you want to rem

7、ember the five lakes of America (Huron、Ontario、 Michigan、 Erie 、Superion ), you can use the word “homes” to help you .,image control,Relax the body and mind,think about a good image or overall( 完整的) image of the past or future,形象控制法,association method,Use the association of the concept and image ,ma

8、ke the materials into significant contents,联想法,Do you remember the shape of Austria , Canada , or Germany ? Probably not. But what about Italy? If you remember the shape of Italy ,it is because you have been told at some time that Italy is shaped like a boot .,You made an association with something already known, the shape of a boot ,and Italys shape could not be forgotten once you had made the association.,Thank you for listening,


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